Identificação de Fusobacterium Nucleatum em Infecções Endodônticas Primárias e Secundárias e Sua Associação Com Características Clínicas Usando Dois Métodos Diferentes

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Clinical Oral Investigations


Identification of Fusobacterium nucleatum in primary

and secondary endodontic infections and its association with clinical
features by using two different methods
Brenda P. F. A. Gomes 1 & Juliana D. Bronzato 1 & Rebecca F. Almeida-Gomes 2 & Ericka T. Pinheiro 1,3 &
Ezilmara L. R. Sousa 1,4 & Rogério C. Jacinto 1,5

Received: 19 October 2020 / Accepted: 29 March 2021

# The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Objective Fusobacterium nucleatum is an important oral pathogen involved in endodontic infections. This study aimed to assess
the frequency of Fusobacterium nucleatum in primary and secondary endodontic infections and its associations with the clinical
features in a Brazilian population by using both culture and nested PCR methods.
Methods A total of 100 microbial samples from patients with primary (n=50) and secondary endodontic infections (n=50) were
analyzed by using culture and nested PCR methods. Strict anaerobic techniques were used for culture and identification of
F. nucleatum. The DNA extracted from the samples was analyzed for the presence of target species by using species-specific primers.
Results Culture and nested PCR methods detected F. nucleatum, respectively, in 11/100 and 82/100 root canals. F. nucleatum
was isolated by culture from 10/50 (20%) root canals with primary infections and from 1/50 (2%) root canal with secondary/
persistent infections. Nested PCR detected F. nucleatum in 42/50 (84%) root canals with primary infections and in 40/50 (80%)
root canals with secondary/persistent endodontic infections. F. nucleatum was associated with spontaneous pain, tenderness to
percussion, pain on palpation, swelling, tooth mobility, wet root canals, hemorrhagic exudate, tooth decay, inadequate restora-
tion, and poor endodontic filling.
Conclusion F. nucleatum was found in more cases of primary endodontic infections than in cases of secondary/persistent ones. A
higher prevalence of F. nucleatum was detected by using the nested PCR method than by using culture. The presence of
F. nucleatum in the root canals was associated with several clinical features.
Clinical relevance The high prevalence of F. nucleatum in the root canals detected by molecular methods, and its association with
several clinical features reveals the importance of these species in the development of apical pathologies and reinforces the need
of an endodontic treatment directed to bacterial elimination.

Keywords Endodontics . Fusobacterium nucleatum . PCR .

* Brenda P. F. A. Gomes Culture

Department of Restorative Dentistry, Division of Endodontics, Introduction
Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas –
UNICAMP, Av. Limeira 901. Bairro Areao, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil Fusobacterium spp. are Gram-negative, non-motile, non-
Faculty of Medical Sciences, University Center Lusíada – UNILUS, spore-forming, obligate anaerobic rods belonging to the
Santos, SP, Brazil phylum Fusobacteria. Individual cells are supposed to
Department of Operative Dentistry, Division of Endodontics, The share a similar fusiform morphology of 5 to 10 μm in
University of São Paulo School of Dentistry – FOUSP, São length [1]. Fusobacterium nucleatum is the most isolated
Paulo, SP, Brazil
Fusobacterium spp. in the oral cavity [2], being known to
Department of Semiology and Clinic, Division of Endodontics, be a bridge organism between primary and secondary col-
School of Dentistry, Federal University of Pelotas – UFPEL,
Pelotas, RS, Brazil
onizers of the dental plaque [3]. This bacterium is found
in higher levels in periodontal disease compared to
Department of Preventive and Restorative Dentistry, School of
Dentistry, Araçatuba, São Paulo State University – UNESP,
healthy gingiva [4].
Araçatuba, SP, Brazil
Clin Oral Invest

In endodontics, F. nucleatum was reported to prevail in Materials and methods

pulpitis, radicular cysts [5], apical periodontitis [6], persistent
apical periodontitis [7], and severe acute endodontic infection, Ethical aspects and patient selection
including dento-alveolar abscesses [8], and flare-ups [9].
Fusobacterium spp. were associated with tooth pain, tender- This cross-sectional study was approved by the Human
ness to percussion, wet root canals (presence of clear, hemor- Research Ethics Committee of the Piracicaba Dental School
rhagic, or purulent exudates), and the presence of purulent of the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP) according
exudates [10]. to protocol number CAAE 86140218.0.0000.5418. All pa-
Primary infections are related to non-endodontically tients signed an informed consent form prior to their
treated teeth, whereas secondary or persistent endodontic participation.
infections affect failed endodontically treated teeth [10, A total of 100 patients were included, with 50 requiring
11]. The microbiota found in the cases of endodontic fail- endodontic treatment for primary infections and 50 for sec-
ure comprises a more restricted group of species com- ondary endodontic infections.
pared to primary infections. Facultative anaerobic and
Gram-positive bacteria predominate in root canals of Inclusion criteria for patients with primary
failed endodontically treated teeth, whereas strict anaero- endodontic infections
bic bacteria such as Fusobacterium spp., Porphyromonas
spp., Prevotella spp., Parvimonas spp., Tannerella spp., Only patients whose teeth had pulp necrosis, confirmed by the
Treponema spp., Dialister spp., Filifactor spp., absence of response to pulp sensitivity test with Endo-Ice
Actinomyces spp., Olsenella spp., and Pseudoramibacter (1,1,1,2 tetrafluoroethane, Hygenic Corp., Akron, OH, USA)
spp. predominate in root canals of teeth with primary were included.
endodontic infections [11].
There are two main methods to identify microorganisms: Inclusion criteria for patients with secondary
culture-dependent and culture-independent assays. The for- endodontic infections
mer is a gold standard method to isolate viable bacteria.
Despite the fact that many bacteria still cannot be cultured, Endodontic treatment failure was determined based on both
there is a broad spectrum of microorganisms which can be clinical and radiographic examinations, which should show
cultured, including Fusobacterium spp. [12], especially with the presence of persistent signs and/or symptoms, including
the improvement of culture techniques. pain on palpation, discomfort to percussion, periapical radio-
Culture-independent assays are DNA-based and have lucent lesion, and/or persistent sinus tract. In addition, voids in
been often used to determine the bacterial composition or around the filling of the root canal were also considered a
in endodontic infections, but they cannot be routinely reason for retreatment [15, 16].
used to determine whether a microbe is viable or not
because DNA persists in the environment after cell Exclusion criteria for all patients
death [13]. One advantage of the molecular techniques
is their capacity to detect a wide range of different Patients who had received antibiotic therapy in the preceding
species in a small volume of a sample [12, 14]. three months or those with systemic disease, tooth with ex-
However, adequate controls are necessary to prove that posed root canal, tooth that could not be isolated, tooth with
the species identified were actually present in the orig- periodontal pockets deeper than 3 mm, immature teeth, and
inal samples. history of dental trauma were not included in this study.
To the authors’ best of knowledge, there is no study
up to now evaluating the presence of Fusobacterium Clinical features
nucleatum by using a sizable number of samples from
two distinct endodontic infections by two different The clinical features included history of previous pain, tender-
methods of identification. Hence, this study aimed to ness to percussion, pain on palpation, tooth mobility, presence
assess the frequency of Fusobacterium nucleatum in of sinus tract (endodontic or periodontal origin), presence of
primary and secondary endodontic infections and its as- swelling in periodontal tissues (i.e., acute abscess), and inter-
sociations with the clinical features in a Brazilian pop- nal status of the root canal (e.g., dry canal or presence of clear,
ulation by using both culture and nested PCR methods. hemorrhagic or purulent exudates detected as a distinct damp-
The null hypothesis tested was that there is no relation- ening or stain on the sampling paper points). Each type of
ship between specific clinical features and the presence exudate was analyzed separately and then grouped with other
of F. nucleatum in primary and secondary/persistent types under the denomination “wet root canal.” Periradicular
endodontic infections. status was defined as acute periradicular periodontitis or
Clin Oral Invest

abscess (i.e., acute apical abscess, chronic apical abscess, and the access cavity was disinfected according to the protocol
phoenix abscess). described earlier. Sterility of the internal surface of the access
The failure of root canal treatment was determined based cavity was checked as previously described, and all proce-
on clinical and radiographic examinations. Previous root canal dures were performed aseptically.
treatment of the teeth was carried out by unknown operators,
and root canal fillings were rated as good if no void was Sampling procedures for primary endodontic
present within 2 mm of the radiographic apex. If one or more infection
than one of these criteria were not met, the root canal fillings
were rated as poor [16, 17]. After checking the sterility of the access cavity, a new sterile
bur was used followed by irrigation with sterile water.
Clinical and sampling procedures Microbiological sampling was performed by introducing three
consecutive sterile #20 paper points (Dentsply-Maillefer,
Protocols for disinfection of the operative field, sampling pro- Ballaigues, Switzerland) into the full length of the root canal
cedures, and clinical procedures regarding both primary and and retaining them in position for 60 s. All materials, includ-
secondary infections have been described elsewhere [15, 18]. ing the paper points used in this study, were heat sterilized at
Briefly, the patient’s facial skin was decontaminated with 220°C for 4 h, in order to eliminate possible contamination
2% CHX solution (Drogal, Piracicaba, SP, Brazil) prior to and bacterial remnants.
intervention. After local anesthesia (2% lidocaine with Next, the paper points were immediately transferred to a
1:100,000 epinephrine), the teeth were isolated with a rubber test tube containing 1 mL of the VMGA III transport medium
dam to prevent infiltration of saliva. and placed in an anaerobic workstation (Don Whitley
Operative field, crown, and surrounding structures were Scientific, Bradford, UK) for 15 min. After thoroughly shak-
disinfected by using 30% H2O2 (v/v) for 30 s, followed by ing the endodontic sample in a mixer for 60 s (Vortex;
2.5% NaOCl for the same period of time and then neutralized Marconi, São Paulo, Brazil), 250 μL of the transport medium
with 5% sodium thiosulfate. The disinfection protocol was was used for culture and 750 μL in 3 different vials (250 μL
checked by taking a swab sample from both internal and ex- each) was frozen at 80°C for further molecular analyses.
ternal surfaces of the crown and from adjacent structural areas.
Next, the swab sample was streaked onto a plate containing Sampling procedures for secondary endodontic
5% defibrinated sheep blood and fastidious anaerobe agar infections
(FAA, LAB M, Heywood, Lancashire, UK) before being in-
cubated anaerobically and aerobically, respectively, for up to After checking the sterility of the access cavity, a new sterile
14 days [19]. DNA extraction from the swab and PCR analy- bur was used under irrigation with sterile saline to access the
sis were then performed by using universal bacterial primers root canal. The root-filling materials were removed by gently
(Table 1). If any positive cultures or DNA amplification prod- introducing Reciproc R25 files (VDW, Munich, Germany)
ucts were detected, then the patient was excluded from the along the working length, as determined by pre-operative ra-
study. diograph and according to the manufacturer’s instructions, in
A two-stage access cavity preparation was performed by a crown-down movement, trying to avoid enlarging the root
using a sterile high-speed diamond bur without the use of canal. No chemical solvent was used and the canal was filled
water spray, but under manual irrigation with sterile saline with saline solution. The root filling materials removed were
solution. The first stage was performed to promote a major collected in the test tubes with the transport media. Next,
removal of contaminants, including carious lesions and resto- microbial sampling continued with sterile paper points as pre-
rations. In the second stage, before entering the pulp chamber, viously described.

Table 1 Primers and probes used

in this study Primers and Specificity/location/orientation Sequence

Fnuc Fusobacterium nucleatum/Fn/16S/F TTCGGGGAAACCTAAAGACA

Sm785 Universal primer/16S/785 bp from 5= end/ GGATTAGATACCCTGGTAGTC
422 Universal primer/23S/422 bp from 5= end/ GGAGTATTTAGCTT
Clin Oral Invest

In the case of multi-rooted teeth, both in cases of primary Laboratorial procedures

and secondary infections, only the largest root canal with
periradicular radiolucency was sampled for microbial evalua- Culture technique
tion, which was limited to a single ecologic environment. In
the case of a dry root canal, a second paper point moistened in Isolation and identification of the microorganisms were per-
sterile saline solution was used to ensure adequate sample formed by using culture techniques for phenotypic character-
acquisition. In the case of a wet root canal, as many paper ization, as described earlier [10, 18]. Inside the anaerobic
points as needed were used to absorb all the fluid from the chamber, the transport medium was shaken thoroughly in a
canal. mixer (Vortex; Marconi, São Paulo, Brazil) for 60 s. Serial 10-
fold dilutions were made up to 1:104 in tubes containing
Fastidious Anaerobe Broth (FAB) (LabM, Bury, UK). A vol-
Clinical procedures in both primary and secondary ume of 50 μL of each dilution was plated with sterile plastic
infections spreaders onto 5% defibrinated sheep blood Fastidious
Anaerobe Agar (FAA) (LabM, Bury, UK) containing 1 mL/
After collecting the microbial samples that were ana- L of hemin and 1 mL/L of vitamin K1. The same dilutions
lyzed in the present study, endodontic treatment/re- were also spread onto a selective culture medium (5% sheep
treatment was performed in all cases under a high mag- blood FAA+ 0.001% w/v nalidixic acid + 0.5 mg/L of vanco-
nification microscope (DF Vasconcellos S/A, São Paulo, mycin) to select Gram-negative anaerobic bacteria, thus im-
SP, Brazil). proving the possibility of detecting F. nucleatum in the sam-
Reciproc R25 and R40 files (VDW, Munich, Germany) ples. The plates were incubated at 37°C in an anaerobic atmo-
were used during chemo-mechanical preparation (CMP) sphere for up to 14 days and then representative colonies of
according to the manufacturer’s protocol in a reciprocat- each morphologic type were sub-cultured from each bacterial
ing motion generated by an electric motor (VDW Silver, plate. Pure cultures were initially characterized according to
Munich, Germany). Reciproc files were used in an in-and- their Gram-stain characteristic, ability to produce catalase, and
out pecking motion (approximately 3-mm amplitude) with gaseous requirements.
slight apical pressure. After three pecking motions, the Bacterial cultures that grew small, greyish-white colonies
file was removed from the root canal and cleaned with surrounded by dark gray zones grown on blood after 48 hours
sterile gauze. Next, a manual # 20 K-file was placed into of incubation under anaerobic conditions at 37°C, and that
the working length (WL) for checking the patency. This were classified as strict anaerobic Gram-negative fusiform
protocol was repeated until the Reciproc file reached the rods, presenting 5-10 μm in length, showing slender filaments
WL (zero point displayed on the apex locator). An auxil- with tapered ends, occasionally containing spherical swell-
iary chemical substance (ACS) was used during the CMP, ings; being catalase-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming
that is, 2% CHX gel (Endogel, Essencial Pharma Ltd. were then selected for further identification using the Rapid ID
Itapetininga, SP, Brazil) consisting of a gel base (1% 32 A (Bio Mérieux, Marcy-l’Étoile, France). In order to con-
Natrosol) with CHX gluconate (pH 7). Natrosol gel (hy- firm their identity, all F. nucleatum strains were subjected to
droxymethyl cellulose) is a highly inert, non-ionic and partial 16S rDNA sequencing and analyzed using the BLAST
water-soluble agent. Prior to the insertion of each instru- software of the National Center for Biotechnology
ment, the root canal was flooded with 2% CHX gel by Information (NCBI) for species determination. All strains
using a 27-G needle attached to a syringe. In order to were identified at the species level based on the
remove debris that originated from the mechanical instru- F. nucleatum sp. nucleatum ATCC 25586 complete genome
mentation, 5 mL of saline solution was used immediately (Accession number AE009951) showing at least a 98% sim-
after the use of each endodontic file [15]. ilarity level.
A final rinse with 3 mL of 17% EDTA, ultrasonically
activated, was performed as described above. Irrigation Detection of F. nucleatum using nested PCR
with 5 mL of sterile saline solution was used for EDTA
removal. The root canal was dried with sterile paper Microbial identification was performed by using nested PCR,
points and filled with a single Reciproc gutta-percha cone as described elsewhere [15, 18].
and Endométhasone N sealer (Septodont, Saint-Maur-des- DNA extraction was performed from samples obtained di-
Fossés, France). Restoration of the access cavities was rectly with Tris-EDTA buffer solution and by using the
performed with a 2-mm layer of temporary cement QIAamp DNA kit (Qiagen, Valencia, CA, USA) according
(Cimpat, Septodont), followed by a light-cured composite to the manufacturer’s instructions.
resin (Filtek Z350; 3M ESPE) combined with Single-bond After extraction, the DNA concentration of the samples
Universal adhesive (3M ESPE). collected from the root canals was measured by using a
Clin Oral Invest

spectrophotometer (Nanodrop 2000; Thermo Scientific, nucleatum are shown in Table 1. The reference bacterial strain
Wilmington, DE, USA) operating at a 260-nm wavelength. of Fusobacterium nucleatum (ATCC 25586) used in this
The first amplification used universal primers for regions cov- study was acquired from the American Type Culture
ering the genes 16S and 23S rRNA (Table 1). Collection (ATCC, Baltimore, MD, USA).
PCR reactions were run in a total amount of 50 μL for each
sample containing 5 μL of buffer for PCR reaction (10x
PCR primer specificity
Reaction Buffer, Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 2 μL of
a mixture of phosphate deoxyribonucleotides (2 mM)
The species-specific primer in the 16S rDNA coding region
(dNTPs, Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 4 μL of magne-
was selected based on the previous investigation of endodon-
sium chloride solution (25 mM) (MgCl2, Invitrogen, São
tic bacteria by cloning and sequencing the bacterial 16S gene
Paulo, Brazil), 1 μL of a 20 mM forward and reverse primer
[20]. and on sequences available in GenBank. The species
solutions (20 mM) (Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 34.8
specificity was further confirmed by sequencing at least one
μL of ultrapure water free of DNAase and RNAase, 0.12 μL
PCR product from a clinical sample for the specific primer in
of Taq polymerase enzyme (Invitrogen, Taq Platinum, São
an ABI Prism 310 automated sequencer (AME Bioscience
Paulo, SP, Brazil), and 2 μL of DNA extracted from the sam-
Ltd, London UK) as described by Rumpf et al. [21].
ple collected from the root canal at a CO-concentration of 40
ng/mL. The reaction consisted of initial denaturation (95 °C
for 2 min), 22 cycles of denaturation (94 °C for 1 min), an- Statistical analysis
nealing (42 °C for 2min), and extension (72 °C for 3 min),
followed by a final extension (72 °C for 10 min). The data collected for each case (clinical features) were typed
The products of the PCR reaction were analyzed by using into a spreadsheet and statistically analyzed by using the SPSS
1% agarose gel electrophoresis (Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, software for Windows (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). Pearson’s
Brazil) stained with ethidium bromide, EDTA (pH 8.0), and chi-squared test or one-sided Fisher’s exact test, when appro-
TBE buffer (5 μg/mL) (Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil). A priate, was chosen to test the null hypothesis that there was no
molecular weight standard of 1Kb (DNA ladder, Invitrogen, relationship between specific clinical features and presence of
São Paulo, SP, Brazil) was added to each gel. After each run F. nucleatum in primary and secondary/persistent endodontic
(60 volts for 40 min), the bands were observed with an ultra- infections.
violet light transilluminator. Positive or negative identification
was based on the presence/absence of clear bands of approx-
imately 1500 bp.
After checking the success of the universal reaction (first
reaction), an aliquot of 1 μL of its product was used to perform
Clinical features
the second PCR reaction, but now using a species-specific
primer (F) combined with L189R primer (Table 1). The reac-
The sample population consisted mostly of females and
tions were processed in a total amount of 25 μL for each
single-rooted upper teeth (Table 2), and the patients’ age
sample with 2.5 μL of buffer for PCR reaction (Invitrogen,
ranged from 14 to 72 years old. In the retreatment cases, the
São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 2.5 μL of a mixture of phosphate
average time spent from the initial endodontic treatment to the
deoxyribonucleotides (2mM) (Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP,
Brazil), 1.5 μL of sodium magnesium solution (25 mM)
(Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 0.62 μL of 100 μM of Table 2 The total number of cases (%) of primary and secondary
forward and reverse primer solutions each (20 mM) infections according to the general clinical features
(Invitrogen, São Paulo, SP, Brazil), 16.14 μL of ultrapure
General clinical features Primary infection Secondary infection
DNAase and RNAase water, 0.12 μL of Taq polymerase en-
zyme (Invitrogen, Taq Platinum, São Paulo, Brazil), and 1 μL Female 29 (58%) 35 (70%)
aliquot of the first reaction. The reaction consisted of initial Male 21 (42%) 15 (30%)
denaturation (95° C for 2 min), 22 cycles of denaturation (94 Age < 30 years old 27 (54%) 12 (24%)
°C for 1 min), annealing (42 °C for 2min) and extension (72 Age ≥ 30 years old 23 (46%) 38 (76%)
°C for 3 min), followed by final extension (72 °C for 10 min), Upper teeth 30 (60%) 27 (54%)
track fading (94 °C for 1 min), annealing (52 °C for 2 min), Lower teeth 20 (40%) 23 (46%)
and extension (72 °C for 3 min). The reading was performed Single rooted 40 (80%) 40 (80%)
following the same pattern as the previous one. Bi-rooted 8 (15%) 10 (20%)
Binding region specificity, synthesis direction, and se- Three-rooted 2 (4%) -
quence of the primers used for detection of Fusobacterium
Clin Oral Invest

beginning of the retreatment was 7.82 years (varying from 2 to Besides, nested PCR simplifies the identification of bacterial
30 years). DNA present at very low levels, while anaerobic culture only
detects viable bacteria, without targeting specific species [22].
Microbiological findings Fusobacterium spp., as other critical anaerobes, are diffi-
cult to grow in in vitro conditions. F. nucleatum is a fastidious
The disinfection protocol was proved to be effective as there anaerobe whose energy comes from the fermentation of sugar
was no microbial growth on the control plates after 14 days or amino acids [23]. These bacteria also have an optimum
and no DNA band was found in the agarose gels. Microbial growth pH of around 7.4 [24]. The difficulty in growing
DNA was recovered from all infected root canals (n = 100) by F. nucleatum in in vitro conditions, besides the fact that nested
using nested PCR. PCR can detect bacteria in the presence of a limited number of
A higher prevalence of F. nucleatum was detected by using cells (10 cells) [25], might explain why this bacteria was re-
nested PCR (82/100) than by culture (11/100). F. nucleatum currently recovered from samples by using PCR rather than by
was found in more cases of primary endodontic infections (42/ culture. The sensitivity of the culture is approximately 104 to
50; 84%) than in secondary/persistent ones (40/50; 80%). 105 cells with non-selective media and 103 with selective one
F. nucleatum was isolated by culture in ten of the 50 (20%) [26].
root canals with primary infections and in one of the 50 (2%) Viable F. nucleatum was recovered from 10/50 root canals
root canals with secondary/persistent infections. with primary infection and from 1/50 root canals with second-
Significant associations of F. nucleatum with wet root ca- ary infection, which is in accordance with the literature [10].
nals (using PCR) and hemorrhagic exudate (using culture) In the present study, samples were collected with paper points,
were found in primary infections (Table 3). which were moistened in cases of dry canals to enhance the
No significant associations were found between recovery of bacteria and bacterial DNA. This is a standard
F. nucleatum and the clinical features investigated in second- protocol that has been successfully applied in several reports
ary infections. [6, 10, 15, 16, 18]. Despite the limitations, as only materials
When a total of 100 samples were considered for statistical from the main canal are collected, this technique enables sam-
analysis, independently of the infection type using culture pling teeth present in the oral cavity. Cryopulverization is the
technique, significant associations were found between only method that ensures that the entire root is processed,
F. nucleatum and spontaneous pain, tenderness to percussion, including areas other than the main root canal such as dentinal
pain on palpation, swelling, tooth mobility, wet root canals, tubules, recesses, isthmi, lateral canals, and apical ramifica-
hemorrhagic exudate, and poor endodontic filling (all P < tions [27]. However, this technique can only be used for tooth
0.05). specimens obtained by extraction or periradicular surgery.
Similarly, when a total of 100 samples were considered for With regard to the culture technique, our results showed
statistical analysis, independently of the infection type using that the prevalence of F. nucleatum in primary infections was
nested PCR, significant associations were found between the 20% (10/50), which is in accordance with the findings by
presence of F. nucleatum and wet root canals, decay, and poor Gomes et al. [10], who found this species in 17% of the root
coronal restoration (all P < 0.05). canals (7/41); Sousa et al. [28], 20% (12/60) of the root canals
with periapical abscesses; and Moraes et al. [29], 15.4% (2/13)
of the root canals. However, our findings disagree with those
Discussion reported by Jacinto et al. [30], who found F. nucleatum in
34.55% (38/110) of the samples.
Fusobacterium nucleatum is an important oral pathogen in- The prevalence of F. nucleatum was 2% (1/50) in root
volved in endodontic infections. In this study, 100 samples of canals with secondary endodontic infections, whereas other
patients with primary and secondary endodontic infections studies in the literature have reported prevalence of 0% [10]
were analyzed by using both culture and nested PCR so that and 1.7% (1/60) [16] in root canals by using culture tech-
the frequency of F. nucleatum in endodontic infections could niques. However, a much higher number of positive results
be assessed. A higher prevalence of F. nucleatum was detect- for F. nucleatum was detected by nested PCR. Thus, the PCR
ed by using nested PCR than by using culture. F. nucleatum results could bring important perceptions regarding the role of
was found in more cases of primary endodontic infections F. nucleatum in secondary infections. Many species of bacte-
than in secondary/persistent ones. PCR techniques present ria may enter in a viable-but-non-culturable (VBNC) state
high sensitivity, precision, rapid analysis, reproducibility, when exposed to stressful conditions such as starvation [31],
quality control, and reduced contamination [22]. Another ad- thus being able to persist after endodontic therapy. The pres-
vantage is that a vast number of samples can be evaluated ence of VBNC bacteria in retreatment cases may lead to an
simultaneously, being a valuable method in the investigation underestimation of the role of these species in the failure of the
of strictly anaerobic microorganisms, such as F. nucleatum. endodontic treatment. Pathogenic bacteria can be nonvirulent
Clin Oral Invest

Table 3 Clinical features and the

presence of Fusobacterium Primary infection (n=50) Secondary infection (n=50)
nucleatum isolated by culture
technique or detected by nested Clinical feature Total Culture Nested Total Culture Nested
PCR in primary and secondary cases technique PCR cases technique PCR
endodontic infections (n=10) (n=42) (n=1) (n=40)

Symptomatic cases 50 10 42 22 1 17
Asymptomatic cases 0 0 0 28 0 23
Periapical radiolucency 33 9 26 50 1 40
No periapical 17 1 16 0 0 0
Spontaneous Pain 43 10 36 2 0 2
Previous pain 22 5 18 16 1 11
Tenderness to percussion 50 10 42 22 1 16
Pain on palpation 39 9 34 2 0 2
Mobility 11 4 11 1 0 1
Dry canals 20 2 14 48 1 38
Wet canals 30 8 28 * 2 0 2
Clear exudate 5 2 4 0 0 0
Hemorrhagic exudate 5 3* 5 0 0 0
Purulent exudate 20 4 19 2 0 2
Swelling 32 9 27 0 0 0
Sinus tract 7 0 6 5 0 4
Acute apical periodontitis 26 9 20 2 0 2
Acute apical abscess 17 1 16 0 0 0
Chronic apical abscess 7 0 6 5 0 4
phoenix abscess 0 0 0 2 0 2
Abscess (acute, chronic, 50 10 42 7 0 6
phoenix abscess)
Poor endodontic filling - - - 29 0 24
Good endodontic filling - - - 21 1 16
Good coronal restoration 1 1 1 12 0 10
Poor coronal restoration 21 4 20 38 1 30
Decay 28 5 21 0 0 0

The “total cases” means the total number of cases collected that presented the clinical feature. The numbers
presented in the “culture technique” and “Nested PCR” mean the total samples that presented Fusobacterium

in the VBNC-state, but regain virulence after being reactivated (2/21) of the root canals. Considering that cross-reactions of
under favorable conditions, such as the saliva coronal the primers used for detection of F. nucleatum with other
microleakage into the previously root-filled canals. bacteria could influence the results of the nested PCR, the
With regard to the nested PCR, we detected F. nucleatum specificity of the primers was confirmed by sequencing of
in 84% (42/50) of the root canals with primary endodontic PCR products. Besides, in the present investigation, several
infection, which disagrees with the findings by Moraes et al. negative controls were used in every PCR test, both in the first
[29], who detected the species in 15.4% (2/13) of the samples. and second rounds of amplification to monitor the occurrence
In secondary infections, we detected F. nucleatum in 80% of of false-positive results, which showed negative results.
the root canals, which agrees with the findings by Barbosa- Fusobacterium is also a strategic pathogen, as its presence
Ribeiro et al. [18], who found the species in 75% (15/20) of supports further colonization by other pathogens [3, 33], such
the samples from failed endodontically treated teeth. as P. gingivalis [34], C. albicans [35], T. forsythia [36], and
However, our findings disagree with those reported by others. Without its presence, many species would not survive
Siqueira and Rôças [32], who detected the species in 10% as F. nucleatum acts as a bridge organism [3]. This
Clin Oral Invest

characteristic is part of the pathogenesis caused by All these clinical features are one of the main reasons for
F. nucleatum and its adhesion to other microorganisms en- root canal infection or unsuccessful endodontic treatment,
hances their microbial activity [35]. Besides, F. nucleatum is allowing the invasion of microorganisms into the root
often detected in extra-oral infections in conjunction with oth- canal system [16].
er oral species, suggesting an oral source of these infections. In the present study, after the investigation of the presence
In fact, F. nucleatum possesses essential virulence mecha- of F. nucleatum in the initial samples, the chemo-mechanical
nisms for colonization, evasion of host defense, and spread preparation was performed using 2% CHX gel as the auxiliary
into deeper tissues [37]. Although many studies have related chemical substance. CHX was chosen due to its wide range of
F. nucleatum to extra-oral infections such as cardiovascular antimicrobial activity, substantivity (residual antimicrobial ac-
diseases; adverse pregnancy outcomes; rheumatoid arthritis; tivity), lower cytotoxicity than NaOCl while demonstrating
respiratory tract infections; brain abscesses; lung, liver, or efficient clinical performance, lubricating properties, rheolog-
splenic abscesses; and appendicitis, studies are still needed ical action (present in the gel presentation, keeping the debris
to elucidate the role of these bacteria in the systemic health in suspension), among other properties. CHX has been recom-
[38]. mended as an alternative to NaOCl, especially in cases of open
Primary endodontic infection is characterized by a higher apex, root resorption, foramen enlargement, and root perfora-
number of bacterial species compared to secondary infections tion, due to its biocompatibility, or in cases of allergy related
[11], which may favor the predominance of Fusobacterium. to bleaching solutions [49]. However, it does not have the
On the other hand, secondary infections are known to have a ability to dissolve tissues, as does sodium hypochlorite, which
restricted number of microorganisms that can survive in a remains the most widely used endodontic irrigant, mainly for
harsh environment and have a minimum bacterial growth such ability and for its potent antimicrobial activity [50]. A
due to poor nutrients [11]. This may explain why systematic revision [51] has shown that the chemo-
F. nucleatum was more prevalent in primary endodontic in- mechanical preparation with both NaOCl and CHX reduced
fection than in secondary endodontic infection [11, 16]. the endotoxin levels compared to the initial ones found in
The association of F. nucleatum with spontaneous primary endodontic infections. Several clinical trials have
pain, tenderness to percussion, pain on palpation, swell- been reported using chlorhexidine for root canal preparation
ing, tooth mobility, wet root canals, and hemorrhagic ex- [18, 19]. Further randomized clinical trials are needed to in-
udate suggests an inflammatory response in the periapical vestigate the influence of 2% CHX gel on the success of
tissues induced by the bacterial infection inside the root endodontic treatment compared to NaOCl, especially in infec-
canals. F. nucleatum can activate inflammation by stimu- tions with predominance of Gram-negative bacteria such as
lating the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines [39, F. nucleatum.
40]. Various proteins are related to F. nucleatum viru- The association of culture with PCR methods allowed
lence, such as the immunosuppressives FipA [41] and the detection of a wider range of F. nucleatum bacteria
Fap2 [42]; FomA [43], RadD [44], Aid1 [45], and in primary and secondary endodontic infections, as well
CmpA [46], all responsible for interbacterial co- as their relationship with several clinical features, which
aggregation; and FadA, responsible for cell attachment reinforces the role played by this important pathogen in
and intracellular invasion [47]. However, adhesins are such infections.
not the only virulence factors of F. nucleatum.
Lipopolysaccharides are also known to induce the produc-
tion of IL-1 and bone resorption [11], and they are the
current focus of research in the identification of methods
for controlling Gram-negative bacteria in endodontic in-
F. nucleatum was found in more cases of primary endodontic
fections. F. nucleatum LPS was found to be relatively
infections than in cases of secondary/persistent ones. A higher
more stimulatory of IL-1β and TNF-α secretion com-
prevalence of F. nucleatum was detected by using nested PCR
pared to P. gingivalis LPS. Differences may be explained
than by culture. The presence of F. nucleatum in the root
by the variation in the composition of the LPS molecular
canals was associated with several clinical features.
structure among the bacterial species, which can possibly
facilitate the recognition of the LPS receptor-dependent
mechanism. This variation includes differences in the Funding This work was supported by the Brazilian agencies São Paulo
number of phosphate groups as well as in the amount Research Foundation (FAPESP, grant number 2015/23479-5), National
and position of lipid A fatty acids [48]. Scientific and Technological Development Council (CNPq, grant num-
bers 308162/2014-5 and 303852/2019-4), and Coordination for
F nucleatum has also been associated with tooth decay,
Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES - Finance Code
inadequate restoration, and poor endodontic filling, with 001, process numbers 88887.369163/2019-00 and 88887.342794/2019-
the latter being observed in endodontically treated teeth. 00).
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Ethical approval All the procedures performed in the present study were
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in accordance with ethical standards established by the local human re-
search ethics committee and with the 1964 Helsinki declaration and its
later amendments or comparable ethical standards. 16. Pinheiro ET, Gomes BP, Ferraz CC, Sousa EL, Teixeira FB, Souza-
Filho FJ (2003) Microorganisms from canals of root-filled teeth
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