1 PADM S628 Syllabus SPRING 2023 LJ - Medenica

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PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

2niversity of Alaska JD1 – CRN 30323 Spring Semester of 2023

Southeast (UAS) Three Credits (Jan 16 – May 6, 2023)
School of Art and Science Web-Based (Online) Classes: Tuesdays
Master of Public Virtual Classroom 6:00 – 8:45 pm (Alaska Time)
Administration (Zoom) 7:00 – 9:45 pm (Yukon Time)
PADM S628: Public Financial Management

The course syllabus includes the learning outcomes that the student can expect to master in this
class, the course plan, required materials, the student grading system, and references. The course
learning activities and outcomes are aligned with competencies that all graduate students at UAS
will be assessed. Details are in the UAS Academic Catalog and MPA Policies.

Instructor Dr. Ljubomir “LJ” Medenica, D.B.A., Associate Professor

Office Hours: Wed 2:00-5:00 pm, or by appointment (scheduled Zoom, Skype, phone
Email: lmedenica@alaska.edu (The best way to reach the instructor)
Phone: The toll-free phone number for distance students is (800) 478-9069
Department phone for Juneau students: (907) 796-6402
LJ’s Office: (907) 796-6303; Administrative Assistant: (907) 796-6409

Syllabus Content:
I. Course Requirements: Textbook
II. Course Description, Learning Goals, and Learning Outcomes
III. Class Format and Assignments
IV. Grading Plan and Grade Computations
V. UAS Policies, MPA Policies, and Other Information
VI. Course Outline and the Abbreviated Course Calendar

I reserve the right to modify the Course Syllabus and some other content or schedule elements
necessary to make your educational experience as meaningful as possible.

I. Course Requirements: Textbook

1. Textbook

Financial Management for Public, Health, and Not-For-Profit Organizations

Authors: S. Finkler, D. Smith, T. Calabrese
Edition: 6th (2020); Publisher: SAGE CQ Press
ISBN-10: 150639681X; ISBN-13: 978-1506396811

The 5th Edition is acceptable too: Publisher: SAGE 2017, ISBN: 978-1506326849

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

Other readings (articles, case studies, etc.) will be available on the Blackboard course site.
II. Course Description, Learning Goals, and Learning Outcomes
1. Catalog Description

Survey of theory, practice, problems, and politics of financial management in governmental

units, revenue sources, budgetary planning and control, methods of debt financing, and
intergovernmental relationships. Addresses federal, state, and local perspectives.

2. Course Concept

This course surveys the foundational principles, theory, and analytics of financial management in
the government, health, and not-for-profit sectors. Exploring budgeting practices, financial
policies, and financial statements, the course introduces the financial decision-making and
management skills required of students and practitioners.

3. Course Learning Objectives

This course provides students with an overview of financial management concepts, practices, and
challenges in the public sector. The course learning objectives relate to the following topics:
 The key characteristics of public sector financial planning and budgeting.
 Cash and debt management, including cost analysis and capital budgeting.
 Short and long-term financing, accountability, and controlling results.
 Financial reporting and essential financial statements.
 Financial statement analysis and presenting financial reports on program activities to
management and the public.
 Unique financial management aspects of nonprofit and healthcare organizations.
 Unique financial management aspects for local governments.

2. Student Learning Outcomes

Student learning outcomes (SLO) are assessed and measured through various assignments and
standardized grading. Upon successfully finishing this course, students should be able to know,
do, and value the following:

(A) Knowledge (about course topics, SLO 1 – 4)

1. Define and explain the fundamental concepts of financial management in public and
nonprofit organizations.
2. Describe and employ financial management tools in analyzing and understanding the
financial conditions of public and nonprofit organizations.
3. Analyze the field of public finance with the use of sector-specific problem solving and
solution design evidence.

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

4. Evaluate, select, and use research to examine the rationale and methods of public finance
related to externalities and public goods, social insurance and redistribution, and taxation
in theory and practice.
(B) Critical Thinking Skills (SLO 5 – 6)
5. Analyze the field of public finance with the use of sector-specific problem solving and
solution design evidence.
6. Evaluate, select, and use research to examine the rationale and methods of public finance
related to externalities and public goods, social insurance and redistributions, and
taxation in theory and practice.

(C) Communication Skills (SLO 7 – 8)

7. Communicate effectively: (a) demonstrating professional writing skills; (b) through
speech and oral discussions; (c) creating and delivering effective online presentations;
(using best practices in public and business communication).
8. Contribute effectively to group discussions: (a) giving and receiving feedback; (b)
interacting productively with a diverse and changing workforce and citizenry.

3. Assessment of Student Learning Outcomes

In this class, students will demonstrate specific knowledge and skills through written papers on
discussion/case topics, including feedback on other students’ papers and discussions, individual
and team projects, and online (virtual classroom) presentations and other assignments.

Table 1: Alignments: Student Learning Outcomes – Learning Activities – Assessments

Student Learning Learning Activities Assessments


SLO 1-4  Reading assignments  Grading Rubrics

(Content Learning Domain)  Writing assignments  Peer-review
 Discussion topics evaluations
 Online presentations  Exam
 Exams/Tests
SLO 5-6  Discussion topics  Grading Rubrics
(Critical Thinking)  Article reviews  Exam
 Budget documents review  Peer-review
 Case studies evaluations
 Feedback
 Exams/Tests
SLO 7-8  Writing assignments  Grading Rubrics
(Communication)  Discussion  Peer-review
 Giving and receiving feedback evaluations
 Online presentations

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

The fourth learning domain, (D) integrity and values, reflects the flavor of this course. However,
those SLOs are not listed and measured directly; consequently, they are not graded.

III. Class Format and Assignments

1. Course/Class Format

The interactions between the instructor and students in this course will be a blend of synchronous
and asynchronous activities. Synchronous activities relate to weekly web-based meetings and
presentations, using “live class” and other e-Leering technologies. Asynchronous activities relate
to the student’s homework and assignments’ posts according to the detailed course schedule and
due dates. All information and assignments will be posted using the course’s website and the
Blackboard learning platform.

2. Instructional Methods

The course method and learning process are based on practitioner orientation and class formats
employed in other MPA courses: instructor’s lectures with topic highlights from the textbook
and other assigned readings, students' collaborative learning through discussion topics,
individual feedback, and class discussions, reflection papers and case study analysis, and other
progressive assignments leading toward an integrative final paper applying lessons to the real-
life situation. In addition, the midterm exam is designed to access students’ learning after the
first part of the course, dedicated to financial planning and related concepts, methods, and tools.

3. Class Assignments

A. Reading Assignments

Read and study assigned materials, including the instructor’s lectures/topic highlights and
selected articles and other readings and materials (audio and video recordings, etc.).

B. Discussion Topics

Analyze assigned discussion topics (DT), answer related questions, and participate in online
discussions. We will use the Blackboard discussion board platform (“Forums”) to discuss the
course topics. We will have two discussion topics (DT) assignments. Discussion topics will
count for up to 20% of the course grade. For each DT, students are required to:

 Post a direct response to the discussion topic question(s). Your discussion post is due
the latest two days before the class until midnight in the related week (dates are
posted in the course schedule). The post must be at least a few meaningful paragraphs
in length, up to one page, and preferably no longer than two pages, helping concise
conversations. Providing data examples and references is also recommended.
 Do not wait until the last minute to submit your papers. Students are encouraged to
post their discussion topic paper earliest as possible.

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

 Demonstrate efforts in each post to gain a deeper meaning of the course content and
contribute to a critical and constructive collaborative approach in discussions.
 Provide quality and constructive feedback (comments, suggestions, and questions) to
your colleagues during the class or as written feedback to their assignments’ posts.
C. Budget Document Review

Using criteria developed by the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA), students will
be required to select and evaluate a current budget document from a governmental or nonprofit
organization. This assignment will count for up to 20% of the course grade.

Students will use the GFOA document to grade each budget section and comprehensive budget
document. Students will also assume the role of a GFOA evaluator and generate a narrative of
between 4 to 5 pages (single-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins) that explains the quality of
the budget document.

Finally, students will make a 10-minute presentation describing the organization, the document,
and suggestions for improving the budget document. See the Budget Document Review
Guidelines for more information on this assignment.

D. “Take Home” Open Book Midterm Exam

The midterm examination aims to ensure that all students are current with assigned readings and
class topics. The midterm exam will ask you to complete multiple-choice, short answer, and
essay questions dealing with the concepts, approaches, and skills presented in the material before
the exam. Some calculations will be necessary to perform, including using Excel financial
formulas. The exam will be posted using Blackboard test features, including randomized
questions. The midterm exam will count for up to 20% of the course grade. The results will be
used as a learning exercise too.

E. Public or Nonprofit Meeting Attendance and Observation

Attend (in person or online) any public meeting (e.g., City Council, Board of Supervisors, NPO
Board) with an agenda item dealing with financial management-related topics. Provide a
summary of the session (five-six pages, single-spaced, 12-point font, one-inch margins) and
prepare a 10-minute presentation to give the class discussing your observations.

The presentation might contain, for example, the details about what documents were available to
the public before the meeting, what information was presented there, what discussions took place
and what decisions were made, and what actions were taken. You will also be required to judge
whether you think the meeting format effectively informs the public of the financial management
issue and how the meeting process might be improved.

Alternate Assignment: Audit financial statements to evaluate the financial health of an

organization, using Audit Report Financial Analysis Guidelines to evaluate one organization's
past fiscal year's financial statements. As for the assignment described above, you need to
provide a post with a summary of an analytical review (five-six pages, single-spaced, 12-point

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

font, and one-inch margins) and prepare a 10-minute presentation to give the class discussing
your audit results. The presentation should contain the financial ratio analysis (see Audit Report
guidelines) and an analytical review of the organization and its measure of financial health. This
final assignment count for up to 30% of the course grade.
IV. Grading Policy, Grading Plan, and Grade Computations

1. Grading Plan

Academic accomplishments assessment is in a standard format (grading rubrics) through the

following assignments related to the student learning outcomes:

Table 2: Assignments and Grading Points

Assignment Points Percentage

Production of discussion papers (2 x 100 points) 200 20%
Budget Document Review (Up to 200 points) 200 20%
(Paper review: up to 150 points. Online presentation: up to 50 points).
Midterm Exam (Up to 200 points) 200 20%
Public or Nonprofit Meeting Attendance and Observations (1x 300) 300 30%
(Paper report: up to 200 points. Online presentation up to 100 points)
Attendance and overall engagement (discussions and contributions) 100 10%
Total 1000 100%

2. Grading Plan

In the final grading, we will use the rounded percentage score and the Letter Method:
Table 3: The Points Earned and the Letter Grade

950 – 1000 A (4.00) 800 – 839 B- (2.70)

900 – 949 A- (3.70) 700 – 799 C (2.00)
870 – 899 B+ (3.30) 600 – 669 D (1.00)
840 – 869 B (3.00) 599 and less F (0.00)

To earn a grade “A” in this course, you need to fulfill the expectations in all grading categories:
discussion topics, budget documents review, midterm exam, and your final project paper and
presentations. It is expected that an "A" assignment reflects the ability to achieve a thorough
mastery of the subject matter through the posts, discussions, and exam calculations and answers.

A grade of "B" indicates work that is acceptable for graduate-level study. It shows a student
understands the concepts presented in the course, although they may have difficulty applying
concepts to situations not directly addressed in the course material. A grade of "B" indicates a
professional attitude toward class and satisfactory participation.

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

The grade of "C" represents an unacceptable level of performance for graduate studies. It
indicates either a student does not understand the basic concepts of the assignment or has not
participated at an acceptable level. The grade of "D" represents a general student’s failure to
attend this course.

V. UAS Policies, MPA Policies, and Other Information

1. UAS Policies

UAS policies web pages you can access using the course website. Appropriate links are posted in
the Main Manu, under the “UAS Resources” folder. Provided links:
 UAS Student Handbook (including the UAS Student Code of Conduct)
 UAS Policy on Academic Dishonesty
 UAS Disability Statement
 Notise of Nondiscrimination. The University of Alaska does not discriminate on the
basis of race, religion, color, national origin, citizenship, age, sex, physical or mental
disability, status as a protected veteran, marital status, changes in marital status,
pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions, parenthood, sexual orientation,
gender identity, political affiliation or belief, genetic information, or other legally
protected status. https://uas.alaska.edu/policies/non-discrimination.html
 UAS Title IX / Sexual Misconduct: All students have the right to be free from
gender and sex-based misconduct (sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence,
domestic violence, or stalking). Please report any incidence of sex or gender-based
discrimination to the UAS Title IX Office: at 907-796-6036 or email
uas.titleix@alaska.edu. More information and resources are available at

2. MPA Policies and Technology Information

MPA policies are posted in the Getting Started folder, including the following:
 MPA Class Attendance Policy; Plagiarism Policy; “Incomplete” Grade Policy
 UAS Graduate School Competency Objectives and MPA Program Outcomes
 MPA Technology Information Sheet
 MPA Student Handbook
Additional information may be posted on the course or UAS website to guide and help students.

3. Student Ratings of Instruction

During the last three weeks of class, you will have an opportunity to complete an online rating
questionnaire on course effectiveness. You will receive a notification in your UAS email

4. Academic Calendar and Important Dates

Spring 2023 UAS Academic Calendar
Jan 16, 2023 Alaska Civil Rights Day Holiday

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

Jan 17, 2023 First Day of Instructions

Mar 13-17, 2023 Spring Break - Campus Closed
Mar 31, 2023 Deadline to Withdraw from Full-Term Classes
May 2-6, 2023 Final Exam Week
For the complete Academic Catalog 2022-2023, use the following link:
VI. Course Outline and the Abbreviated Course Calendar
Week and Date
Tue Topics and Readings Assignments

1 1/17/  Instructor’s introduction. Student's Introductory Self-

2023  Getting started. Presentation.
 Course overview: concept, structure, Introduce your organization.
assignments, expectations. (as you will do to the virtual
 Students online brief self-introduction Board of Directors).
(2-3 minutes per student) Introduce your organization.
 Introduction to Financial (No grades for this exercise).
Management Chapter 1 Due: within the first week of
the class.

2 1/24  Budgeting: Overview, Chapters 2 & 3 Examples

 Examples Class Discussion.

3 1/31  Understanding Costs, Chapter 4 Planning your Budget

 Examples Document Review assignment.

4 2/7  Capital Budgeting, Chapter 5 DT #1 – Type of Budgets -

 Examples Example by Student’s Choice
Discuss an example.
Due: Before this class*

5 2/14  Long-Term Financing, Chapter 6 Examples

Class Discussion

6 2/21  Budgets Documents Reviews - Budget Document Review -

Students’ Presentations Example by Student’s Choice
(Students Group 1 – TBD) Due: Before this class*

7 2/28 Budgets Documents Reviews - Budget Document Review -

Students’ Presentations Example by Student’s Choice
(Students Group 2 – TBD) Due: Before this class*
(The midterm exam will be posted)

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

8 3/7  Implementation and Controlling Class Discussion

Results, Chapters 7 & 8

(*) Your assignment is due before the class (see the schedule), meaning you must post your main
paper two days before the class (Sunday until midnight).

Week and Date

Tue Topics and Readings Assignments



11 3/28  Reporting Results – Financial The exam is due before this

Statements Chapters 9 & 10 class.

12 4/4  Unique aspects – Nonprofits and Health Class Discussion

Care Organizations, Chapter 11

13 4/11  Unique Aspects – State and Local DB #2: Financial

Government, Chapters 12 &13 Management Issue -
Example by Student’s
Due: Before this class*

14 4/18  Financial Analysis, Chapters 14 & 15 Class Discussion

15 4/25 Students Final Projects Presentations The Final Project paper and
online presentation.
(Students Group 1 – TBD)
Due: The Final Project paper
must be posted three days
before the online presentation
(Saturday, until midnight).
Post the presentation slides
one day before the

16 5/2/ Students Final Projects Presentations The Final Project paper and
2023 online presentation.
(Students Group 2 – TBD) Post the presentation slides at
least one day before the

PADM S628 Public Financial Management Spring 2023

- When needed, I will post additional information on the course website. Weekly reminders may
also address possible issues and keep the class on the schedule.

(*) Your assignment is due before the class (see the schedule), meaning you must post your main
paper two days before the class (Sunday until midnight).


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