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Philosophy Modern Period (1492 AC – 1789 AC)

 From Greek Words Philo (love) and Sophia  Frame thought: ANTRHOPOCENTRIC
(wisdom)  Descartes Father of Modern Period
 “The love of Wisdom” – the main goal of  Thinkers started to depart from dogmatism and
Philosophy emphasizing observation, human experience at
 A system of principals’ beliefs about reality and the starting point of reality and social reform.
nature of things  Kierkegaard, Descartes, and Nietzsche argued
 It is the goal to find meaning as meaning gives for the significance of human thought as
value to our lives existentialism and phenomenology emerged.
 It is also defined as the science that by natural  Existence is meaningless unless humans give it
light of reason studies the first causes of highest meaning.
principles of things.  Man is the center through observations of the
 Philosophy is Dialectic man himself
o A dialogue of ideas that takes place in
Post-Modern Period (1789 AC – Present)
o An idea is presented – then it is  Frame thought: POST-SCIENTIFIC
 People create meaning in their lives through
Branches of Philosophy their experiences, interactions, and
Metaphysics The study of existence communication with other people.
Epistemology The study of knowledge  Humans are the starting point of meaning -
Ethics The study of reality that exists outside of the human mind is
behavior/action meaningless, unless humans ascribe meaning to
Politics The study of Governance it.
Aesthetics The study of Art  Focus is on meaning
Logic The study of Reasoning Holistic Perspective
Philosophical Reflection (Ariel Gil Buena)
Periods of Philosophy
 It is the process by which a person undergoes a
Ancient Period (3000 BC – 476 AC) reflective state or evaluates is or her
experiences first before making any related
 Frame thought: COSMOCENTIRC
 Thales, Anaximander, and Pythagoras argued
 It allows a person to look back on previous
on elements which comprises that cosmos
experiences and evaluate the meaning or
(universe) as well as its origins.
significance of life.
 Sophists (Socrates and Plato) argued relativism
in knowledge through the dialectic argument Activities From Deliberate Reflection
through human reason.
 We are bound to the principles of the universe,  Knowing the self, including personal beliefs,
yet capable of reason and awareness of ideals, or values.
existence. Examples of Human Activities from Deliberate
Medieval Period (476 AC – 1492 AC) Reflection

 Frame thought: THEOCENTRIC  Learning from your previous mistakes and not
 St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Agustin of Hippo repeating them again
argued the existence for God and the nature of  Evaluating and knowing the best choice form
his will through scripture and doctrine the set options
 Our Essence as humans is rooted in the God and  Gaining a holistic point of view first before
our action governed by God’s will. making any conclusion
Holistic Point of View In the Allegory of the Cave, Plato distinguishes between
people who mistake sensory knowledge for the truth
 It looks at all aspects of the given problem or and people who really do see the truth.
The Cave
Partial Point of View
 The cave represents people who believe
 Only looks at a limited number of aspects of the that knowledge comes from what we
given problem or situation. see and hear the world.
History The Shadow
The following are among the notable ancient Greek  The shadows represent the perception
philosophers: of those who believe empirical evidence
Socrates ensures knowledge.

 Critique of intellectuals; To live a life of virtue. The Game

 Socratic Method – The Art of Questioning  The game represents how people
Plato believe that one person can be a
‘master’ when they have a knowledge
 A student of Socrates of the empirical world.
 Theory of Form
 Ideal society and model of government The Escape
 Academy (considered as the first school or  The escaped prisoner represents the
university) Philosopher, who seeks knowledge
Aristotle outside of the cave and outside of the
senses. The sun represents
 A student of Plato philosophical truth and knowledge.
 Disagreed with Plato’s theory of forms
The Return
 Proposed a system for the classification of
plants and animals  The other prisoners reaction to the
 Deductive Reasoning escape returning represents that people
are scared of knowing philosophical
Methods of Philosophizing
truths and do not trust the
Facts vs Opinions philosophers.

 Facts Theories of truth

o A fact is a statement of truth that can
be verified and is able to be proven as
 Correspondence
true. o It says that something is true if
 Opinion corresponds to known facts. So,
o It is a statement that reflects an author “Grass is Green” is true
statement. But, what
or the speaker’s point of view, beliefs,
perspective, personal feelings, and  Pragmatic
values. o A bel
A. Subjective/Objective
a. Something is subjective insofar as it is
B. Descriptive/Formative
a. Descriptive statements describe or
represent the world; normative
statements and evaluate it

Plato’s allegory of the cave

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