Vowels: Avsevsi

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There are 26 letters in the English alphabet, Each of them has a name and at least one
.sound. It is the sounds of these letters (not their names) that we blend to form words
 P-E-N
 /p/ + /e/ + /n/ = Pen

2. Vowels

The five most common vowel sounds are also known as the short vowels: 

 A  aaa (as in apple)

 E  eee (as in egg)
 I  iii (as in it) 
 O ooo (as in odd) 
 U  uuu (as in up).

A: Pam and Dad pat the cat

E: Rex and the hen get fed

i: Siz and Liz sit on the rim

a vs e vs i

Sit Set Sat

Bit Bet Bat
Big Beg Bag

Ex: Jan will sit next to the bed

Cop Cup
Hot Hut
Pop Pup


1. Dad had a nap.

2. Sid is a big cat.

3. Mac hugs the nut.

Grammar :
All sentences have a Subject + Verb.

1. Subject :

 In English grammar, we use the word 'subject' to talk about the person or thing

(a noun or pronoun) that does the action.

Ex: Students play football.

Ex: They play football.

But if I want to express myself, what do I use?

There are six   subject   forms in English:

- I explain the lesson First person singular I

- You are sitting on the chair

Second person singular You
- …..... is sitting on the chair
- She is sitting on the chair
Third person singular He/she/it
- ….. is sitting on the chair

- We are in the classroom First person plural We

- You are in the classroom Second person plural You

- They are in the classroom Third person plural They

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