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Topic: Some people think reading stories in books is better than watching TV or playing

computer games for children. To extent do you agree or disagree?

The controversial topic concerning whether reading books is better than watching TV or
playing computers games for offspring never fails to attract public attention. From my point
of view, I agree with the statement, and I shall elaborate on my point by outline the reasons
I this essay.

Frist of all, it is quite reasonable for me to understand the reason why watching TV or
playing computer games is more attractive then reading books for children. These activities
can easily bring a lot of joy for kids, actively changing without create boredom and specially
very easily attract children. However, television and e-sport also can be addictive for
offspring. These could distract them from different important tasks that they will need to do
in daily life, such as studying, helping parents with household works, …The consequence
could be low results at schools. Moreover, when children become addicted to this, they
consume so much time into television or computer screen which can lead to health
problems as short-sightedness.

On the other hand, learning through the books can be more effective compared to
television or games. Reading will require children to give all their attention to the text in
order to fully understand to topic. Not only just understanding a certain topic, but also
developing imagination in kids. They can freely imagine the characters from the books,
imagine the open ending of the stories as their like. There is no restraint in this activity.
Additionally, reading skills also help children to develop their pronunciation and vocabulary.
These help with the improvement of the ability to express themselves more easily and

In conclusion, reading stories in book is more effective and better for health than watching
TV and playing computer games.

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