Beginner's Guide To Low-Carb & Keto Diet

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W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
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© 2020 Ditch The Carbs own the copyright to all images taken by Ditch The Carbs and copyright to
all recipes created by me. I may give permission to others to share my work, but I remain the owner
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W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

Libby Jenkinson is a registered pharmacist,

Health Coach, mother of 3 and the founder of
Ditch The & Low-Carb

Libby has managed to help more people regain their health in the last 6
years by using the low-carb approach on her website, than in her 25-year
career, dispensing medication.


Ditch the Carbs is now the leading low-carb website in New Zealand
and Australia, and one of the top low-carb websites in the world. 

All recipes are low-carb, gluten-free, wheat-free, grain-free and no

added sugar. 

As a busy mum, she doesn't use difficult techniques or hard-to-find


Families love Libby's recipes which quick, easy and designed for even
the pickiest eater. 

Following a low-carb and keto lifestyle isn't difficult when you

follow Libby's down-to-earth approach. She uses simple, whole food,
and is very budget conscious. 

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
Everything you need to make a low-carb keto diet


W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M



17 FAQ

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

The Beginner's Guide To

Starting A Low-Carb
Or Keto Diet

Adopting a low-carb or keto diet has many health benefits which you’ll soon
discover by going through this beginner’s guide.

As with anything, it may seem daunting at first until you know exactly how to start.
I’m excited to be the one to guide you through my simple yet effective approach to
starting a low-carb or keto diet.  

Before you begin any lifestyle change, new diet, exercise or eating plan it is
recommended to get the okay from your doctor, especially if you have any
underlying health issues.

If you are on any medication, you MUST be under the supervision of your regular
medical professional who can monitor you throughout your health journey.

As you read the following guide, you may have many questions.

Please join us in our FREE Facebook group - Low-Carb & Keto For Beginners.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
Why A Low-Carb Diet Works
When your body is fuelled by a low-carb diet, it
switches from using glucose as its energy source
to burn fat more efficiently. Your body starts to
When you lower your dietary carbohydrates, produce molecules
you begin to use your stored glucose (glycogen) called “ketones” when
and lower your insulin levels (the energy storage
burning fat for energy.

When you increase your intake of healthy fats, This is called

you are satiated for longer which helps regulate
your appetite and sustains you for longer.
“nutritional ketosis”..

You can then achieve stable lower blood

glucose levels and your body will switch from
being a sugar burner to a fat burner.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
How To Eat For Low-Carb & Keto
A low-carb diet simply means that you eat fewer carbohydrates and a higher
proportion of healthy fats with adequate amounts of protein. It may also be
referred to as a low-carb, high-fat diet (LCHF) or it could be a keto diet. 

There are different carb levels that will determine whether you are following a
moderate low-carb, low-carb, or keto diet.


<100g/day = moderate low-carb
<50g/day = low-carb
<20g/day = keto 

In Ditch The Carbs PRO I encourage members to begin by simply reducing their
carbs to a level that they feel is sustainable for them while still allowing weight loss
to occur. Some follow a moderate low-carb diet (their carbs being below 100g per
day) and experienced immediate benefits! It may take some experimentation to
see what is YOUR carb tolerance and what carb limitation you need to strive for.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M



How Low-Carb And

Keto Help Appetite
There are two main reasons for how
a low-carb and keto diet helps to
control appetite: 

Firstly, the stable blood sugars and

stable insulin levels (as a result of a
low-carb and keto diet) are partly
responsible for decreasing food
cravings.  CARBS = CRAVINGS
Secondly, low-carb diets tend to
normalize appetite because of how
filling and satiating healthy fats are.

Healthy fat increases satiety, the

desire not to want to eat more and
being satisfied for longer periods of

Studies have shown much lower

cravings on a low-carb diet than
those on a low-fat diet. This is why
it’s so important to increase healthy
fats in our diet. HEALTHY FATS = SATIETY

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

Benefits Of The Keto

It’s important to note that while some
people may find incredible
improvements virtually immediately,
others may see improvements after
a few days or even weeks.  

The most well-known benefits of the Hunger, Mood and

low-carb and keto diet are the
Most people experience improved
Increased energy
mood, decreased hunger, reduced
Reduced inflammation
inflammation, stable energy levels and
Reduced intestinal distress
great mental clarity!
Mental clarity
Improved cholesterol profile
It’s no wonder so many people have
Stable blood sugar levels
turned to a low carb or keto diet for
Reversal of insulin resistance
weight-loss purposes but have
Improved appetite control
discovered the incredible health
benefits along the way are an
unexpected BONUS!

Once people start eating low-carb or

keto, they never want to go back to
feeling sick and tired ... ever again.

This is a way of life, not a short term fix.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

What Is Insulin
Carbohydrates are converted by our
bodies into glucose .

Normal cell: The body requires insulin

to help facilitate the movement of
glucose from the blood by attaching
to the insulin receptors.

Insulin resistant cell: If you live on a

high carb diet, chances are you will
have chronic high blood sugars,
requiring chronic high levels of insulin, Hyperinsulinemia: If you are insulin
(whether it is made by our body or resistant, blood glucose remains
injected) and so these insulin high (because the insulin is not
receptors become resistant to the having it’s desired effect to
effect of the high levels of circulating transport glucose from the blood
insulin. into the cells) the body begins to
produce more insulin.

Hyperinsulinemia is the elevated

levels of insulin.

Read more ...


W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
Lower your carbs,
increase your
healthy fats
less cravings and
feel fuller
for longer


What To Eat

If you aren’t sure what you can eat on a low-carb and keto diet, then follow
the simple guide of basing all meals on whole food that is low in carbs, has
moderate protein and is high in healthy fats.

Meat, simple low-carb vegetables and healthy fat is the way to go!

Here’s a helpful list of foods you will enjou on a low-carb and keto diet:

Meat – all types of beef, pork, chicken, lamb etc. Keep the fat and skin on
the chicken.
Fish – all types especially those high in Omega 3 such as salmon, mussels,
tuna, sardines.
Vegetables – all types that are grown above the ground. Leafy greens,
spinach, silverbeet, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, avocados, courgettes,
aubergines, capsicums, mushrooms, lettuce.
Cheese – choose only the full-fat options.
Cream – full fat, double, whipping.
Full fat milk – avoid all flavoured milk and avoid drinking milk in large
quantities as the carb content can easily add up. Say goodbye to milky
coffees such as lattes and cappuccinos.
Nuts and seeds – these are great snacks but don’t over consume and watch
out for those higher in carbs like cashews.
Eggs – there is no limit on how many eggs you can eat. Eggs are the perfect
high protein, healthy fat, low-carb meal and snack.
Fruit – choose low-sugar nutrient-dense berries.
Fats – use healthy fats such as butter, olive oil, coconut oil, lard, avocado oil,
macadamia oil.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
What To Avoid

The following foods and drinks should be avoided at all costs if you want to
gain as many benefits from a low-carb and keto diet.
Candy, chocolate and sweets
All sugary drinks - fizzy drinks, flavoured milk, sports drinks, energy drinks,
fruit smoothies and even fruit juices as they are very high in natural sugars.
For most people, drinking sugary beverages is the number one source of
sugar in their diet. Don’t drink your sugar!
All cakes, biscuits, and cookies - baking is a toxic combination of
processed high-carb, high-sugar, and high unhealthy fats. Replace then
remove. Make lower carb versions of your usual baked goods.
Seed Oils - sunflower, canola, corn, soy or margarine as they are high in
inflammatory Omega 6, ultra-processed, bleached, deodorised, unstable
and easily oxidised.
Cereals/granolas - generally highly processed, high in sugar and fortified.
It will make you have a sugar crash later in the morning and not fulfil you.
Bread, rice, pasta, and potatoes - high in carbs, minimal nutrition and will
spike blood glucose for hours.
Fruit - must be limited to low-sugar fruit such as berries. Avoid high sugar
fruit such as pineapple, mango, grapes and especially dried fruits.
ALL fruit juices - A glass of orange juice is not the same as the goodness
from 6 oranges, it is the same as the sugar from 6 oranges.
All wheat products and grains - these have a high glycemic index, raise
your blood sugar and increase appetite. Avoid all grains including wheat,
oats, barley, spelt, sorghum.
Low-fat products - low-fat products are actually higher in carbs compared
to full-fat products. When they remove the fat, they often pump it up with

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M




Isn’t Eliminating Entire Food Groups Unhealthy?

We only eliminate wheat, grains and sugar which are in fact not food groups but
found in thousands of products. 

We still enjoy nutrient-dense, unprocessed carbohydrates, but in very limited

quantities. Our carbohydrates now come from sources such as non-starchy
vegetables, full-fat dairy, nuts, seeds, and low-sugar fruit such as berries. 

Eating low-carb reduces all the negative impacts that carbohydrates have on our

Are Whole Grains Unhealthy?

Grains raise your blood sugar as much as table sugar.  

Diets that are full of whole grains are high in carbs, cause inflammation, contain
gluten that inflames the lining of the gut, which may cause leaky gut and
malabsorption of vitamins and nutrients. Grains such as pasta, rice and bread,
cheaply bulk up a meal whilst reducing the nutrient density of that meal. 

And remember, gluten-free (GF) is not grain-free and is not low-carb. GF products
contain high-starch flours such as rice flour, potato starch, tapioca starch, and

By living grain-free, you become naturally gluten-free.

Grain-free is a more nutritious way to eat, eating whole foods, real foods and it’s

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

Do We Need Carbs To Fuel Our Brain And Body?

No, our bodies are great at adapting to be fuelled by fat and in fact do so far more
efficiently than on carbs.  

Isn't weight loss just about calories?

No. It is the type of food you eat, which has a far greater impact on your
hormones, appetite control and fat storage.

100 calories from carbs, fat and protein will have a remarkably different effect on
your blood sugar, hormones and insulin response.

Weight gain is a hormone imbalance, more than a calorie imbalance.

Will I Be Deficient In Anything?

No. There are no essential carbohydrates. There are no essential sugars. There
are zero nutrients in sugar, there are no nutrients in whole grains that can’t be
found in meat, vegetables, dairy, nuts and berries.

Eating more HEALTHY fats such as butter, avocados, meat, coconut oil and
cheese, you can obtain the fat-soluble vitamins A, D  E and K which may have
been lacking in a low-fat diet. Eat real food, with real nutrients rather than
processed foods which have to be fortified with artificial vitamins.

Can I Ever Eat Carbs Again?

You may be able to increase your unprocessed carbs slightly, but it really
depends on your health goals and your carb tolerance.

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But I’m Skinny, Why Do I Need To Eat Low-Carb?

People may be skinny or overweight but still undernourished and have insulin
resistance. Processed carbs are unnecessary and offer no nutrition. It’s important
to focus on your health above size.

Skinny people may sometimes be "T.O.F.I" = thin outside fat inside. They may have
high visceral fat (the dangerous fat which surrounds your organs) but not
subcutaneous tummy fat (vanity fat).

How Low-Carb Should My Children Go?

I do not count carbs for my children. They are lower carb, not no-carb with my
emphasis being on providing whole food that is naturally lower in carbs. 

What About My Cholesterol?

Cholesterol is required by almost every cell of the body. If we don’t have enough,
our body will manufacture cholesterol, it is that vital. Cholesterol itself is not the
problem, but how it is transported within the body that can be the determinant of
heart health.

By eating a high processed high-carb diet, cholesterol may be transported as

oxidised LDL which may begin the process of inflammation and damage blood
vessels. It’s also important to note that most "heart healthy" low-fat foods are
often higher in carbs. When the fat is removed, it is generally replaced with some
form of starch to ensure the product is still palatable.

Healthy fats help to keep you fuller for longer and are vital for obtaining fat-
soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

Is There A Healthy Sugar? Can’t I Use Honey, Agave, Maple Syrup Or Dried
Fruit? Brown raw sugar? Medjool dates?
Sorry to say but there is actually no such thing as healthy sugar! 

Even ‘natural’ sugars are processed the same way in our body as refined sugars.

Natural, organic, free-range and unrefined sugars ALL raise blood glucose and
do the same damage that regular table sugar does. 

Years of marketing has made us feel better about sweetening foods with natural
ingredients such as honey, maple syrup or dried fruits.  

And as for Agave, it is 80-95% fructose, which is just a natural form of HFCS (high
fructose corn syrup). Fructose is not metabolised in the same way glucose is,
causing visceral fat (dangerous fat surrounding our organs).

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M
Everything you need to make a low-carb keto diet

W W W . D I T C H T H E C A R B S . C O M

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