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Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

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Research Paper

Adaptive meshing scheme for prediction of high-speed moving loads T

induced ground vibrations

Reda Mezeha,b, Marwan Sadeka,b, , Fadi Hage Chehadeb, Hussein Mroueha
Laboratory of Civil Engineering and geo-Environment, University of Lille 1, Sciences and Technologies, Polytech’Lille, Villeneuve d’Ascq, France
Lebanese University, Doctoral School of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon


Keywords: This article proposes an advanced modeling of the vibrations induced by high speed time-variant moving loads.
Track/soil interaction The model considers the complex mutual dynamic coupling between the track components and the subgrade
Moving loads layer, thus a high realistic simulation of force transmission from rail interface to soil is involved. An adaptive
Adaptive meshing meshing scheme is proposed to simulate the moving loads effect. The spatiotemporal mesh parameters are
Finite difference method
investigated within the frame of adaptive meshing. Numerical experiments carried out in the sub-Rayleigh and
super-Rayleigh velocity ranges show an important capacity of the proposed scheme to model the impact of
moving loads on ground response.

1. Introduction about 6 mm to 12 mm [4]. A more critical case was observed in 1998, at

a location with very soft soil at Ledsgard, Sweden [5,6] during the
In recent years, the rapid development of High Speed Lines (HSL) passage of an X-2000 passenger train at 200 km/h. The recorded level
leads to large crossing zones with urban areas; therefore, they are in- of track vibration has reached 20 mm which exceeded the limit for
creasingly representing one of the most important sources of nuisance safety and stability.
for residents living in the vicinity of condensed traffic. The For railway engineering, numerical tools are required to predict the
International Organization for Standardization ISO [1] specify the limit pattern and to assess the amplitude of the train-induced ground vi-
for human perception of vibration as 0.2 mm/s. Physically this brations in order to avoid any malfunction of the system that could lead
threshold can be easily exceeded, hence the importance of studying the to catastrophic damage. Numerical procedures have been presented by
emission problem of noise and vibration in areas with railway traffic. several authors. Paolucci et al. [7] proposed a comprehensive model to
By focusing on structure borne sound and vibration from rail traffic, simulate the ground vibrations at the Ledsgaard site through a spectral
Heckl et al. [2] have categorized the rail excitation mechanisms; they element discretization. In their study, the track motion is reproduced in
cited firstly the quasi-static contribution due to load kinetic energy, the frequency range up to about 10 Hz. The soil transmissibility for
then the dynamic contribution comprising the parametric, transient, vibrations induced by moving trains was studied by Yang et al. [8] in
wheel/rail roughness and track unevenness excitation mechanisms. In which the moving loads were calculated using the deflection curve of
this context, Sheng et al. [3] found that the quasi-static excitation is an infinitely elastically supported beam and were directly applied on
dominant when the train speed is close to a critical phase velocity of the the soil stratum. Subsequently the soil complex response function was
coupled track/soil system in which it is found to be close to the computed using the finite/infinite element approach in the frequency
minimum velocity of the Rayleigh waves in the subsoil. However, the domain. Alves Costa et al. [9] proposed an iterative two-and-a-half-
contribution of the other components of load is significant for other dimensional (2.5D) procedure based on an equivalent linear elastic
values of train speed. scheme in order to evaluate the relevance of the non-linear behavior of
To highlight the impact of trains speed when approaches that of the soil on the track response. The fact that the condition of geo-ma-
waves in the ground, rail deflection measurements were carried out at a terial symmetry in the load-moving direction is necessary to apply the
railway track south of Peterborough over Stilton Fen in UK. The sub- 2.5D methodology; they assumed an equivalent continuous medium to
grade consists of a relatively soft material made of peat with some clay model the discrete supports of the rail.
to a depth of about 7 m. Results showed that when the speed increased According to Hall [10], the three-dimensional (3D) analyses are
from 130 to 185 km/h, the vertical rail deflections were increased from necessary to achieve a better simulation of the train-induced ground

Corresponding author at: Lebanese University, Doctoral School of Science and Technology, Beirut, Lebanon.
E-mail addresses:, (M. Sadek).
Received 10 September 2017; Received in revised form 14 February 2018; Accepted 29 March 2018
Available online 16 May 2018
0266-352X/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Rail 1450
Rail-pad 1300
Concrete sleeper Z 717.5
Y 2H
st layer 300
l layer
Sub-ballast 400


Fig. 1. Cross section of the studied railway track (dimensions are in mm).

vibrations. Galvin et al. [11,12] developed a fully 3D multi-body-finite high speed moving loads. In order to ensure a good representation of
element (FE)-boundary element (BE) model to study vibrations due to the wheel/rail interaction, the moving load is simulated by an adaptive
train passage on ballast and non-ballast tracks and then to analyze the meshing scheme based upon the creation of a load-attached moving
dynamic behavior of a transition zone. They found that the soil beha- node on the rail rolling surface. The novel feature of the formulation is
vior changes significantly with track system. Connolly et al. [13] in- the use of mesh superposition to produce spatial refinement in the
vestigated the effect of embankment constituent material on ground transient problem. The Load-Attached Moving Node (L-AMN) scheme
borne vibration levels using a 3D FE-multi-body model. They noticed that is used to perform the spatial adaptation of the mesh is efficiently
that embankments formed from stiff material reduce vibrations in the implemented in the FLAC3D software in which a Matlab subroutine has
near and far fields. Subsequently, this model was used to develop an been created to allow a rapid development of the generic input files.
assessment prediction tool for HSL induced vibrations based upon For accurate representation of wave transmission through the model
synthetic records for a wide range of soil types [14]. Relationships and to prevent numerical distortion, the spatiotemporal mesh para-
between soil conditions, train speed and vibration levels were found meters are investigated, and appropriate recommendations are pro-
using a machine learning approach. They demonstrated that, for typical vided. Numerical results for high range frequency dynamic loading as
soil properties, the Young’s modulus has a much greater influence on well as for velocities that exceed the Rayleigh wave speed of the subsoil
vibration levels that density or Poisson’s ratio. layer prove the efficiency of the proposed numerical model.
As presented in the previous studies, the present-day models con- The article is organized as follows: Section 2 presents a detailed
sider some simplifying assumptions at the expense of modeling accu- description of the adopted reference case with the geo-mechanical and
racy. In addition to the simulation of the load transmission through a dynamic properties of the system components. Section 3 is concerned
partial profile of track structure, the most disastrous is the modeling of with the adaptive meshing scheme that has been developed and cou-
the high speed moving loads at their contact with the rail. The problem pled to finite difference modeling, and the impact of this process on the
of moving loads was addressed by many investigators. A classical al- modeling convergence. The last section presents a thorough analysis of
gorithm for numerical resolution in the time domain using the finite the dynamic response of the track/ground interaction model for a wide
difference and element techniques is to apply equivalent nodal forces range of frequency and velocity loading.
and moments on loaded beam elements by means of the shape functions
[15–18]. However, the performance of this approach is strongly influ- 2. Description of the reference case
enced by the mesh size essentially in the case of high frequency moving
loads. This shortcoming can be overcome by employing a refined do- This section describes the studied ballasted railway track in order to
main but at the expense of significant increase in computational time. present its geo-mechanical and dynamic properties. Fig. 1 shows the
On the other hand, special techniques were developed to resolve the cross section of the adopted track structure with the considered di-
dynamic problem in a moving reference system. Krenk et al. [19] were mensions (measured in mm). It consists of a flat framework made up of
the first to use the FE method in a convected coordinates system moving two parallel rails discretely supported by uniformly spaced horizontal
with the load. They presented a FE model for convective wave propa- sleepers which in turn rest on a ballast layer. The ballast bed lies on a
gation in a bi-dimensional (2D) continuum in order to account for an sub-ballast layer which forms the transition layer to the subsoil. The
infinite medium. Since then, many researchers [20–22] have in- track is located at the surface of a homogeneous clayey soil that re-
vestigated this approach. Andersen et al. [20] have presented a FE time presents a soft soil with total depth H = 5 m.
domain analysis in convected coordinates with a simple upwind
scheme, including a special set of boundary conditions permitting the
2.1. Geo-mechanical properties
passage of outgoing waves in the convected coordinates system. Zhai
and Song [21] have proposed a 3D FE model in a convected coordinates
In this study, the ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade are considered to
system moving with the load used to assess the transient vibration of
be linear and homogeneous; however mechanical or/and geometric
railway/ground model. Recently, Mezeh et al. [22] have proposed an
nonlinearities could be easily taken into account since the integration of
adaptive method called the periodic configuration update PCU method
the equilibrium equation is performed in the time domain. Table 1 gives
to solve the dynamic problems of infinite beam resting on continuous
foundation. However, this approach is complicated and difficult to
Table 1
embed in commercial software. Mechanical properties of railway track foundation materials (elastic).
The analysis of wave propagation in structures and media with
Track part E [GPa] ν ρ [kg/m3]
complex geometric and material properties necessitates the use of nu-
merical models formulated in a fixed reference system. This article Ballast 0.13 0.4 1600
proposes an advanced three-dimensional finite difference modeling for Sub-ballast 0.08 0.4 1600
the prediction of track/ground induced vibrations due to passage of Clay 0.025 0.45 1800

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Table 2 an example of the 3D spatial mesh which includes 275,028 zones and
Mechanical properties of the rail. 292,020 grid points.
E [GPa] ν IY [m4] IZ [m4] JX [m4] Area [m2] ρ [kg/ Within the frame of difference element method, the spatial spread of
m3 ] induced waves is numerically evaluated by considering a truncated
domain limited by artificial boundaries. Consequently the track/ground
210 0.25 1.2449e−5 4.5261e−6 1.6975e−5 6.5538e−3 7897
system is modeled as a multi-layered half-space with three sides trun-
cated by an absorbing boundary condition insured by viscous elements
[24] placed to prevent spurious reflections, and a fourth face where the
values of the track foundation elastic properties; where E, ν and ρ are
symmetry boundary condition is applied. Therefore, when an outgoing
the Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio and material density respectively.
seismic wave collides with the quiet boundary layer its amplitude will
Furthermore, the mechanical parameters of the continuous welded rail
undergo a progressive decaying over time, thus simulating an infinitely
which lay at 1.435 m gauge, are given in Table 2; where IY and IZ are
long domain. As the physical space is assumed to overlay bedrock, a
the second moment of inertia around Y and Z-axis respectively (see
fixed base boundary condition is applied, while its top surface is free.
Fig. 1) and JX is the torsional stiffness around X-axis (the loads running
Fig. 3 shows a schematic view of the internal attachment conditions as
direction). Noting that, the data presented in Tables 1 and 2 are taken
well as that at model boundaries.
from Ref. [23].
In addition to energy dissipation at the model boundaries, material
The load transfer from wheel/rail interface to track embankment is
damping should be defined carefully since it governs the amplitude
ensured via the discrete supports of the rail. The standard pre-stressed
variation during the wave propagation process. In this context, the
concrete mono-block sleeper with external dimensions 2600
Rayleigh damping is considered the more representative protocol for
(length) × 235 (width) × 205 (height) mm3 having a mass of 300 kg is
the soil/structure interaction problems under small deformation levels.
considered in the present analysis. It is distributed in regular interval
It has frequently used in the analysis of structures and elastic continua
s = 0.6 m.
to damp their natural oscillation modes [25–27]. For a multiple degrees
of freedom system, the damping ratio ξj which is also known as the
2.2. Computational grid fraction of critical damping for mode j with angular frequency of the
system ωj can be expressed as follows [26]:
A three-dimensional cuboid time domain track/ground model is
α βωj
developed using the finite difference explicit code FLAC3D. The sub- ξj = +
2ωj 2 (1)
structure of the railway consisting of ballast, sub-ballast and subgrade is
represented by eight noded brick elements. The rails and sleepers are where α and β are the mass and stiffness proportional damping con-
modeled via beam structural elements (beam SELs) which are two stants respectively.
noded, straight finite elements with six degrees of freedom per node: In FLAC3D Rayleigh damping is defined with two parameters: fmin (in
three translational components and three rotational components. Each Hz) and ξmin; they can be found by differentiating the Eq. (1) with re-
beam SEL behaves as a linearly elastic material with non-failure limit. spect to the frequency. This leads to:
Herein, the beam SELs are rigidly connected to the grid such that forces
and bending moments develop within the beam as the grid deforms. 1 ⎛α⎞
fmin = ⎜ ⎟
The rail-pad is implemented in the numerical model based on a linear 2π ⎝ β ⎠ (2a)
vertical spring with constant stiffness Krp = 150 MN/m. Thus, the two
separate nodes at the rail/sleeper interface are connected by a node to ξmin = (α·β )0.5 (2b)
node link, with elastically deformable attachment condition.
The coefficients α and β are given in Ref. [25] as follows:
In view of the fact that loads acting on the track structure are as-
sumed to be applied equally on each of the two rails; this hypothesis is 2ω1·ω2
α= D
used to enforce the symmetry condition along the track centerline. This ω1 + ω2 (3a)
implies that only the half of the physical model in the transversal di-
rection is considered. This property reduces the required resolution 2D
time and the necessary memory allocation. Indicatively, Fig. 2 depicts ω1 + ω2 (3b)




Rail & sleepers mesh Rail/sleeper interface

Fig. 2. Computational grid: 275,028 zones and 292,020 grid points.

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Typical section (Y, Z)


Free top

Absorbing boundary condition

Symmetry condition
Physical damping:
Rayleigh Į ȕ)

Fixed base
Fig. 3. Attachment conditions between the model components.

Fig. 4. Load-Attached Moving Node (L-AMN) approach for moving load problems.

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

(a) 0 .2 (b) 0 .2
L= 20 m l= 5 m
L= 45 m l= 2 0 m
0 .1 0 .1
L= 90 m l= 4 0 m

u [m m ]
u [m m ]

0 .0 0 .0

- 0 .1 - 0 .1

- 0 .2 - 0 .2
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]

Fig. 5. Impact of the (a) model length L, and (b) model width l on the dynamic response of the rail (Xr = −4 m); V = 50 km/h and f = 50 Hz.

0 .1

0 .5 Xr= 0 Xr= -1
0 .0
u [m m ]

u [m m ]
0 .0
- 0 .1

- 0 .5
- 0 .2

- 1 .0 - 0 .3
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]

0 .1 0 0 .1 0

Xr= -4 Xr= -5
0 .0 5
0 .0 5

0 .0 0
u [m m ]

u [m m ]

0 .0 0
- 0 .0 5

- 0 .0 5
- 0 .1 0

- 0 .1 5 - 0 .1 0
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]
Solid line: Rm=28 dashed line: Rm=14 dotted line: Rm=9 dot-dashed line: Rm=3
Fig. 6. Effect of soil mesh on the dynamic response of the rail; V = 0 and f = 50 Hz.

D refers to the damping ratio at two angular frequencies ω1 and ω2, mechanical characteristics of the track formation, a Matlab subroutine
which define the frequency dependence of small strain damping curve. has been created to allow a rapid development of the generic input files.
In this study, D is assumed to be 1% for the soil material [23].
On the other hand, Tsai et al. [27] pointed out the issue of selecting
3. Adaptive meshing scheme: L-AMN approach
the target values of viscous damping frequencies. The proposed cri-
terion considers that the low frequency ω1 can be selected as the site
This study proposes an enhanced approach aimed to accurately
frequency (2π × fs) but the high optimal frequency ω2 should be se-
capture the dynamic response of the track/ground system. Instead of a
lected as the maximum between the frequency characteristics of the
global mesh refinement, the spatial-follow of loads location via the
input excitation and 5ω1.
creation of moving nodes is proposed. This numerical scheme is used to
In order to avoid the repetitive tasks when changing the geometry of
simulate the loading process of the full computational model presented
the graded mesh by adding or removing a soil layer or/and the
in Section 2 in which a moving harmonic point load p(t) is considered to

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Fig. 7. Effect of soil mesh on the dynamic response of the rail; V = 50 km/h and f = 50 Hz.

excite the system through the rail-beam. The load trajectory is assumed process. Then, at time t + Δt a first temporary node (j = 1) is created
to be symmetrical with respect to the center of the model in such a way between the two master nodes of the loaded beam element, i and i + 1,
p(t) crosses the rail at constant velocity V from left to right. Fig. 4 shows so that the load moves towards it. Knowing that 1 ≤ j ≤ Sx − 1, the jth
an illustration of the proposed numerical approach. For convenience, it temporary node is injected into the computational grid to act in the
will be named subsequently as L-AMN (Load-Attached Moving Node) numerical system during the interval [t + j × Δt, t + (j + 1) × Δt]. It
approach. remains loaded as long it exists, before being deleted allowing to create
This section presents, firstly, the mathematical formulation of the L- a neighbor temporary node j + 1, and so on. Remembering that n is a
AMN approach. Then, spatiotemporal mesh requirements for accurate multiple of Sx, the left master node i of the loaded beam element that
modeling of moving loads effect on track/ground system are given. the moving load p(t) is applied to at time t can be found from:
Finally, we prove the superiority of the developed meshing scheme over
t ⎞
the classical (non-adaptive) method. i = Int ⎛⎜ +1

⎝ Δt·Sx ⎠ (4)

3.1. Mathematical formulation where Int(x) rounds x to the next smaller integer.
After reaching the equilibrium state of the track/ground interaction
The L-AMN approach is based on a step-by-step mesh adaptation model at the end of the current calculation step, i.e. at time
mechanism of the load/rail interface in which it is considered to be t + (j + 1) × Δt, and before removing the temporary node j from the
subjected to time-variant stationary load during each calculation step. numerical system, the vertical displacement uj+1 is determined using
After spatial discretization of the rail with rectilinear beam elements the shape functions Nk (k = 1–4) as follows:
intersecting at master nodes, the equation of structural dynamics pro-
uj + 1 = N1 (rc ) uj + N2 (rc ) θj + N3 (rc ) ui + 1 + N4 (rc ) θi + 1 (5)
viding the bending deformation is formulated and solved in the time
domain. Herein, the notion of “master node” is referred to a non-re- where rc denotes the distance between two successive temporary nodes
movable node during the adaptive meshing scheme. as shown in Fig. 4, and θ is the bending rotation.
Each spatial domain of length e delimited between two master In this study, the cubic Hermitian polynomials [17] which ensure
nodes and forms part of the load trajectory is divided into Sx subdivi- both the deflection and slope compatibility on the adjacent elements,
sions. They determine the successive position of the moving node in are adopted to perform the interpolation process:
which Δt represents the required time to cross each subdivision. At time
t = n × Δt, where n is a multiple of the predefined integer Sx, the load p N1 = 1−3χ 2 + 2χ 3 (6a)
(t) is located at the master node i. For convenience, the index i refers to
a local numbering system of the involved master nodes in the loading N2 = (χ −2χ 2 + χ 3 ) le (6b)

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Xr= 0 Xr= -1
1 1
u [m m ]

u [m m ]
0 0

-1 -1

0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]

0 .5
0 .5
Xr= -4 Xr= -5
u [m m ]

u [m m ]

0 .0 0 .0

- 0 .5
- 0 .5

0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]
Solid line: Rm=28 dashed line: Rm=14 dotted line: Rm=9 dot-dashed line: Rm=3
Fig. 8. Effect of soil mesh on the dynamic response of the rail; V = 300 km/h and f = 10 Hz.

N3 = 3χ 2 −2χ 3 (6c) numerical system of equations becomes non-linear because there is a

periodic local variation in the mass, damping and stiffness distribution.
N4 = (−χ 2 + χ 3 ) le (6d) In other words, this technique retains the set of degrees of freedom of
where the computational 3D grid within the equations of motion while
r moving those of the attached-to-load moving node in the constitutive
χ= matrices and vectors. In doing that, the common use of the non-adap-
le (7)
tive meshing scheme is avoided which requires much more involved
Noting that r is the distance along the temporary finite element of degrees of freedom to achieve the same performance level.
length le which varies with the progression of the loading process ac- Consequently, the load vector that contains the force and moment in-
cording to the following relationship: formation for all nodes on the rail-beam at all time steps is given as
le = e−(j−1) rc (8) follows:

By differentiating the shape functions (Eqs. (6a)–(6d)) with respect to r, [F ] = [0 0 0 0…0 Fl … 0 … 0] (10)
the interpolating polynomial of the bending rotation θj+1 is obtained as
follows: where the local force vector Fl is given by:
dN1 dN2 dN3 dN4
θj + 1 = (rc ) uj + (rc ) θj + (rc ) ui + 1 + (rc ) θi + 1 [Fl] = [F1 = 0 M1 = 0 0…0 Fi = 0 Mi = 0 p (t ) 0 Fi + 1 = 0 Mi + 1
dr dr dr dr (9)
= 0…0] (11)
It should be mentioned that, u1 and θ1 are found respectively using Eqs.
(5) and (9) after replacing the index j on the right-hand side by the In order to improve the efficiency of the L-AMN approach, a temporal
index i. discretization of Δt is carried out using Sv sub-intervals as shown in
Similar equations are used to find the linear and angular velocities Fig. 4; it ensures a more refined representation of the time-variant
(respectively accelerations) at node j + 1 using the reached equilibrium moving load.
state of the system. This periodic process is used to initialize the motion Noting that, this algorithm can be generalized to model a loading
of the upcoming temporary node j + 1 at the beginning of the next process via multiple point moving loads as it will be discussed in
calculation step during the interval [t + (j + 1) × Δt, t + (j + 2) × Δt]. Section 4.1.2.
Consequently, the rail mesh changes at each time step Δt which re-
presents a key parameter of the proposed approach, and the obtained

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

1 .0

Xr= 0 0 .5 Xr= -1
0 .5
u [m m ]

u [m m ]
0 .0
0 .0

- 0 .5
- 0 .5

- 1 .0 - 1 .0
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]

0 .2

0 .5
Xr= -4 Xr= -5
0 .1

0 .0
u [m m ]

u [m m ]
0 .0
- 0 .1

- 0 .2
- 0 .5

- 0 .3
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]
Solid line: Rm=28 dashed line: Rm=14 dotted line: Rm=9 dot-dashed line: Rm=3
Fig. 9. Effect of soil mesh on the dynamic response of the rail; V = 300 km/h and f = 50 Hz.

3.2. Optimization of the space-time domain After comparing the obtained temporal signals of each calculation
series with that of the largest domain, it can be concluded that, the
To prevent numerical distortion of wave propagation in a dynamic model length has a greater influence than the model width. L = 45 m
analysis, the model dimensions should be determined as a function of and l = 5 m can be considered sufficient to model the infinite nature of
the frequency range intended to study. In the field of track/ground the problem using a truncated domain limited by absorbing boundaries.
dynamics, the interactions of interest fall within the frequency range of Noting that, the same analysis is performed for the subsequent cases of
2–50 Hz [28]. This section aims to investigate the modeling conditions dynamic loading.
of the three-dimensional finite difference model in the context of
adaptive meshing. Firstly, a parametric study is carried out to de-
termine the size of the truncated domain. Then, the effects of track 3.2.2. Track foundation spatial mesh
foundation spatial mesh and L-AMN spatiotemporal parameters on the The early study of Kuhlemeyer and Lysmer [29] shows that for
dynamic response of the system are analyzed. This analysis is per- accurate representation of wave transmission through a model, the
formed using a harmonic load of linear frequency f traveling the rail at wavelength associated with the highest frequency component fsup of the
constant velocity V. Its amplitude is assumed to be 100 kN. The rail input wave should be represented by eighth to ten finite elements. In
displacement is recorded at four discrete positions, including unloaded order to investigate the validity of this hypothesis in the context of
moving nodes, which are spatially detected relative to the moving load- moving loads simulation using adaptive meshing approach, four sets of
attached reference system Xr. These points are located at Xr = 0 (loaded numerical calculations are conducted including a reference case that of
moving node), −1, −4 and −5 m (unloaded moving nodes). stationary harmonic loading [V = 0; f = 50 Hz] whereas the three other
cases of dynamic loading are characterized by [V = 50 km/h;
3.2.1. Size of the computational grid f = 50 Hz], [V = 300 km/h; f = 10 Hz] and [V = 300 km/h;
To reach a good compromise between the accuracy of numerical f = 50 Hz].
results and the required size of the space-time domain, a parametric According to Shih et al. [30] the response of the track is mainly
analysis is performed. The model is excited through the rail via a har- dominated by the elements that are close to the excitation point
monic moving load characterized by [V = 50 km/h; f = 50 Hz], during whereas elements further away have a smaller influence. Thus, a graded
three periods. Fig. 5a and b shows respectively the effect of the model mesh is considered with a size Δl for the region close to the load path.
length L (along the X-axis) and the model width l (along the Y-axis) on Note that, Δl is controlled by the shear wavelength. Consequently, due
the dynamic response of the system. The rail displacement history at to the relationship between wavelength and frequency, the following
Xr = −4 m is presented for different grid sizes, in such a way that when dimensionless parameter Rm can be derived to measure the refinement
varying L (resp. L), l (resp. L) is fixed at 20 m (resp. 45 m). degree of the spatial mesh of foundation:

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

1 .5 0 .4

1 .0 Xr= 0 Xr= -1
0 .2

0 .5
0 .0
u [m m ]

u [m m ]
0 .0
- 0 .2
- 0 .5

- 0 .4
- 1 .0

- 1 .5 - 0 .6
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]

0 .2 0 .1 0

Xr= -4 Xr= -5
0 .1 0 .0 5
u [m m ]

0 .0 u [m m ] 0 .0 0

- 0 .1 - 0 .0 5

- 0 .2 - 0 .1 0
0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8 0 .0 0 0 .0 2 0 .0 4 0 .0 6 0 .0 8
t [s e c ] t [s e c ]
Solid line: Sx=80 dashed line: Sx=70 dotted line: Sx=30 dot-dashed line: Sx=5
Fig. 10. Effect of the adaptive meshing on the dynamic response of the rail; V = 50 km/h and f = 50 Hz.

e = 0.05m(N-a)
e = 0.20m(L-AMN)
e = 0.20m(N-a)
u [mm]


0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3
t [sec]

Fig. 11. Accuracy of the L-AMN approach (Xr = 0); V = 300 km/h and f = 10 Hz.

Cs spatial mesh on the response of the system. The results presented in

Rm =
Δl·fsup (12) Fig. 6 intersect with that found in Ref. [29]; Rm = 9 is sufficient to
model a stationary loading problem. On the other hand, Figs. 7–9 show
where Cs is the shear wave (S-wave) speed in the subsoil layer. the influence of Δl on the performance of the L-AMN scheme in which it
Figs. 6–9 illustrate the impact of the foundation mesh size Δl on the increases with decreasing of wavelength of the excitation signal (V/f).
dynamic response of the system; they correspond respectively to the After comparing the obtained results with the more refined mesh ana-
four cases of loading. The displacement histories of the four considered lysis for each calculation series which is obviously the most accurate
moving nodes are presented in each figure. solution, the mesh ratio Rm= 14 can be considered suitable for redu-
A general conclusion can be extracted namely the major effect of the cing the mesh effect. This ratio corresponds to Δl equals 0.1 and 0.5 m

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

(a) 3 .0 10 -6

V = 5 0 K m /h
(b) 3 .0 10 -6

V = 5 0 K m /h

V = 1 0 0 K m /h V = 1 0 0 K m /h

-6 V = 2 0 0 K m /h -6 V = 2 0 0 K m /h
2 .0 1 0 2 .0 1 0
d ts ta b [s e c ]

d ts ta b [s e c ]
V = 3 0 0 K m /h V = 3 0 0 K m /h

-6 -6
1 .0 1 0 1 .0 1 0

0 0
0 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80 100
L o a d p r o g r e s s io n a lo n g a F E [ % ] L o a d p r o g r e s s io n a lo n g a F E [ % ]

Fig. 12. Stable time step of the integration method depending on the progression of the loading process of a finite element; (a) f = 5 Hz (b) f = 50 Hz.

8 Displacement [mm] 0
L-AMN scheme

6 Non-adaptive mesh
T e [d a y ]

2 Velocity [mm/sec]

0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15
mesh size [m]

Fig. 13. Execution time of the numerical simulations; V = 50 km/h and Fig. 15. Response of the track/ground interaction model (60 × 20 × 5 m3)
f = 50 Hz. after three periods of harmonic loading; V = 50 km/h and f = 20 Hz.

Displacement [mm] 0 Displacement [mm] 0

Velocity [mm/sec] 0 Velocity [mm/sec] 0

Fig. 14. Response of the track/ground interaction model (70 × 30 × 5 m3) Fig. 16. Response of the track/ground interaction model (45 × 20 × 5 m3)
after three periods of harmonic loading; V = 50 km/h and f = 10 Hz. after three periods of harmonic loading; V = 50 km/h and f = 30 Hz.

for the case where f = 50 and 10 Hz respectively. In the sequel, 14 finite on the discrete representation of the moving load signal, a parametric
elements will be adopted to simulate the minimum wavelength problem study is carried out and the optimal discretization is determined func-
within the frame of the L-AMN scheme. tion of the error committed on the returned dynamic response. In this
study, the rail is uniformly meshed using e = 0.15 m beam elements
and each half-sleeper is represented by five finite elements. The 3D
3.2.3. Rail-beam spatiotemporal mesh solid domain which is devoted to model the infinite elastic medium is
In order to study the influence of the rail-beam spatiotemporal mesh

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

Displacement [mm] 0 discretized according to the results found in the previous analysis. To
evaluate the refinement degree of the temporary spatial mesh, a di-
mensionless parameter Rr is defined as the ratio between the wave-

length of the dynamic excitation and the distance between two suc-
cessive temporary nodes rc, and it is expressed as follows:

V · Sx
Rr =
f ·e (13)

Fig. 10 illustrates a sequence of numerical solutions of the track/

0 ground interaction problem with increasingly refined domain that
Velocity [mm/sec]
correspond to [V = 50 km/h; f = 50 Hz]. Also, the displacement his-
tories of the four considered moving nodes are presented. The various
scenarios show a primordial influence of the adaptive spatial mesh of
the load/rail interface on the accuracy of the numerical calculation.
They prove that the truncation error tends to zero when the mesh be-
comes more refined; thus, the developed scheme is numerically con-
vergent. A ratio Rr = 130 temporary nodes per wavelength of the ex-
ternal excitation which corresponds to Sx = 70 leads to satisfactory
numerical convergence of the developed step-by-step procedure. Note
Fig. 17. Response of the track/ground interaction model (45 × 20 × 5 m3)
that, this condition was respected in the previous analysis and will
after three periods of harmonic loading; V = 50 km/h and f = 40 Hz.
maintain for the following numerical investigations.

Displacement [mm] 0
3.3. Numerical performance of the adaptive process

This section proves the efficiency of the adaptive meshing procedure

based on highlighting its numerical performance. The influence of the
periodic update of the spatial mesh on the accuracy of the numerical
results is studied. Subsequently, the evolution of the stable time step of
the numerical solver is investigated during the mesh adaptation pro-
cess. Finally, the impact of the numerical behavior of the adaptive
process on the execution time of the three-dimensional simulations is
0 evoked.
Velocity [mm/sec]

3.3.1. Accuracy of the L-AMN approach

This part aims to investigate the accuracy of the adaptive process
that is based upon periodic spatial mesh update via successive im-
plementation/vanishing of temporary nodes accompanied with attri-
bution of a new initial condition at the beginning of each calculation
step. The proposed solution consists of confronting the rail response
determined using non-adaptive (N-a) grid that meets the upper men-
Fig. 18. Response of the track/ground interaction model (45 × 20 × 5 m3) tioned requirements (see Section 3.2) to that resulting from adaptive
after three periods of harmonic loading; V = 50 km/h and f = 50 Hz. calculation. This study is performed using a single moving load char-
acterized by [V = 300 km/h; f = 10 Hz]. According to Eq. (13) the
Table 3 upper rounding of the required number of subdivisions Sx in a loaded
Frequency content of the moving point load p(t): 1st scenario of the multi-fre- beam element of length e = 0.20 m is 4. That’s why, the non-adaptive
quency analysis; Pj is in [kN] and fj in [Hz]. analysis is carried out using a uniformly meshed rail by means of beam
elements of length 0.05 m. Fig. 11 shows the consistency between the
Moving load 1st harmony 2nd harmony 3rd harmony 4th harmony
two numerical approaches in which the impact of the adaptive proce-
P1 f1 P2 f2 P3 f3 P4 f4 dure appears clearly on the accuracy of the rail deflection history. The
obtained results can evidently justify the accuracy and efficiency of the
Case 1 50 10 30 20 10 35 10 50
L-AMN approach; even with relatively coarse mesh, the dynamic re-
Case 2 50 10 30 15 20 20 – –
sponse of the system can be reliably predicted.

Table 4 3.3.2. Stable time step of the integration method

Characteristics of the simultaneous harmonic moving point loads: 2nd scenario The time increment must be carefully chosen to ensure stability and
of the multi-frequency analysis.
accuracy of numerical calculation. Numerical instability may cause the
Moving load Xr [m] Pj [kN] fj [Hz] solution to diverge if the time increment is too large. Conversely, a very
short time increment can cause spurious oscillations (Gibb’s phenom-
1st Load 0 50 10
2nd Load −1 30 20
enon) [31]. In FLAC3D, the time integration is carried out using the
3rd Load −4 10 35 central-difference method which is a conditionally stable scheme. In
4th Load −5 10 50 finite element terminology, FLAC3D uses lumped masses and a diagonal
mass matrix. The stable time step dtstab when stiffness-proportional
damping is used, must be reduced for stability; it is computed according
to Belytschko and Hughes [32]:

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

(a) 0 .6 100
fs f1 f2 f3 f4

0 .4 80

A m p [m m s / H z ]
u [m m ]

0 .2 60

0 .0 40

- 0 .2 20

- 0 .4 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 20 40 60
t [s ] f [H z ]

(b) 0 .6 100
fs f1 f2 f3

0 .4

A m p [m m s / H z ]
0 .2
u [m m ]

0 .0

- 0 .2

- 0 .4 20

- 0 .6 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 10 20 30 40 50
t [s ] f [H z ]

Fig. 19. Dynamic response of the rail (Xr = −4 m): 1st scenario of the multi-frequency analysis; V = 200 km/h; (a) loading case 1 (b) loading case 2.

2 achieve this target, the impact of the previously obtained numerical

dtstab = F (ξmax )
ωmax (14) requirements for accurate simulations on the execution time Te of the L-
AMN algorithm is studied by means of comparing Te with the time
where ωmax denotes the highest natural frequency of the discretized
required to perform a similar calculation within the frame of a non-
system and ξmax is the fraction of critical damping at ωmax. F (ξ) is ex-
adaptive spatiotemporal mesh. The computer used to perform the si-
pressed as follows:
mulations is characterized by an AMD Phenom ™ II X2 B59 Processor
F (ξ ) = 1 + ξ 2 −ξ (15) (2CPUs), ∼3.4 GHz.
The case of a single harmonic load having f = 50 Hz and traveling
Fig. 12 depicts the variation of the stable time step dtstab as a function of the rail at constant velocity V = 50 km/h during 3 load-periods is
the progression of the loading process of a finite element which is re- considered in this analysis. The rail is uniformly meshed in both nu-
presented by the percentage of the traversed part by the moving load merical techniques using beam elements of length e. The value of e is
for two values of loading frequency and various load velocity. Note fixed at 0.15 m for the case of L-AMN approach while the mesh re-
that, the obtained trend of dtstab is periodic during the adaptive nu- finement is produced via successive creation of temporary loaded
merical calculation while in non-adaptive meshing case it does not nodes, i.e. a moving node. Fig. 13 shows the obtained results which
change with time. clearly prove the efficiency of the L-AMN approach; the required time
The presented curves show a sharp drop in dtstab at the beginning of ratio between the two techniques reaches 5.0 when the temporary/
the adaptive meshing process due to the spatial proximity between the uniform mesh size equals 0.03 m. This ratio decreases to 1 when the
starting node (left master node) of the loaded beam element and the mesh size increases to e = 0.15 m. Note that, with the adaptive scheme
first temporary node; it appears earlier in the case of f = 50 Hz in view the temporary mesh size can reach 0.002 m (Sx = 70) while main-
of the high required number of subdivisions per finite element (ac- taining an acceptable calculation time even less than that of a uniform
cording to Eq. (13)). Then, from this point the time step increases to spatial mesh using e = 0.03 m beam elements.
reach a local maximum that corresponds to a mid-length loading level,
before starting to decrease again when the moving node approaches the
right master node. On the other hand, the effect of load velocity could 4. Validation of the L-AMN approach
be considered negligible especially when the frequency increases.
This section aims to investigate the ability of the proposed numer-
3.3.3. Execution time of the numerical simulations ical scheme to capture the dynamic response of the system for different
The present part aims to demonstrate the superiority of the pro- velocity range. According to Lefeuve-Mesgouez et al. [33] two different
posed scheme over the classical aforementioned numerical techniques cases for the soil vibrations induced by moving train are possible: the
and to confirm its potential to solve the moving load problems. To sub-Rayleigh case which occurs when the train speed is smaller than the

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

(a) 1.0 500

fs f1 f2 f3 f4

0.5 400

A m p [m m s / H z ]
0.0 300
u [mm]

-0.5 200

-1.0 100

-1.5 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 20 40 60
t[s] f [Hz]
(b) 0.4 150
fs f1 f2 f3 f4


A m p [m m s / H z ]
u [mm]

0.0 2


-0.4 0
0 .0 0 .1 0 .2 0 .3 0 20 40 60
t [s] f [Hz]

Fig. 20. Dynamic response of the rail: 2nd scenario of the multi-frequency analysis; V = 200 km/h; (a) Xr = 0 (b) Xr = −4 m.

f= 10 Hz 0 Displacement [mm] 0

Velocity [mm/sec]
0 0
f= 20 Hz

Fig. 21. Mobilized velocity [mm/s] at the soil surface after three periods of Fig. 22. Soil response (E = 0.2Eclay) in the super-Rayleigh range after three
harmonic loading; V = 300 km/h. periods of harmonic loading; V = 350 km/h and f = 20 Hz.

velocity of Rayleigh waves propagating into the surface layer of the Rayleigh ranges respectively.
subsoil, in this case the major effect is essentially located beyond the
train as usual, while in the second case (super-Rayleigh) some energy is
4.1. Sub-Rayleigh range
radiated under the train, and possibly leading to some dynamic am-
plification in the track response.
In exploration seismology, the main type of surface wave of im-
In this context, the study of Paolucci and Spinelli [34] proved that
portance is the Rayleigh wave; often called ground roll. This wave
the sub-Rayleigh case usually associated with a curved wave front
travels along the surface of the ground and involves a combination of
whereas the super-Rayleigh case leads to Mach type cones similar to
longitudinal and transverse motion with a definite phase relation to
that obtained for supersonic flights. They are called “super-seismic”
each other. The Rayleigh waves speed CR depends upon the elastic
Mach cones. Consequently, the validation work consists of two series of
constants near the surface and is slightly less than the S-Wave speed Cs
calculations; they are carried out in the sub-Rayleigh and super-
[35]. Based on the adopted mechanical properties for the subsoil layer

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

(see Table 1), CR is approximately equal to 69 m/s (≈248 km/h). elevated.

4.1.1. Harmonic excitation 4.2. Super-Rayleigh range

Results presented on Figs. 14–18 show the displacement and the
velocity contours of the track/ground interaction model after three In the field of aerodynamics, the shock wave which takes place in a
periods of dynamic excitation using a single moving load traveling the fluid medium, initially at rest and subjected to supersonic moving ob-
infinite structure at V = 50 km/h; they are associated respectively to ject is a cone composed of overlapping spherical wave fronts. Several
f = 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 Hz. authors [3,34,36] have found same similarities with the response of a
The obtained results intersect with those found in Ref. [34] by soil stratum when the excitation source moves at high velocity that
virtue of curved wave front. Another conclusion can be drawn that by crosses the threshold speed of the elastic medium; i.e. the Rayleigh
getting closer to the natural frequency of the subsoil layer fs which wave speed CR.
equals 3.5 Hz (Cs divided by 4 times the layer depth H) the dynamic In order to stay within the speed rang of HSL, the system is excited
response of the solid continuum becomes increasingly amplified. This through the rail via a single harmonic load moving at constant velocity
clearly appears through the disturbed area at the ground surface which V = 300 km/h that slightly exceeds CR. Fig. 21 provides a 3D re-
tends to expand when the loading frequency decreases since the pro- presentation of the mobilized velocity at the soil surface resulting from
pagated waves become able to travel through long distance before three-period dynamic loading for two scenarios that of f = 10 Hz and
being attenuated. It is noteworthy to mention that these waves are f = 20 Hz. Herein, the induced energy is concentrated mainly inside a
considered as the major reason to the transmitted vibrations to nearby regular volume, i.e. a half of the Mach cone; in which the major induced
structures. velocity is located at the moving load position. Once again the obtained
results intersect with that found in Ref. [34].
4.1.2. Multi-frequency domain To confirm the validation of the L-AMN adaptive scheme, the sub-
Since the train induced excitation comprises the quasi-static as well soil layer is considered to be more flexible; its Young’s modulus is as-
as the dynamic contribution (rail roughness, track unevenness, transi- sumed to be one-fifth of that of the reference case. Subsequently a
tion zone …), theoretically, the load transmitted by each axle is never computational grid of dimensions 70 × 20 × 5 m3 meshed at the center
harmonic. Consequently, the developed scheme is applied in the multi- using 0.13 m3 brick elements is used to find the soil surface dynamic
frequency domain in which two loading scenarios are investigated. The response for the case of V = 350 km/h and f = 20 Hz. The obtained
first one concerns the case of multi-frequency point moving load while results are presented in Fig. 22. It can be observed that the same trend
the second includes a vibration analysis of the case of multiple har- of the soil behavior is obtained; a half of the Mach cone appears clearly
monic point loads. Herein each temporal sequence is presented together at the center of the model. Consequently, the developed model proves a
with the corresponding Fourier spectrum obtained from FFT algorithm. strong ability to represent the track/ground interaction problem.
In the first scenario, the mathematical expression projected on the
time axis t of the applied point moving load p(t) is given as follows:
5. Conclusion
⎛ ⎞
p (t ) = imag ∑ Pj e−iωj t The problem of induced waves by high-speed moving loads that
⎜ ⎟
⎝ j ⎠ (16a)
propagate in media with complex geometry and material behavior was
ωj = 2πf j evoked in this article. An efficient approach was proposed in a fixed
reference system aimed to overcome the lack of ability of the classical
where imag(Zc) is the imaginary part of the complex number Zc and i methods that formulated in the time domain which require a mesh
refers to the imaginary unit. refinement along the load path. A three-dimensional numerical tool was
Two deterministic signals are considered in which they are applied developed on the basis of the difference element method within the
separately at the rolling surface of the infinite beam structure. The frame of an adaptive meshing scheme “L-AMN”. It is based upon the
frequency content of each case of study is presented in Table 3. Note creation of a load-attached moving node on the rail rolling surface. The
that each harmony of linear frequency fj is presented with its corre- study is performed in the perfectly elastic domain. However, any kind
sponding amplitude Pj. of geometrical and mechanical anomalies comprising soil discontinuity
Then, the L-AMN scheme is used to investigate the rail response in and material non-linearity can be easily integrated in the present model
the case of multiple harmonic moving point loads (second scenario of without causing a considerable increase in the calculation time thanks
loading) traveling simultaneously the rail at constant velocity V. to the use of an explicit numerical scheme (the central-difference
Table 4 summarizes the loads characteristics (amplitude & frequency) method).
as well as the location of each load with respect to the moving spatial In order to capture the governing dynamic characteristics of the
reference system Xr. It should be mentioned that, in the first scenario of track/ground response that result from the mutual dynamic interactions
loading the origin of Xr is attached to the point of application of the between the model components, some considerations should be made
single moving load whereas in the second scenario the four moving especially on the discretization of the spatiotemporal coupled domain.
loads are spatially located relative to the position of the load having the It has been found that approximately 14 grid points per wavelength
highest amplitude. should be used to correctly discretize the foundation domain which
Fig. 19 depicts the dynamic response of the rail at the beam span exceeds that needed to solve a stationary loading problem. On the other
(Xr = −4 m) for the two moving load cases of the first scenario. On the hand, the influence of the rail-beam spatiotemporal mesh on the dis-
other hand, Fig. 20 shows the response of the rail at Xr = 0 and −4 m crete representation of the time-variant moving load is studied; a ratio
for the considered loading case of the second scenario. of 130 subdivisions per wavelength of excitation is found to ensure a
The results show that the rail/foundation interaction is complex. It satisfactory numerical convergence. They are used to specify the suc-
involves several parameters, in particular the frequency content of the cessive position of the moving node. Many numerical experiments have
moving loads (Tables 3 And 4), and the natural frequency of the subsoil been performed in the sub-Rayleigh and super-Rayleigh ranges in order
layer fs. The loading frequencies as well as fs determine the intensity of to validate the developed model. They clearly showed the capacity to
the dynamic amplification of the rail response. It is worth noting that, reproduce the dynamic response of the track/ground system especially
the sleeper passing frequency (V divided by the sleeper span s) does not when the load velocity exceeds the Rayleigh waves speed of the subsoil
appear on the frequency analysis seen that the traveling velocity is layer in which a Mach cone appears at the center of the model.

R. Mezeh et al. Computers and Geotechnics 100 (2018) 188–202

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