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STUDENT ID: S11198623
1.0 Title of the Experiment: Atterberg’s Limits

2.0 Introduction
To begin with, the shrinkage limit of a soil sample is the water concentration at which, if any
further amount of water is extracted from it, the soil sample will exhibit no change in its
volume [1]. The plastic limit is the water concentration at the point where a plastic state
changes to a semi-solid state. For this property to be assessed, a soil sample is molded into a
thread-like shape and is observed to crumble in that form [2]. Moreover, the liquid limit is the
water concentration at which the soil sample transitions from plastic to a liquid state, where
it exhibits the properties of a liquid [3]. In more context, the following graph depicts the
sequence of the states of a soil sample with which its water concentration is tampered [4]:

Figure 1: Graph of Volume against Moisture Content in a Soil Sample [4]

To define the states, a soil sample is in its liquid form when it can flow under its own weight,
whereas it is in its plastic form when it can be reshaped into any shape without developing or
showing any fissures. Soil can change shape when it is semi-solid, but only when fissures form,
while the soil cannot be remolded at all in the solid state; if it were, the soil specimen would
crack [5]. Moving on, the plasticity index is an indicator of a soil's plasticity, and is found by
computing the difference between the liquid limit and the plastic limit, as per the following
formula [6]:
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 − 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡
Equation 1: Plasticity Index [6]

Furthermore, it has been discovered that the kind and quantity of clay in a soil affects both
the liquid and plastic limit. Yet, the amount of clay has a significant impact on the plasticity
index. Hence, a soil's plasticity index is a gauge of its clay content, and its impact on the soil’s
behavior is entailed in the table below [6]:

Soils with High Plasticity Index Soils with Low Plasticity Index
Volume changes drastically when moisture Volume changes moderately when moisture
content is altered content is altered
Relatively low permeability Comparatively higher permeability
Dominantly clay content Low clay content; becomes silt
Table 1: Comparative Table of Low and High Plasticity Index [6]

The aforementioned variables are what are used to factorize Atterberg's limits., which are
defined as a fundamental measurement of the water contents that are required for fine-
grained soils, such silt and clay, to contain as they change from a solid to a liquid [7].
Investigating the parameters of Atterberg’s limits are important because both the liquid and
plastic limits rise as the particle size decreases, although the liquid limit does so more quickly.
As a result, the plasticity index rises quickly. Clay becomes slimmer when certain silts are
added. Both the liquid limit and the plastic limit are decreasing, but the liquid limit is doing so
more quickly. The plasticity index declines as a result in the aggregate. The fineness of the
particles is consequently measured by the plasticity index [5]. Moreover, A soil's liquid limit
serves as a gauge for its compressibility so as a result, when the liquid limit increases, the
soil's compressibility rises. To add on, according to a comparison of the attributes of two soils
with equivalent plasticity index values, the dry strength and toughness of the soils drop as the
liquid limit rises, however the soil's compressibility and permeability rise. While comparing
the characteristics of two soils with equivalent liquid limitations, it is discovered that the dry
strength and toughness improve as the plasticity index increases, but the permeability
decreases. The compressibility, however, essentially stays the same [5]. Thus, the plastic,
liquid and shrinkage limit are a conglomerate known as consistency limits and will be
examined in this experiment.

3.0 Aim
This experiment aims to determine the soil type by running a liquid and plastic limit test to
evaluate the consistency parameters of a known soil sample.

4.0 Experimental Apparatus

Part One - Liquid Limit Test:
• Casagrande Liquid Limit Device: determines the moisture content as the soil sample
transitions from plastic to liquid state.
• Grooving Tool: used to adjust the size of the soil groove in the Casagrande device.
• Moisture cans: used to deduce the moisture content present in the soil sample being
stored in the tin.
• Spatula with Flexible Blade: used to combine the soil sample and water together.
• Balance (sensitive up to 0.10g): used to weigh the soil samples.
• A flat glass or other smooth non-absorbent mixing plate: used to place the soil sample
and water on to combine together without any moisture being lost due to absorption.
• Oven dry with temperature control: used to remove moisture presence in the soil
• Desiccator: used to tamper with moisture content of soil sample by adding or
extracting the water presence.
• Porcelain Evaporating Dish: used to remove moisture content from the soil sample to
return it into a solid state.
Part Two - Plastic Limit Test:
• A flat glass or other smooth non-absorbent mixing plate: used to place the soil sample
and water on to combine together without any moisture being lost due to absorption.
• Moisture cans: used to deduce the moisture content present in the soil sample being
stored in the tin.
• Wash bottles: used to add water to the soil sample.
• A three-millimeter diameter rod: used for comparison when rolling out the soil
• Casagrande Liquid Limit Device: determines the moisture content as the soil sample
transitions from plastic to liquid state.
• Two palette knives: used for mixing the sample.

5.0 Experimental Procedure

Liquid Limit Test

I. The Casagrande liquid limit and grooving tools were cleaned and completely dried
prior to the experiment.
II. The ten-millimeter gauge on the other side of the grooving tool was utilized to
measure the height of the brass cup of the liquid limit tool.
III. Two hundred and fifty grams of the dry soil sample was collected and mixed with
water on the mixing plate to form a paste.
IV. A segment of the mixed paste was added and leveled in the brass cup of the liquid
limit tool with a maximum depth of eight millimeters to be confirmed. The grooving
tool was then used to separate the sample within the brass cup into two portions.
V. The crank of the liquid limit device was turned for two revolutions per second until
the desired number of blows ranging from twenty-five to thirty-five was achieved. A
portion of the sample was then transferred into a moisture tin and weighed to
determine the moisture content of the sample.
VI. The rest of the soil paste was transferred into an evaporating dish and the brass cup
of the liquid limit tool was cleaned thoroughly.
VII. More water was added into the soil paste in the evaporating dish, mixed thoroughly
and steps IV, V and VI were repeated for this trial sample and a range of number of
blows of twenty to twenty-five was achieved.
VIII. Water was further added into the sample in the evaporating dish and mixed
thoroughly. Steps IV, V and VI were repeated once again for this trial sample, while
achieving a number of blows to be within a range of fifteen to twenty blows.
IX. A semi log graph was then plotted of water content in arithmetic scale against number
of blows in log scale to produce a linear curve, which is denoted as the flow curve. The
moisture content corresponding to twenty-five blows on the graph then becomes the
liquid limit of the soil.

Plastic Limit Test

I. A seventy-gram sample of soil was collected and prepared until it resembled plastic
properties and could be manipulated into the shape of a ball.
II. While shaping the soil sample, it should be ensured that none of the soil sample sticks
to the fingers to prevent loss of mass of the sample.
III. The sample was rolled between hands until the heat energy from the hands dries the
soil enough to endorse cracking of the sample.
IV. A minimum of ten grams were taken from the above sample and rolled into threads
of three millimeters in diameter.
V. The sample was continued to be rolled until crumbling was shown.
VI. The crumbled soil sample was collected and placed in drying cans to determine the
water content in it.
VII. The previously mentioned steps were repeated twice over so that the average water
content can be determined, and the plastic limit of the soil mass can be identified.

6.0 Experimental Setup

The following illustrations depict the laboratory setup and procedures during the experiment:

Figure 2: Casagrande Liquid Limit Device

Figure 3: Mixture of Soil Sample and Addition of Soil Sample into the Brass Cup of Casagrande Tool
Figure 4: Dividing the Soil Sample in Brass Cup of Casagrande Tool using the Grooving Tool

Figure 5: Shaping the Soil Sample into a Ball using Hands

Figure 6: Soil Sample in Casagrande Tool after Twenty One Blows were Performed on the Soil Sample

7.0 Calculations
The following sample calculations are to demonstrate the outcome of the values computed
for the plastic limit in the plastic limit test segment of this experiment:
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 0.01
𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 (𝑀𝑜𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡, 𝜔)(%) = × 100 = × 100
𝑀𝑎𝑠𝑠 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑟𝑦 𝑠𝑜𝑖𝑙 0.02
= 50%
Equation 2: Sample Calculation with Equation for Plastic Limit of Can Number D3 in Part Two

0.5 + 0.4
𝐴𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝑊𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑛𝑡 (%) = × 100 = 45%
Equation 3: Average Water Content for Part Two

𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡𝑦 𝐼𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑥 = 𝐿𝑖𝑞𝑢𝑖𝑑 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 − 𝑃𝑙𝑎𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐 𝐿𝑖𝑚𝑖𝑡 = 67% − 45% = 22%

Equation 4: Plasticity Index of Sample

8.0 Results
The following tables entail the variable values that were determined during the experiment:
Part One – Liquid Limit Test

Test No. 1 2 3
Can Number LM4 D4 LM5
Mass of Can and Wet 0.04 0.04 0.04
Soil (kg)
Mass of Can and Dry 0.035 0.03 0.032
Soil (kg)
Moisture Loss (kg) 0.005 0.01 0.008
Mass of Can (kg) 0.02 0.02 0.02
Dry Soil (kg) 0.015 0.01 0.012
Water Content (%) 33% 100% 67%
Number of Blows 21 17 25
Table 2: Liquid Limit Test Results

Part Two – Plastic Limit Test

Determination No. 1 2
Can Number D3 D4
Can and Wet Soil (kg) 0.055 0.055
Can and Dry Soil (kg) 0.045 0.045
Moisture Loss (kg) 0.01 0.01
Can (kg) 0.025 0.02
Dry Soil (kg) 0.02 0.025
Water Content/Plastic Limit 50% 40%
Table 3: Plastic Limit Test Results

Graph of Water Content versus Number of Blows


Water Content (%)





1 10 100
Number of Blows, N

Figure 7: Graph of Water Content vs. Number of Blows

9.0 Discussion
The graph of water content vs number of blows does not produce a linear graph as
anticipated, according to the data gathered. Yet, it can be demonstrated conclusively that the
water content equivalent to 25 blows is 67%. This implies that the soil sample takes on liquid
qualities when it is saturated with two thirds of water. Also, since the average water content
for Part Two was 45%, this indicates that when the soil sample is saturated with 45% of water,
it transforms from its semi-solid to plastic condition and cannot be molded without
experiencing permanent deformation or splitting. Also, it was discovered that Part One's
plasticity index was 22%, meaning the soil sample had a high plasticity index and belonged to
the clay soil type, which is characterized by lower permeability. It was also possible to deduce
for Part Two that the soil sample was also of the clay soil type because the soil samples were
both taken from the same sample.
10.0 Conclusion
In this experiment, the liquid limit test and the plastic limit test were performed, with results
of 45% and 67%, respectively. The plasticity index for the soil sample in Part One was equal
to 22%, indicating that the soil sample was of the clay soil type and had higher plasticity. The
plastic limit was computed for both parts, however the liquid limit was only established for
Part One. In conclusion, the experiment was successful since the liquid and plastic limits were
examined and the type of soil identified.

11.0 Sources of Error

The brass cup method has a number of potential sources of inaccuracy for the liquid limit. The
first occurred because the dirt and water were not properly mixed before the test, resulting
in an inaccurate number of blows. The consequence would be dry clumps in the soil and a
groove that might have closed earlier or later than it should have. Another possible problem
is lowering yourself during the test from the wrong height. This would lead to a miscalculation
in the number of blows used to close the groove, which would result in an erroneous moisture
content. There are fewer opportunities for error when considering the plastic limit. The most
likely mistake would be to repeatedly fail to roll each rod into a diameter of one eighth of an
inch. It would diverge from the experiment's design if the rolls were not rolled to the proper
diameter, which would result in incorrect results.

12.0 Bibliography
Works Cited

[1] V. N. Kaliakin, "Science Direct," 2017. [Online]. Available: [Accessed 13
March 2023].
[2] J. R. Keaton, "Springer Link," Springer Link, 1 January 2018. [Online]. Available:
[Accessed 13 March 2023].
[3] R. Rajapakse, Geotechnical Engineering Calculations and Rules of Thumb, Newark:
Butterworth-Heinemann, 2015.
[4] P. P. MD Sahadat Hossain, M. A. Islam, F. F. Badhon and a. T. Imtiaz, "Properties and
Behavior of Soil - Online Lab Manual," [Online]. Available: [Accessed 13
March 2023].
[5] M. Mustaq, "Civil Engineering," [Online]. Available:
engineering/site-investigation/296-atterberg-limits-soil. [Accessed 15 March 2023].
[6] A. Bretreger, "NSW Government: Transport: Roads and Maritime Services," February
2015. [Online]. Available:
industry/partners-suppliers/documents/test-methods/plasticity-testing.pdf. [Accessed
13 March 2023].
[7] abg creative geosynthetic engineering, "abg creative geosynthetic engineering,"
[Online]. Available:
properties/atterberg-limits/. [Accessed 15 March 2023].

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