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Online copy Scan this QR code to view your Notedly summary online, You'll also be able to access the Notedly chatbot assistant. TLDR Fourier's law of heat conduction states that the rate of heat flow through a solid is proportional to the area and change in temperature over the length. It can be mathematically represented as Q = -k* A * dt/dx, where Qs the heat fiow, kis the thermal conductivity, A is the surface area, dt is the temperature difference, and dx is the thickness of the body. This law assumes steady state conditions, unidirectional heat flow, constant temperature gradient, and no internal heat generation. Bullet Points Fourier's laws of heat conduction * Fourier's law states that the rate of flow of heat through a simple homogeneous solid is directly proportional to the area of the section at right angles to the direction of heat flow, and to the change of temperature with respect to the length of the path of the heat flow The mathematical representation of Fourier's law is Q = -k * A* (dt/dx) Qrepresents the heat flow through a body per unit time in watts (W) Arepresents the surface area of heat flow perpendicular to the direction of fiow in meters (m) dt represents the temperature difference of the faces of the block (homogeneous solid) through which heat fiows in degrees Celsius (°C) or Kelvin (k) dx represents the thickness of the body in the direction of flow in meters (m) * k represents the thermal conductivity of the body, which is a constant of proportionality Assumptions of Fourier's law * Heat conduction takes place under steady-state conditions * The heat flow is unidirectional * The temperature gradient is constant and the temperature profile is linear * There is no internal heat generation

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