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SCI 1: Teaching Science in Elementary Grades


1. What is STL?
STL means Science and Technology Literacy. Science and technology literacy refers
to the ability to understand, engage with, and effectively use scientific and technological
information, concepts, and processes. It goes beyond simply acquiring knowledge and
encompasses the development of critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making
skills in scientific and technological contexts.

Science literacy involves having a basic understanding of scientific concepts,

principles, and methods, as well as the ability to critically evaluate scientific information and
its implications. It includes the capacity to engage in scientific inquiry, ask questions, design
experiments, and analyze data. Scientific literacy also involves understanding the nature of
science, including its limitations, ethics, and the ways in which scientific knowledge is
acquired and modified over time.

Technology literacy, on the other hand, refers to the ability to understand and use
technology effectively and responsibly. It involves the knowledge and skills to navigate digital
tools and devices, utilize software and applications, and adapt to technological changes.
Technology literacy also encompasses the ability to think critically about technological
issues, consider the ethical implications of technology, and make informed decisions about
the use and adoption of technology.

Science and technology literacy are closely interconnected as they both involve
understanding and engaging with scientific knowledge, technological tools, and processes.
Developing science and technology literacy is crucial in today's rapidly advancing world, as it
enables individuals to meaningfully participate in scientific and technological advancements,
make informed decisions, and address complex societal challenges.
2. What are the components of Science and Technology Literacy?

There are several components of science and technology literacy that encompass
various knowledge, skills, and attitudes. These components include:

1. Knowledge of scientific and technological concepts: It involves understanding

fundamental concepts, principles, and theories in science and technology. This includes
knowledge of core scientific disciplines such as physics, chemistry, biology, and technology-
related fields.

2. Understanding of scientific and technological processes: It involves knowing how

scientific and technological knowledge is generated, including the scientific method,
experimental design, data analysis, and interpretation. Understanding technological
processes involves knowing how technology is developed, deployed, and used in different

3. Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Science and technology literacy require
the ability to analyze and evaluate scientific and technological information critically. It
involves the capacity to apply logical reasoning, detect biases, and make evidence-based
judgments. Problem-solving skills involve identifying and formulating scientific or
technological problems and developing strategies to solve them.

4. Information literacy: It encompasses the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively use
scientific and technological information. This includes knowing how to access scientific
literature, databases, and reliable sources of information, as well as understanding how to
critically evaluate the credibility and validity of scientific and technological sources.

5. Science and technology communication: It includes the ability to explain scientific and
technological concepts and findings to different audiences effectively. This involves using
appropriate language, visuals, and communication strategies to convey complex ideas in a
clear and concise manner.

6. Ethical and responsible use of scientific and technological knowledge: It involves

understanding the ethical implications of scientific and technological advancements, such as
considering the impacts on society, the environment, and individual well-being. Being
responsible with technology includes respect for privacy, security, and digital citizenship.

These components are interconnected and contribute to the development of a well-

rounded science and technology literacy, enabling individuals to engage with science and
technology in meaningful and informed ways.
3. Characteristics of scientifically and technologically literate.

Scientifically and technologically literate individuals possess certain characteristics that

enable them to engage effectively with science and technology. These characteristics

1. Curiosity and inquiry: Scientifically and technologically literate individuals are curious
about the world around them and have a natural inclination to ask questions and seek
answers. They are motivated to explore and understand the underlying principles and
mechanisms of scientific and technological phenomena.

2. Critical thinking and problem-solving: They possess strong critical thinking skills and
are able to analyze and evaluate scientific and technological information objectively. They
can identify and articulate problems, break them down into smaller components, and
develop creative solutions using evidence-based reasoning.

3. Skepticism and inquiry-based mindset: They approach scientific and technological

information with skepticism, questioning the validity and reliability of claims. They are open
to new ideas and evidence and recognize the importance of questioning assumptions and

4. Knowledge and understanding: They have a solid foundation of scientific and

technological concepts, theories, and principles. They understand how different science
disciplines and technological fields intersect and contribute to our understanding of the world
and its challenges.

5. Information literacy and research skills: They have the ability to locate, evaluate, and
effectively use scientific and technological information. They can navigate scientific literature,
databases, and online resources, critically evaluate sources, and distinguish between
reliable and unreliable information.

6. Communication skills: They can communicate scientific and technological concepts and
findings clearly and effectively to different audiences. They can explain complex ideas in a
comprehensible manner, employing appropriate language, visuals, and communication

7. Ethical and responsible decision-making: They understand the ethical implications of

scientific and technological advancements and consider the impacts on society, the
environment, and individual well-being. They make responsible decisions regarding the use
and application of scientific and technological knowledge.

8. Lifelong learning: They have a desire and commitment to continue learning and staying
updated with the latest scientific and technological advancements. They recognize the
importance of continually expanding their knowledge and skills to adapt and thrive in a
rapidly evolving world.
These characteristics enable scientifically and technologically literate individuals to
engage actively with science and technology and make informed decisions that contribute to
their personal development, societal well-being, and technological progress.

4. Models, approaches, and practices of scientific and technologically literate.

There are various models, approaches, and practices that can be used to promote
and develop scientific and technological literacy. Some of them include:
1. 5E Instructional Model: This model, consisting of Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate,
and Evaluate stages, encourages hands-on and inquiry-based learning. It emphasizes active
participation, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills.
2. STEM Education: STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics)
education integrates these disciplines to promote interdisciplinary and real-world learning. It
encourages students to apply scientific and technological knowledge to solve complex
problems and fosters creativity, collaboration, and innovation.
3. Inquiry-Based Learning: This approach involves posing questions, conducting
investigations, and drawing conclusions based on evidence. It encourages active learning,
critical thinking, and developing scientific investigation skills.
4. Project-Based Learning: In this approach, students work on meaningful projects that
require them to apply scientific and technological knowledge to solve real-world problems. It
fosters collaboration, research skills, and project management abilities.
5. Design Thinking: Design thinking helps individuals approach problems and develop
innovative solutions by emphasizing empathy, experimentation, and iteration. It encourages
interdisciplinary thinking, creativity, and problem-solving skills.
6. Citizen Science: Citizen science involves the active participation of the public in scientific
research and data collection. It promotes engagement, collaboration, and the development
of scientific inquiry skills.
7. Science Communication: Effective science communication practices involve presenting
scientific and technological information in a clear and accessible manner to different
audiences. It promotes understanding, engagement, and informed decision-making.
8. Ethical Considerations: Incorporating discussions and activities related to ethical and
responsible use of scientific and technological knowledge helps individuals develop a sense
of ethics and responsible decision-making in scientific and technological contexts.
These models, approaches, and practices aim to foster scientific and technological
literacy by providing engaging and meaningful learning experiences. They encourage active
participation, critical thinking, problem-solving, collaboration, and ethical considerations,
enabling individuals to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to engage
effectively with science and technology.

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