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 Etymological Definition  Coined by Auguste Conte in the early

o The word dates back to the late 16th nineteenth century the development of
century, but it was not until the 19 th Sociology as a discipline emerged in the 19 th
century that it was applied to the century in response of modernity
academics’ discipline that now bears its  It is the systematic study of human society and
name. social interaction
o It is from the New Latin word  It studies human societies their interaction, and
antropologia (“the study of humanity”) the processes of these interaction patterns
and shares its ultimate root in Greek preserve, develop, and change them
anthropos (“human being”) and logos
(study) Society
 Deals with the scientific study of man, his  A large social grouping that shares the same
works, body, behavior and values within a geographical territory and is subject to the
specific time and space. same political authority and dominant cultural
 Study of people throughout the world their expectations
evolutionary, history, how they behave, adapt o Political Authority is the power held by
to different environments, communicate and a political entity to require action and
socialize with one another. claim obedience to its rules
 Study of the origin, the behavior, and the o Dominant Culture Expectations are the
physical, social, and cultural developments of group whose members are in the
humans. majority or who wield more power the
 Studies how human evolve may it be physical, other groups
cultural, etc. in a span of time o Studies how a whole society works
Four Fields of Anthropology Political Science
Subfield Interest Data  Origin
Cultural Culture: shared, Behavior, o It originated with the ancient Greeks in
learned, Ideas the first century BCE
dynamic, o Philosopher Plato wrote numerous
dialogues about politics
 Etymological Definition
o “POLIS” (Greek) = “city-state or
Biological/ Human Bodies,
sovereign state”
Physical evolution and Genes/DNA
o “POLITICUS” was an adjective that was
used to describe anything “of the state”
Linguistics Language Sounds,
o “SCIRE” came from the science which
(verbal and words,
means to know
non-verbal), grammar,
 Deals with the foundation of the state and
communication movement,
principles of the government
 Primary concepts are power and state
 Study of Politics
Archaeology Cultural change Artifacts,
over time Material Culture, Society, and Politics are interconnected as it
culture influences one another in complex and dynamic ways.
For example, the type of Politics one state has can
heavily influence its Culture and Society. For example,
Sociology in one state where a strict dictatorship type of
 Etymological Definition government is being practiced it leads to a culture
o “socius” (Latin) = “group / partners” revolving around strict and depressing norms which in
o “logos” (Greek) = “study” return will create a depressing and ineffective society.
 The whole point of culture is to for the older
generation to transfer their culture and
traditions to the younger generations
 The culture has to adapt in change in times
 This is how the new generation would absorb
the culture and make it suit it tastes
Material Culture
 Are components tha

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