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Title: 1 Malaysia, Our Journey of Unity

Assalamualaikum and Good day to everyone! Today, we are here to present a choral speaking
performance entitled "1 Malaysia, Our Journey of Unity". Malaysia, our beloved country, is a melting
pot of different cultures, races, and religions. Through our performance, we aim to emphasize the
significance of unity and harmony in our diverse society.

Verse 1:
In Malaysia, colorful and bright,
We come together, shining like a light.
Malays, Chinese, Indians we may be,
Different cultures, but united are we.

1 Malaysia, a journey we tread,
Unified as one, no matter what's said.
Respecting diversity, embracing all,
Together we stand, together we'll fall.

Verse 2:
From East to West, and North to South,
Hand in hand, we move beyond any doubt.
Language, traditions, customs so vast,
We celebrate them all, cherishing our past.

1 Malaysia, a journey we tread,
Unified as one, no matter what's said.
Respecting diversity, embracing all,
Together we stand, together we'll fall.

Verse 3:
Our unique heritage, a tapestry of grace,
Each culture contributing to our nation's embrace.
Through understanding and dialogue, we learn,
That unity and harmony, we all yearn.

1 Malaysia, a journey we tread,
Unified as one, no matter what's said.
Respecting diversity, embracing all,
Together we stand, together we'll fall.

As we conclude our performance on "1 Malaysia, Our Journey of Unity", let us remember that unity
is the bond that holds us together as Malaysians. By embracing our diversity and working hand in
hand, we can build a harmonious and prosperous nation for generations to come. Let us cherish our
differences, respect one another, and continue our journey towards unity.

Thank you, and may unity and harmony always prevail in our beloved Malaysia.

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