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Exercise 1: Complete the sentences. Use the comparative.

1. (big) My house is .............................. yours.

2. (beautiful) This flower is ......................................that one.
3. (long) Non-‐smokers usually live .................................... smokers.
4. (good) A holiday by the sea is ..................................a holiday in the mountains.
5. (expensive) It is strange but often a coke is.....................................................a milk.
6. (bad) The weather this summer is even ...................................last summer.
7. (smart) I’m brother.
8. (long) Tortoises live .........................................................cats.
9. (difficult) I think mathematics is ..................................................English.
10. (warm) The summer is …………………………………….the winter.

Exercise 2: Make comparative sentences.

1. Tom – tall – Jerry
2. Europe – small – Asia
3. Vegetables – good – sweets
4. English classes – interesting – Chemistry
5. Gold – precious – silver
6. Prevention – good – cure
7. The street of London – clean – the street of New York
8. Sinchan – funny animation– Naruto
9. my bag – heavy – yours
10. Train – fast – car

Exercise 3: Change these sentences into comparative sentences.

1. Amy is as brave as Penny.
2. Gold is the most expensive of all the metals.
3. Riya is the laziest girl in the class.
4. Minu is the sweetest girl in the class.
5. Indore is the cleanest city in India.
6. Very few students in the class are as intelligent as Tina.
7. This knife is not as sharp as the other.
8. Uday is the heaviest of all the boys.
9. Bees are the most industrious insects.
10. Australia is as big as England.

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