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> R. Nakata a Sacer dog AU lo aed C. Graham Ritsuko Nakata Karen Frazier Barbara Hoskins with grammar chants by Carolyn Graham OXFORD * UNIVERSITY PRESS a Table of Contents Unit | School Days page 2 Unit 2 Weekend Fun page 10 Units 1-2 Listen and Review page 18 Let's Read About the Secret Message page !9 Unit 3 Going Shopping page 20 Unit 4 Around Town page 28 Units 3-4 Listen and Review page 36 Let's Read About the Text Message page 37 Unit 5 Explore the World page 38 Unit 6 Doing Things page 46 Units 5-6 Listen and Review page 54 Let's Read About the Hidden Gold page 55 Unit 7 About Me page 56 Unit 8 In the Future page 64 Units 7-8 Listen and Review page 72 Let's Read About the Surprise Party page 73 Syllabus. page 74 Teacher and Student Card List page 76 Word List page 77 Let's Start Let’s Learn © @D Let's Build Units Review Lets Read About Read About Kate: Whose mittens are those? Jenny: They're Anna’s mittens. Kate: Which girl is Anna? Jenny: She's the girl who is watering the plants. Kate: Whose scarf is that? Jenny: It's Anna’s scarf. Kate: What about that hat? Jenny: That's hers, too. Kate: Is that her glove, too? Jenny: No, it isn’t. I think it's Jim's glove. Kate: Which boy is Jim? Jenny: He's the boy who is looking for his other glove. Whose hat is that? Tfs mine. T's her hat. = It's hers. Is Anna's hat. t's yours. They're our hats. = They're ours. I's hers. They're their hats. = They're theirs. 2 Unit | / School Days C. Practice the words and sentences. © 4. talking to the teacher watering S » _5. reading a textbook the plants 7. doing some homework Anna isthe gir who is watering the plants | Which girl is Anna? "She's the git wha is watering the plants. Unit | / School Days 3 B What was he doing when the bell rang? Let’s Learn He was talking on his cell phone. ro) Be A. Practice the words. |. talking on his cell phone 3. taking a nap 2. listening to music 6. writing a message B. Practice the sentences. i) | He was talking on his cell phone when the bell ran | When the bell rang, he was talking on his cell phone. 4 Unit | / School Days C. Practice the question and answer. io) He was talking on his cell pho What was he doing when the bell rang 3 Ae D. Ask and answer. Ask questions about the pictures above. @) = Was he talking on his cell phone when the bell rang? Yes, he was. Unit | / School Days 5 (i) Let’s Read A. Read the new words. ice pops invent invented _ outside mix —+ mixed stick frozen B. Read. Do you like ? Today kids all around the world enjoy ice pops. Did you know that an eleven-year-old boy them in 1905? One cold winter night, Frank was making soda water He added soda powder to water and it with a stick. He was mixing his drink when his mother called. “Come inside, Frank,” she said. “Its time for bed.” 4 Frank forgot to take his drink with him. In the morning, the soda water was He pulled the stick out of the cup and looked at the first ice pop. Yay 6 Unit | / School Days C. Choose another title. a. How to Make an Ice Pop b. The History of Ice Pops c. Frank's Frozen Soda Water ie * th ttt D. Answer the questions. . Who invented the ice pop? . How did Frank make soda water? . Why did Frank leave the water outside? }. What happened to the water? . Did Frank want to make an ice pop? OFON- E. Understand the vocabulary. An eleven-year-old boy invented them in 1906. What does the word invent mean? a. make something b. make something for the first time c. make something many times F. Understand the grammar. He was mixing his drink when his mother called. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. First Frank was mixing his drink. Then his mother called. b. First Frank’s mother called. Then he mixed his drink. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the reading. Ask your partner. H. What about you? Do you like ice pops? What's your favorite flavor? Unit | / School Days 7 — @ bers Buita A. Practice the grammar chant. Whose boots are these? Whose socks are those? Whose boots are these? Whose socks are those? ] Whose boots are these? Whose socks are those? ; They're mine. They're my boots. They're hers. They're her socks. 4 Whose hat is that? Whose hat is that? _—This coat is his. That coat is hers. ) Whose hat is that? These gloves are mine. They're mine! It's his. It's his hat. Whose jeans are they’ . I's hers. They're Jeff's jeans. They're his. 8 Unit | / School Days con watch TV C. Make sentences. (i) listen to music wash his / her face read a book wos when the doorbell rang. do homework | eat spaghetti D. Ask and answer. Ask questions about the picture above. Which is Bill? He's the who is Unit | / School Days 9 B. Let’s practice. 10 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun You went to the circus last weekend, didn't you? -—_Yes, I did. ' No, I did You went to the circus last weekend, didn’t you? Yes, I did. It was wonderful! Did you see the clowns? Yes, I did. I saw the acrobats and jugglers, too. They were amazing. What did the jugglers*do? They juggled balls, fruit, and chairs. Some of the jugglers were clowns, too. Were the clowns funny? Yes, they were. It was a great show. What about the acrobats? I went backstage before the show and saw them practice. I was amazed. Why? Because they're so strong. I stood on an acrobat's shoulders. It was exciting! The acrobats were amazing. 2. Backstage was interesting. She was amazed. He was interested. 3. The clowns were frightening. 4. The juggler was disappointing. He was frightened. She was disappointed. D. Practice the sentences. She was amazed. The juggler was amazin, |. acrobat / disappointing 2. tiger / frightening oe FEE NE, et P qi Unit 2 / Weekend Fun 11 3B What did he say? Let’s Learn He said the ice cream was delicious. The man is strong. The dancers are graceful. The clowns are silly. The T-shirt is expensive. The ice cream is delicious. i B. Make sentences. '<25 7 | say — said The acrobat is beautiful. He said the acrobat was beautiful. f | 1 | is—>wos | | are —* were | The acrobat is beautiful 12 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun C. Practice the question and answer. GS) What did he say? appv. ‘re hi G y ai D. Ask and answer. Ask questions about the picture above. Did he say ? Did they say It's delicious. , ~~ r Gi He said it was He |said| he | was She | she They | said | they | were Yes, he did. 2 Yes, they did. No, he didn’t. No, they didn't. Unit 2 / Weekend Fun 13 EB Let’s Read A. Read the new words. | know how to somersault ‘trampoline ‘amableto trapeze handstand —_ acrobatics B. Read. Maya’s Homepage Tm having a lot of fun at circus camp. At first, everything was hard. I dropped the balls in juggling class, I wasn't strong. I didn't doa Now, Im stronger. Tean do somersaults on the 11 swing on the . Lam able to doa , but I can't stay up. Tean juggle three balls easily. I'm one of the best students in the class. We're going to’ have a circus show at the end of camp. It will be next Saturday. I hope you will be able to come! 14 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun © ©. Choose the best title. a. At the Circus Circus Camp c. Trapeze, Trampoline, and Juggling D. Answer the questions. Where is Maya now? At first, was everything easy or hard? Is Maya able to do a handstand? Is she stronger now? How many balls can she juggle? When is the circus show going to be? OO LW) . Understand the vocabulary. 1am able to do a handstand, but I can't stay up. What does am able to mean? a. can b. did not want c. did not like F. Understand the grammar. I can juggle three balls easily. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. Iam able to juggle three balls. b. Lam not able to juggle three balls. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the reading. Ask your partner. H. What about you? Have you ever been to a circus? Would you like to go to a circus camp? Unit 2 / Weekend Fun 15 @ Let’s Build ____ A. Practice the grammar chant. The circus was amazing. I was amazed. The acrobats were frightening, But they weren't frightened. Grandma thought it was boring. She was really bored, But the kids said it was exciting. They were very excited! |. excited / horseback ride 16 Unit 2 / Weekend Fun | ¢ Play a game. What did they say? She said she was happy. He said the cookies were delicious The cookies were delicious. They went to the circus yesterday. They woke up at 6:30 am. The tennis game They went to\\"98 exciting the museum. Who's next? It's your tum. —_It's Kate's tun. Too bad. Try again. Maybe next time Unit 2 / Weekend Fun 17 Units 1-2 Listen and Review A. Listen and circle. o 9 eo °o ° eo B. Listen and check. What did they say? ® I. Iwas amazed. 2 It was disappointing It was amazing. I was disappointed. C. Listen and circle. It's excitin 18 Units |~2 Listen and Review *Oh," said JJ. "I see my name there—KK instead of JJ. I'll get the snacks and sodas!" pog Ba oy ee en oon) “Hi, Everett." “Hi, JJ." “What are you doing?" asked JJ. “Tim trying to read this message,” said Everett. “I think my father wrote it. “Why is the note in code?" asked JJ. “Isn't English easier?" “My parents use codes to write secret messages,” said Everett. “You like codes," said JJ. “Can you read this one?" : “Sure. This is a substitution code," said Everett. “Look at each letter. Write the letter before it in the alphabet. So jis Hi." “Oh, I see," said JJ. "So, fwfsfuu is Everett. It says Hi, Everett. “That's right. Let's see what it says.” Let’s Start A. Let's talk. Kate: Hi, Andy. What are you doing her Andy: I'm buying a birthday present for! mother. What should I get for her Kate: What did you buy her last year? Andy: I bought her a necklace. Should I get her another necklace this yea b Kate: I don't think so. You should get h something different. ~ Andy: Do you have any ideas? Kate: Hmmm, there are so many choic You could get her a teapot. You could get her a cookbook. Does she like to cook? Andy: Yes, but she already has a lot of cookbooks. Kate: Does she like scarves? You cou get her a scarf. Andy: These scarves are beautiful. Thi ‘one is her favorite color. Kate: Good! And they’re on sale! I thir you should get her that scarf. Andy: I think you're right. She'll love it! | get = buy | got = bougt 20 Unit 3 / Going Shopping 2. a necklace 3. a bracelet 4. a box of chocolates & askateboard | 2 Ibought a scarf for her last year. ‘I bought her a scarf last year. D. Ask and answer. 2 What could she get her grandmother? — She could get her a necklace or a scarf. Unit 3 / Going Shopping 21 ee What did he do? k tle bought her a pvo. A. Practice the words. |. buy her a DVD 3. give him a package 2. send her a postcard B. Practice the sentences. ) He bought hera Dvo. fam | EY "Bought send sent 2-1 He bought a DVD for her. GING: OMS /::: SOME: > showed Be Seiad print — printed sell —> sold 22. Unit 3 / Going Shopping } ch ~ © Practice the question and answer. ie) | buy a DVD print a picture She bought him a DVI give a package sell a bracelet show a picture send a package Unit 3 / Going Shopping 23 ( ) Let’s Read A. Read the new words. From: ito ‘ Subject Hil Hi Mark! Here's our plan for Mom's birthday tomorrow. Annie and I will tum off her alarm clock. She will be able to sleep late. Then we'll make her breakfast, Next, we'll take her shopping. In the afternoon, we'll take her to a movie. Finally, we'll bring her to the restaurant. I'll call you when we leave the movie. When Mom walks into the restaurant, you should stand up and yell, “Surprise!” She doesn’t know you're coming home from college. See you tomorrow! sagt Beth ane 24 Unit 3 / Going Shopping © Choose the best title. a. Mark's Plans ». Mom's Birthday ©. Beth Goes to the Movies D. Answer the questions. When is their mother's birthday? Who is coming fo the restaurant? Who is Mark? = Does Mark live at home? 5. Are Beth and Mark going to cook Ginner for their mother? & Understand the vocabulary. When Mom walks into the restaurant, you should stand up and yell, “Surprise!” what does yell mean? a. talk quietly b. talk loudly c. talk quickly — Understand the grammar. Til call you when we leave the movie. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. I'm going to call you before we go to the movie. b. I'm going to call you after we leave the movie. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the readings. Ask your partner. H. What about you? Have you ever planned a surprise birthday party for someone? Who was it for? What did you do? Unit 3 / Going Shopping 25 @ Let’s Build A. Practice the grammar chant. I need a present for my mother. What should I get her? How about a necklace? She doesn't like jewelry. You could buy a nice T-shirt. She doesn't wear T-shirts. ~ You could give her a tennis racket. She hates tennis. You could make her a birthday cake. T can't cook. _ You should take her out to dinner! Great idea! She'll love it! B. Make sentences. Ask and answer. He could get her a music player or a camera. What should he get her? He should get her a camera. |. music player / camera 2. watch / fishing Boke 3. book / T-shirt 5. baseball / DVD 6. watch / wallet 26 Unit3 / Going Shopping ™ © Practice the questions and answers. What should she do? She should give her teacher a picture. What shouldn't she do? She shouldn't give her teacher an apple. § D. Ask and answer. Ask questions about the pictures above. Unit 3 / Going Shopping 27 Jenny: Where's the bookstore? I you see it? Kate: No, I don’t. Should we as someone? Jenny: That’s a good idea. Kate: Let's ask that police offic : Excuse me, officer. Yes? We're looking for the bookstore. Is it near her Officer: Yes, it is. It's over there the corner. Jenny: On the corner? Where? Officer: It's next to the bakery. Jenny: Oh, now I see it. Thank Clerk: Hello, girls. Can I help y« Kate: No, thank you. We're jus looking. Jenny: Can we bring our drinks inside? Clerk: Yes, you can. Kate: Thank you.” Yes, you can 28 Unit 4 / Around Town C Practice the words. on the corner 2. across the street 3. over there me oo” i 5. around the corner 6. next to D. Practice the questions and answers. Where's the bank? Where's the clinic? T's over there. Tf's on the corner. I's next to the library. If's across the street from the school. T's between the library It's around the corner from the Unit'4 / Around Town 29 B How do I get to the park? Let’s Learn Go two blocks and turn right. aon nag, A. Say these. Gi) |. Go straight. 2. Go to the corner. 3. Turn left. 123i 4. Turn right. 5. Go two blocks. 6. Cross the street. Vit XG B. Practice the directions. 2. dvd —turn left, 2 blocks, left again 3. res — left, 2 blocks, corner 4. corner, right, straight [ 5. 2 blocks, left, 1 block 6. left, 1 block, left again 7. left, 1 block, right 8. 2 blocks, left, 2 blocks 30 Unit 4 / Around Town © Ask and answer. Give directions. KB) Go two blocks and turn rig HILL STREET BROWN STREET park 2. DVD store 7 A 5. bank 6. bookstore 7. pet store 8. bakery ee Bae Bp Unit4 / Around Town 31 (~ ) Let’sRead SS -: A. Read the new words. B. Read. ae sa Sl / __ TREASURE HUNT: ¢ Coat ee lc lc el \ { “We found it!” Kristen and Nick Johnson shouted. They pulled the treasure box from under the bush and opened it. Kristen and | Nick are playing a game with the help of a e machine for maps and directions called a | GPS device (Global ] Positioning System). The game is to find a geocache, the treasure’s hiding place, using a GPS device. There are more than 250,000 geocache locations around Se the world. Someone fills a box with toys or eG other treasure. They hide the box and put its GPS location on a list on the website. Treasure | hunters use the website and the GPS device to Vee look for the box. It may not always be easy to ~ find, but it is fun to try. | _—~ } — = — — — = “I like finding treasure,” said Kristen. “Llike seeing new places,” said Nick. 32 Unit 4 / Around Town ‘© Choose another title. Treasure Is Everywhere Hunting for Treasure at Home How to Play a Treasure Hunt Game pep D. Answer the questions. What did Nick and Kristen find? 2 Where did they find it? 4 How did they find it? 4 1s ft easy to find a treasure? yrr>ay a Do people use a GPS device to hunt for treasure? 4 + Ay We fe > > = Understand the vocabulary. 74 */. ec esrenrearee are 4 We found it” Kristen and - Nick Johnson shouted. A ecient eet ‘ What does shouted mean? » a. talked quietly ©. talked fast c. talked loudly — Understand the grammar. They pulled the box from under the bush and opened it. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. They found the box under the bush. They picked it up and opened it. b. They found the box next to the bush and opened it. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the reading. Ask your partner. H. What about you? Would you like to look for a geocache? Where would you hide a treasure? Unit 4 / Around Town 33 & aesite ait os A. Practice the grammar chant. ’m looking for Joe. Where did he go? I think he went to the auto show. How did he get there? | know. I saw him walk to the auto show. He walked two blocks and then turned right. He stopped for a minute at the traffic light. He crossed the street when the light turned green. @) Then he stopped on the corner to talk to Eileen. He said, “Eileen, come on, let’s go.” Then they went straight to the auto show. B. Ask and answer. What did Tom do first? He went straight. 34 Unit 4 / Around Town C. Practice the questions and answers. Where did he go? He went to the bookstore. | Who did she talk to? She talked to Alan. < | Where did they stop? They stopped on the comer. How many blocks did she walk? She walked two blocks. Did he go to the bookstore? Unit44 / Around Town 35 | Units 3-4 Listen and Review A. Listen and circle. 36 Units 3-4 Listen and Review aynere’s Olivia?" asked Everett “We were going to meet here at 5 p.m : “waybe she's lost." said JT “pid you her which theater?" “yes, I did,” said Everett eo meet us at the theater Mi chopping mall.” =r have a message,” said JJ. m Olivia,” said Everett. Tr's a text message. d Everett her phone. “I told her ext to the “Maybe it's fro “It is from her. Look." JJ showe JT laughed. " J |. “Sounds like Oli 7 ay ike Olivi F< Can't read that," said Coen fe “ure you can, Just try. eee I see," said Everett, * Tt's a code." ni 7 a text message? asked JJ. tt. "I prefer to talk on the “Hover you ever sl lo, T haven't," said phone.” “You can send a messa, That's a good idea," Let's Read About the Text Message 37 A. Let's talk. B. Let’s practice. Have you met Anh? 38 Unit 5 / Explore the World €& Let's Start Scott: Andy: Scott: And) Scott: Andy: Scott: Andy: Scott: Andy: Anh: Andy: Anh: Andy: Yes, I have. No, I haven't. Have you met Anh? She's the » who is staying with Sarah's fan No, I haven't. She's from Vietn: isn’t she? Yes, she is. She’s Vietnamese What is she like? She is really nice. Does she speak English? Yes, she does. She speaks Vietnamese and a little Englist Td like to meet her. O.K. Let's go. Hi, Anh, Are you enjoying you home stay? Yes, I am. Have you ever bee on a home stay? No, I haven't. You should come to Vietnam stay with my family. Thanks! That sounds like fun. oid youKnow> 4 When you go on at stay, you go to a dif country. You live wi family for a short tin ood Practice the words. Ask and answer. Australia Australian ‘c2 ‘She's from , isn't she? Yes, she is. She's 05 No, she isn't. She's 1 D. What about you? What country are you from? Unit 5 / Explore the World 39 B What language is spoken in Brazil? Portuguese is spoken in Br A. Practice the words. (86) ®&) 1. Brazil 2. Portuguese 3. black beans / ) ii ; _ Bom (Crp 4. France 5. French Bonjour! if 7. Italy People in Brazil speak Portuguese. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil speak —* is / are spoken People in Brazil eat black beans. eat —> is / are eaten Black beans are eaten in Brazil. 40 Unit 5 / Explore the World ‘| : co? © Practice the questions and answers. 09 What language is spoken in 2 What foods are eaten in ? is spoken in : are eaten in 2. Italian / spaghetti and ravioli __D. What about you? hat languages are spoken in your country? What foods are eaten in your country? Unit 5 / Explore the World 41 (= x) Let’s Read A. Read the new words. cacao bitter spicy the Spanish sugar Europe pastries + create —> created cheaper B. Read. Chocolate Do you like chocolate? You should thank the Mexicans. Ancient Mexican people made a chocolate drink from seeds. Their chocolate was bitier and . Many years later, cacao seeds were brought to Spain by Spanish people added to their chocolate. This sweet chocolate became the most popular drink in . Both ‘cacao and sugar were very expensive, so only rich people drank chocolate. Over the years, chocolate was used in cakes ond , and in the 1800s. the chocolate candy bar was Chocolate also became , So more people were able to eat and drink it. ~ceemnntcteiaincnsinmnieithinnamamiaamins 42 Unit 5 / Explore the World © Choose another title. a. Chocolate is Old Expensive Chocolate c. The History of Chocolate D- True or false? The Spanish made the first chocolate. The first chocolate was a candy bar. =. The Spanish liked sweet chocolate. = People in Europe didn’t like sweet chocolate. Chocolate became cheaper. w people are able to eat chocolate now. — Understand the vocabulary. the years chocolate was used in cakes and pastries, ond in the 1880's, the chocolate bar was created. at does created mean? cooked mixed c. made — Understand the grammar. Both cacao and sugar were very expensive, so only rich people drank chocolate. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. Only rich people drank chocolate, so it was expensive. ». Only rich people drank chocolate because it was expensive. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the reading. Ask your partner. H. What about you? Do you like chocolate? What's your favorite kind of chocolate? Unit 5 / Explore the World 43 @ Let’s Build A. Practice the grammar chant. Have you met Alice? Have you met Maria? She was born in Dallas. She was born in Korea. But now she goes to school in Brazil. But her mother was born in Rome. Does she speak Portuguese? Her father’s Korean. Yes, she does. Her mother’s Italian. English is not spoken in her school. And Korean is spoken at home. Cos) RYAN y+ | found — found broke — broken | lost — lost drew —> drawn bought —> bought rented — rented . Kelly found the money. 2. Mark broke the window. _ 3. Tina lost the cell phone. 4. Jodie drew the picture. 5. Jason bought the camera. 44 Unit 5 / Explore the World ‘c Make sentences. so set ate — eaten painted —* painted made —> made The alarm was set. 2. _ D. Ask and answer. Ask questions about the pictures above. What happened? Someone set the ale a! Unit 5 / Explore the World 45 :, Who's she? : She’s my aunt. : Where was this picture taken? : That was taken in Rome. She’s moving there! + Really? Right now? : No, she hasn't moved yet. She still lives in London. :, How long has she lived there? : She has lived there since last January. : She has lived in London for three months, and she’s moving again? : She moves a lot because she’s a pilot. : Wow! That's exciting! I want to be a pilot, too! pid You.Know> 5 for = amount of time a (for five years) * since = starting time (since last January) B. Let’s practice. Has she already moved? —_Yes, she has already moved. | No, she hasn't moved yet. 46 Unit 6 / Doing Things been at the hotel since yesterday evening had a cold for two days He is —> He has been He teaches —> He has taught He lives —> He has lived 5. taught French for three months How long has he been at the hotel? He has been at the hotel since yesterday evening ater D. What about you? +ow long have you studied English? 2. studied English since last year ‘© Practice the words. Ask and answer. &) He studies —> He has studied He has —> He has had since. 2006 Monday June 4:00 p.m. “lost summer _ yesterday early evening 6. been friends for a long time as i three years “tour dys 30 minutes 3. lived in New York since last summer five months along time afew days Unit 6 / Doing Things 47 “4 How long has he been doing homework? | D> Let’s Learn © __te hos been doing homework for two hours. © iI Ly A. Practice the words. |. practicing the piano 3. cleaning his room for 30 minutes for three hours 7 ~ 2. doing homework since two o'clock 4. talking on the phone 6. visiting Hong Kong since early evening since last week 5. playing soccer for two and a half hours She has been They've been 48 Unit 6 / Doing Things C. Practice the question and answer. 3) How long has he been 2 He has been How long have they been 2 They've been two hours 2. last Thursday 3. 3:00 Unit 6 / Doing Things 49 Let’s Read A. Read the new words. neighbor Seven Summits continents camp——»camped promise» promised { Colorado: homesick t Tve been on a home stay in Ri Ce) en Ce a eee 16, 024 feet 50 Unit 6 / Doing Things for three months. I'm not anymore! My English etter, and I'm making new friends. One of my new friends is Alex. He's my . Alex climbs mountains. He has climbed the Those are the highest mountains on the seven . He took me mountain climbing last weekend. We hiked up a mountain on Saturday night and |. Then we hiked down on Sunday. Alex said I was a good climber. I really like mountain | climbing! Alex has to take me with him next time, too. EE C. Choose the best title. a. Johnny Isn't Homesick Anymore ©. Johnny's Mountain Climbing Adventure c. The Seven Summits D. Answer the questions. How long has Johnny been on a home stay? Has he been homesick? Who is Alex? Which mountains has Alex climbed? Did Johnny and Alex climb the Seven Summits? — Understand the vocabulary. Alex has promised to take me with him next time, too. What does promised mean? a. Alex will take Johnny. b. Maybe Alex will take Johnny. c. Alex will not take Johnny. — Understand the grammar. has climbed the Seven Summits. Those are highest mountains on the seven continents. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. He has climbed seven mountains. b. He has climbed the seven highest mountains on the seven continents. G. Your turn. k of two questions about the reading. your partner. H. What about you? Have you ever been mountain climbing? Would you like to go? Unit 6 / Doing Things 51 | @ Let’s Build A. Practice the grammar chant. How long have you been waiting for Ken? Tve been waiting for Ken since ten. How long has he been talking to Sue? He's been talking to Sue since two. How long hos Anne been toking a bath? She’s been toking a bath for an hour and a half How long have you been studying with Ray? I started yesterday B. Make sentences. 3] She has been swimming for 30 minutes. He has lived in Bangkok since 2006. |. swimming 2. had a cold 3. wi 30 minutes two days 5: ee er ee) ing an e-mail 4. lived in Bangkok 5. riding her bicycle 6. studied Spanish 2006 an hour and a half last spring 52 Unit 6 / Doing Things C. Make sentences. y. He has already walked the dog. He hasn't walked the dog y 1. walked the dog 2. washed her hands 3. cleaned her room = done his homework 5. fed the dog 6. taken a bath “ me me inch. 7. eaten dinner 8. gone shopping Unit 6 / Doing Things 53 A. Listen and circle. B. Listen and check. I. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil. People in Brazil speak Portuguese. 3. People in France speak French. French is spoken in France. C. Listen and check. She has been practicing the piano for 45 minutes. He has been practicing the piano since yesterday. She has taught Spanish since last spring. He has taught Spanish for two years. 54 Units 5~6 Listen ond Review | ts) Units 5-6 Listen and Review Ravioli is eaten in Italy. People in Italy eat ravioli. Rice is eaten in Vietnam. People in Vietnam eat rice. She has lived in Paris for two years. She has been visiting Paris for two weeks. She has been talking since 3:00. She has been talking since 3:30. “What's this?" asked JJ. "It doesn't look like English." “It’s mirror writing," said Everett. “The writing is backward.” “What does it say?" asked JJ. “I don't know. I'll get a mirror." Everett returned with a mirror. "Look at this," said Everett. eft bnided bloe adt bauot | jt adt to note 2 loot ylie 0 mo | dl bin iO e00\qe7 “Gold!” said JJ. "Do you think it's in your fireplace?" “I don't know," said Everett. “Let's go and look. Maybe the gold is still there.” They ran inside and moved the stone. JJ pulled out a bag, Inside, there were shiny, gold rocks. Everett laughed. “Look!” JJ said. “Gold.” “It's not gold," Everett said. “It's Fool's Gold. Remember the words, I am a silly foo!" “Isn't it gold?” asked JJ. “No, it isn't,” said Everett. “Someone hid these stones a long time ago. It was a game.” “Someone found the stones,” said JJ. “Then they put them back” “So we could find them," said Everett. “Now we're silly fools, too!" Kate: Look at this picture. Is that you? Scott: Yes, it is. I was two in that picture. Kate: Could you swim when you were two? Scott: Yes, I could. I learned how to swim before I was able to walk. Kate: When did you learn how fo swim? Scott: I learned how to swim when I was one year old. Kate: That's really young! Scott: My mother taught me. I've always loved the water. Scott: When did you learn how to swim? Kate: I've never learned how. I couldn't swim when I was one, and I can’t swim now. Scott: My mom can teach you. She's a good teacher. Kate: Thanks. I'd like that. B. Let’s practice. Could you swim when you were two? | Yes,I could. No, [could | | can — could am able to — was able to L 56 Unit 7 / About Me C. Practice the words. Ask and answer. 8 When did she learn how to walk? \4 She learned how to walk when she was one year ol 1. learn how to walk - 2. learn how to write his name learn how to read D. What about you? When did you learn how to ride a bicycle? Unit 7 / About Me 57 What are they like? They're usually outgoing, Let’s Learn SB but sometimes they're shy. iy ie A. Practice the words. 1. outgoing 2. shy | 3. generous 4. selfish B. Practice the sentences. Amy and Brad are outgoing. They're outgoing people. 58 Unit 7 / About Me C. Practice the question and answer. @) What are they like? They're usually , but sometimes they're Se SS RR outgoing / shy 2. generous / selfish D. What about you? What are you like? Tm usually , but sometimes I'm Unit 7 / About Me 59 (3 ) Let’s Read A. Read the new words. B. Read. Personality Quiz What do you like to do in your free time? | a. Go out with a lot of friends. b. Be outside and play sports. ¢. Stay home and read, or listen to music. f | | What do you like best about school? «. Seeing and talking to my friends. , Playing sports. ¢. Learning new things and listening to my classmates. 60 Unit 7 / About Me introduce team athletic perfect generally a=3points b=2points c=1point ‘Answers: 4-6 points = You're generally shy and like listening to other people. u 7-9 points = You're generally athletic and like doing things with other people. ¥ : ” 10-12 points = You're generally outgoing and like talking fo other people. C. Choose the best title. a. Who Are You? b. What Are You Like? c. Are You Outgoing or Shy? D. True or false? i) What's your idea of a perfect party? An outgoing person generally likes to talk to other people. A shy person generally likes to meet new people. An athletic person generally likes to play outdoors. A shy person wouldn't like a small party. A kind person likes to help people. An outgoing person wouldn't like a big party. . Understand the vocabulary. What does perfect mean? notgood bb. good ~—sc. the best F. Understand the grammar. You are generally athletic and like doing things with other people. Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. You like sports and people. b. You don't like sports, but you like people. G. Your turn. Take the quiz with a partner. Compare your answers. H. What about you? What's your idea of a perfect day? Unit 7 / About Me 61 @ Let’sBuild A. Practice the grammar chant. How old were you when you learned to run? T was one, I was one. T learned to run when I was one. Twas one when I learned to run. How old were you when you went to the zoo? T was two, I was two. I went to the zoo when I was two. T was two when I went to the zoo. How old were you when you learned to ski? I was three, I was three. T learned to ski when I was three. Twas three when T learned to ski. B. Ask your partner. When did you learn how to s\ Tlearned how to swim when I was five. Twas five when I learned how to swim. Aa clas 1. swim? 2. ride a bicycle? 3. write your name in English? 4. ice skate? 5. flya kite? 62 Unit 7 / About Me C. Make sentences. isn't able to | was able to jasn't able to 3. do a somersault / 7 years old &, "a a kite / 4 years old 5. play the piano / 6 years old . ice skate / 9 years old Could she ride a bicycle when she was five? Yes, she could. No, she couldn't. Unit 7 / About Me 63 Andy: I'd like to visit the Amazon jungle someday. Kate: Why? Andy: Because Id like to see a rainforest. Kate: What would you do there? : T'd look at the plants and animals. : What would you like to do in the future? 'd like to climb Mt. Everest. Why? What would you do at the top? : I'd stand there. I think it would be fun to stand on the highest mountain. Andy: I don't think so. Kate: If you ever go to the rainforest, send me a postcard. Andy: I will, and remember to send me a postcard from Mt. Everest. Kate: I promise. iy. T think it would be fun. I don't think it would be fun. 64 Unit 8 / In the Future ‘© Practice the words. Ask and answer. wisi the Amazon jungle 3. dive to the bottom of the ocean 2. climb Mt. Everest = see the pyramids of Egypt 5. ride an elephant 2 What would you like to do someday? Td like to visit the Amazon jungle. D. What about you? what would you like to do someday? Unit 8 / Inthe Future 65 B If you could go anywhere, & =p Let’s Learn where would you go? T'd go to Hawaii! A. Practice the words. 1. go to Antarctica 3. meet a TV star 2. go to Mars 7. go kayaking 8. go skydiving If I could go anywhere, I'd go to Antarctica. If could meet anyone, I'd meet a TV star. If I could buy anything, I'd buy a pony. If | could do anything, I'd go kayaking. 66 Unit 8 / In the Future C Practice the questions and answers. anyone = who Ifyou could 90 anywhere, where would you go? taitiehs Hora YZ ¥90 to Hawai pratt itt go to Hawaii 2. go surfing 3, meet a rock star aera = buy acar D. Practice the grammar chant. If you could do anything, Tf you could speak any Ff you could buy anything, what would you do? language, what would what would you bay? Td climb Mt Everest you speak? Td buy a little plane From Katmandu. Td speak French. English, and learn to fly. I would, if I could. Gi) Japanese, and Greek. I would, if I could. Iwould if I could, <2 I would, if I could. I would if I could, but I car but I can't SY I would if I could, but I can’t Unit 8 / Inthe Future 67 ) Let’s Read we’ 4 A. Read the new words. Alaska glaciers Galapagos Islands —_ giant tortoises Mayan Kenya — wild India Taj Mahal I'd go to the . Tive heard they EEL || have penguins and T'd go to Mexico and see Je there. Td like the pyramids. I've } to see those! seen the pyramids in : Egypt, but I'd like to see ‘the Mayan pyramids, too. | { Td go to Tlove | —— : P hot, spicy food, and T like | | Indian music. T'd also like to see the Td go to to see ‘animals and take pictures of them. I've seen animals in a z00, but Id like to see wild | animals in their homes. 68 Unit 8 / Inthe Future Choose the best title. Things I'd Like to See Places I'd Like to Go c. Food I'd Like to Eat D. Answer the questions. Where can you see giant tortoises? 2 What can you do in Alaska? Where can you visit the Taj Mahal? Which two countries have pyramids? In which two countries can you see wild animals? — Understand the vocabulary. here are a lot of glaciers in Alaska. What is a glacier made of? a. rocks b. water c. snow F Understand the grammar. 4h /e never seen one before, but I'd like to. * 4 Which sentence has about the same meaning? a. I've never seen Alaska before, but I'd like to. b. I've never seen a glacier before, but I'd like to. G. Your turn. Think of two questions about the reading. Ask your partner. H. What about you? If you could go anywhere, where would you go? Why? What would you do? Unit 8 / Inthe Future 69 @ Let’s Build A. Play a game. Roll a die. Move your marker. Follow the directions in the box at the top of page 71. 70 Unit 8 / In the Future Aska Crees Doe ul question Unit 8 / Inthe Future 71 Units 7-8 Listen and Review A. Listen and check. True or false? |. He would like to visit Mars. 2. She would like to go to Hawaii. True False True False 3. He would like to meet a rock star. 4. She would climb Mt. Everest. True False True False 5. She would like to go to Mexico and 6. He would like to meet a soccer star. visit the pyramids. True False True False B. Listen and number. |. Amy learned how to walk a. when he was four. 2. Brad learned how to do b. when the: re Ing. a handstand ” eecce eee . Nick wasn’t able to ride c. when she was one. a bicycle a . Jackie was able to do a somersault d. when she was six. i . Sam and Brian were e. when he was ten. outgoing 72 Units 7-8 Listen and Review a isis s wrong, Everett? You look puzzled. shouldn't look puzzled on your birthday," aid JJ. ‘am puzzled,” said Everett. "My mother ‘gave me this birthday card, and I can't ‘Figure it out.” “Let me see." JJ looked at the card. “Can't ‘you read the code?" “Oh, that part is easy," said Everett. “I don't enderstand the numbers." Hmmm," said J.7.°N could be North, W could be West.” : "So?" “T think these show latitude and longitude. “How do they help me find the place?" ask Everett. “ts simple." JJ opened a website on her computer. "We te the numbers and La in” said JJ. neighborhood,” said Everett. 3m in some more,” said JJ. park," said Everett. "Why does it id JJ. “Let's go and see!" “Happy Birthday, Everett,” sa “Wow!” said Everett, “Thi Let’s Read About the Surprise Party 73 Lets Go 6 Syllabus Let’s Start Whose hat is thar? I's Anno’s hot. I's hers. ‘Asking and answering ‘questions about possessions, 1s my hot, = I's min, 1s your hat= I's your, Talking about possessions Which gi is Anna? She's the git whois watering the pons, Identifying people by what theyre dong Let’s Learn He wos talking on 0 cell phone when the bell rang. When the bell rang, he was talking on cell phone, Taking about things happening ot the some time What was he doing when the bell rang? He wos taking a nap. ‘Asking and answering questions about things happening ot the same time \Wos he talking on a cell phone when the bell rang? Yes, he was, No, he wasn't, ‘Asking and answering questions cbout things happening ot the same time ‘Whose jacket isi? I's Wendy's jacket. If's hers. ‘Asking about possessions Bil wos reading @ book when the doorbell ang. Taking about things happening at the same time ‘Which boy is Bil? Ho's the boy who is reading « book Identilying people by what they're doing Unit: Weekend Fun. Let’s Start You went o the circus ast ‘weekend, did't you? Yos, Ici No, Eid Checking information “The clowns were tightening, He was frightened. Describing people and things Expressing emotions Let’s Learn ‘The acrobat is beautiful He said the acrobat wos beautiful Reporting what someone else said What aid he say? He said the acrobat wos beautiful ‘Asking and teling what someone else said Did she soy she was graceful? Yes, she did ‘No, she dian’ ‘Asking about what someone else sold Let's Read ‘Welcome to Maye's Homepage! Let’s Build He was excited by the circus, The circus was exciting Describing people and things Expressing emotions: ‘She soid she wos happy. Ho said the cookies ware dalicious. porting what someone else said Units 1-2 Listen and Review Let‘s Learn About the Secret Message Gans: Shopping Let’s Start ‘Should I get her o necklace this your? Tihink you should I don't think 60. ‘Asking for and giving odvice bought a scart for her last year. Thought her a scart last yeor. Talking about buying gins for others What could she get her ‘grondmother?| ‘She could get her a scorf ‘Asking about possibilities Let’s Learn He bought her a DVD. He bought « DVD for her Talking about gifts someone bought ‘What did she do? She bought him @ OVD. Asking and talking about what someone {id for someone else Did she buy him a DVD? Yes, she did No, she didi, Asking about what someone dis for someone else ‘An Email to Mark Let's Build He could get her a music player or camera. What should he get her? He shoulé get har a camera Giving suggestions ‘Asking for and giving advice Whar should she do? ‘She should ive her teacher @ picture. Whar shouldnt she do? ‘She shoulén give her teacher an apo. ‘Asking and teling wnat somaone should or shoulcnt do What did she do? ‘She gave her teacher o picture, ‘Asking and telling what Someone did 7™ Let's Go 6/Syllabus [Unit4 Around Town Let's Start on we bring our drinks inside? =, you can. No, you can't. ng for permission winere's the bonk? Bs over there xt 1 the library. betwean the library ond the poker Asking and ling where places located Let’s Read Let’s Learn Go straight. Cross the street. Treasure Hunt \Whot did Tom do frst? Tum right. He went straight. Giving directons, TTokking about the order of people's How do I ge to the park? seein Go two blocks and Run right ‘Whore did ne go? [Asking for ond giving drections He went to the bookstore. Did he go to the bookstore? Yes, he ci No, he didn’ ‘Asking and telling cbout where people went and what they did Units 3-4 Listen and Review World _ Let’s Learn About the Text Message Have you met Ahn? Yes, [have. No, Thavert Asking and answering if meting has hoppened She's from Australi, ant she? Yes, she ls. She's Austotion No, she isn. She's Tho. | Checking information People in Brazil eat black ‘beans. Biock beans are eaten in Br foods in diferent countries ‘What language is spoken in Vietnam? ‘Vietnamese is spoken in Vietnam. ‘What foods are eaten in Vietnam? Noodles and rice are eaten in Vietnam. counties Taking about languages and ‘Asking and answering about foods and languages in different Let's Read Let's Build Let’s Learn People in Brazil speak Chocolate The money was found by Mark. Portuguese. ‘The money was found. Portuguese is spoken in Brazil The clarm wos set Talking about things that happened ‘and were done by someone in the oz pas! What happened? ‘Someone set the alarm, ‘Asking and answering about what happened Has she olready moved? Yes, she has already moved. No, she hasn't moved yet Asking ond answering it something has happened or not How long has he been at the hater? He hos been at the hotel since yesterday evening Asking and answering how long something has been in Progress soccer since 3:00. ‘Asking and answering how long ‘somthing has been happening She hos been practicing the | Welcome to Johnny's He has been swimming for 30 piano for 30 minutes. Homepage minutes. ‘They've been visting Hong ‘She hos lived in Bongkok since kong since lost wook 2006. Talking about how long Talking about how long something something has been happening has been in progress How long has he been doing He hos already walked the dog homework? Ho hosnt walked the dog yet. He has bean doing homework Talking about if something hos for two hours. ‘happened or not How ong have they been Houhovatibed tbo dog yt? procibina sos? ‘Yes, he has. No, he hash’ ‘They have been practicing i ‘Asking and answering if somathing has hoppened or not Units 5-6 Listen and Review Let’s Learn About the Hidden Gold Let's Go 6 Syllabus 75 When did she learn how to walk? ‘She learned how fo walk When she wos one. ‘Asking and answering about when someone learned ‘What are they like? ‘They're usvaly outgoing, but Sometimes they te shy. ‘Asking and answering about people's Unit7 | AboutMe __ Let's Start Let’s Learn Let’s Read | Let’s Build Could you swim when you | Amy ond Brad ore Personality | When did you fear haw to swim? wore 1we? outgoing. Quiz Teamed how to swim when T wos fe Yes, I could. No, Leouldnt. | They'e outgoing people. Twas fve when Lleamed now to swim, ‘Asking about when someone | Deserbing people's Asking and answering when you Isard to do something could do something personatties She was able to ride a bicycle when she was five. ‘She wasnt able to ride a bieyele when she was fve. Saying when someone could or couldnt do something Could she ride a bicycle when she was five? Yes, she could, No, she couldn’ someday? Td like fo visit the Amazon jungle someting pereonattios ‘Asking and answering when someone could do something Unit8 Inthe Future Let's Start Let's Learn Let’s Read | Let’s Build think it woutd be fun IT could go anywhere, Id go to Antartica, You Could | Pray @ game. 1 don hi i would be fon, 1 Teould most anyone, f@ moet © TV str. Go Anywhere, | Making sitferent TToling someone your opinion | Ifeould buy anything, Td buy a pany. ‘Ware Would | questions ana = ; 2 Lcould do onytng, go Kayaking. You Go? Sentences ‘Vive Boise youatty Go ‘Talking abaut things you would like to do Reviewirtg different Ifyou could go onywhere, where would you go? {question and answer types ‘Asking and answering what you ‘would like fo do in the future Td go to Howai ‘Asking and answering about things you would lke to do Units 7-8 Listen and Review Let’s Learn About the Surprise Party Teacher and Student Card List Level six unit 2 Saws emptied. NS pntarapiize 70 Voto os eee ivan Trdg ne 38 Tastee Me thrown” 71 Tn 7 feaomniee (20 status i Dena te mot 30 compton et ey 8 manger eboae 24 Themonissron, Unit 4 73 Wtco % aecoreoseck yyy Sthigionmesner 25 Twdcasoe' 7 onhecomer 1 tncan Too ome nova Unit 8 feugetotieok | gece Xe coommwerot 75 pes {Or frtvoonnre,” 122 vst he Amazon S Mivctaticok 24 Feces aes. 4? error 46 ovens {ta argon re phow see. Bnei £0 bomen ir tokens 109 soo try nag Hot tricia 51 eeindiwcorar 79 Fence, It popracoccer "7 12 duet bem Sey remety 4g Wecsceme Saal J Fereh "as ertwangonat of econ a cau 8 waren 2 creme tome 12ers 10 staring to music. oder 81 Tholy 106 visiting Hong Kong 11 tiga Unit 3 han 2 halon 187 aestan 86 eee 4 tigen | Bae ung geo / (27 role rom 12 reading armagazne 39 neckooe 57 gotwe tacks nes Unit 7 128 goto Antoreion 5 en : 31 abraceiat ‘58 cross the street ‘Unit 6 1108 ‘earn how to wath. 129 goto Mars ee 82 aboxof chocolates 59. park. 84 been at the hotel 109 ‘earn how to write 130 meet a TV star unit 2 3 cucmnsoe 60 Bidsire ance yeeutoy mare 13) mectocpere or Unit 2 awe 3 Oma 6 rest omen Nolbomrowiorend 32 boyapern Tae 3 oD 2 cre 4 Siedenceh IT anhan ite 39 pene area, haem Gon 7 anceos yer coos ts! gotoyorg {6 Siewpronced, 3 ocmoter botstore & hdnniowere —|I2.eonhow own (35 gooey coon 3 goctoner & pene fF seston 119 eanhon ocostte re oe foe Se fosecue {it tenon aoe rade, ot ; 31 feta ena iene 41 buy her oDVO Unit 5 92 tough French 118 leen ho 0 si 120 Howos eghtoned. 42 sondheraposteard 67 Austrabo 93 forties mors 116 oungalng 21 The jugaler wos: 43 gvetimapackage 68 pos 4 been friends: 17 shy renga Showtime pee 6? Vator $5 trologime 118 gorrcus Ce, 76 Let's Go 6 Syllabus /Card List So anes San 10 Sarg 10 rezcn jungle 64 Sone = ror ond aha 52 soar ie cero Somer 20 Anersica 6 oy 20 srymare 50 anyone 66 orig 86 ryan 66 weer? oon sound 6 Sound the corner 29 osied 19 comet 60 uni Australia 30 ‘Astron 39 tuto show 3 B ack 55 backstage 10 backward 55 bod 17 bog 85 Dokery 26 boli 10 Bangkok 52 bank 29 seta 26 bam 52 List beoame 42 becouse | eo 6 000 38 before 10 bons best oer 50 betwoon 29 bioycle 57 ig 60 bihdoy 20 tirnday cord 73 biter 42 lock baons 40 blocks 35 board 3 2009 bookstore 28 bored 16 bering 16 born both 2 bot of the eos 65 bought 20 box boxof chocolates 21 boy? bracelet 21 Braz vo broatost 24 beng 24 broke 4 broken 4 rough 2 bars 41 bes staton 29 ban 3 bate baton 73 by 20, ying 20 ble Cc coco He coke 26 cokos 42 cal 24 calles 6 camer 26 camp 18 camped 50 con concy bor 42 cont core. cad 73 cal phone chairs 10 checper 2 choetlate 12 cheices 20 crews 10 cly73 cass 14 ‘ossmotes 40 ‘leone her room 53 clooning timb $1 tlmboa 50 timber 50 cmb 50 ine 29 coms 10 coat 8 code 19 od 19 cod 6 colege 24 cole 20 (Coiorado 50 comes come 0034 coming 24 computer 78, ‘cominant 50 continents 50 ‘ook 20 ‘oakb00k 20 ‘cooks 17 cule 20 couldn 56 counties 68 country 38 roar 2 ‘roatod 42 ‘crovssons 40 ‘1055 he crossed 34 oupe D ‘dance 11 ‘ad 19 Dols ‘dancers 12 ay 61 : ‘days? dolcious 2 ads sit 10 ‘sera 20 sinner 25 sinner 25 ‘directions St sdscpponie | ‘sspponing (1 sive 65 che ‘00a 7 ‘oss? 24 10g 26 ‘ong 3 ‘dons his homework 5 dont 28 ‘doorbell 9 sonk 42 oom it crews ink cine 28 ‘topped 4 vba DvD store 31 — exh 19 exiy 47 eosin 19 xsl 14 ex9y 15 oe fecten 40 ‘exten cinner 53 ephon 65 oven yecrold & ena Engl 19 ony 6 enprng 38 essy 9 Europe 42 ‘evening 47 pate ‘everthing ‘everywhere 32 ected 16 ‘ecing 10 ‘ecing 16 ‘excuse me 28 ‘epersive 12 F face9 factory 29 fami’ 38 fos 33 father 19 faters favotte 7 fedina dog 53, foodng 3 fen 43 fineen 49 figure out 73 fis finaly 24 find 73 finding 31 Frepace 55 fate fino ‘iting pole 26 five We fever 7 syae food 68 foods foo 55 foals 55 Foals Gold ss tor? forgot 6 fou3i fow 47 France 40 free 60 French 40 friends 47 there 11 fightering 11 from 24 from undee 3) frozen frat 10 fun funny 10 uur os G gordon 2 Galapagos Ions 8 game 31 gove2e (eneraly 60 generous 58 geocarne 31 oot 19 (gon! torcise 68 gn (is 28 ve 22 ocr 68 gooiers 68 saove 2 eves 8 9098 ‘go stoight 30 {99 tothe corner 930 ‘ola Socks 30 pos going 4 gold 55 ‘ote 50 GPS vevice (Giobot Peaitoning Systm) 3t ‘roost 12 gronstohor 21 ‘ronda 16. ‘grandmother 21 ‘goat 10 Greek 07 groon 34 H ad colt 82 ata Pandan happened 7 apy 19 are as? hates 26 ats2 hove 14 oven’? 37 ving 14 Hwan 67 helo 28 elo 28 here ero 20 here's 24 ers 2 he's? ne ion 85 ding pace 31 ighes 50 takes 60 his history 7 ome 24 homo stay 98 omepoge I homes 68 homesick 50| homework 3 Hong Kong 48 hope hot 68 hotel 7 ou? how 7 hunting 32 2 ioe cream 12 ice pop 6 leo pops 7 lee skate 57 1436 ee 26 loos 20 m9 rms ins Inia 8 Iclon 68 insde 8 Instos of 19 inerested 11 ineresig 11 invo 24 Intocuce 60 iovont 8 invented is2 iste. We TWoion 40 Toy 40 wee Te 50 J poke 8 Seuary 48 oponese 67 jeons 8 Jewely 26 yond Igoe 4 gga 10 jugglers 10 {waging 14 dune? ust 28 K exmandy 67 oyobong £6 Kenya 68 eos'5 en 49 o62 row 6 Korea 4 Koroon Wi i longuoge 41 lost 10 last sping 52 lato24 lot 37 lattude 73, laughed 37 ‘machine 3 mado 2 rmageze 4 rok 7 making & Word List 7 ° OxK.38 ona fin: 28 ong 3 ond fon tne commer 29 fone’ ony 82 ‘pened 31 ‘ther 2 ou? ours? ue etdo0r8 61 ‘outgoing 58 outside 6 ver 42 ‘over thee 28 P oye 28 package 22 famed 45 feronis 19 Pars 54 pork poty 17 pasties 2 penguins 68 people 40 ‘moun cimbing 50. perfor 60 person 61 pet sor 3 phone 37 ono #8 Picked up 3 pense 22 pits Floces 31 ‘on 24 plone 67 porned 25 plans 2 poy 61 ‘ovina St reckioce 20 please 37 neighbor 50 poice ofc 28, rerbornecd 73288 never 56 encom 37 new! populr 2 Now Yorks? Portuguese 40 neat 4 postoad 22 oxo 28 potatoes 4 en 28 proctice 10 none procteing 48 noe preter $7 recedes 1 present 20 oon 49 ross 73 ‘Nonh73 ort 22 rot 15 preted 22 ote 19 robot 37 row is frome 50 ranbers 78 romicod 80 pled 6 putes: 78 — Word List oumns7s ays nase Cont 6s ty 2 Qa since 46 solves ae Sonas Setcoara2t si R ‘skydiving 66 raced 73. een 24 rainforest 64 wae raf = ra cone? ‘ravioli 41 =e roo a re oem really 16 socks & refrigerator 19 wapeiek remember 55 cocerncter 6 rented 44 sade 19 restaurant 24 ozs ‘returned 85. ‘some & ice 41 ren nee ee riding her bicycle 52 somesiting 3 tea ene rock stor 67 oory 57 reer sans? ve amarnceo omen? rate gate — Sean fun 62 wie rae 5 ove a. eal sod 12. oe ae sores be 2 ae | aie coe 9 sett Sore serouse scarves 20 S ‘school 29 ean es Sere 5 = sais =, See 0 se Sept selfish 58 oy cn Stow s saa sion cS mit eee ‘studied 47 seven 50 ee ‘Seven Summits 50. e ‘she'll 20 ee sone Sings? eee, any =, aul shopping mal 37 sara oar i sor Soy 20 ‘shout 31 me ‘shouted 31 ema show 10, one Sovio —Srpwepaty78 Stored? tennis racket 25 tet 37. text message ST textbook 3 Te 38 Trolond 99 tonc2 tank you 28 sonks 88 thot 2 that's 2 thee theater 37 shel 2 ‘nis 2 them & thon 7 there 20 those 8 they 8 ney're2 things 69 ‘rink ‘ra 34 this tose 2 thought 16 twee 1 “Trureday 49 ike 37 tes ‘mes 7 toa 18 103 teaay 6 temorrow 24 ‘02 tok 50 top 64 toys 3! tea it 4 tran station 29 trarpaine | tropez srosh 24 trove 65, recsure 31 trensure box 3) treoasr runt 31 Nreesure hunters 3t treoaire's 31 wit trying 19 shi 12 un 17 ‘enioh 90 turn igh 30, turned 4 we TWehow 16 Tir 66 W030 wo days 52 ‘ype 73 U vat 58 é elo understand 73 up I se 19 teed 2 usualy 59 Ni ory 16 Vietnam 38 Vieramese 98 vist 6 ‘sting 48 Ww wat $7 ‘wating $7 vik ‘when 34 ‘naked ho 60g 53 vaiks 24 valet 26 ‘wont 7 ‘ras 4 ‘wash? ‘wasted her hands 63 ‘wasn't 5 woh? vate & ‘watering 2 ‘woo 28 ‘wetsto 31 eck ‘weekend 10 welcome 14 ‘we'la4 ‘wo 37 ‘wont 10 were 10 wore 28 werent 16 West 73 ‘wort 6 wou’ 6 wom 48 veto 19 ‘ting 3 ‘writng on eal € wong 73 vote 19 ¥. yer 20 years 42 yet as {esterday 17 vers you’ young 56 your 2 you're 20 yours? Zz 22062 zoom 73 Ebook forchildren: http:/ /ebookforchildré http:/ http:/ / mids Liol Bigger, Brighter, Better Than Ever! q a More vocabulary and language tohelp students communicate in English a More review to recycle and recombine language a New songs, chants, and activities a Afresh, new look with bright warmth and fun that everyone loves! ® Student Book ® Teacher's Book ® Student Book with @ Teacher Cards and CD-ROM Student Cards ® Audio CD Readers ® Workbook ® Tests and Quizzes ® Skills Book with ® Phonics Books Audio CD Check online at for additional materials and fun! reece ere ccs Pree nr rt een oer erecta OXFORD ees peer reast é | || || Saat cera ae : 9 Meaigats94 507

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