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Republic of th

e Philippines
Tamag, Vigan City, Ilocos Sur
College of Teacher Education Graduate Studies



Reaction Paper

The Educational System of Saudi Arabia

Education plays an important role to develop countries in both fields of economy and technology.

All the developing countries share the same education system which put them behind all the developed

countries. According to George Saville, an English statement and author, “Education is what Remains

When We Have Forgotten all That We Have Been Taught.” During the 1932 education in Saudi Arabia

was limited to the rich class; however, in recent years the opportunity of having an education becomes

available to most citizens. Countries with great education can take the highest positions in the world.

Therefore, education has a positive impact on people's lives to create, solve problems, create, and many

other aspects. Education in Saudi Arabia has changed dramatically in recent years; even though, Saudi

Arabia is still behind all developed countries because they have many weaknesses in their education

system, there is some advice to solve these weaknesses in education methods to evolve education.

The education system in Saudi Arabia is well structured by the government that helps reduce the

illiteracy level in the country. This begins from the time when Saudi Arabia became a state in 1932 in

which the educational system was limited to a few where they had to go to the Islamic schools. Over the

years, education has improved to a point where all students had to go to school from the primary level to

secondary level for free. The education system in Saudi Arabia has separated both the men and female in

which girls go to the female schools whereas the men go the male schools. The school administration
system is in three parts, and they are the education for the girls, the general education for the boys and the

Islamic tradition for the boys or men in the country.

The Islamic education for men is used to prepare them for the religious clergy or the Ulema. The

system of education in Saudi Arabia is under the ministry of education especially for boys while the girls’

education is under the general presidency for the girl’s education (Stalinsky, 2004). The ministry of higher

education oversees the post-secondary education while the general organization for technical education

and vocational training oversee college education. Education starts with the kindergarten school, the

primary school, and intermediate school, and secondary school, vocational and tertiary education.

In the beginning, women are important members of society. Women are responsible to bring the

next generation; therefore, women s’ education has a significant effect on whole communities. When

women have strong skills from education, they will educate their children and benefit their societies.

Starting with the first weakness in the education system in Saudi Arabia, women's education is too

limited. For instance, the education system prevents women from any physical activity. Physical activity

is a crucial factor in the human body, and it protects humans from many diseases. Therefore, obesity is

spread among girls. However, according to the research that has been conducted, the number of girls

enrolled in schools has increased tremendously compared to 1960s. There is restriction for girls in higher

education in fields such as engineering, architecture, law, and journalism. The number of girls in higher

education has increased by 58 percent. Research shows that more girls in Saudi are getting higher

educations compared to other Muslim nation (Jabaji, 2008). This is because the government has taken a

keen eye on the education of the girl child. This has made the government to formulate more schools for

girls. It is also witnessed that more girls are enrolling to be educators or teachers thus has led to Saudi

Arabia having thousands of female professors in all parts of the country. The first all-women’s university

is Princess Nora Bint Abdul Rahman University that consists of 32 campuses throughout the Riyadh

The education system in Saudi Arabia is controlled by the government. The system consists of the

preschool, primary, intermediate, secondary, and higher education. Over the years the number of students

has increased immensely since 1960s. This also includes the number of girls going to school. Research

shows that the primary school goers are high compared to the other institution. The education systems

also cater for children who have special needs thus will be able to get knowledge that will help them

acquire good jobs. In higher education there are over 24 universities and colleges that are privately

owned. The government made it easy for students who are performing well to get bursaries that will

enable them to go and study abroad in areas such as England, Canada, or USA. The girl child in Saudi

Arabia has the luxury of getting education compared to any Arab nation.

In conclusion, education in Saudi Arabia has many weaknesses methods. The education system to

educate women is inadequate. Also, methods are too limited to meet the demand, and teachers lack the

skills to be good teachers. However, there is some advice to solve these weaknesses in education by

expanding the women s’ education, and by preparing the student to study Math, Science, and technology

to have the skills that labor work requires. Also, training teachers to have the right skills which affect their

students positively is a very significant effect on students’ education.

Jabaji, R. (2008). Saudi Arabia's First Women's University. Riyadh

Stalinsky, S. (2003). Inside the Saudi classroom: Seeking Reform. Retrieved Dec. 01, 2005, from
National Review Online Web site:

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