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Student Book answers P13 Electromagnetism

P13.1 Magnetic fields

Question Answer Marks Guidance
1ai N 1
1 a ii S 1
1b N-pole, 1
P repels X because it has same polarity 1
2ai N 1
2 a ii S 1
2 a iii unmagnetised 1
2b pole of compass nearest tip of nail induces magnetism in nail with 1
opposite pole at tip
so tip of nail always attracts end of plotting compass nearest it because 1
they have unlike poles
3a X = N, Y = S 1
3b needle would turn (anticlockwise) as N-pole end of compass follows Y 1
until X attracts the S-pole more than Y attracts the N-pole, 1
S-pole then turns towards X until adjacent to X when magnet completes 1
the 180° rotation
4 draw two straight lines crossing at middle, place plotting compass 1 or valid alternative methods described
directly above where lines meet , turn paper so plotting compass points correctly [2] and explained [2]
along one line,
place bar magnets equidistant on opposite sides of plotting compass, 1
move one magnet along the line so plotting compass points directly 1
along the perpendicular line, magnet that is further from plotting
compass must be stronger than other magnet,
because its effect cancels out effect of other magnet at a greater 1

© Oxford University Press 2017

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Student Book answers P13 Electromagnetism

P13.2 Magnetic fields of electric currents

Question Answer Marks Guidance
1a see P15.2, Figure 1: concentric circles round wire, 1
lines of force in correct direction 1
1b plotting compass points in same direction as nearest field line 1
2a The wire is wrapped in coils around the iron bar. 1
When current is passed through it produces a magnetic field around the 1
wire, which magnetises the iron bar
2b iron loses its magnetism when the current is switched off, creating an 1
electromagnet 1
steel keeps its magnetism when the current is switched off, creating a
permanent magnet
3a reverses direction plotting compass points 1
3b gradually moves towards North, 1
magnetic field of current-carrying wire becomes weaker further from 1
so Earth’s magnetic field has greater effect 1
4a see P15.2, Figure 3: field lines are loops which pass through solenoid 1
and loop round outside,
lines in solenoid are parallel to solenoid axis 1
4 bi plotting compass points parallel to the axis 1
in a direction consistent with current direction in solenoid 1
4 bii plotting compass points turns more and more towards North 1
because field of solenoid becomes weaker so Earth’s magnetic field 1
has more effect

© Oxford University Press 2017

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Student Book answers P13 Electromagnetism

P13.3 The motor effect

Question Answer Marks Guidance
1 any three from: 3
 when current passes through coil of motor, a force acts on each
side of coil due to magnetic field of magnet in motor,
 force on each side has turning effect on coil and because
current on each side in opposite directions, forces also in
opposite directions so motor turns,
 each time coil passes position where coil perpendicular to
magnetic field, split-ring commutator reverses connections to
battery so current round coil reverses direction,
 without split-ring commutator, forces would reverse and coil
would turn back, vibrating,
 action of split-ring commutator allows forces to continue to turn
coil in one direction
2a current in opposite direction 1
so force on each side in opposite direction, coil ∴ rotates in opposite 1
2bi faster (coil lighter) 1
2 b ii faster (field much stronger due to iron) 1
3 force decreases 1
→ zero when wire perpendicular to field lines, 1
direction of force does not change 1
4 0.024 Ν
1.8 Α × 0.035 m
= 0.38 T 1

© Oxford University Press 2017

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