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Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

All children are able to make and respond to music. In daily life, they hear many different sounds, and may unconsciously explore the rhythms
and tonal patterns of these sounds. Many music composers believe music education should begin with developing our sound perception. It is
thus important for children to pay attention to the sounds around them as the first step to learning music.

This unit focuses on helping pupils refine their sound perception by:
 Making them conscious of their aural awareness through the identification of sounds in their environment
 Sharpening their ability to differentiate between contrasting sounds (eg loud/soft, high/low, long/short) and their effects
 Deepening their understanding and appreciation of different sound qualities through the activities of description and creative imitation of

Learning Objectives Unit Focus


  Identify the different characteristics of sound

SP Sing and play melodic and rhythmic

Express aurally the different sound qualities of instruments individually and in groups
   
music CI Create and improvise music
DE Describe and evaluate music through
Describe the sounds produced by untuned MC Develop understanding of music
 Lessonsare planned
 for 25 minspercussion
for practical reasons.
instruments elements/concepts
 Teachers who do not wish to use the optional activity suggestions may either come up with CG Discern and understand music from
various cultures and of various genres
their own or devote more time to the other activities.
RM Understand the role of music in daily life
Create sound effects that incorporate the different
  
characteristics of music

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 1 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

What pupils will learn Period 1: Sounds Around Me In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Think About It (Optional)
Understand the ASK: How do you know what goes on around you? 4
importance of aural Most pupils will tell you they use their eyes to see. A few will mention other forms of
perception perception (sense of hearing, smelling, touch). Briefly mention these to the class and how
we make use of these senses (by listening carefully when people talk, taking in the smells
of freshly cooked food, feeling things with their hands).

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 2 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Let’s Play a Game
Learn the basics of  Show pupils 2 objects, one obviously lighter than the other. 4 Suggested
sound perception:  Tell them to listen carefully to the sounds the objects make when they are objects:
sounds occurring in a dropped on a floor or table top. Whiteboard
sequence  Drop the objects one after the other on the floor or on the table top. Drop duster, pen
each object at least 2 times.
 Tell them you will be dropping them one by one and they will have to guess
which object was dropped first. Get pupils to close their eyes. Ask them to open their
eyes, and start guessing. If pupils did not hear clearly the first time, drop the objects

Activity 1 PB: pp 8–9, Q1a

 Tell pupils to refer to their Pupil’s Book pp.8–9 and explain that they are looking at a
scene of a countryside, where a little girl lives in a cottage near a pond and two train
Skills: Listening tracks.
Use aural perception  Allow pupils to study the pictures. Ask them to imagine the sounds they would hear and 5
to identify sounds or encourage them to imitate these sounds, going through each picture one by one.
sound sources  You may ask pupils to close their eyes while they listen to the CD and identify the
 Play the CD. The sounds are all in the same track. 1 Audio CD 1
 Now, tell pupils you will be playing the CD again. This time, they are to note down the Track 1 (1:05)
sequence in which they hear the sounds, i.e. the first sound they hear is to be labelled
“1” and so forth, by writing down the number in the circle beside the name of the item.
 Play the CD 2 more times. (You may ask pupils if they actually need to listen the
second time, or yet another time.)
 Go through the answers with the pupils. 3 Audio CD 1
Answers: Track 1 (1:05)
slow train, fast train, wind, rain, thunder, girl, dog, birds, cow, duck 2
 Play the CD again, while pointing out when each object is making the sound.

Think About It 1 Audio CD 1

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 3 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

ASK: What sounds can you hear in your neighbourhood? Track 1 (1:05)
 Suggested answers
Cars honking 4
Dogs barking
Cats yowling
Crying of babies
Shouting/loud talking in the wet market as people bargain with stallholders
The chatting of school children making their way to school
Planes flying overhead

– END OF PERIOD 1 – 25

What pupils will learn Period 2: Sounds Around Me In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Think About It
ASK: There are many different sounds around us. What makes them different? 2
How can we tell they are different?
Pupils may say sounds are different because they are produced by different objects.
Explain that there is a clearer way of differentiating sounds and you will be teaching them
how to do so by describing sounds in terms of speed (tempo), pitch, length, and volume.
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 4 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Skills: Listening  Tell the pupils that you will be playing sounds in pairs, for them to notice the main
Understand that differences between the two sounds, in terms of sound quality. 4 PB: pp 10–11,
sounds have different  Play the example track twice. (Length: 0:12) Q1b
qualities (e.g. high,  Explain that the first pair of sounds showed a difference in speed, then play the example Audio CD 1
low) and be able to track again. Track 2 (0:12)
differentiate these  Tell pupils that they will be writing down the differences in sound quality for 3 other
qualities aurally pairs of sounds, in the boxes below the object names. There are a total of 3 more tracks
to be played.
Cross-Curricular  Explain that the next pair of sounds will show a difference in pitch. Play the second pair
Development of sounds (i.e. each CD track) twice, with a slight pause in between each playing and 3 Audio CD 1
This activity involves time to be given for pupils to write their answers. Ask pupils if they need to listen Track 3 (0:15)
language skills again, and play as many times as necessary.
(antonyms) and  Go through the answer with the pupils, playing the track once more for them to listen,
thinking (comparison) after they have given their answers.
skills.  Answer

Bird Duck
High Low

 Explain that the next pair of sounds will show a difference in length. Play the track in Audio CD 1
the same way as before, playing the track again after the pupils have given their answer. 3 Track 4 (0:10)
 Answer

Cow Dog
Long Short
Audio CD 1
 Explain that the last pair of sounds will show a difference in volume. Play the track in 3 Track 5 (0:17)
the same way as before, playing the track again after the pupils have given their answer.
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Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

 Answer
Thunder Wind
Loud Soft
Audio CD 1
Learn that sound 2 Tracks 2–5
 Play all the 4 tracks again. Each track should be played twice, together with a simple
qualities are relative, (Total: 0:54)
explanation after each playing. (e.g. after playing Track 4, point out the fast train
i.e. they have to be
sounds fast, the slow train sounds slow)
compared in order to 1 Audio CD 1
 Ask pupils to identify another sound difference in Track 6, playing it twice for them to
notice differences Track 4 (0:10)
listen. (The cow’s moo is low-pitched compared to the high-pitched dog’s barking.)

Let’s Play a Game!

 Hit a drum or tap a marker against the whiteboard in a slow-to-fast manner and stop to
ask pupils to describe the difference. Repeat for soft-to-loud. Then you can either:
(a) Tap continuously while varying your speed/volume of the tapping and ask pupils as
a whole to keep guessing the changes, or
(b) Split the class into two groups and have a little guessing competition. Tap a short
pattern (e.g. soft/slow to loud/slow to loud/fast) and ask the groups to guess. Repeat
with different patterns. The group who gets the most correct answers wins.

– END OF PERIOD 2 – 25

What pupils will learn Period 3: Sounds Around Me In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Reiterate the different sound qualities: fast/slow, high/low, long/short, loud/soft. 2

Skills: Listening,  Tell pupils you will be playing 4 sounds, 1 for each picture. (Each sound will be on a 2 PB: p 12, Q2
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 6 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Describing separate CD track). Ask them to identify each sound as they hear it.
Identify and describe  Play the CD, pausing between each sound, and playing each sound at least twice. 4 Audio CD 1
the different sound Remember to ask pupils if they need you to play it more times. Tracks 6–9
qualities  Now, tell pupils to listen carefully, as you will be playing the sounds again and they (Total: 0:36)
will have to describe the sounds based on the terms they learnt the previous lesson.
 Play the CD again, pausing between each sound, and playing each sound at least twice.
Remember to ask pupils if they need you to play it more times. Each time you finish 8 Audio CD 1
playing one sound (e.g. they don’t require you to play Track 8 anymore), ask them for Tracks 6–9
their impressions, and discuss the answers with them. (Total: 0:36)
 Remember, after they have described one sound in detail, i.e. using all 4 ways of
describing, play the sound again for them to listen.
 Suggested answers
Piling machine: Fast, low, short, loud
Kitten: Slow, grows higher, long, soft
School bell: Fast, high, long, loud
Skills: Listening, Tap: Fast, low, short, soft
Describing  Point out that different sounds are associated with different contexts. 2
Increase awareness of  Tell the pupils not to make any sounds, just to close their eyes and listen carefully to
sounds in their their surroundings.
surroundings and how  Ask them to name some sounds they can hear, e.g. breathing, the fan, moving of tables Whiteboard
different they can be and chairs, school bells, children’s voices, etc. Write down each suggestion on the 5 marker
 Get them to describe the various sounds as fast/slow, soft/loud, long/short, high/low.
 Ask them to name other sounds they would associate with a school environment. 2
 Conclude that there are a wide range of sounds, even in school, and that they have
learnt how to describe them in detail.

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 7 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

– END OF PERIOD 3 – 25

What pupils will learn Period 4: Sounds Around Me In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Going Further (optional)
The focus now shifts Tell pupils you will be asking them some questions in different ways and they should give 5
from describing the their replies in a similar manner. You could ask them, “How are you today? Have you
different sound eaten? How’s the weather?” in the following ways:
qualities verbally to (a) in a loud voice (d) speaking very slowly
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 8 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

(vocally) expressing (b) In a soft voice (e) in a high-pitched voice
them. (c) speaking very quickly (f) in a low-pitched voice

Skills: Listening,  Draw pupils’ attention to the picture signs. These picture signs give a visual 2 PB: p 15, Q3
Creating, Performing representation of the sound qualities, e.g. small and big sizes represent soft and loud
Interpret picture signs sounds respectively, or a continuous line means the sound is not broken up but
of sounds continuous. Give them some time to look through the pictures.
 Ask pupils what they think the signs mean, by relating the pictures to the picture signs. 2
 Go through the signs one by one, and each time the pupils have decided on one 16
Cross-Curricular interpretation, ask them for their reasoning. Also encourage them to create sounds
Development according to the picture signs, after each picture sign has been decoded.
Spatial reasoning:  Suggested interpretation of picture signs (in descending order)
Correlate bigger signs 1) Soft and short sounds, loud and long sounds
with louder sounds, 2) Rapid short sounds that remain constant
more closely spaced 3) Getting louder then becoming softer again
signs with faster 4) Long, generally falling from a higher to lower pitch, but with some variation in the
speed, etc middle
5) Long, from soft to loud, pitch varies slightly
 Possible explanations
 The lion is bigger than the mouse, hence its roar will be louder compared with the
mouse’s squeak. The mouse is shown first, then the lion, and the pictures alternate,
so it means that soft “squeaks” and loud “roars” should alternate. The mouse’s
squeaks are short, while the lion’s roars are long.
Use imagination in  The distance and length of the lines for the chopping are the same and are at regular
interpreting the signs intervals, so the sounds made should be short and at a steady pace. The chopping
and to create the sound could be represented with a “tok” sound.
corresponding sounds  The round shapes mean that the sounds are soothing and distinctly separate, with the
to the picture signs size of the shapes indicating the volume of the sounds to be made. The wind sound
could be represented with a “hooo” sound
 A continuous “Hm” sound is made with differences in high/low or loud/soft.
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 9 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

 The cat’s “Meow” ranges from soft to loud as the width between the two lines
thickens, with the various curves indicating changes in high/low.
 Ask pupils as a whole to demonstrate their sound interpretations once more. 3
 Ask them which set of picture signs shows sounds that are constant. 1
 Answer
The chopping sounds (vertical lines are of the same length throughout).
 To make the concepts clearer to weaker pupils, you may create movements
according to the picture signs to show the changes in sound qualities.
For example:
1. mouse/lion — cup hands to represent something small for soft sounds and spread
arms in a wide arc to represent something big for loud sounds
2. chopper — any action to show constancy (eg move palm from left to right in a
straight line)
3. wind — move both hands in the same direction, going further apart at the bigger
‘O’s to represent a larger volume of sound
4. Hm — using just one hand, trace the direction flow of the curved line to represent
high and low sounds
5. Meow — same movements as in 3.

– END OF PERIOD 4 – 25

What pupils will learn Period 5 & 6: Percussion Instruments In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Skills: Listening,  Introduce pupils to percussion instruments by telling them percussion instruments can 2 PB: p 14, Q1
Describing, be played by hitting or shaking. Untuned
Performing  Go through the names of the percussion instruments in the Pupil’s Book and write percussion
Learn about a few them on the whiteboard. instruments/
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 10 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

common untuned  You may show and/or demonstrate how to play each instrument as it is introduced. 13 E-Book/
percussion instruments  How to play each instrument Audio CD 1
Triangle: Hold the triangle or suspend it, and hit it with the metal rod Tracks 10–17
Castanet: String it on the middle finger, use palm and fingers to close the 2 shells (Total: 0:58)
together quickly Whiteboard
Sleigh bells: Hold the handle and shake marker
Cymbals: Hit the 2 together
Claves: Hit the 2 together
Tambourine: Shake or use hand to hit the skin
Maracas: Hold the handle and shake
Woodblock: Hold the handle and use the stick to hit both sides of the woodblock
Skills: Listening,  Allow pupils to play the different untuned percussion instruments.
Describing, Creating Hint to pupils that they should use the same strength to strike the different instruments
Appreciate different in order to hear the dynamic differences (loud/soft) in their tone colours more
sound qualities and accurately.
use movements to Note to teachers: If the instruments are not available, you can play the instrument
express their sounds from the CD or E-Book.
characteristics  Go through each instrument again with pupils. Repeat the name of each instrument. As
you do so, play the instrument at least twice.

 Now ask pupils to describe its sound qualities. Does it produce: 10 PB: p 15, Q2a
 high or low sounds?
 loud or soft sounds?
 long (sounds that resonate) or short (detached) sounds? Untuned
 Remember to play each instrument at least once again for pupils to check. percussion
 Each time the students offer an answer, write it down on the board. instruments/
 Suggested answers E-Book/
Instrument How It Sounds Audio CD 1
Triangle Low, short (striking the triangle while it is suspended) Tracks 10–17
High, long (striking the triangle while holding onto it) (Total: 0:58)
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 11 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Castanets Low, short, soft Whiteboard
Sleigh bells High, short, soft marker
Cymbals High, long, loud or soft
Claves Low, short, soft
Tambourine Low, short (hitting the tambourine on its skin)
High, long (shaking the tambourine)
Maracas High, short, soft
Woodblock High/low (depending on which side of the woodblock is hit),
short, soft
 If you have the instruments, vary the speed in which you play them. You may want to
improvise a different rhythm for each instrument. (Alternatively, you may also use the 2
instrumental sound samples from the E-book for Q2a.)
 Get pupils to express the different sound qualities through movements. Some examples
are shown in the textbook. Encourage pupils to create their own movements and praise 5
Pupils are encouraged their performances.
to use their  Ask the pupils to decide on 8 common movements (to represent the qualities of
imagination in creating high/low, long/short, loud/soft and fast/slow). Then divide the class into 4 groups. Each 8 PB: p 15, Q2b
movements to group will be in charge of making the appropriate body action to show the sound
correspond to different quality in terms of pitch, length, volume or speed.
sound qualities.  Play the 8 instruments one by one, giving time for the pupils to do their actions when
you are playing an instrument. 5
 For weaker pupils, use hand signals or body language to give them clues on how they
can express the different sound qualities, e.g.:
 high/low pitch: Put your hands in high/low positions.
 long/short: Trace a straight line with your finger in one smooth motion to represent a
long note; use short repeated pointing movements to indicate a disconnected dotted
line which represents short notes.
 loud/soft: Open your arms to represent loudness; slowly close them to represent the
sound getting softer.
 fast/slow tempo: Make quick hand movements to represent a fast tempo and slow
movements to represent a slow tempo.
© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 12 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Let’s Play a Game! (optional)

Identify common  This game helps pupils to recall the names of the instruments using the instrument 5 Instrument cards:
percussion instruments cards. Tell the pupils to close their books and divide the class into two groups. triangle, castanet,
by their names  You will be flashing the pictures of instruments (each instrument card has a picture in sleigh bells,
the front) for them to identify. There are 2 variations: cymbals, claves,
(a) Easy: Show 1 card to the groups and each group only has 2 tries to name the tambourine,
instrument correctly. After the groups have guessed, turn the card over for them to maracas.
show the name of the instrument. Award points to the groups when they name an woodblock
instrument correctly. The group with more points wins the game.
Improve memory (b) Hard: You can play a memory game by showing the groups 2 to 4 instrument
skills in remembering cards one after another. Ask them which instrument was shown 1st (or 2nd, 3rd, etc)
the instruments in a and/or list out the order of appearance of the instruments. Award points to the group
sequence that first gets the correct answer. The group with more points wins the game.

– END OF PERIOD 5 & 6 – 50

What pupils will learn Period 7: Creative Corner In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Think About It (optional)
 Get pupils to imagine watching their favourite cartoon or other television programme 4
with all the sounds muted. Will they enjoy the programme as much? Some shows use
sound effects and music to tell stories. Do they make things more exciting?

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 13 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Activity 1
Appreciate the  Explain to pupils they are about to listen to a story based on the pictures in the Pupil’s 1 PB: p 16, Q1a
function of music in Book. The story will be accompanied by music and sound effects.
other art forms  First, ask the pupils to guess what the story is going to be about, based on the pictures. 2
 Play the CD. Pupils study the pictures while they listen. 2 Audio CD 1
 Get pupils to briefly describe the actual story to you. 2 Track 18 (1:32)
Interpret music in  Play the CD again for pupils, this time telling them to take note of how the music Audio CD 1
relation to a narrative complements the story. 2 Track 18 (1:32)
 Play the CD another time, so that pupils get a stronger impression. 2 Audio CD 1
Skills: Listening,  Discuss how the music relates to the story and/or pictures. 8 Track 18 (1:32)
Describing  Guide the discussion by asking general questions about the atmosphere/mood,
setting and action/event, e.g. The day is bright, sunny and windy. Does this kind of
weather make you feel happy?
 Encourage pupils to give detailed descriptions, e.g. they should note the butterflies
and bees in the 1st picture, suggest meanings of the characters’ facial expressions in
the 2nd and 3rd pictures, suggest what the children may be doing on the slope in the
2nd picture, where they may have come from or are going to (they have school bags).
 Ask them if the music conveys these details well, e.g. Does the sweet, slow melody
at the beginning reflect a nice bright, sunny day?
 Play the CD again to recap. 2 Audio CD 1
Track 18 (1:32)

– END OF PERIOD 7 – 25

What pupils will learn Period 8: Creative Corner In Pupil’s Book and
or develop This unit will be taught over 4 weeks (8 periods). mins other resources
Briefly remind pupils of last lesson’s activity and their discovery that music and sounds 1
can make a story much more interesting.

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 14 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans
Unit 2: The Different Sounds of Music

Objectives Activity Time Resources

Skills: Listening,  Divide pupils into groups and ask them to come up with actions to go with the story and PB: p 16, Q1a
Creating, Performing music. Audio CD 1
Create movements to  Play the story recording for pupils to listen again. 2 Track 18 (1:32)
music  Then play the music (without the story) for pupils to listen. 2 Audio CD 1
 Give them time to think of/practise movements to add to the story, e.g.: 6 Track 19 (1:33)
Cross-Curricular  butterflies flying: open arms and do gentle flapping motions
Development  running on the spot: imitating the children playing catch
Create dramatic  thunder: stomp feet to imitate the loud boom of thunder
motions to act out a  heavy rain: wriggle fingers, moving hands downwards from a high position,
simple narrative to represent falling raindrops Audio CD 1
 Get the different groups to perform, while playing only the music track. 10 Track 19 (1:33)
 Get the groups to explain and evaluate their own performance. PB p 16, Q1b
 Some evaluation criteria 4
 What do your actions represent and why did you choose such actions?
 Can the audience understand the story by watching your performance?
 Did you perform in time with the music?
 You may want to comment on their performances as well.

– END OF PERIOD 8 – 25

© Pearson Education South Asia Pte Ltd 2008 15 Perfect Match Music Primary 1
Suggested Lesson Plans

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