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Level 3 Quest | Difficult

Party: 3- 4
Play Time: 2.5-3hrs
EXP: 1750

EVIL TIDESLevel 3 Quest | Difficult
Party: 3-4
Play Time: 2.5-3hrs
EXP: 1750

Fishin’ folk and sailors are disapearing from a local
seaside village. Villagers believe this to be the work of
Auntie Aiptasia, a sea witch said to inhabit a cave in the
nearby cliffs. Villagers have hired the PCs to investigate.


A untie Aiptasia is a wicked sea hag (MM. 179) who lives in the nearby coastal
cliffs. Lore has it that the hag will grant magical requests in exchange for
something of great importance to the wisher. However, if Auntie Aiptasia judges
-Those who survive an the offering to be inadequate she will attempt to turn the interloper into a maggot-
encounter with the hag like creature known as an Abyssal Larva (DMG. 63).
speak of her hideous gaze
The hag uses these larva in foul spells or to devour
later as a tasty snack. Auntie Aptasia has a pet
that freezes the soul and
octopus, Black Tide, that she has corrupted
body in terror. and enlarged through magic. She uses the
creature to find and capture
-She is sometimes seen
sailors and fishing folk
who come too close to
walking the tide pools
her home.
searching for anemones
to add to the collection
that grows from the large
tortle shell she wears on
her back.

-Sailors say that when

passing near the sea
cliffs, in the dark of
night, a shadow can be
seen moving through the
shallows or following
in the wake of passing


Chamber of Bones

A 10ft crack in the cliffside marks the

entrance to Auntie Aiptasia’s lair. The
foul stench of rotten flesh and fouled
seawater emits from the fissure.

A constitution save DC(13) is

required or the PC wretches from the
stench taking 1d4 poison damage.

As PCs enter the lair’s entrance a

small tunnel leads to a 35ft diameter
cavern. The ground cracks and shifts
under the PCs weight to reveal the
entirety of the floor is carpeted with
the various bones of fish, birds, and
humanoids. Skulls are strung from
driftwood posts as a clear warning to
would-be intruders. To the north is
the opening to another cavern.

PCs with a passive perception 13

or greater can hear soft chuckling
coming from area (B)

One skull strung among the posts is

enchanted with a passive perception
of 10. If the skull perceives the PCs
it will begin to shriek awakening
3d4+2 undead skeletons (MM. 272)
who otherwise lay dormant among
the carpet of bones. This sound will
also alert any creature in area (B)

Artemis loves the taste of sweets and will
B offer his silence in return for any sweets the
PCs may have.

If the PCs continue into the next chamber

Cackling Skull without bribing or silencing Artemis he will
announce the PCs’ arrival to the Hag.
As PCs pass the chamber of bones they come
to another cavern roughly 35ft in diameter. Artemis can use a spell-like ability to cast
A light can be seen floating around the edge Vicious Mockery up to 3 times per day.
of the walls.

On closer inspection, the light is revealed

to be a flame skull (MM. 134) with a chunk
of chalk between its teeth. It seems to be
chuckling to itself as it draws.
Tunnel to the Under Dark
Crude graffiti covers the cavern walls. The
graffiti depicts the deaths of various people A tunnel leading to the Under Dark, to the
at the hands of monsters and comical east a flickering green fire illuminates a large
caricatures of goblins and orcs participating cavern.
in evil acts. To the north, dark murmuring

emanates from the passages beyond.

Aunties Kitchen

The passage opens up to reveal Auntie

Aiptasia’s kitchen, a large flooded cavern
illuminated by a sickly green light. At
its center sits a massive cauldron on a
peninsula of stalagmites with various
herb bundles, jars, meats, vats, and crocks
Artemis was gifted interlaced among the spires of stone. Auntie
with sentience by a Aiptasia can be seen stirring the cauldron
wizard, but now he serves the sea hag for while she plucks ingredients from the pots
whom he acts as a mimir and companion. and jars. She mumbles and speaks in a foul
Artemis is evil but not inherently hostile. language
If Artemis encounters the PCs he will
spend his time mocking them, answering Abyssal: “No meat on that one, too skinny,
questions with riddles, or speak of how made skinny larva, but no choice.. maybe
he thinks they might die. If he can goat feed to artemis... or trade to that ugly imp
a reaction from the PCs he will howl in hah!”
She often glances back at the water behind
her before returning to her task. The inky

black water that surrounds the Treasure Table
kitchen lays still.
E (1d10)
If the players wait and observe
for more than a minute Auntie Black Water 1
5d10 copper
Aiptasia will reach into a large
pot and pull out a maggot-like The back of the cavern is
creature with a human face. flooded with inky black water. 2
She will open her maw and Its surface is unmoving and 10d10 copper
devour the creature whole mirror-like in appearance. If
before chuckling to herself. the water is disturbed it may 3
awaken the giant octopus (MM. 10d10 Chultan silver
Auntie Aiptasia should not 326) that slumbers below (Each
be openly hostile to the PCs time the water is disturbed the 4
when they enter her chamber DM rolls a d100, a roll of 75 or 5d10 Neverwinter gold
unless they attack or surprise higher awakens the octopus).
her. If they trigger the skull in 5
area (A) or allow Artemis to 1d4 diamonds (50 gp)
announce them, the Hag will
greet them with a wicked laugh
and ask if they have come to
F 6
pouch of gems (50 gp)
barter for her blessings. If
players refuse, the hag will try 7
to persuade them with offers Black Tide’s Nest Wine bottle (50 gp)
of great treasure and power.
However, once her patience is
tested or she feels insulted by
A flooded cavern lays just 8
beneath the surface of the Sealed Spice Jars (100gp)
the PCs she will turn hostile water. The cavern’s floor is
and attack. If outmatched she
will attempt to flee through
littered with the bones of
humanoids. Between the bones
area (E). are the glints of gold, copper,

PCs who investigate DC(12)

and silver.
the area will find the fishing Magic item see below
Retrieving treasure from the
folk’s belongings and articles of flooded cavern requires an
their clothing. A large pot near Athletics DC(16) for each dive. First time
the cauldron contains 1d4+1 On a successful roll, the PCs 3 x Potion of Healing
abyssal larva. Their faces are can make a treasure roll (see (DMG 187)
that of the missing sailors. Treasure Roll Table).
Second Time
A giant octopus (MM. 326), Mariner’s Armor
Black Tide, is camouflaged (half plate)
and asleep among the bones (DMG. 181)
(Perception DC(19) to reveal
his location). If the players Third Time
disturb the creature’s slumber Bag of Holding
it will instantly attack. The DM (DMG. 153)
can place Black Tide anywhere
they like.

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