KS Original JMP 1966 1.1704952

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Some Spatially Homogeneous Anisotropic Relativistic Cosmological Models

R. Kantowski, and R. K. Sachs

Citation: Journal of Mathematical Physics 7, 443 (1966); doi: 10.1063/1.1704952

View online: https://doi.org/10.1063/1.1704952
View Table of Contents: http://aip.scitation.org/toc/jmp/7/3
Published by the American Institute of Physics

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Some Spatially Homogeneous Anisotropic Relativistic Cosmological Models

The University of Texas, Austin, Texas
(Received 20 July 1965)

Some solutions of the Einstein field equations for a dust source are given in explicit form. They
are spatially homogeneous, irrotational, and anisotropic. They can be characterized as those spatially
homogeneous expanding models that do not permit a simply transitive three-parameter group of
motions. The models are compared in detail with observations and with the Friedmann models. In
a few instances slightly longer time scales are obtained with the present models than from the corre-
sponding Friedmann models.


S OME relativistic dust models are given that are

spatially homogeneous, have shear, and have
no rotation. Because the metrics have very simple
[Zl, Z2] = Za,
[Z4' Z;]
[Z2, Za]
= Zl,
(i = 1,2,3,);
[Za, ZL] = Z2,
explicit forms they are useful for judging what effects Case 2:
shear has on cosmological evolution. The models [Zl, Z2] = ZL, [Z2' Za] = Za, [Za, Zd = 2Z2,
that have, at some time, an expansion, acceleration
[Z4,Zi] =0 (i=1,2,3,). (3)
parameter, and shear consistent with current ob-
servations are qualitatively rather similar to Fried- The operators Zi, (i = 1, 2, 3), must operate on
mann models. Despite their simplicity the models two-dimensional subspaces.
apparently have not appeared explicitly in the
literature. l
We consider solutions of the Einstein field equa- The resulting fields are spatially homogeneous and
tions without cosmological constant for a dust nonisotropic. Because of the assumed symmetries
source there exist, locally, coordinates
(1) x/ = I{),

Here u,. is a timelike vector field normalized by such that

u"ua = 1. We use the units c = 1,87rk = 1 through- u,. = aa~ + (3a~,
out. Suppose the space-time permits an isometry and the metric has the respective forms 3 :
group transitive on three-dimensional spacelike
hypersurfaces. Most such metrics belong to the Case 1:
Taub-Heckmann-Schiicking class2 because there ds2 = dt 2 _ X 2(t) dr2 - y2(t) d0 2,
exists at least one 3-parameter isometry group which
is simply transitive on the hypersurfaces. We here where d0 2 = sin2 0 dl + de 2
; (4)
consider only metrics which permit no simply tran- Case 2:
sitive 3-parameter groups so that the methods of ds2 = dt 2 - X2(t) dr - ~(t) dl,
Ref. 2 are not applicable. From the results of Petrova
it follows that there are only two Lie Algebras to where dT2 = sinh 0 d(/ 2
+ d02. (5)
consider, both four-dimensional: The group generators area
* NSF Coop Fellow. Case 1:
t Research supported by Aerospace Research Labs, OAR, a
AF-33(615) 1029.
1 See the review of matter solutions by J. Ehlers in the al{) ,
proceedings of the London (1965) Conference on General
2 L. Witte~ Gravitation (John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New Z2 = sin I{) :0 + cot I{) cos I{) :1{) , (6)
York, 1962), \,ihap. 11.
a A. S. Petrov, Einstein-Raume (Akademie-Verlag, Berlin,
1964). Cases 1 and 2 are classified as G4-VIII and VII,
respectively, by Petrov, pp. 60, 225, and 226.
Za = cos I{) ;8 - cot 0 sin I{) ;1{) ;

Case 2: here b, a, and E are constants satisfying

Z4 = !, Zl = -coscp :0+ (coth Osincp - 1) :cp'

E = 0, 1, - ex>

-!1r ::; b < 0;

< a < ex> , a ¢ 0,


Z2 = sin cp :0 + coth 0cos cp :cp , (7) Case 2: Open Solution (a),

X= E - (E1/ + b) tanh 1/, (1S)
Za = cos cp :0 - (coth 0 sin cp + 1) :cp' 2
Y = a cosh 1/, (19)
The field equations become t - to = a(1/ + ! sinh 21/), (20)
Case 1: p = -E sech' 1//a2[1 - (1/ + b) tanh 1/]; (21)
Open Solution (b),
X = E - (E1/ + b) coth 1/, (22)
(980) Y = a sinh 1/, (23)
t - to = a(1/ - ! sinh 21/), (24)
(lOa) P = -E csch' 1//a2[1 - (1/ + b) coth 1/]. (25)
T; = 0 (i ¢ j); (11 a) For case 2, a and E have the same ranges as for
case 1, but b satisfies 0 ::; b < ex>.
Case 2: Computing the conformal tensor shows that these
o _ Xy _ 1 _ y2 metrics are type D with principal null directions
To - XY y2 (Sb) in the r, t plane. 6 For E = 0, Case 1 is the vacuum
Schwarzschild solution inside the "singularity":
Tl = 2 Y -
r I_y2
y2 , (9b) di = dy2 /(ay- 1 - 1)

T2 =
3 =
X +
r + XY
, (lOb)
1 ::; a/Yo (26)
For E = 0 Case 2 reduces to the known vacuum solu-
T; = 0 (i ~ j). (lIb) tions 6 : .

The field equations for Case 1 are given by Open solution (a),
Tolman, Bondi, and others'; however, the further wl = dy 2 /(1 - ay- 1) - (1 - ay- 1) dr2 - ~ dr2,
computations of these authors do not apply in our o ::; a/ Y < 1; (27)
case due to the fact that aY/ar = O.
Equations (1), (lla), and (lIb) require u" = c5~. Open solution (b),
The remaining equations are ds2 = d~ /(1 + ay-l) - (1 + ay- 1
) dr2 - ~ dr2,

Tg = p, T; = 0 (i, j = 1,2,3). (12) o < a/Yo (2S)

They are quite easily solved by first solving (9a) COSMOLOGICAL CONSIDERATIONS
and (9b) and then treating Y as an independent For E ¢ 0, Cases 1 and 2 resemble the Fried-
variable in (lOa) and (lOb). The solutions are best mann solutions7 for vanishing pressure. In the Fried-
expressed in terms of a function 1/(t): mann case there are both open and closed solutions;
Case 1: Closed Solution, however, our closed metric, Case 1, is not periodic
in time as is the corresponding closed Friedmann
X = E + (E1/ + b) tan 1/, (13) universe. Our open models suffer the same difficulty
Y = a cos 1/, (14) as the open Friedmann models-the magnitude of
• Compare F. Pirani, Brandei8 Lectures on General Rela-
t - to = a(1/ + !sin 21/), (15) tivity (Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey,
1964), Vol. 1, p. 321.
Esec' 1//a [1 + (1/ + b) tan 1/];
p = (16) 6 Reference 3, p. 173.
H. Bondi, M. N.
4 107, 401 (1947), and references listed
7 L. D. Landau and E. Lifshitz, Classical Theory of Fields
(Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., Reading, Mas-
there. sachusetts, 1962), p. 375.

TABLE 1. Representative "good" points. Shear IT, expansion hi, acceleration parameter a, proper
time T since last singularity, and time TF for a corresponding Friedmann model since the last singu-
larity are listed for some selected values of a, b, and proper time t. 1 H = 1010 years in units for
which c = 8ak = 1.

a b IT hi -a T TF

0.4H -1.9 1.0H .25 H-I 1.09 H-I 2.0 H-2 .38 H .47 H
1.0 -1.7 2.05 .06 1.03 .91 .48 .58
-0.7 -1.6 -.52 .57 1.01 1.56 .58 .52
-0.8 -1.55 -.67 .40 1.00 1.19 .57 .55
-0.7 -1.5 -.57 .36 1.00 1.24 .53 .54
-0.6 -1.4 -.47 .24 1.02 1.28 .47 .53
-0.3 -1.0 -.15 .16 1. 01 2.66 .32 .43
-0.22 -.8 -.09 .10 1.02 4.27 .26 .37

the acceleration parameter is too small for con- values averaged over angles on the celestial sphere.
sistency with current observations. Then9
A more detailed comparison of the models in a
hi = u ;a/3. (32)
Case 1 with current observations can be made if
we take some numerical valuess . 9 for the Hubble a = -(p/6 + 2(2)/h~. (33)
constant hi and the acceleration parameter a = hdh~:
Because current observational estimates of p vary
(29) so widely we do not assume an independent value
a~ -2. (30) for it.
Machine calculations were used to get values of a,
Moreover, the fact that the red shift vs luminosity b, and t in the closed models for which a, hi, and CT
curve shows no gross anisotropies gives an upper are fairly close to the above values. Some of the
limit on the shear CT, defined by points are given in Table 1. This table also con-
20- 2 = (Ui;; - h u k ;k/3)(u';; - hiium;m/3). (31)
tains the proper time T since the last singularity
and the corresponding proper time T F for that
where pressure-free Friedmann model which has the same
h ij = go; - U,Uj. hi and a. Of course all our models have sin-
10 gularities, as follows from the Raychaudhuri equa-
Current observations suggest CT :::; .35 X 10-
tion. 10 The singularities for the closed models are
(years) -I. With CT small it is reasonable to identify
of two kinds. We may visualize the two kinds by
the observed values of hi and a with the theoretical
suppressing the angle cp in the metric and visualiz-
ing three-space as the surface of a cylinder. In
one kind of singularity the cylinder squashes to a
disk, in the other it contracts to a line. If p and hi


1.5 1.0 2.5 >.0

t +

FIG. 1. Plots of R, IT, and IT/hi as functions of time for

a = 1.0 H b = -1.7, and to = o. IT is discontinuous at .5
IT = 0 because IT is defined as a positive square root. The -1.0 ·.5 t +

units of R, IT, and tare 0.1 H f, H-I, and H, respectively. IT/hi is

unitless and 1 H = 1010 years. FIG. 2. Plots of R and IT as functions of t for a = -0.7 H,
b = -1.6, and to = O. The units of R, IT, and tare 0.1 HI, H-I,
8 G. C. WcVittie, Encyclopedia of PhY8ic8 (Springer-Verlag, and H, respectively, where 1 H = 1010 years.
Berlin, 1959), Vol. LUI, p. 445.
I J. Kristian and R. K. Sachs, Ap. J., Feb. 1966. 10 Raychaudhuri, Phys. Rev. 98, 1123 (1955).

FIG. 3. A plot of p as a function of TJ for

a = 0.4 H, b = -1.18. p is in units of H-2
where H = 1010 years.

are given T F > T, but with a and hi given it can graphs. Large values of CT at early stages in the
happen that T > T F • evolution of the universe would critically affect
Also given below are some graphs of R, CT, CT/hi' the mass density and with it all other physical pa-
and p for Case 1. Figures 1 and 2 indicate the rameters for these early stages.
tendency of CT to become very large for small values Case 1 has been found independently by Kip
of R, and Fig. 3 shows the overall structure of p S. Thorne in his thesis, Geometrodynamics of Cylin-
as a function of 1/. R = P-i. drical Systems, Princeton University, May 1965,
The main qualitative conclusion to be drawn (unpublished) .
from the foregoing data is that a shear which is
presently small does not really have a large effect
on the available time scale or on the observed
values of hi and a. However, at times much earlier Weare indebted to Professor R. Kerr, Professor
or later than the present, CT becomes much larger J. Ehlers, and Professor E. Schucking for their
than hi in all our models, as is indicated in the advice during the course of this work.

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