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There are “3” main Prophet’s spoken of in scripture who’s lives, works and actions changed the

course of Human history thousands of years ago. These are “Moses”, “Jesus”, and “Mohammad”.

Moses bringing what is known as the Torah-Old Testament, for the Isrealites also known as “Jews”.

Jesus bringing what is known as the Gospel-New Testament, and Mohammad of 1,400 years ago

bringing what is known as the Holy Quran. We call these THREE Prophets the BIG-3. Representing

Knowledge, Understanding, Wisdom. (Data/Comprehension/Application).

224. These three Prophets also known as Messengers of the GODS were given messages of Prophetic

Nature, meaning they were Predictions of Events due to Come to pass or happen in the Future and not

in their life times. Their works and mission even their lives were to be “Signs” of what should be

expected to take place far into the future. That Future is NOW upon US!

225. We have been living in the Last Days since the 1900s. 1914 marked the End of the 6,000 year Rule

of Evil known today as “White Supremacy”. Since the 1900s in particular the Presence of the GODS

have been in the World and this Presence represents the Dawning of a brand new World Order. An

Order that is the Complete Opposite of the world we lived in and known of over the past 6 Millenniums

(6,000 years). This Presence of GOD also represents the Return and Repeating of the Works of Past

Prophets written of in Scripture, including those of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad. However, this

doesn’t mean these same men will return in our times, it means Men or individuals of the same mind

and spirit would be raised up today in our midst to fulfill the works of these 3 Great Servants of GOD.

226. When we use the term “Last Days”, we are referring to the Times of events described in Scripture.

A time of Confusion, Chaos, War, Plagues, Division, Famine, Nations rising against nations. But it is also a

time of Enlightenment, when the will cast out Falsehood. It is also the time of the Making of the New

People who would be the Heads in this New World Order of the GODS.
227. According to scripture, there was a 1st-coming of these Great Prophets of GOD then there was to

be a 2nd-coming. In our current AGE this process have been repeated. There was a 1 st-Coming of Moses,

Jesus, and even Mohammad Fulfilled in the Persons of the man known as Elijah Mohammad. These

works were fulfilled or carried out from the year 1930-1975(approx 45 years). We are now in the time of

the 2nd-coming of these works, However, it will come from or has come from ANOTHER individual who

will do even greater works then those of the past, thus COMPLETING that which those in the past did

not resulting in the ushering in of a Brand New World Order of Justice, Equality, Peace and

Righteousness. This Man in the 2nd-coming is under many titles or names in scripture, He is also known

by many in this world today as the “BLACK MESSIAH”, Also known in the Islamic World as Mahdi.

228. We must view the names of prophets as titles and not merely names as we know them today.

Inancient times the Meaning of Ones name represented the destiny of the individual. It also gives us a

hint or clue of the specific mission type they were given by the GODS. For example, the Name Elijah

means “My God is Jehovah”. Which tells us the GOD of Elijah is the True and Living GOD. The name

Moses means, “He who draws out.” (Ex 2:10). The Mission or work of Moses according to scripture was

to Bring the People of GOD known as the Isrealites out of the ways, customs, religion, and thinking of

their enemies whom according to the BOOK was called Egyptian. Likewise, Elijah Muhammad did the

same work regarding the people of GOD known today as the Black Nation in America.

229. The Most H.E.M. came under many names of the prophet’s in scripture, however, he only fulfilled

certain portions or aspects of their mission not to the “9 th Power”-(Completion). This is why PAUL (who

represents Minister Louis Farrakhan) said that His Generation understood “in Part” and therefore only

“prophesied in part”. But when that which is “perfect has come, then that which is in PART will be done

away with”. (1Corin 13:10).

230. Let us now look at these two dispensation of times also referred to as the FIRST COMING of the

Man known as JESUS and the SECOND COMING of JESUS. According to the Most H.E.M., He

acknowledge that he fulfilled the role of the Elijah written in the scripture. If we are to believe this is

the truth, then we understand the Elijah and John the Baptist are One and the same person, according

to the Bible (Matthew 11:13-14)

231. Now if this be the case, and it surely is. Let us now examine the works and words of John the

Baptist and his relation to Jesus (also known as the Messiah, Christ, Mahdi, and Holy Spirit). According

to both the Bible and Quran, John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus (The Messiah or Holy Spirit).

A Forerunner is one who comes before someone or a thing.

232. In the Gospel Matthews 3, it says, Jesus was Baptized by John and as we just proved is “Elijah”.

Here John felt that Jesus was greater than he and so he tells Jesus that it is He who needs to be

Baptized by Him. But Jesus understanding the ways of God, knew that it would be through the

Teachings of John that would serve as the Foundation of his Mission. Now what does this show us? It

shows us both the Humbleness of John in his recognizing the greater role Jesus would play. And it shows

the respect of the younger one, Jesus in acknowledging that though he was to serve a greater role he

still gave respect and honor to his predecessor and teacher, John. There is no pride and envy among

Men of God.

The Most H.E.M. hinted in his book T.O.T. pg, 87-89, of this Messiah-Holy Spirit Coming after Him and

through his teachings when he said, “THE SUN IS GOING DOWN IN THE WEST”. And that “His”

teaching would raise a powerful Sun of truth by that part of the planet by him. Another meaning for

the word Baptize is to “Instruct” or “Teach”. The Teachings of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad

will always be the BASE and FOUNDATION from which we Build.



the one the world of all religions are expecting to appear at this time in which we are now living.

Chapter 1

Malachi Ch 3

The Lord Almighty says: “Look! I am sending my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me.

Then the Lord you are seeking will suddenly come-to His Temple. The Messenger of the Covenant,

whom you look for so eagerly, is surely Coming”, says the LORD ALMIGHTY. (v-1)

My messenger- John the Baptist, Elijah, Muhammad, (See-Confir; New King James Version (NKJV Foot

Note says: “Prepare the way, this term resembles the Prophecy of Micah 5:2 concerning the birthplace

of the Messiah. Matthew and Mark books identifies the messenger of this verse as John the Baptist.

Mal 4:5; Matt 11:10; Mark 1:2-3”.

[NOTE: This Messenger who prepares the way for the Messiah is the Most Hon. ELIJAH Muhammad. Its

Mathematically incorrect for Him to Both be the Messiah and also prepare the way for the Messiah]

Before Me: This Messenger, just identified as Elijah Muhammad (John the Baptist) Comes Before GOD,

not while GOD is Present. [NOTE: One of the titles for Messiah is Immanuel, which means, “God with

Us” The very definition of this goes against Elijah M. being the Messiah because the Messiah would be

Clothed in the Power of GOD and operating in the TIME OF GOD while Elijah came BEFORE and to

prepare the WAY.]

Then : After that, soon after [NOTE: These definitions indicate the One John the Baptist prepares the

way for comes “AFTER” the Mission of John, meaning he wasn’t present during the time of the First

Resurrection. This is also confirmed in Book, “Closing the GAP”] Pg 20 where Minister Farrakhan said

Elijah Muhammad (E.M.) stated to him, “two thirds of the Quran were for Him and one third was for

some other man, and I would let that other man worry about his part”. This same person E.M. is

speaking of is this Messiah who comes after Elijah Muhammad].

The Lord you are seeking will suddenly: This Lord is the Master Messiah, whom Elijah prepared the

way for.

Chapter 2

Come-to: to revive, strengthen, restore [NOTE: According to Oxford dictionary and thesaurus, the word

“Come-to” can be defined as above. And this definition fits because the Messiah comes according to the

Book of John to strengthen the Believers and revive the works of Elijah with ACTION.]

His Temple: His Temple represents the Temple Believers in the Nation of Islam (NOI). [: The Messiah is

coming from outside of the Temple, He’s under the teachings of Allah given to his Messenger Elijah but

he isn’t a registered member.]

The Messenger of the covenant: This SECOND Messenger here in this passage is the Messiah. He is the

Messenger of the Covenant or Promise. (see NKJV Foot Note says: “Both the righteous and the wicked

will be surprised when the Messiah arrives. The Messenger of Covenant: This Messianic title, referring to

the One who will initiate the NEW COVENANT”. (See-Jer 31:33-34; Matt 26:28; Heb 12:24)

[NOTE: This Messenger of the Covenant whom is identified as the Messiah who comes after Elijah is also

the One Moses said would come after Him. The New Covenant essentially marks the transition from the

Nation of GOD (Islam), to the Kingdom of GOD which is Universal and opens the door to all people’s
including the Gentiles (White or Caucasian). Whereas Moses-Elijah was sent ONLY to the Lost Sheep of

the HOUSE of Isreal. Moses mission dealt primarily with Race and Nationality, whereas the Messiah

deals with the Heart and Mind of the individual.]

Is surely Coming: These words indicates the Messiah would not be present during the time of the first

Coming or resurrection. Otherwise it would have said, he’s present. Messiah wasn’t to Come until

AFTER the “FALL” of the Nation of Islam

 But who will be able to endure it when He comes? Who will be able to stand and face Him

when He appears? For he will be like a blazing fire that refines Metal or like a strong soap that

whitens clothes

 He will sit and judge like a refiner of silver, watching closely as the dros is burned away. He

will purify the Levites, refining them like gold and silver so that they may once again offer

acceptable sacrifices to the Lord

 He will be like a blazing fire that refines metal : He the Messiah is coming to spiritually purify

the believers who were weakened in faith due to the FALL of the First Resurrection.

[see-Bible NKJV FN says. “In this verse Malachi turns to the second coming of the messiah. This

second advent will be one of judgement and purification.” See- Joel 2:11, Amos 5:18, Luke

21:36, Rev 19:11-21. Refiners Fire.

 A strong soap that whitens clothes: This further illustrates the spiritual purification process of

the believers that will help separate the true believers from the hypocrite.

(See- Bible NKJV FN Says: “The Savior Himself will sift all people to prepare for His Reign”.

 He will Purify the Levites- that they might once again offer acceptable sacrifices to the Lord:

The Messiah will come to set straight the Ministers of the Nation of Islam who have become
lukewarm and may have compromised the truth and teachings of the Most Hon. Elijah


[NOTE: The term being acceptable “AGAIN” indicates at one time the Levites and Ministers of

the Temple were operating properly. This also indicates that the Messiah is the one to come

after Elijah because it was Elijah under the name Elijah in the book of Kings and John the

Baptist in the New Testament who was the FIRST teacher of the first set of believers.

Malachi Ch 4

GOD says, the DAY OF JUDGEMENT IS COMING, it will burn like a furnace. On this day He says, the

ARROGANT and the WICKED will burn up like straw. They will be consumed like a TREE-ROOTS and ALL.

But for those who respect God, He says, the SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS will RISE with healing in his wings,

and the Righteous will be Liberated and be joyful.


This DAY OF JUDGEMENT when the Arrogant and wicked will be destroyed, Root and Branch, and when

This SUN of Righteousness will liberate His people is an event that takes place ON THE DAY OF THE

LORD, also known as the DAY OF JUDGEMENT. There are TWO KEY points to look at here that makes it

clear, ELIJAH Muhammad was not the One called the “MESSIAH”, the “HOLY-SPIRIT-MAN”. First, in this

same Chapter of Malachi, V 5-6, GOD tells us that He would send, Elijah not during the day of

Judgement, but BEFORE the day of Judgement. If this be the case then there would come ONE after His

work who would do the work of defeating the wicked and arrogant and liberate the people of GOD- the

Faithful and righteous.

Another interesting thing to note is that the term “SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS” is mentioned. This term

“SUN” is not the literal SUN. It is a symbolic term used describing the MESSIAH or CHRIST. This could not
be referring to The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad, because He said Himself in his Book, Titled, “The

Theology of Times” pg-87, that it would be THROUGH his teachings that this Sun of righteousness would

arise. He then goes on to say or describe the Direction from which This SUN of TRUTH would Come. This

direction being from the WESTERN PART OF PLANET, which when properly understood , is referring to

the Western part of the U.S. The WESTCOAST.

The wicked and arrogant here is referring to the 10% that control America and the world. The term TREE

and Its ROOT is referring to their GLOBAL INSTITUTIONS, whether it be its POLITICAL, EDUCATIONAL,

FINANCIAL, JUDICIAL, and RELIGIOUS. The FINAL FALL of these institutions did not happen in the Time

and mission of Elijah. Infact they still exist today but are NOW being threatened and challenged by other

World Powers. This is all happening by order of Almighty-God who is present in the Person of MASTER


Here in V:3/God says ON THE DAY THAT HE ACTS, The righteous and Faithful among the People will Tred

upon the Wicked as if they dust under their feet.


The enemy of the people of GOD, (specifically the Black People in America) have had their way with the

people. They have done what they pleased with People of Color in America and abroad. The greatest act

ever perpetrated against humanity was done against the black Asiatic People in America and their

brothers and sisters now scattered through the world as a result of the TRANS-ATLANTIC SLAVE TRADE.

Even today, 400 plus years after this occurred, The people of God are still being brutalized, exploited,

dehumanized, disrespected, and hated on by the descendants of their Slave masters of old. Why is this

relevant to the subject at hand? It is because we, the people of God have been wanting to get even for a

long time. We have been waiting patiently to see the day when finally the enemy will reap what they

have sown and when we should no longer be made to just accept the injustice and brutality against our

ENEMY. A time when we will tred the enemy as if they were dust under our feet. However, it must be

done GODS WAY, not our own. It can’t be by way of the GUN or other Carnal weapons, it must be by the

way of the Power and Forces of Almighty-God.

In V:5-6/ The lord almighty God says what He would do “BEFORE” this great and awesome day of His.

But what did He say He would do? He said, “Before this great and dreadful day of mine He would send

to the People, the Prophet Elijah.” And that this Prophet or Messenger would bring a Message of UNITY

and reconciliation to His people. But God also left a warning of what He would do if the People of Elijah

did not heed His message. He said He would “Curse” their community.


The Mission of the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad lasted a little over 40 years, just as it was

Prophesied to. This time was from 1935-1975. During these 40 years plus on mission, only a few of His

people from among the Black Asiatic Community became followers. Some heeded his message but the

vast majority of the people did not. The collective Leadership within the black community did not accept

Elijah as their Leader, rather it be leadership from among the religious class, the political class, or the

black nationalist sect. in fact, upon the physical departure of Elijah in 1975, many of those who claimed

to be his followers turned against him and turned from the path. So without a doubt, these rebellions

are the root cause of the plagues unleashed upon the communities of Color in America.

As a consequence of this out right disobedience of Almighty God and His Messenger, the Most

Honorable Elijah Muhammad, the Black community has been cursed with various calamities, some of

which is the disease of self –hate, black on black violence, drugs addiction, dysfunctional families, teen

pregnancies, poverty, mass incarceration, social outcasts, lack of respect of the youth for elders and the

elders lack of care for the youth. This is not a coincidence that these things are happening throughout all
the COMMUNITIES OF COLOR. In every state and city. Absolutely not! This is being allowed to happen by

God because of our peoples rejection of Him over 60 years ago. Its not that the enemy is so powerful

and we so weak. Almighty God is well able and capable of defeating our enemy in the blink of an eye.

The Enemy knows this. The Heads of the U.S. Military and the President knows this and they know that

there’s nothing they can do about it EXCEPT, tempt us and lead us AWAY FROM OUR GOD AND HIS

PROTECTION. This they have done and continue to do by way of deceit.

Matthew CH3

In the days of John the Baptist, he preached to his people telling them to turn away from their wicked

ways and turn back to God, for the kingdom or world order of the Gods was near.

In V:3/ it says that John the Baptist was the one the Prophet Isaiah spoke of when he said, He(John) was

a voice shouting in the wilderness saying, “Prepare the pathway for the Lord’s coming! Make a straight

way for Him.”


When it says, “In the days of John the Baptist.” It is referring to the Time of the First Resurrection

regarding the work of the NATION OF ISLAM, particularly the years, 1935-1975. He spoke many things

one of which was teaching His people to turn from their evil and wicked ways learned by the enemy and

their former slave-masters and to turn to God. He told them to repent and seek God’s forgiveness. He

also came revealing that this is the Time of Judgment and the Rule of God.

The lord here the Prophet Isaiah is said John spoke about has been identified as the Messiah or Christ.

This can be verified by almost all religious scholars as well as in the Book of the Prophet Malachi ch3.

Where Almighty God says, He will send to the people a Messenger, then after that the “Lord” whom the

people seek will come to His Temple.

It is widely accepted that the messenger the Prophet Malachi speaks about is John the Baptist. And

according to Gospel book of Matthew, John and Elijah is the same person. (Matt 11:13-14). What are we

attempting to prove? That Elijah Muhammad is John the Baptist of scripture, and if this be the case and

it is, then He cant be both the One who prepares the way for the Lord-Messiah and be the Lord-

Messiah. This is against both Mathematics and the order of scripture.


Here in V:11/ John describes His role in connection to the one he prepares the way for. This is what he

says: “I Baptize with Water those who turn from their sins and turn to God. But someone is coming soon

who is greater than I am. He will baptize you with the HOLY-SPIRIT and with FIRE.”


John (Elijah) says he BAPTIZED with WATER. To baptize means to instruct or to teach. Here in this

context Water symbolizes renewal and revival. It also represents the Revealed Truth of God. When the

most Honorable Elijah Muhammad came, He came with a message that revived His people and put them

back on the straight path. Him coming with water means that He came with the truth revealed to Him

by God who came in the person of Master Fard Muhammad. It was this Baptism that was responsible for

Giving life to Men such of Malcom X, Muhammad Ali, Minister Louis Farrakhan, Dr. Yusuf Bey, Thee Allah

Master J and Clarence 13X (also known as Allah the father). This was a powerful Baptism that gave

powerful results.

John then says, after Him someone greater than he will come. And this One will baptize or teach the

People with the HOLY SPIRIT and FIRE. What makes this one who comes after Elijah greater? This answer

is found when you breakdown the words, “HOLY SPIRIT” and “FIRE”. The first word to look at is “HOLY”.

Holy means to be “Perfect” or in a state of “Perfection”. It also means to be “GODLY”. Now let’s break
down the word, “SPIRIT”. A few meanings for this word Spirit is, “”MIND”, or “HEART”. Also it means

“Presence or Being”. In simple terms, John and the one he speaks of serves two different functions and

purposes. John came in the mode of a Messenger or Prophet in a sense. While the one who comes after

him comes in the mode of a GOD.

The Holy Spirit this one comes with is essentially the God Mind and Heart. The Ansar El Muhammad said

it is the best way. He is a Remote Controlled Unit. He is a separate Human being yet He is being Guided

by another. But this guidance is not any kind of guidance. He is actually doing the work of God acting as

God by the permission of God. A Messenger or Prophet does not have this function. Putting it another

way, the One that comes after Elijah is like a Prince whose father is KING. The Father of His prince can

choose to give His Son full authority over the Kingdom with He the Prince acting in the Place of His

Father. The word of the Prince is the same as the Word of the Father. The Order of the Prince is the

same as the order of the King. This is the best way to explain the relationship between the Holy-Spirit-

Man also known as the Messiah and God the Father.

Because He is acting as God on earth. He must be in a State of Perfection like God if He comes with the

Holy Spirit or God Mind and Presence. This is also why He is given the name, “IMMANUEL”, which

means, “God with Us”. God will be with the people today through His Messiah. The One that comes

after Elijah. Lets look at the other word John uses to describe the work of the one who comes after Him.

The word “FIRE” is used. But what does this represent? Fire represents “Spiritual Enlightenment” It also

symbolically represents “Judgement”.

When the words HOLY-SPIRIT and FIRE is combined, it means the One who comes after John-Elijah

Muhammad is coming with the POWER and AUTHORITY of ALMIGHTY GOD HIMSELF. God is giving this

One the authority to Judge and to give Enlightenment to the Truth that is already Present.
In V:13-15/it tells us that Jesus(The Holy-Spirit-Man) went from a Place called “Galilee” to the Jordan

River to be Baptized by John(Elijah).

Then it says John didn’t want to Baptize Him. He then says He is the one who should be baptized by


Jesus (the Holy-Spirit-Man) responds by saying, “Ït must be done, because we must do everything that is


Let us first look at Two Key words that has deeper meaning than what meets the eye. These words are

the cities called “Galilee” and a place called the JORDAN RIVER. It says Jesus (The Holy-Spirit-Man) came

from Galilee to the Jordan River. Lets see what the word Galilee is defined as, It is defined as a “DISTRICT

OF NATIONS”. The word District means a community neighborhood or locality. The term Nations is used

here in the plural sense signifying Diversity. Another meaning for the word Galilee is defined as “A


There are two things or signs to look at here that gives a clue as to the location of where the Holy-Spirit-

Man will arise from the, here in North America. We have already indicated that it would be in an area

WEST in the United States, specifically California. Now we see that this Place called Galilee is to be a

place of diversity and located in a Northern Region. We know that the city of Oakland in California’s bay

are is a place known to be the Most Diverse City in the country. It is also located in the North of the

State of California. According to the Holy Quran we know it states that God when creating or bringing

things into existence he does so using the Dual or Pair Principle, meaning as it is in the East so it is in the

West or so it is in the Old Holy or Promised Land, so be it in the New Holy Land of Promise which is the

U.S.A. This Holy-Spirit-Man who comes after the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad arises out of the

States of California, specifically the city of Oakland. This is also why in the New testament Book called

“ACTS” it states that When Jesus was crucified He was hung on a tree. The tree here is symbolic and
though White So-called supremacist made a tradition off of the Lynching of Black People from a tree. It

was only symbolizing what they did to the Prophet Jesus 2,000 years earlier, or at least what they

perceived to have happened to the Prophet Jesus of 2,000 years ago.

Let us look at the SEAL of the Great City of Oakland, is it not that of a Tree? So we should expect the city

of Oakland and its Institutions to be the ones responsible for the Arrest, persecution, vilification, trial

and conviction of the Holy-Spirit-Man, Jesus the Messiah of Today.

Let us now examine the word, “JORDAN RIVER”, we know it isn’t referring to a literal River somewhere,

so what does this symbolize? According to some religious scholars it represents “TRANSITION”. When a

thing is in transition, it is in a state of Change. At this Time of Spiritual Instruction or Baptism of the

Holy-Spirit-Man by John the Baptist(Elijah), this causes a profound Change in the person of the MESSIAH,

also called the Holy-Spirit-Man. This is why the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in His Book,

the T.O.T. that This SUN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS, who is the same person we are discussing would be

Powerful, and that it would be through, His Teachings meaning Elijah’s teaching that this SUN would

arise. So this is How John Baptizes this Jesus.

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