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Canit} Pymren stow AL ANALYSIS 1e Tt bearer Dimension curd unl i Bucking hem dels prema\on less Pees amelau, Mo Hiscussion Oh el Applic ations ok Aimenaon ess and Sirus + pararnetou . ned ckiow | | | | | | | 1 D\wwnioval analysis y @ mathematic ok. | | | yous of Sever ph | tool. oy bee Vrvniyene te seuey Aime prokie Dimerrional analy a's dale 6 & prermaute € | Qrvangemont of \eartedelas 1 the foe physics’ yotablons' ona Comber} Almaniona® variables t nore them Isl |ron-dimersional parametio | DIMENSIONS ° we ob @acl, gay ate manpender physical a. fother called fundamentad primary PurniAvses) fers ote Exi Maas, Lengths Ut» othe whith are. expressed lems | 0b Prmasy FvanhBes eve called fecondary * ervey “quandvies- tx; veloclly) ar) pow Dimensions and ils will le. | Ne Fund ementat quanto (a) mass (bh Length CO) Time 2. |Geomobric quemies | (% Aree | (be) ylum= co Momont of Inertia 3° | Kinekic quawbieies (® Kinemare Vis@sity Ste | Dyna quenniies i () force (> weaghe ce poate weight i) pemity (@) Dynawe viscasiey physic at quariky Sy eeood Dimensional Homogenoity 4 “he Daw of Burt Purndele off ieee lromogensitt, Stalts, " an equation phich enPIeses 0 physiceh pharemahor 1B Buid Blow shoud be algeleica ly Corres and Admansionally Juorogendous= Dimemionally hromogene imensions oh the berm ob lege hand 51 Sart Bs dimension oR the bers 07 a hare| HAZ uses B Dimensional panes jon on Physica the Binangonat ¥ 70 Oe yao y To aekiemtne te ieee Varichts ; x TO Conver «ices fom gone 545° thyougle Dimansionat Jronnogen tty - oe. ee Shep teiords imensionah Apalysta ronal Amebysts* bean Bowrsion & another Methods of Dimers Rar, ergh’s mother The expression & deleemt bee i Variable chapending Ufore eee ree or Don waiesler Oy TB the rumen oP a \Varialles loecomes more thon Rue, ic & vey auffteute & Bind the erpression fe the dapenden Variable - 80, a Rumetional wvelation ship belie Variable; G expressed im erfonential Porm of CJuations - Stags involved tn Rayleigh's mathed {The £omerionelt volaton ship & writin usith the given dota, Conde Kase eres which doperds on 5 A ihe Sa ta 16) © So, the Punctional epoatton 4 writen as =e PC Xr kn Mee Xn) 2. Tika ie Oa eran a inteces ob a. Carsten -Seeineh erforents Lire powers ob eee ; ae othe equation iy again writin b 3 x= ¢ iar: co ee Xie eo) pr Constant Pal ia cage ee Asean oe Powers a 4 B. The values 08 Ob C 11 ee adhd ented with the holp of dimenstonat bharead iy. ns, tha Powe oh the firndamenkot ih (yar pidoy axa Composed le OF ote Mmonsiom on both eye Values 08 erponsnts. 4 Fined, these exponents | power Values a2. in he funckionel efuation and Sub seiev-l ed i the Subcatle form: olmphified @ obtadn Buckingham TW ie cavenu Rayleigh mater & rurmber of independent Uae ares Lfyree oF four. Th aifpioulky & eliminated bn Bocringham TT theorem: (mbi7) inderonder® tees b be Bollowed & Buceingham T-methed ‘ a ie , s to” Thee variables invelved In a Given analyst Usted t Shey aboue che given phy chroughy T- ber: oO These Variables are erpresser indians off ~ Mu 4 0, Prime uy Limensions. 4 are cheosen accordin The yepeating variable Selection of repeating & the bine gern Vaart ables. One, the repeating Vestables Ghoutd be checesed elcner those ete indapenden or dependent Variables because alt Should be ndseendor Variables. The cLimesionless Parameters ane obeained by Qddirg one etcies ime guttth repeating Variallos - R ar- box involved The rue ° cutoter by using N- analysis & col of T. pers whee, n- otal yum bok ob tw Fer analysis: Tee of Each epuakion th OrponenBot Bore & Solved ebbiciank ob exponents variables mvelvey Pundamantet Variables | Limitations of dimensional analysis s |. Birmensional analysis Aoes nok give any yule regarding the selection of Veriables Hiss Mes Complete information & wet provided by Rmeriional analysis + Te only \ndicetes thak them are Some volaborships beliveor Parameters. 3 The values of coohbidank and the nabire of Buncid ov Can be obtains, only by Experimeng or Brom mathemabical analysis. Dimensionless Param cto Reynolds Number Te is debinat 2s the yao of the inecka Pree te the viscous Rorce 08 & Prowing Blid clenoted by Riou Qe = ine ee Viscous force 3 feey fos ae fae ee (oH Froude Number Te y debined as the Sq use yoot of the yetio ok the jnerkia force Ba Rowing Lurid to the graviley force: a eee Ey Sa cao ey eee Qroviny Pree ; [eure pe es fq as Euler Number square rook of the force. 08 Te & debined & the > Weber Number ; + to ok the Spee poor 08 Be ension force- ae Da mach Number a | ae (3 debined a3 the a ies ineraa foree 0B a Rowing Bled b&b the ie ee | i Hasiic force Koa | | ee a ae. # oe ee | The S4vare woot of the force gain & spo valu of Ene free, a pea p more thon one and ik uh ine buts Brown toe oe Moprl ANAL ySIS The medal w& the Smalk scale replica chine. The achool of the achat Strochuie oF me Stretine or nino Greets probe ryPe- Advantages of model Testing ) The model bes are quite CConemical ond Convenienk and operakion of 2 prodel may be charged Ames, necessary usithowe of increasing much exfendibure - i) With Ee use 0B | of hydvastic Strecker Can be predicates w® advance: pe eee eran 2 an eristing strwclire ve Geeyndisic Si ahaa 2. Kinematic Sinaloriy, 3. Pynenic Sinvd\asity Geometric Sindlaik, A model and Us proto tye ase_ geomobricall, Similar, Us the yasaos 0B he Corresponding length dimensions ee ejuat: Lor, 1 oh eal Dett Amaia Trlagmor er fe® Longth, breath, Aiomnclon, as togce, volume mmoasr and a Protabye respective: For geomalaic Similarity bok ween modal erd Prototype, the yelokiovs ‘ rests Dp oe ee aus the ae Kinematic Similarity, Te iy te Similasity of BO ane Conesponds the pons & He Roel ary prot eye: Th the acceleration ratios and accoloratkion vectors Poin are Same tretee Same directions than two Blows aro said & be Linemokically Similar. Tima Scale ratio, Tie Uae Tie Vele ik, Scale ratio, Cy = Lplt, Hes Les Ty Ter. Ac coloration scole rake, Ay = belt, ee Ln [ Toa ee Discharge Scale ratio, Qr = Pel Te a [ag Ry te Dynamic Sinilartty, Te G tac Siilertty o& forces. The flew iM Une model and protett pe axe of - Qiolars er Tn aynanic Neilariky,, the - sie qo of the two flows Can be supenmpesed pty mn in force. Scale. | Lot (3 (Fe ie Trertia force at all alee dp Pros tyre (Fy) p > Viscous farce a the Paine Ih Profs type | (dp - Gravity forse ate Ebe Point th Prols bye | (Faden (Fu dn, (F8)on CH Grvrerponeing values | oR the Rovee. tn modal - (Fle. a et aoe ma MoDEL oR Similaeity Laws Accovdtrg be the Aynamic Sieilaatby, the Aivdonsionless number Should be Same — The laws based on the medals are ¢ panes both model ond prole type. ¥ Reynolds model Law 7 Te stakes that, the Reynolds noraber & Same fer both the model ond Prob eyre- Tin the Prone mens, Viswus force. & only one Predominant frce- dee |) Merah ad one Caneel v Lwve | “as _ Gea p Biss (era es | a The Resinolts rectal Jaws are rrore Significant tM the following plLenomans + } \) mokien of de planes Ui) Plow of incompressible fluid & closed ei pe: | W) motor of Submaines | i) Clow around Stroclines ond other . bodies immersed Pubby Yo movinj | Puads. | Froude model dao: Te Stakes that, "the Froude number i ” Same for bot, modal and Prote by Ae ie The Froude Medal Lao b & Ss | Cyikerion iw the Poliowing Phono ah j ef oe \b Free Surpace Plows over Splilways, slasice 2. Flow of Tet through orifice or pozzle. a. Hifferenk mags dansities of Phd flows Over Dre another. According ts Froude modal Jas, (Frjen = (Fr) p Vn Vp Vv cio eee (Fr = —_—=_ \ Sen Lan V dele yore Practically, 9m =Sp Vn Ve. Le E b> Le cept ad ee or Length Scale reko es eee a vee ™m Vee velo tty scale z7, Vee ine ‘ Euler model Raw : Accordiyg bb thiy law, tha Euler number i Bama Por both probey re and podal- the. Euler pambee ESolb ig Subpbiciowt Criterion in the Bolowstng Phenomens I where the Granty and surkace bension Qorces are duly obsent and the busbulere ty Rudy aeveloped with negligible Viscous force - 2. Te | applied l» Cavieotien Phenomena, Based on the Row, ech eee a eed Prototype bin ve v ig nigaar ae pia Tacs eee || Melia CEN if fer Same flu VIP JP. Ge = Pe Haig Weber modal Saxo : The law & applicable where the Gurtace tension force. Precdoniinater wath ths wnerkia. force boy weber pap Dalaman wee Laurier ig Sane for both Cha mwedt are Proto by Fe This weber rurmbet ¥ Subbictent as wee PLonrowirg phenomena + ios through we Very hin Bile ob Liguit er Surhae ao wise in Ipaow a a capil) i Chomnals Ne eee kay ica According bo Hs Law, os: W = iS ( e) We) pocete Veo “’We= Vee ee alae poe i: : J elec Ving ee =P, fordame fivrg Mach model Lass : The Sysieme where he elastic Pionme. ee Precdominank who Connpareq fs merkia Be ae Jaw @ opplicate. By thy Law, the Mach nunca 4 | Roe beth model ond Proleiyr: oii Te wPluences in the followtry phenomena, 1, Aerocynomi testing 2. Hydraulic Model testing 3, Under Nolte tosig of tarpedo's . According lp Crs Lew, (39) ee fee Oe an. eae V Kem | Fin VKe]F, Ven Sie a x i ae Vin 7 Velook, of Bld ty model Ken > Elasete force ‘Un Modal P, + Density oB Ruad & Medel Ve, Ke, Pp We Cho Corres POG Paton chee 8 Pro Eyre: Le f “Tyees oF MODELS \, Undsstrorted oes 2, D\isterted roasts Un disborte4 models : he wodol ushich wu geomelticall Siniar te US pro type, b enowr as: Ondutorted Dpipniolee Stl such modoly, tHe Condikions of Siri litude one Rolly Satishied : Disterteq Models: A modal which G rot geomolaica bly, Simiviar te Ug prole tyre ue Us may be Rina cy orche = aes usith US proletpe- The Pohlowing isbertiows mey occur tm» hiskestedq models: ts Geomelaical Aigterion 2. Makeuial YG Vertiow 3. Distertion of hydraulic Quart tes. t-Geomdlaical Ais bertion + phe Austortion occur; Bther Dimensions on Combi guration. - Ny Hottieriot Aistertion: Tt arises due & the uge Bo lipeelon malkouals Boy the rmodal ot Probe eye - To avwid ARris, tho Sound motlerials hove & be used a4 nuth a3 Possible - i, Disheroow of hydraulic Fuainkises | Due Unconeroliade hydrautic Fuanki 23, the distertion may 0CC4~ Exancple : velocuky , ascnege PES Roasons of adopting Aistovted models aale maintamh AcuaAraLty | \i,7T0 Moun toiin burbwlent flow WN, to accomodate available fadubes i, TD obtain repulze, rougher? Grdils on Advantages ob cisterted rod els : |. Accurete moasuremantg Can be possible 2, Surface kenszion Coun be. pinieieed 03 ww A possible fieq Ane te 3. he operation & Rap Oral moder Cn | Dis rdvartages of sUistorted models: . hk Exik Pressure on yelocthy, Abdou Our yet tnt 2. A modal Ware Pros Pe 3 Both extrapolate and interpolation. o& yesullg ore aufficulk. mosy Aiffer Brom that of ScALE EFFECT IN MODELS ie \rpo $si ble fo Predict the enxack loehavour ok he Prots tyre by moder beseyy Lalone Tha, ew voller = behaviour with different Scale roles unl thot be Samz- So, discrepanry bobween models Ound Prololtre A aways ext of hydraulic Sind Lise * quai tative ocUun- Lint The Wedel yesulls ana rare ioe yee quansiva 2. he cose of model ig Righe 3. Golackg ao. size ef modals rine erxporien: \! velo uiby Scoho zoo, Vr Albay A (br), elbr)y \Wi) Flow area Seale xo? Scals x00, Iii) Dischoage Seas retie Scolds vote, Qy « (tah, *fllav)”™ i Check the dimensional homo geroly bor the @zuakion ve ure. Solution : v-eutrrt Dien arsions of cach paramebie vie yelotty (Binet) = Er u— velouk, (Lnitiah) = 77 f -accolerotion = 17” = om 1 al | ) the dimensional efuckionw, | iv) Sa eae utr! Sears eee Lr ay Fhe. dimorsiow on both the sides are identic!- So the Tier efvaren & dimansionally homejenee- | | | Qvandihes : w) Discharge UD). Fores. Solweion > Discharge | - belenuine the . Kingmabe Wiscosity via hy Aimension 0B the follow a Kinamalad viscosity and tly) Specibic eee Ple Ww Given bY, ce is os tc gheet SEE ee ye A five | 02 2e Te oleae 1/5; sass n acceletation Mas qe Vr meee vt ‘ ee Se a uF abo oo Fs os Os te oT emt’ Volume Fy uv ee aoe mer *, Kinemolie ViISCoSiEy (Wes + nen I ML ee Pore. = Mass * Accelerebor x Time” Natale ecient at hon cat (tar eo Specific weighk = weigk _ Force Volume yolonee = ae he a aes ea eet) Ns The ves Stance Pore Rok Supersonic plane duury Plight Can be Covideres| 05 aAopenden por the Langth of Ut aincreke J, veloul v. abr viseosity By A dowsity P, in K- Express tho. function pekureaw~ Ehese Variables and Bolo : “The Wheltee eres tereeeo a een fi Length, d (iD) Velo v (ih) Aly viscosity, A liv) Aly dersity, 2 ty Bulle modulus, & i Mathematically, Ree hie HP K) Pee a) wh een at Obrubank ae pe Cc - now ci mension Usivg MULT Soe =e ae = ory ris 7p) Ermer for dimensional Kemogene tbr ok cach dimansior lon both sides og the equation must be idontical, | fon Ce Ctdte to ala bebe ei-3d-@ for i = eee a oe There are Bie eee efuation - Expressing the three “unerevrs(ad inteems of cand e ene eee buble credulus which hao wore tecporconk). a ele eee b+ 2-c-2¢ aoe {- btetTsdt = jvc iigeeonei ie Supsdeubirg these yelucs 0& exponents » eyuersy (1) We get, Rie bay age pee Ks) =¢ vive es ws ae Gay wit S cove (oe aoe e in) tee) 2 aa aye Ve Al is Alera) | | The Pressure drop AP ln a pipe ob Alona and lungth 1 depends 09 tre dansity Cond Uscosity POR Rluid Bowing, Mean vabacin7 V8 old average hate ens Pierce ne be She tre pressure Arop can be expressed in Soya aa) ia AP=eV ie ae Go\uion : hha a 27 C= non dimensional Conseank USIVG rULT Systm is ite a c 7 a E ala ime?) (Me ey ery (OJ For dimensional homogensitt, the enporenlg oR cack dimension On both sides 08 the WBE be, \dentical - f efvakion for 2) =Cer4. | eel or ae aqua scmel ese fr t Pee Rees Bee There an Qin, Vad pimee eguatsons: TD gee Ere gale ag oe gc shot e voluotae exponents ab DP ond a (e, a, 6,242) interns ob urenoans (oor 5) Cubs kueing os pe ty Cf (1) we get, Ap-¢l ve a yt pb) a Cero 1) (D7 pf v4) or')] 2c fev (D°2") (ote? (ore) AP- pV & oA pm ay fa I D “ob “ =a aoe) Fron Ba porinants Ue hos UPemencae st | Ap is 0 Linwas Bemetion. 08 (FIP) | 2 Ap- pr = o[F Fy yom (oa) r Athy > “9 Mo? gore] [es This 4 usvally written tn ee ett hg = yolv — 2g3P Fis tha CoBhiclane oF Hoe | os | ais 24 ee ny ob o Kon depends on the velo 22 fp, Che dynamic viscosity Pr angulos inetd Ham else D of the moter and He chasge Q: Express tae ebbi ciency 1 & of ciimans one Posramelen. | Solution » athe. Pramelars Invalves in o-given anolysis ase ¥), P, RW, Do Q- Dimariors oe eoUh Paramekee ate | Efpictenty, 1) = ho dimensions Oonicy , 7 = mu? Dynanuc viscosity = Guests pischosge, Q = tha fonckion yelorionship yy of (0? Wi ee Tk con le writin, 24, fi fa 7D: A wi, Hh, Q) =0 | 1 i Subsacukw} dimensions ie both a Pa | bh D,P and uF are Geloctes| 04 repeating Vaniatler sathe Bumekional efcotion fC Tas Ts) 20 — C8) ig cone Cr ts x he gh ee my «Bt pe OF x oh af Oy ye xe" ghee “i Wp cach wits Ne ee ae ee both, sides for M7; ot bit? for Le - hee

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