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Tealive is Southeast Asia's biggest lifestyle tea brand at present brewing strong in 650 outlets across
three continents. Tealive is one of the brands of the Loob Holdings Sdn. Bhd. The Chief Executive Officer
(CEO) of the Loob Holdings Sdn. Bhd is Bryan Loo. CEO Bryan Loo has astonishing modern management
skills in operating the company. The definition of management is the process of getting things done
effectively and efficiently, with and through people.

Discussion (1)

Management is the coordination and organization of tasks to attain an objective. Organization activities
consist of setting the organization’s technique and coordinating the effects of staff to achieve the goals
through the application of accessible resources. Management is relating to the capacities of planning,
leading, organizing and controlling. Furthermore, management also play as the application of these
standards in tackling physical, human, monetary, and instructive assets productively and viably to attain
organizational goals. Based on the agreeing of Frederick Winslow Taylor, management is an art of
knowing what to do, when to do and see that it is done in the cheapest and best way. Next, “to manage
is to forecast and to plan, to organize to command, to coordinate and to control” agreeing to Henry

A great management is very important in organizations. Great management can help

organizations of tasks to attain an objective. Meanwhile, a great management must be planned by
effective managers that has great management skills when operating the company. As a manager must
know how to set a target for his or her organization, organizing tasks and works, motivating the team or
group, developing people and devising systems of measurement. Priority and emphasis should be
defined in goals. Besides that, as a manager also must communicate with their workers the target or the
right goal and the best and effective way to reach the goal. After set a clear goal and target of company,
managers must analyze the requirements of the work, segment it into manageable tasks, and essentially
assign it to workers. Furthermore, good leaders believe in their workers’ success in addition to directing
their teams toward a task and monitoring them along the way to success. For example, managers may
cooperate with their teams and help them to set the goals or target in order to advance in their careers.

A companies or enterprises often have three main layers of management arranged in a

progressive system. They are low-level management, middle management and top-level management.
Low-level management include supervisors and foremen who look after the workers. Besides that, they
also need to ensure that the work is carried out appropriately and on time. Next, middle managers are
those that work within that lowest and highest levels of an organization. The middle level management
consists heads of various departments. Middle level managers are especially concerned with the
activities of their various departments. Last but not least, top-level management, also known as top
managers, consists of president, general manager, chancellor, managing director, or chief executive
officer. The top management establish organizations strategic priorities and strategy. Thus, top
management also work to control over the organization.
Management functions are a systematic method of doing things. Management is a process to
emphasize that all managers, regardless of their skill or aptitude, engage in some inter-related functions
to achieve their desired objective. Planning, organizing, leading, and controlling are basically the four
primary functions of management. First, planning is decision-making regarding the target and setting the
future action from a set of alternatives to achieve them. To make decision on an organization's future,
the preparation process must begin with an analysis of the environment. Thus, planning helps to
preserve managerial effectiveness by guiding future activities. As a manager must making plan or
organize resources according to the plan. After that, lead employees to work towards the plan, and
control everything and measure the plan’s effectiveness. As a result, the planning will start with analysis.
This analysis can take into consideration internal factors such as team member tradition, beliefs,
efficiency, as well as external factors such as the legal legislation, business market, society, societal
norms, technologies and demographics. Besides that, top manager of Loob Holdings Sdn. Bhd , Bryan
Loo was planned to launch his brands new bubble tea brand Tealive. When Bryan Loo starting up the
tealive, he has set a vision that is to brew new life to tea by a team of passionate tea people.

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