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B17 Practice

Student book answers questions

Question Answers Extra information Mark

methane – global warming 1

sewage – increased risk of 1
01 diseases
smoke – blackening of buildings 1
extremophiles Accept named examples, e.g., 1
02.1 acidophiles, thermophiles,
thermophytes, halophytes.
0 marks Level 1 (1–2 Level 2 (3-4 Level 3 (5-6
marks) marks) marks)
No relevant Either a A difference is A difference is
content. difference or a given and an given and
reason is given. attempt to suggest suitable reasons,
reason(s) for the which add value,
difference. to explain the
difference: 6
 food chain near Allow no seaweed at the
hydrothermal vent begins bottom of the sea.
with bacteria
 food chain near surface
of the sea begins with
 use different energy Allow limpets eat different
sources foods.
 producers (in the two Accept bacteria / limpets /
chains) are different crabs (in the 2 areas) are
different (species)
02.2 or
have different adaptations
have evolved differently.

Allow plant.
examples of scientific points
made in the response:
 seaweed is an alga
 seaweed absorbs light / Allow chemical energy.
energy from Sun
 for photosynthesis Allow no Sun (light).
Allow descriptions of
 to make glucose / sugar/
conditions, e.g., harsh.
carbohydrate / food
 no light at bottom of sea
Allow thermal energy or ‘heat’.
 plants can’t survive in the
dark / conditions at the
bottom of sea
 bacteria are

© Oxford University Press 2016

This resource sheet may have been changed from the original. 1
B17 Practice
Student book answers questions
 bacteria need different
energy source / use
chemical energy
 to make carbohydrate /

Question Answers Extra information Mark

by 4.5 billion Accept answer between 4.3 1

and 4.7 billion.
03.2 roughly 10 million 1
any one from: Accept any other sensible 1
 habitats of other living suggestion.
organisms being
destroyed to make way
for buildings/roads etc.
 waste produced by
03.3 humans is polluting
 non-renewable energy
resources, e.g., crude
oil/natural gas being
used up
 biodiversity is being lost
re-establishes habitat for other 2
03.4 organisms, allowing biodiversity
to be maintained
any two from: 2
 to obtain timber
 to clear the land for
04.1 buildings/housing/shops
 to grow crops for food
 to grow crops for biofuels
 to provide land for cattle
 deforestation increases 4
amount of carbon dioxide
in the atmosphere
 burning trees increases
carbon dioxide levels
through combustion
 microorganisms release
carbon dioxide during the
breakdown of dead
 deforestation removes
the amount of carbon
 increasing carbon

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B17 Practice
Student book answers questions
dioxide levels are
warming the Earth via
the greenhouse effect
any one from: 2
 loss of habitat
 changes in species
04.3 distribution patterns
 changes in animal
migration patterns
 reduction in biodiversity
a measure of the variety of all 1
the different species of
organisms on Earth, or within a
particular ecosystem
deforestation destroys food 1
sources and habitat for many
04.5 species
meaning that many species may 1
become extinct

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