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ChalcedonReport M I N I S T R Y N E W S F R O M T H E C H A L C E D O N F O U N D A T I O N® AUGUST 2023

Conspiracy Thinking
An abridged and edited version of Episode 34 of the Chalcedon Podcast
featuring Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz.
Andrea: Are conspiracies real? of a nation—the general trends that have the susceptibility of the people to want
And what do you think about the been accepted as culturally sound—that the ends that are proposed. We live
current trend that when one group they go nowhere and are regarded as a near national forests, and if we tried to
opposes another, the harshest joke. There is no way that they can take conspire with a plan to get the National
insult is to say, “Oh, they are any form and gain any traction if they Forests clear cut, we would not succeed,
conspiracy theorists?” don’t already have a hook in the human because the people are, by and large,
heart. totally against that. Whatever they
Mark: Something that marks our times
Normally, we try to say, “Well, the might want, as far as forest management,
is that people do not really want to
reason that the conspiracy might be they don’t want a clear cut of an entire
discuss things in a civil manner. Many
effective is because these are powerful National Forest. So conspiracies can only
people are unable to discuss things and
men,” and because they’re doing all this work if they are in line with what people
to find out why others differ from them,
in secret—where we can’t see it—chances want, and this is what we have to address
so the term “conspiracy” is often used as
are, it’s going to be effective, because we when we’re talking about conspiracies.
a pejorative, much like the terms “racist”
can’t find out what they’re doing. The We can’t focus on who’s behind this
or “fascist” will be used. “I’ll just label
mystery of it is what seems to cloud our because you can dig in to that endlessly.
somebody, characterize what they’re
judgment, because we have ruled their You can research, you can document
saying, and I can leave it at that, because
act—they’re conspiring together—as who is a proponent of this or that, and
I’ve said all I need to say by saying it’s a
more powerful than God. Therefore, it doesn’t really do you any good in the
conspiracy theory.” And yet, the simple
what God has to say about conspiracies long run even if you can show that to
meaning of conspiracy is when two or
is set aside, and the fear of man becomes people. The question is why would this
more individuals act in unison for an evil
the thing. conspiracy appeal to people?
intent. Well, people are going to act in
The conspiracy would not get any We’re familiar with the idea of a
unison—they act in unison every day—
traction if it weren’t already for the fact con man, which is short for “confidence
and if you believe that men have evil in
that the human heart was prepared in man.” A con man gets somebody to do
their nature, because they’re sinners, you
advance to sit in these ways, to deviate something they wouldn’t normally do
have to concede that men act in unison
from God’s law, because when we don’t because he earns their confidence. Very
for evil purposes and dishonest causes,
have the anchor of God’s law, we can be often it’s larceny, such as, “We can split a
and they use deception to do that. So the
moved in various directions. big pot of money, if you do this.” “I don’t
idea of conspiracies is a given because
have a bank account, can we use your
men have to act in concert with others.
Andrea: Mark, your father wrote bank account?” The only reason this can
And so yes, conspiracies do exist.
about conspiracies before there work is because that person is larcenous,
Andrea: So Martin, Dr. Rushdoony, was an internet or social media, they want something for nothing, and
says that conspiracies work to so a conspiracy doesn’t require so the con appeals to them, no matter
influence people, because the our current technology to move how illogical it is. They want that gain
public in general is ripe for them. through a culture, does it? without work.
Please explain what he means.
Mark: No, it requires men to desire Andrea: So, as I referenced, there
Martin: His point is that if a conspiracy certain things, and conspiracies, as wasn’t an Internet back when your
is extremely alien to the spirit of the age Martin was describing, depend upon father wrote about such things,
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and he actually cites cases of do, and that thinking was the opposite be responsible. Therefore, my actions
conspiracies going back into the of what my father was trying to propose, aren’t going to make a difference in light
1800s. How did they spread? It’s not which was Christian Reconstruction. of how powerful the conspiracies are, so
like conspiracies are a technological We need to rebuild Christian faith it’s a ticket for irresponsibility.
advancement. and ideas, so that these conspiracies The other reason that people like to
cannot have their desired effect. My think in terms of conspiracy and against
Mark: No, they’re not. Conspiracies have
father saw that it often crippled thinking, Providence is what Dr. Rushdoony called
probably always existed because it’s just
because if you look at a lot of conspiracy the doctrine of selective depravity, where
how people operate. People need help
thinking, it’s geared around the fact that we can say that the evil in the system is
accomplishing their ends. We’re even
the problem is in them, and we just in the conspirators but not in our hearts.
told in the gospels that the arrest and
need to educate everybody about what Therefore, by dislocating the source of
execution of Christ was a conspiracy, and
they are doing, and the problem will be our problems from us to outside us—to
that it was orchestrated by the Jewish
solved. It doesn’t work like that, because them—we’ve identified this particular
religious leaders, and the Romans who
my father would say repeatedly, the group as the evil group, and therefore
were brought into it. So men have always
answer is not education. The answer is the evil is not in us. We’re the good
operated in terms of trying to accomplish
Christian faith and understanding things guys, but we’re put upon because we’re
their means, and we’re all limited in what
any individual could do. Therefore, we in terms of your faith, and so he became weak and ineffective, and that’s just the
try to use others, and the channels of increasingly impatient when people way it is. This can naturally lead to a
power, to do that. Conspiring together is brought up conspiracies because he knew theology of escape; and some have an
like the free market, you need others to the direction they were going. He knew eschatology of escape, but that’s not
succeed in anything for good or for ill. I this was a fruitless way, not because he the calling. It’s like Mark said, the task
wouldn’t call it evil ends or evil intents, didn’t believe in conspiracies but because is Christian Reconstruction, and that
but we’re trying to accomplish something they were not the root of the problem. entails responsible action. That entails
together called the Kingdom of God, and The root was, why do people believe this? using God’s law as a tool to undo things
we’re trying to work together towards Where is this conspiratorial idea headed because where God’s laws are being
that end, and we’re called to do so. that appeals to people? What is it about kept, that is sapping the strength of
these con men that is getting people to conspiracies, even at that point.
Martin: Mark used a very interesting do what they might not otherwise do,
term by saying “channels of power” have Andrea: Mark, my question is, why
and that was the heart of the problem.
been used to create these desired ends, have so many Christians decided
Mere conspiracy thinking tends not to go
and this is where the scriptural discussion to get in bed with non-Christian
in the direction it needs to go.
of conspiracy comes in handy. It’s in conservatives and expose the latest
Isaiah 8 specifically, where we actually Andrea: If you’re a student of bombshell, but they don’t have any
have almost a systematic discussion of Scripture, you know that Psalm 2 appetite for God’s law, which would
its impact and how to resist it. But one tells us that there are conspiratorial solve the problem if applied?
of the things that’s an issue here is the things taking place; the nations
Mark: Well, part of it is their theology.
question of God’s gentle ways, which against the Son, but the Father
If you’re dispensational, you don’t have
are called “the waters of Shiloah that is definitely not worried about it
the law, so the law is not necessary. In
go softly” (Isaiah 8:6), which represent because He laughs (Psalm 2:4). So
fact, we should be happy that we do not
God’s government versus these mighty it seems to me that conspiracies
have God’s law over us anymore, and so
waters of the Euphrates and other big can take root where the doctrine
our morality is vague, so they don’t really
rivers that represent power, as in terms of Providence has either been
have a hard and fast way to serve God.
of Assyria, Egypt and other large nations forgotten, or never really taught.
In addition, their eschatology tells them
and how they did things. The people What do you think, Martin?
that it all ends in defeat, and you get this
were all about these big powers, and that
Martin: There’s certainly a lot of truth attitude that was a common saying in
was what put fear into them in terms of
in that, because if your God is big, then dispensational churches, premillennial
conspiracy (v. 12).
conspiracies are small and laughable. churches in the 70s and 80s, “Isn’t it
Mark: I would add that as my father got But if your God is small, then the wonderful how bad things are? It means
older, he became increasingly impatient conspiracies loom large, and what’s the Jesus is coming back soon.” At the
when people brought up conspiracies, appeal of that? I think Mark touched time, I didn’t realize it wasn’t an isolated
because he thought that, as Martin said, on it, because what we have here is an comment, but it was actually a saying
people wanted to fall back on conspiracy. excuse to be irresponsible. If these big that was going around in the church, and
They wanted to believe it was someone forces are at work—these conspiracies it revealed a very flawed theology, and
else’s fault, and there is nothing we can operating behind the scenes—then I can’t theology matters.
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Theology can be translated as “God to hear it because having itching ears because they think nothing can
words,” or our words about God, and it’s they did not endure sound doctrine. The happen to them?
how we express what we believe about eschatology of the previous centuries
Mark: Well, I think that that’s part
God. When we believe wrong things before that point was a doctrine that
required some endurance because you of it, and you’re right, that ideas have
about God and what God’s doing, then
had to get all your “theological stuff” consequences. Or, as my father has
it leads us to false conclusions as you
together. You had to know all the written in a number of different places
believe God is this great cosmic loser.
aspects of theology in order to handle in his writings, Arminianism versus
Then you look at evil in the world, and
eschatology anywhere near competently, Calvinism has produced two different
say, “Of course, that’s a good thing,
maturely, or responsibly. In their case, the kinds of cultures, and its outworkings
because it means the resolution is
invitation was that you can understand in society. Ideas do have definite
coming.” So they have their optimistic
the signs of the times because they’re consequences, and if we don’t believe
outlook which is that it’ll all dissolve,
happening right in front of you. in the sovereignty of God; if we don’t
and Jesus will resolve everything in a
So it’s a big deal whether you’re believe that He is really in control of
positive way miraculously, or in eternity.
walking by sight or walking by faith, and time and eternity, then we think it’s up
This is a flawed theology, and what we
I think that’s what the postmillennial to man and then we are very susceptible
believe truly does matter. It matters in
notion of the victory the Kingdom of to unbiblical ideas. Our understanding
our perspective of what we’re doing
God is. It’s got this very, very long term of the evil plans of men is not much
today. Therefore, if we have bad theology,
view. Warfield even said—and he said different, because if we think they are in
whether we realize it or not, it’s going
this in the early 20th century—we’re charge, then it seems things are falling
to lead us to wrong behavior and an
living in the days of the primitive church, apart for the Kingdom of God.
improper attitude towards what’s going
the early church still, and the sands of This highlights another idea that is
on in the world around us.
time have not even started to get out of not emphasized to the church enough
Andrea: Well, Martin, let me ask you the hourglass yet. We’re just seeing the today which is the doctrine of the
this. Dr. Rushdoony points out in first part. Kingdom of God. It used to be common
one of the essays that we’re familiar So are we living in the early church, to have red letter editions of the Bible,
with the fact that ideas have primitive church right now, or the last and a lot of Christians didn’t like them
consequences, but he also points days church? Well, if you want to shut for the obvious reason that those aren’t
out that ideas have roots. So how everything down and go home, then you the only important words in the Bible,
would you identify the root of this want the last days church. But if you’re but if you just read the words of Jesus,
optimistic defeatism? going to be there for the long haul and be you notice how often He refers to the
a stepping stone to future generations, it’s Kingdom of God. It was the theme of
It entered the church in England
a whole different ballgame and a whole His ministry from its beginning to the
under the work of Darby. The notion was
different faith that’s actually concrete last week, the week of the crucifixion,
that they saw a decline, which was real
and continent-changing as it happened He was talking about the Kingdom of
enough at the time, and they wanted to
in the case of the pilgrims who helped God. And yet we don’t talk about the
account for the decline. Either it was a
launch this nation. We don’t have that Kingdom of God nearly enough. We
sign that Christians were in dereliction,
faith anymore. It has to be re-inculcated. sometimes will refer to Him as King
which would be our interpretation of
It starts with a true repentance away from largely because it’s in the Christmas
the decline, or it is something that is
notions that Christ is not King of Kings carols, but we give the term King to
predicted that the church is not going
and Lord of Lords now. Rather we say Jesus as almost an honorary title that
to do well—it’s not going to be part of
we establish the crown rights of Christ, we’ll acknowledge in heaven but under
the Kingdom. The church is a plan B in
the King. One of the most exceptional different circumstances. No, if He is
effect, and therefore the notion when it
series of lectures that Dr. Rushdoony King and He has a Kingdom, then He
came out of Calvinistic circles—Darby
gave was The Crown Rights of Christ, the has a law. In fact, He is the ruler, and we
was a Calvinist—so out of that womb
King, and one of the final sections was should see things in a very different way.
came forth this idea, and it had legs
“fear of victory.” Turns out that we don’t This also mean we see the evil designs of
that people could then account for the
want victory, and there’s reason to double men as doomed to failure rather than as
darkness around them. Now, we would
down on failure, because failure does not the great threat to our lives and the work
say, “What on earth were they doing
require responsibility. of Jesus Christ in history.
walking by sight,” but it was effective,
because people were invited to walk Andrea: So Mark, do you think that Martin: Mark had used the term that
by sight. They started with prophecy because of the apostasy of a lot of we become rationalists, and I think this
conferences in Niagara, New York, and pulpits, that there are people who is a key element in Dr. Rushdoony’s
those people gathered there and wanted are susceptible to conspiracies, discussion of conspiracy thinking. He
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talks about the fact that humanism will Kingdom of God that they should be seeing their inheritance, and they’re not
divide men into different parts, and the working for. If your only thought is that squandering it like Esau did. They’re
reason humanism does this is to reduce my job is to wait for Jesus to come back taking it more seriously, and the beautiful
man to some element or piece of himself. and fix everything miraculously, you’re thing is that even though it might seem
It’s only the Scripture, and God’s counsel, not doing anything, which makes you an like a small thing, God is in the small
that treats man as a whole—as a unity— observer. You can then think that you’re thing as long as we’re building straight
and that’s why the conspiracies also fall being pious by pointing out what’s bad in according to the pattern. Then God’s
apart, because they’re all premised on a the world, but our piety should lead us to going to have the Capstone raised up.
false view of man. Dr. Rushdoony says positive action towards the Kingdom of We’ll start the foundations here, but the
we have to be aware of why these things God, not simply identifying evil. Capstone is promised to be thrown into
start off that way, and why they develop My father has said elsewhere that place, according to Zechariah 4:6, by the
the way they do, because they have taken there’s no particular virtue in pointing power of God’s Spirit.
a piecemeal approach to man’s nature. out evil. It’s what is your response to evil? The problem is we have a defective
We eventually have a false picture of What are you doing that’s righteous? view of the Spirit of God, and we have a
man, and when you live a lie, there What is your alternative to the evil? defective view of His relationship to the
are consequences to those lies. So all This is what we need to focus on, and law of God. Because God gives us this
conspiracies essentially function at that conspiracy thinking often appeals to wonderful tool, and we spit on it, and
false level. They don’t treat man as the people who really don’t want to do we neglect it, and it gathers dust. And
creature of God, but rather as something anything but talk about the problem. what the enemies of God’s Kingdom
that man molds himself and that has were trying to do in Nehemiah was to
Andrea: Martin, when you’re out of
interchangeable parts. This is untrue, and derail the work of God by convincing
blame and resort to conspiracies, it
history is full of all the effects: century everybody it’s not worth it, it’s not going
doesn’t negate valid issues. People
after century of trying to live this lie, and to go anywhere. But Nehemiah, he took
may attribute problems to various
incurring the ruin and the destruction a stand and even changed history as a
causes, often seeking popular ideas
that results from trying to promote and consequence, and all it takes is for serious
for validation. But true guidance
Christians to take that stand, and history
push a false view of man. is found in Scripture, providing
will be changed because it’s in God’s fist
practical, mundane instructions
Andrea: Mark, do you think that to control.
often overlooked. We need to
these faulty theological views,
return to these scriptural roots, Andrea: Mark, do you have any
conspiracy theories, or attempts
right? closing thoughts?
at political solutions are really an
attempt to prop up humanism? Martin: You said it quite well. We Mark: Well, we started earlier by saying
have a job to do, and if we are lazy that conspiracies are only effective
Mark: I think a lot of Christians have no and indulgent, we’re going to want to because men are ready to believe them,
idea on what we really need. They have find excuses. And of course, conspiracy and so we have to guard ourselves lest we
no concept of building the Kingdom of theory often says, “Well, how can we get be part of these evil designs by buying
God, and therefore their ideal is really anywhere? Look at the size of the forces into them. To the extent that we’re
only the way things were before it was that are arrayed against us.” socialists, we become revolutionaries
this bad. For that reason, they want to However, right out of Christ’s own against God’s order. To the extent that
go back a few years to times that seemed mouth, He says—this is in Matthew we’re humanists, we are working contrary
a little rosier. For example, I just saw 15:13—whatsoever thing the Lord hath to the King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
something on Facebook nostalgically not planted shall be rooted up, so all So to the extent that we buy into the
mentioning the late 60s, that if you these conspiracies will be uprooted and myths of the modern age, we are aiding
lived in that time you lived in really torn out of history by God. They have and abetting these evil designs.
good times. I had to force myself not been all of this time, and they have not
to respond to that because those times Discover more Chalcedon Podcast
been effective. They might be uprooted
weren’t all that good, and it was those episodes at https://chalcedonpodcast.
over a long period of time—longer than
times that got us to these times. Going we might want—but the guarantee
back a generation or so is only going to is that they will all be uprooted.
put us on the same road leading to where Consequently, we need to realize that the
we are today. We need a fundamental Lord is the one who’s doing this.
change, and a lot of people do not have But there’s a vision afoot in this
the theology for such a change. They do nation where people are starting to take
not have the big picture of the Kingdom back that which they knew that God
of God, nor the hope of victory of the gave them in the first place. They’re

Aug 23 Newsletter 4pgs.indd 4 7/21/23 10:58 AM

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