Exam III ELEC 498 S22

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Exam III ELEC 498/898 April 1, 2022 Prof Ianno


1. a) Draw the band diagram of a pn junction in equilibrium, and in forward bias label all energy
levels, the p and n side and the fermi level

b) Given a P+- N abrupt junction, NA=2E17 cm-3 ND=5E15cm-3 calculate

1. Vbi

2. W

3. In this device W really only depends on N D briefly explain this.

2. Given the approximate excess hole and electron distributions in a p-n diode as:
pn(x') = pno(1 – x’/L)

np(x")= npo(1 – x’’/L)

pno=pno(eqVA/kT -1)

npo=npo(eqVA/kT - 1)

Calculate the total diode current. Note your answer can contain relevant material parameters.

3. Design a p+-n silicon diode such that:

I(-2V)= -1.5 x 10-10 A, W(-12V)=26.4 m

Dp=12.5 cm2/s Dn=22.5 cm2/s

Lp= 3 x10-3 cm Ln=5 x 10-3 cm

i) Find ND,NA, and A

ii) I(-5V), and I(.65V)


1. D/m=(kT/q)
2. L=(Dt)1/2
3. Jp=qmppE - qDpdDp/dx'
4. Jn=qmnnE + qDndDn/dx''
5. Dpno=pno(e(qVA/kT) -1)
6. Dnpo=npo(e(qVA/kT) - 1)

Dp Dn
I = qA(( )p no + ( )n po )(e kT
- 1)
7. Lp Ln

2K s  o 1 1
W = [( )( + )(Vbi - VA )]1/2
8. q NA ND

kT N N
Vbi = ( )ln( A 2 D )
9. q ni

[ ]
2K s ε o (V bi - V A ) 2
xn =
13. J=Jo(exp(qVA/kT) - 1)

kT=.026 eV at 300 K

ni=1010 cm-3 for Si at 300 K

Ks=11.8 eo = 8.854 x 10-14 F/cm

• Electron charge = -1.6E-19C (coulomb)
• Proton charge = 1.6E-19C
• Charge- q, Q
• Nanometer = 1E-9m
• Energy - Joule, J
• Energy- Electron volt- eV, 1eV=1.6E-19J
• Power- Watt, W 1W=1J/sec
• Temperature, Kelvin, K (0K is absolute 0)
• Boltzman’s constant k= 1.380E-23 J/K = 8.617E-5 eV/k
• Planck’s constant h= 6.626E−34 J-s = 4.135E−15 eV-s
• Reduced Planck’s constant = h/2
• Permittivity of free space o = 8.854E-12 F/m (F=Farads)
• Permeability of free space o = 4E-7 H/m (H = Henrys)

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