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Topic: Factors influencing purchase intentions of Tiktok Shop’s customers

- Reference materials: RESEARCH BRM - Google Drive
- Deadline tất cả các phần: 23h59 Chủ nhật

Task allocation PIC Status

- Industry overview Chiêu ●

- Company overview ●
- Research objectives ●

- Perceived quality (literature review)

- Qualitative results

- Problem statement Quỳnh Anh ●

- Research framework ●
- Perceived Credibility (literature review) ●

- Recommendations + phụ Qualitative results

- Research design Hân ●

- Price awareness (literature review) ●
- Frequency ●

- Cross Tabulation

- Qualitative research Tâm ●

- Buying intention (literature review) ●
- Conclusion ●

- Reliability test

- Quantitative research Phúc ●

- Perceived Usefulness (literature review) ●
- Regression ●

- Mò tất cả cách chạy sample ghi trong bài report Vân An ●

- Perceived ease of use (literature review) ●
- Correlation ●






1. Industry Overview
Since Vietnam's accession to the WTO in 2007, investment by Vietnamese firms and foreign
investors has provided a solid platform for internet development. According to Wen's
research in 2011, technology has a significant impact in transforming customer purchasing
behavior. As online shopping and the e-commerce industry grow internationally, Vietnam is
expected to be one of the fastest-growing e-commerce markets in the ASEAN community.
According to the "E-commerce Industry in Vietnam Report" (8th edition), Vietnam's average
income is expected to rise from 12 to 33 million between 2012 and 2022.

Buying, selling, transferring, serving, or exchanging items, services, or information over

computer networks such as the Internet is an example of electronic commerce (E. Turban, D.
Leidner, E. Mclean And J. Wetherbe, 2008). It provides a low-cost means for organizations
and consumers to communicate and change data. Online retailers provide consumers and
company owners an interactive information system with high transaction rates. They provide
a comfortable shopping experience from the comfort of one's own home, saving the time and
effort necessary to meet one's purchasing demands (A. A. Bahaddad, L. Houghton And S.
Drew, 2013).

E-commerce is currently an industry with outstanding growth in the past two years thanks to
the impact of the global pandemic and social distancing measures. Through a year of society
gradually moving towards the "new normal", customers have started to return to shop at
brick-and-mortar stores. As a result, e-commerce is becoming increasingly competitive and
businesses need to find ways to survive in this challenging market. Businesses need to invest
in new technology to improve customer experience and differentiate themselves from the
competition. In addition, direct selling on social networks will become a popular trend,
helping businesses to reach potential customers quickly and effectively.

According to Vietnam Biz in 2022, in terms of market share, Shopee is the most popular e-
commerce platform in Vietnam today, accounting for nearly 73% of the total sales of the four
largest e-commerce platforms in the country, equivalent to 91 trillion VND. Meanwhile,
Lazada is the second most popular e-commerce platform with a revenue of about 26,500
billion VND, accounting for about 21%. Tiki ecommerce floor accounted for 5% of the
market share with revenue equivalent to 5,700 billion VND and Sendo accounted for about
1% with a revenue of nearly 1,000 billion VND. Among the prominent names in the
Vietnamese e-commerce market in 2022, it is impossible not to mention TikTok Shop. Metric
also thinks that 2022 will be the year of the rise of TikTok Shop, an online shopping feature
integrated into the TikTok social networking application. According to Metric's statistics, just
in November, sales on TikTok Shop reached 1,698 billion VND.

The revenue in one month at the end of 2022 of TikTok Shop is equivalent to 80% of
Lazada's revenue in the same period and 4 times of Tiki's revenue. On average, TikTok Shop
has a daily revenue of 56.6 billion VND and 434,000 products are sold, the average value of
each product is 130,000 VND. These are impressive numbers that other e-commerce floors
take many years to build.

2. Company Overview
TikTok is a short video social media platform created by ByteDance in 2017. In order not to
fall behind on the track, TikTok forced itself to change and improve. On February 28, 2022,
TikTok officially launched TikTok Shop – an e-commerce solution in Vietnam. TikTok Shop
is a comprehensive solution for businesses, especially small and medium businesses. Because
of its late launch, TikTok Shop has faced a lot of serious competitors who are big e-
commerce companies from the early days, such as Lazada (founded in 2012) or Shopee
(founded in 2015). However, TikTok Shop still has factors that make it not blurred among
other competitors and is gradually gaining a foothold in the hearts of consumers.

TikTok Shop pursues the Shoppertainment model, which is a combination of Shopping

(shopping) and Entertainment (entertainment). Thanks to the combination of the above two
factors, TikTok Shop scored points by being able to meet 2 needs of customers at the same

time. Less than a year after its launch, TikTok Shop has surpassed Sendo and Tiki to rise to
third place in the e-commerce market and become a strong competitor that big players like
Shopee and Lazada must also be wary of. Up to now, although TikTok Shop has only been
launched for more than a year, TikTok Shop has made long and fast strides, surpassing Sendo
and Tiki, becoming the 3rd ranked platform in the e-commerce market in Vietnam. Vietnam.
In November 2022, from January 1, 2022 to November 30, 2022, revenue on TikTok Shop
reached VND 1698 billion (ranked third only after Shopee and Lazada), 13 million products
were sold and 32 thousand sellers placed an order. Metric's report in 2022 shows that TikTok
Shop's revenue in November 2022 was 4 times higher than Tiki's revenue and equivalent to
80% of Lazada's revenue. TikTok Shop also achieved emotional figures that othere-
commerce platforms took time to make. It can be said that Although it's still relatively far
from Shopee in terms of profit, with the current growth rate of TikTok Shop, any business
must be cautious of the threat of losing request share to TikTok Shop.

3. Problem Statement
With the aforementioned potential status quo of continuous development in the
Vietnamese ecommerce market over the past decade, Tiktok has seized the
opportunity to embark its journey in the rigorous competition amongst various online
shopping platforms. This healthy growth, nevertheless, is not necessarily accompanied
by the mass secured success for all businesses and thus the possibility of failure can
always pose a threat to any new entrants, especially to a latecomer like Tiktokshop.
While the pioneers and other competitors ceaselessly developed novel strategies in
earning their loyal customer base, Tiktokshop may confront a lot of challenges in
building an impressive brand image and gain the competitive advantage over its
mature rivals. In fact, many precedent firms have failed to sustain in this scope of
activities, which might be partly attributed to the insufficient insights into the
customers’ expectations and underlying incentives behind their online purchasing
While some research have been conducted to gain more meaningful information about
how to build a profitable online retailing business models with certain types of general
frameworks, only a few have investigated into the main concern over the key factors

that determine the intention to buy of online shoppers, particularly the purchase intent
of TikTokshop’s customers. On the ground of this context, the paper intends to delve
into the elements that promote buying motives from which further analysis and
recommendations are made for Tiktokshop to thrive over the long run in the future.

4. Research Objectives
There are three main objectives of this research. First, we will deep dive into the main
procurators that impact guests' clinch intention on TikTok Shop, which are freight
mindfulness, Perceived Credibility, Perceived Quality, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived
Ease of Use. Besides, identify the puissance and sins of TikTok Shop from the client's point
of prospect through an interview. gathering this can support TikTok Shop decreasingly
ameliorate its image in the prey followership’s mind and turn new buyers into pious
consumers. In addition, we can understand how Tiktokshop can stimulate client buying
exertion when contending with othere-commerce platforms.


1. Price Awareness
Price, in broad terms, indicates the monetary value of products bought or the portion of
money that is valuable to exchange for a specific product or service (Kotler and Armstrong,
2016). Competitiveness, affordability, quality, and benefit are the four pricing factors
identified by Stanton (1997). The definition of each indicator offers a distinctive view on the
degree of price (Stanton, 1997). Price awareness has another definition as a consumer's
unwillingness to make a payment for the products with differentiating attributes if the
difference in price is little in relation to the difference or if the price difference is excessive
(Batra and Sinha, 2000).
2. Perceived Credibility

3. Perceived Quality
Perceived quality of a brand is the client's perception of the overall quality, of the superiority
of a good or service over consumer intentions and over challengers. The American Marketing
Association (AMA) defines a brand" A brand is a name, symbol, sign, design, or a
combination of all of these rudiments, able to relate a product or service. goods or services of

one dealer, as well as distinguishing it from the goods or services of other merchandisers".
Perceived quality is the cerebral value that appears in comparison, other than the physical or
claimed quality of a product( Alpar, 1999).

This survey is about the perceived quality of customers towards TikTok Shop. The report will
explore the superiority of TikTok Shop's goods or services over consumer intent and
competitors. Feelings and satisfaction levels can be expressed in many different ways. Like
price or product quality, staff care and service style, fast and efficient processes and ways of
providing products and services.
4. Perceived Usefulness
Perceived usefulness is defined as
H5: Perceived usefulness has a (significant) positive influence on purchase intention of
TikTok Shop’s customers.
OR There is a (significant) positive relationship between perceived usefulness and purchase
intention among TikTok Shop’s customers.

5. Perceived Ease of Use

Technology has had a significant impact on consumer purchasing behavior, particularly in the
realm of online shopping. The perceived ease of use (PEOU) of online platforms plays a vital
role in determining the feasibility of online shopping. PEOU represents how users perceive
the ease of using a system (Davis, 1989). It reflects their ability to adapt to online shopping,
their openness to embracing technology (Davis, 1989), and their preference for seamless and
hassle-free online shopping experiences (Juniwati, 2014). For online retail businesses, the
importance of having a user-friendly website cannot be overstated, as customers' initial
positive impressions can fade away if the website is not user-friendly. Therefore, PEOU
should be a focal point in both research and practical aspects of online purchasing, shaping
research projects and guiding the design and development of online platforms (Davis, 1989).

Several past studies have highlighted the significance of customer experience, such as quick
service, convenience, and easy accessibility (Berry et al., 2002), (Forsythe et al., 2006).
Customers prioritize websites that are easily accessible and straightforward to use, without

any unnecessary complications. Selamat, Jaffar, and Ong (2009) emphasized the preference
for simplicity over complexity, as simplicity implies ease and minimal effort. This ease of use
is closely associated with the concept of convenience, and customers tend to favor systems
that they perceive as simple and user-friendly (Frini, S., & Limayem, M., 2004). The idea of
ease of use is closely related to the non-complexity of a website, which significantly
influences customers' perception of its simplicity (Nel, J., and Boshoff, C., 2014).

Enhancing ease of use through technology provides customers with utility and improves their
overall online shopping experience. A user-friendly website is characterized by clear
organization, logical flow, and easy accessibility, ultimately promoting efficient and reliable
use (Elliot & Speck, 2005; Turan, T., 2011). Perceived ease of use is a fundamental aspect of
the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and holds great importance for businesses striving
to attract and retain customers (Gitau, 2014). Hence, the fifth hypothesis of this study can be
formulated as follows:

H5: Perceived ease of use (PEUO) has a positive effect on customer’s online shopping
6. Purchase Intention
Purchase intention is a measure of each shopper’s propensity to buy a product or service,
which is also known as buyer intention-the willingness to buy a product or a service in a
period of time (usually in 6 to 12 months). Customer purchase intention is a dependent
variable that depends on numerous factors. The decision of the purchases made by consumers
is quite a complex process, simultaneously affected by external factors (price, product
quality, advertising,..) and internal factors (perception, attitude, emotion,..). Purchase
intention may change based on the influence of the price or the quality and perceived value,
consumers also are affected by several factors during the purchase process (Gogoi, 2013).
The goal of marketing is attracting the attention of potential consumers, enhancing the
interests and desires of consumers to purchase. The intentions can reflect information about
the knowledge levels of the consumer’s mind. Marketing based on purchase intentions as a
measurement leads to the increase in the return on investment in terms of marketing

1. Research Framework

2. Research Design
The study objectives are archived using a mix-method methodology that involves qualitative
as well as quantitative analysis. Secondary data research is undertaken in the first stage, the
qualitative stage, to gain a general and comprehensive grasp of the topic. In the second stage,
a focus group is conducted with the aim of gathering in-depth information about the target
group’s attitudes and opinions regarding factors that influence their purchase intention on
Tiktok Shop. In the following stage, quantitative research is undertaken to substantiate the
assertions and analyze the assumptions. The survey research, using Likert scale, is
implemented with the purpose of obtaining large amounts of information from a wide group
of respondents. The data gathered in this stage is then analyzed using SPSS software, which
includes several data analysis techniques such as reliability analysis, one sample t-test,
independent t-test, correlation and regression analysis.
2.1. Qualitative research
Qualitative research involves collecting and analyzing non-numerical data (e.g., text, video,
or audio) to understand concepts, opinions, or experiences. It can be used to gather in-depth
insights into a problem or generate new ideas for research (Pritha Bhandari, 2020). The most
common methods used to collect data in qualitative research are observations, interviews,
focus group, survey, and secondary research. Researchers use qualitative research techniques
when they need to capture precise, insightful insights.

By conducting focus group interviews in order to get insight into tik tok shop users, our
group reached a closer look to how customers were perceiving this platform. To do this
interview, we invited people in the range of age from 18 to 24 to participate in the interview.
The amount of people were divided into 2 groups: offline and online interviews. The
designed questions were the same for 2 groups, and so was the order of execution. Each
question was answered by individuals who entered the interview independently, and then
sometimes, we generated a small discussion if their answers were shown to be different from
others. There were not many differences between offline and online interviews; however, an
offline interview gave a deeper connection among humans so that their answers were likely to

be more profound while an online interview provided us with a record which could be useful
to analyze.
2.2. Quantitative research
In this study, non-probability sampling is chosen to collect the required data from
respondents in order to conduct conclusive research. Under non-probability sampling,
convenience sampling is the technique adopted to examine the possible associations among
the factors of the research model. Convenience sampling, as pointed out by Simkus (2022), is
a non-probability sampling technique where participants are selected from the most easily
accessible and available group of people. This is the reason why we use an online survey, a
quick and less expensive method, to conveniently collect respondents’ feedback and an
aggregate of their responses. In addition, it makes it more straightforward for us to distribute
questionnaires to individuals through social media or messaging platforms, as well as for
respondents to answer those questions by accessing the survey form generated from Google

There are three sections in the research questionnaire. Section 1 of the questionnaire is a pre-
screening question, which, as the name implies, is used to filter out survey participants who
have never made a purchase on the TikTok Shop. Section 2 contains the core constructs of
the research framework, including perceived price, perceived credibility, perceived quality,
perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and purchase intention. All measurement items
were modified from prior studies that were pertinent to this research in order to guarantee the
reliability and validity of the questionnaire's contents. We use Likert scale Section 3 consists
of four questions aimed at understanding the socio-demographic characteristics of
respondents and their frequency of TikTok Shop usage.

This study aims to analyze what factors impact the purchase intentions of Tiktok Shop’s
customers. The population is the number of online shoppers who already have experience
using TikTok Shop. According to Hair et al. (2018), a good fit measure is difficult to obtain if
the sample size is too large since the approach becomes extremely sensitive. Therefore, it is
suggested that estimation be done by using a minimum sample size of 5–10 observations for
each parameter. This study has 30 question indicators, so the required sample size is 30 x 5 =
150 respondents. After gathering data from the distributed questionnaire, we take the results

in Microsoft Excel and then transfer them to SPSS for processing and developing this
research. A frequency distribution test, a cross-tabulation test, a reliability test, a correlation
analysis, and a multi-regression analysis are the techniques used in the analysis.

Simkus, J. (2022). Convenience sampling: Definition, method and examples. Simply

Hair, J. F., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., and Anderson, R. E. (2018). Multivariate Data
Analysis, 8th Edition. Cengage.

1. Qualitative Results
1.1. Sample Characteristics
Our study employs a qualitative approach, with the goal of finding which independent
variable in the Study on Factors Influencing buy Intention of Tiktok Shop Customers
influences buy intention. We chose this strategy to collect thorough and informative data on
our customers' ideas, thoughts, and feelings when purchasing on TikTok Shop, as well as to
compare TikTok Shop to other e-commerce sites.

We had focus group interviews. Focus group interviews were chosen because they not only
give direct information, but also allow group members to communicate and exchange
information with one another. All interviewees have used and purchased from TikTok Shop.
We produced a set of well-themed interview questions that focused on the important topics
discussed in the Initial Research Model. The interview questions were divided into two
categories: closed-ended questions with several answer options that employed yes/no
responses to assess participants' eligibility, and open-ended questions that allowed for
answers. Respond to contributions and elaborate on their responses. We'll examine which of
the following aspects is more appreciated and pleased by students with their TikTok Shop
purchasing experience. We gathered information through focus group interviews.
We interviewed 12 people who used to shop on TikTok Shop and divided the interviews into
two parts: one online on Google Meet and one at the ISB Institute. They range in age from 16
to 24 years old and attend various schools and institutions in Ho Chi Minh City. Seven of the
twelve persons we interviewed were female, while five were male. The bulk of them (7

respondents) were between the ages of 18 and 22, followed by a group of 16 to 18 year olds
(2 respondents), and finally a group of 22 to 24 year olds (3 respondents). ISB and UEH had
the most attendees among universities, with 5 and 2 persons, respectively. Students who
attend other schools, have graduated, or are currently enrolled in high school accounted for
41.6% (5 replies). (See Appendix 2)
1.2. Summary of Key Findings
Based on the study findings, we discovered four elements that have the greatest influence on
customers' confidence and buy intent on TikTok Shop.

The first is Reputation, with ten interviewees (83.33%) agreeing that TikTok Shop offers
quality and authentic products, has a thorough product description, and the goods received
have been censored, indicating that it was correctly functional on its description.

Second, Convenience is the factor that makes 12 individuals (100%) happy with the TikTok
Shop buying procedure. The combination of a social networking site with an e-commerce site
saves users a significant amount of time. Customers can be amused while seeing product
review videos and purchasing recommendations. TikTok Shop has also streamlined the
ordering procedure by decreasing steps and immediately applying vouchers so that users do
not find the ordering process too burdensome.

Third, the Discount Offers agreed upon by 9 persons (75%) are significant. TikTok Shop's
preferential support rules allow consumers to purchase high-quality items at incredibly low
costs during Flash Sale periods. Furthermore, the FreeShip Vouchers that TikTok Shop
provides to clients have enticed many customers to use this site.

Finally, other people's Ratings and Purchases matter, with 8 individuals (66.67%) responding
that favorable user community reviews promote trust and satisfaction when they desire to
order on this website. Customers' fears about fraudulent or misdescribed merchandise are
alleviated by public evaluations. They will be more inclined to order from a business with
positive feedback from many past purchasers than a store with negative feedback or little

In conclusion, based on exploratory research, we find that Reputation, Convenience,

Discount Offers, Ratings and Purchases are the four most powerful factors that affect users'
willingness to shop in TikTok Shop.
2. Quantitative Results
A total of 300 individuals under the age of 25 who had purchased goods from the TikTok
Shop were included in the sample obtained and tested.
2.1. Sample Characteristics
2.1.1. Frequency Distribution

Descriptive Number of
Category Percentage (%)
indicator respondents (N=285)
Male 88 30.9
Female 197 69.1
Under 18 58 20.4

Age 18 - 24 184 64.6

Above 24 43 15.1

Below 1 million VND 93 32.6

1 - 5 million VND 133 46.7

6 - 10 million VND 30 10.5

Above 10 million VND 29 10.2

1 - 5 times/ month 197 69.1
Frequency of
using TikTok 6 - 10 times/ month 74 26.0
Above 10 times/ month 14 4.9

The study sample comprised a total of 285 participants, with a notable difference in gender
distribution. The number of female participants was higher, accounting for 69.1%, while male
participants constituted 30.9% of the sample.

In terms of age distribution, the dominant age group was 18 - 24, comprising 64.6% of the
participants. Participants under 18 accounted for 20.4% of the sample, while those above 24
represented the lowest proportion at 15.1%.

Regarding income levels, nearly half of the participants (46.7%) reported having an income
ranging from 1 - 5 million VND. Participants with income below 1 million VND constituted
32.6% of the sample. The difference between the income groups of 6 - 10 million VND and
above 10 million VND was relatively small, accounting for 10.5% and 10.2%, respectively.

When examining the frequency of using TikTok Shop, including buying activities, it was
observed that over two-thirds of the participants (68.6%) reported using TikTok Shop 1 - 5
times per month. A considerable proportion of participants (26.0%) used TikTok Shop 6 - 10
times per month, while a minority (4.9%) used it more than 10 times per month.

2.1.2. Cross-tabulation

2.2. Data Quality Test Results (Reliability Test)

Item Cronbach’s Alpha Number of items

Price Awareness (PA) .865 5

Perceived Credibility (PC) .771 5

Perceived Quality (PQ) .892 5

Perceived Usefulness (PU) .865 5

Perceived Ease of use .806 5


Purchase Intention (PI) .842 5

From the above table, the Cronbach's alpha values for all constructs exceeded the
acceptable threshold of 0.70, and the Cronbach Bahrain alpha coefficient after each
item is deleted is lower than the variable reliability value. This indicates high internal
consistency and reliability of the measurement scales. The results affirm the
robustness of the data collection instruments used in this study and provide confidence
in the accuracy and validity of the measured constructs. Therefore, the different
measurement items in the questionnaire can reliably describe the variables with a
consistent and valid explanation.

2.3. Hypothesis Test Results

2.3.1. F-Test Results

2.3.2. T-Test Results

2.4. Data Relationships Test Results

2.4.1. Correlation Test Results

Table ... displays the results of the correlation analysis among the independent
variables, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived quality, price
awareness, perceived credibility, and the dependent variable, purchase intention.

The correlation analysis examines the strength and direction of the relationships
between pairs of variables.

The Pearson correlation coefficients reveal the following relationships among the
- Perceived Usefulness and Purchase Intention exhibit a significant and strong positive
correlation of .528, r([283]) = [.], p = [< .01].
- Perceived Ease of Use and Purchase Intention are significantly strong and positively
correlated with a coefficient of .533, r([283]) = [.], p = [< .01].
- Perceived Quality and Purchase Intention show a significant and strong positive
correlation of .698, r([283]) = [.], p = [< .01].
- Price Awareness and Purchase Intention exhibit a significant and strong positive
correlation of .642, r([283]) = [.], p = [< .01].
- Perceived Credibility and Purchase Intention demonstrate a significant and strongest
positive correlation of .649, r([283]) = [.], p = [< .01].

Moreover, among the independent variables, significant correlations are observed,

with all p-values being .000 (p < .01). The high significance levels indicate strong
evidence of non-random relationships between these variables.

2.4.2. Regression Test Results


Table ... displays the Model Summary for the multiple linear regression analysis
investigating the influence of various factors on Purchase Intention.

The Adjusted R-squared value of 0.568 indicates that the regression model,
comprising three independent variables (PA - Price Awareness, PC - Perceived
Credibility and PQ - Perceived Quality), explains approximately 56.8% of the
variation in the dependent variable (PI - Purchase Intention). This suggests that Price
Awareness, Perceived Credibility and Perceived Quality have a substantial impact on
influencing customers' Purchase Intention.

The remaining 43.2% of the variation in Purchase Intention is attributed to factors

outside the scope of this model and random errors. While these unaccounted factors
may still play a role in influencing customers' purchase decisions, the model's high
Adjusted R-squared value indicates that the selected independent variables, PA, PC,
and PQ are effective in explaining a significant portion of the variation in Purchase

Table ... shows the results of the Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for the multiple
linear regression model examining the influence of various factors on Purchase

The ANOVA table provides an assessment of the overall significance of the

regression model. The F-statistic is calculated as 75.833 and the associated p-value
(Sig.) is reported as .000 (< 0.05).

The p-value (Sig.) in the ANOVA table is less than the chosen significance level of
0.05. Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis (H0) that the regression model has no
significant relationship with Purchase Intention. This indicates that the regression
model, as a whole, is statistically significant, and at least one of the predictors has a
significant effect on Purchase Intention.

To examine the influence of five factors on Purchase Intention, multiple linear

regression analysis was conducted. Before proceeding with the analysis,
multicollinearity testing was performed, and the results showed that the coefficient of
Variance Inflation Factor (VIF) was below 2, and the VIF itself was below 10,
indicating the absence of collinearity among the independent variables.

Hypothesis Testing

H1: Price Awareness affects Purchase Intention (Accepted)

The statistical analysis revealed that Price Awareness has a significant impact on
Purchase Intention (Sig. index < 0.05). Furthermore, the standardized coefficient

(Beta) was calculated as β = ... , indicating a positive/negative effect of Price

Awareness on Purchase Intention.

H2: Perceived Credibility affects Purchase Intention (Accepted)

The results indicated that Perceived Credibility significantly influences Purchase
Intention (Sig. index < 0.05). The standardized coefficient (Beta) was found to be β
= ..., suggesting a positive/negative effect of Perceived Credibility on Purchase

H3: Perceived Quality affects Purchase Intention (Accepted)

The statistical analysis did not find a significant relationship between Perceived
Quality and Purchase Intention (Sig. index > 0.05). Therefore, we reject the
hypothesis that Perceived Quality affects Purchase Intention.

H4: Perceived Usefulness affects Purchase Intention (Rejected)

The analysis results showed that Perceived Usefulness does not have a significant
impact on Purchase Intention (Sig. index > 0.05). As a result, the hypothesis
proposing a relationship between Perceived Usefulness and Purchase Intention is

H5: Perceived Ease of Use affects Purchase Intention (Rejected)

The statistical analysis indicated that Perceived Ease of Use does not significantly
influence Purchase Intention (Sig. index > 0.05). Consequently, the hypothesis
suggesting a link between Perceived Ease of Use and Purchase Intention is rejected.

Kết luận factor nào có ảnh hưởng cao hơn

Unstandardized Regression Function:


Based on the regression analysis, we can draw several conclusions regarding the
influence of the examined factors on Purchase Intention. Price Awareness, Perceived
Quality and Perceived Credibility were found to be significant predictors of Purchase
Intention. However, Perceived Usefulness, and Perceived Ease of Use did not show a
significant impact on Purchase Intention. These findings provide valuable insights for
businesses seeking to improve their understanding of customer behavior in the context
of online purchases.




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Appendix 1 - Interview guide / Discussion Guide

Appendix 2 – Transcripts of qualitative study

Appendix 3 - Survey questionnaire

Appendix 4 - …. (if any)


+ Frequency distribution & Cross-tabulation => Sample characteristics
+ Reliability check -> Metric variables (>= 0.7) - Cronbach Alpha
+ Correlation & Regression
+ Có thể dùng thêm:
- ANOVA (M/F) statistics
- Discriminant Analysis -> chuyển Y từ non-metrics thành metrics theo
scale high-low
- Cluster

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