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20th May

[] 2011

Artificial intelligence

Mid term papers / Mcqs / quizzes…..

In GA, the random process is repeated until an individual with required

_________ level is found.
Select correct option:
1. Higher
2. Lower
3. Fitness (11)
4. Logical

Mutation can be as simple as just flipping a bit at random or any number of

Select correct option:
1. True (4)
2. False

Genetic algorithm uses evolutionary techniques, based on function

optimization and artificial intelligence, to develop a solution.
1. True
2. False

We can get optimal solution given some parameters using Genetic

1. True
2. False

___________ reasoning is based on forming, or inducing a ‘generalization’

from a limited set of observations.
Select correct option:
1. Deductive
2. Abductive
3. Analogical
4. Inductive

20th May
[] 2011

A proposition is the statement of a ________.

Select correct option:
a. Equation
b. Action
c. Theorem
d. Fact

An AI system has a ____________ component that allows the system to get

information from its environment.
Select correct option:
1. Planning
2. Perception
3. Learning
4. Execution

A function by which we can tell which board position is nearer to our goal
is called
Select correct option:
1. Alternative function
2. Recursive function
3. Best function
4. Fitness function

Semantic networks are graphs, with nodes representing ____________ and

arcs representing ____________ between objects.
Select correct option:
1. distance, relationships
2. objects, distance
3. relationships, distance
4. objects, relationships

In the worst case of semantic network, we may need to traverse the entire
network and then discover that the requested info ________.
Select correct option:
1. Does not exist
2. Exists
3. Is incorrect
4. Is correct

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[] 2011

A statement in conjunctive normal form (CNF) consists of __________

Select correct option:
a. ANDs of Ors.
b. ANDs
c. Ors
d. Ors of ANDs

An AI system must form a meaningful and useful _____________ of the

internal information.
Select correct option:
1. Representation
2. Execution
3. Learning
4. Planning

__________ is the process of deriving logical conclusions from given facts.

1. Representation
2. Execution
3. Reasoning
4. Planning

What is the correct order for solving a problem using GA I. Choose the best
individuals from the population for crossover II. Choose initial population
III. Evaluate the fitness of each individual

Mamdani's method was among the first _____________ built using fuzzy
set theory.

• Control Systems

• Expert Systems

• Decision analysis Systems

• None of the given

20th May
[] 2011

Outputs of learning are determined by the ___________

Select correct option:
• Application

• Validation

• Training

• None of the given

aArtificial Neural Networks is a new learning paradigm which takes its

roots from _________ inspired approach to learning.
• Chemistry

• Physics

• Biology

• Mathematics
Fuzzy inference systems (FIS) have multidisciplinary nature.
• True

• False

In ANNs, MSE is known as

• Most Squared Error

• Mean Squared Error

• Medium Squared Error

• None of the given

20th May
[] 2011

__________ is the process by which the fuzzy sets that represent the
outputs of each rule are combined into a single fuzzy set.
Select correct option:
1. Aggregation

2. Fuzzification

3. Implication

4. None of the given

Inductive learning is based on the knowledge that if something happens a

lot it is likely to be generally _________

1. True
2. False
3. Ambiguous
4. None of the given

The input of the aggregation process is the list of truncated output

functions returned by the _________ process for each rule.
Select correct option:
• Truncation

• Implication

• Aggregation

• None of the given

Aggregation only occurs once for each output variable, just after the fifth
and final step, defuzzification.
1. True

2. False (coz it occurs prior)

20th May
[] 2011

Decision trees give us disjunctions of conjunctions, that is, they have the
form: (A AND B) _______ (C AND D).

1. OR

2. AND

3. XOR

4. None of the given

Identify the correct step used to start design of an expert system

1. Feasibility study

2. Problem recognition (not sure)

3. Scope study

4. Rapid prototyping

The goal of knowledge analysis is to analyze and structure the knowledge

gained during the planning phase.

1. True
2. False

Fuzzy inference system is NOT associated with number of names.

1. True
2. False

Identify the statement which best defines the fuzzy sets.

1. Fuzzy sets, unlike classical sets, restrict themselves to something lying
wholly in either set A or in set not- A.
2. Fuzzy sets, like classical sets, restrict themselves to something lying
wholly in either set A or in set not- A.
3. Fuzzy sets, unlike classical sets, do not restrict themselves to something
lying wholly in either set A or in set A.
4. Fuzzy sets, unlike classical sets, do not restrict themselves to
something lying wholly in either set A or in set not- A.

20th May
[] 2011

Reasoning in fuzzy logic is just a matter of generalizing the

1. Boolean
2. Complex
3. Cognitive
4. Supervised.

Most of the solution spaces for problems can be represented in a ________

1. Graph
2. Table
3. Demo

In Depth First Search the node with the largest value of height will be at the
___________ priority to be picked.
1. Minimum
2. Maximum
3. Zero
4. Both maximum and minimum.

Can we precisely define Artificial Intelligence?

1. Yes, we can
2. No, we can not.

Ability to tackle ambiguous and fuzzy problems demonstrate.

1. Intelligence
2. Non Intelligence behavior
3. All of the given
4. None of the given

In Adversarial search there may occur such a scenario where two

opponents also called ___________ are searching for a goal.
1. Adversaries
2. Friends
3. Players
4. Intruders

20th May
[] 2011

Some essential components of problem solving are Problem Statement,

_________, Solution Space and Operators.
1. Complex state
2. Initial state
3. Intermediate state
4. Goal state

That is own thoughts as they go by.

1. Introspection
2. Psychological expressions
3. Introspection and psychological expression
4. None of the given

Best first search is a greedy approach

1. True
2. False

Procedures that search the solution space in an uninformed manner are

usually costly with respect to ___________.
1. Time
2. Space
3. Time and space both
4. All of the given

We use graphs to represent problems and their solution spaces.

1. True
2. False

From discipline of _____________ we have information about the network

structure of a human brain and all the theories on functionalities of
different human organs.
1. Mathematics
2. Biology
3. Computer science
4. Psychology

Which of the following disciplines provides us with the theories of

structure and meaning of language.

1. Linguistic
2. Philosophy
3. Biology
4. Psychology
20th May
[] 2011

The traveling inside a solution space requires something called as

1. Operands
2. Inner solution
3. Space solution
4. Operators.

AI actually tries to recreate the functions of the inside of the brain as

opposed to simply emulating behavior
1. Weak
2. Strong
3. Weak and strong
4. None of the given

______ AI treats the brain as a black box and just emulates its functionality.

• Weak
• Strong
• Weak and strong
• None of the given

Answering the Sequence Problem need

1. Intelligence
2. Ability to make plan
3. Ability to schedule
4. None of the given

Which one is not the phase of machine learning.

1. Training
2. Application
3. Validation
4. None of the given(too tricky as aal r phases of machine learning)

General stages of ESDLC includes.

1. Spiral model
2. Linear model
3. Beta system
4. Design coding

20th May
[] 2011

identify correct statement for the given rule,if the aptitude level of an
undergraduate student is low and the english understanding of
undergraduate student is dull THEN he is not eligible to go abroad for
higher studies.

in fuzzy inputs we resolve all fuzzy statements in the antecedent to a

degree of membership between 0 and
• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4

Identify the steps involving in planning phase.

1. Knowledge acquisition from expert
2. Coding
3. Resource allocation
4. Identify concrete knowledge element.

Identify the sets in which membership function is used.

1. Crisp set
2. Classical set
3. Fuzzy set
4. None of the above

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[] 2011

Choose the field in which fuzzy inference system is successfully applied

1. Automatic control
2. Data classification
3. Decision analysis
4. All of the given

if the antecedent is only partially true,then the output fuzzy set is truncated
according to the .........method.
1. Intrinsic
2. Implication
3. Boolean
4. None of the given.

Identify which statement defines classical set in a best way,

1. A classical set is container, which includes but not wholly excludes any
given element.
2. A classical set is container, which does not wholly include or wholly
excludes any given element.
3. Classical sets, either wholly include something or exclude it from the
membership of a set,

The role of tester is often called the critic,

1. True
2. False

By getting grips on ___________ that deal with searching techniques in

graphs and trees, problem solving can be performed in an efficient manner.

1. Pseudo code

2. Algorithms

3. Charts

4. Graphs

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[] 2011

Every graph can be converted into a tree.

1. True

2. False

In Breadth First Search the node with the largest value of

height will be at the _________ priority to be picked.

1. Maximum

2. Minimum

3. None of the given

Breadth-First Search checks all paths of a given length

before moving on to any longer paths.

1. True

2. False

There are ………….search strategy.

• 1
• 2
• 3
• 4

Breadth-first search is a good idea when you are

confident that the branching factor is _________

1. Extremely small

2. Small

3. Medium

4. Large
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[] 2011

The foothill problem occurs whenever there are___________ peaks.

1. High

2. Secondary

3. Primary

4. Deep

The Plateau problem comes up when there is a mostly flat area

___________ the peaks.

1. Separating
2. Joining
3. Over
4. None of the given

Which one of the problem is more subtle, and consequently, is more


1. Foothill problem
2. Plateau
3. Ridge
4. Box

The paths found by best-first search are likely to be __________ than those
found with other methods.

1. None od the given

2. Shorter
3. Longer

In Basic Genetic Algorithm the term mutation refers to a small random


1. Number
2. Change
3. Operator
4. Operand
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[] 2011

Which of the following two components are closely coupled and each is
Intrinsically tied to the other.
i. Knowledge representation
ii. Reasoning
iii. Execution
iv. Planning

1. i & iii
2. ii & iii
3. iii & iv
4. i & ii

An ___________ is “A computer program designed to model the problem

solving ability of a human expert."

1. Expert system
2. Intelligent System
3. Echo System
4. Energy System

Another expert system named __________ was developed by Digital

Equipment Corporation, as a computer configuration assistant.

1. R1/XCON
3. Dendral
4. R3/XCON

An expert system may replace the expert or assist the expert.

1. True
2. False

Conventional programming focuses on _______, while ES programming

focuses on ________ …

1. Solution, Problem
2. Problem, Solution
3. Problem, Expert
4. Solution, Expert

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[] 2011

In backward chaining terminology, the hypothesis to prove is called the

1. Proof
2. Goal
3. Plan
4. None of the given

“The branch of computer science that is concerned with the automation of

intelligent behavior” this definition is from:

1. Luger and Stubblefield

2. Winston
3. Schalkoff
4. Bellman

Searching is a formal mechanism to explore alternatives.

In Artificial Intelligence GA stands for Genetic Algorithms.
1. True
2. False

----------------- is based on forming, or inducing a ‘generalization’ from a

limited set of observations.

1. Inductive reasoning
2. Deductive reasoning
3. Analogical reasoning
4. Common-sense reasoning.

“A computer program designed to model the problem solving ability of a

human expert” is known as -----Expert System--------

A -------Domain expert---------- is ‘A person who posses the skill and

knowledge to solve a specific problem in a manner superior to others’

Hill Climbing is basically a ---- depth first search ---------- with a measure of
quality that is assigned to each node in the tree.

Expert system can be expressed as.

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[] 2011

1. It provides the tools for management, tracking and assessment of various

types of employee learning and training.
2. The set of business processes, culture, and behavior required to obtain
value from investments in information systems.
3. Used for finding the optimal solution for a specific problem by examining a
very large number of possible solutions for that problem.
4. Intelligent techniques for capturing tacit knowledge in a very specific
and limited domain of human experise, this knowledge is converted
to rules that can be used throughout the entire. (not sure)

An equipment calibration expert system is an example of an expert system

in the application category of..
1. Decision management
2. Maintenance / scheduling
3. Process monitoring /control
4. Diagnostic /troubleshooting

All managers of a company, no matter what level, have the same type of information needs.
1. True
2. False

If temperature is 0 then weather is cold, this rule is to represent

1. Recommendations
2. Directives
3. Relations
4. None of the given option.

Expert systems are an application in what area of artificial intelligence.

1. Cognitive science
2. Computer science
3. Robotics
4. Natural inference application

in a situation where mor ethan one conclusion can be deduced from a set
of facts,to decide which rule to be fired we use conflict resolution..

1. True
2. False

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[] 2011

The rule that define how conflict resolution will be used, and how other
aspects of the system itself run, are called

1. meta rule
2. conflict resolution rule
3. forward chain rule
4. None of the given option.

An alternative method is the longest machine strategy. This method

involves firing the conclusion that was derived from the………
1. Longest rule
2. Shortest rule
3. Complex rule
4. Forward chain rule

In some cases, the rules provide definite actions such as move left or close
door, in which case the rules are being used to represent ……..

1. Recommendations
2. Directives
3. Relations
4. None of the given option.

A database of rules is also called knowledge base.

1. True
2. False

Question No: 21 ( Marks: 2 )

Give definition of Expert System.

Sol.A computer program which have the problem solving ability of human.
Question No: 22 ( Marks: 3 )

What is depth first search? give priority function for it.

Question No: 23 ( Marks: 5 )

Write down at least 5 names for the application fields of Genetic Algorithm.

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[] 2011

1. Automotive Design
2. Engineering Design
3. Robotics
4. Evolvable Hardware
5. Optimized Telecommunications Routing
6. Joke and Pun Generation
7. Biometric Invention
8. Trip, Traffic and Shipment Routing
9. Computer Gaming
10. Encryption and Code Breaking
11. Computer-Aided Molecular Design
12. Gene Expression Profiling
13. Optimizing Chemical Kinetic Analysis
14. Finance and Investment Strategies
15. Marketing and Merchandising

Question No: 24 ( Marks: 10 )

Discuss backward chaining with the help of doctor and patient example.

Question No. 12 -
Write two main types of relationships in Semantic Networks. [2 marks]
1. IS-A (Inheritance relation)
2. HAS (Ownership relation)
Question No. 13
Convert the following into CNF
(AVB)-->(C-->D) [3 marks]
Question No. 14
What is inductive reasoning? [3 marks]
Question No. 15
What is backward chaining? [2 marks]
Question No. 16
Write down at least 5 names for the application fields of Genetic Algorithms. [5
Question No. 17
Write the steps involved in backward chaining [5 marks]

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[] 2011

My mid term paper cs607 Artificial Intelligence 04-12-2010

Q1 How does Durkin define reasoning? 2 marks

Q2 What are the possible issues in forward chaining? 2 marks

Q3 How can we state the basic genetic algorithm 3marks

Q4 To understand the expert system structure give some analogy from real
life 3 marks

Q5 What problem are faced by the semantic networks (write in detail)

Q6 Write down all steps of backward chaining 5 marks

hit and trail same as generate and test
branching factor of DFS_________ small

In genetic algorithm why the search paths don't remain independent? 2 marks

Define Facts in AI. 3 marks

write the command of CLISP for"Hello word" 3 marks
Define Non-Monotonic reasoning 5 marks
what is Explanation facility in Expert system 5 marks

Pring clips command for hello world 7 times


CLIPS> (loop-for-count 7 (printout t "Hello world" crlf))

Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
Hello world
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[] 2011

Hello world
Hello world

name some shall in Artificial intelligence(2)

difference in backward and forward chaining(3)
steps of backward chaining(5)
a person want to some knowledge about driving a bike what type of knowledge
will be suit able for him and y?(5)
horse riding is same as donkey riding wt u think which type of reasoning is used
in this statement and y?(3)
differentiate between perception and knowledge representation?(2)

3 Questions of 2 marks

1) Define backward chaining

2) Differentiate between Global maxima and local maxima
3) Differentiate between "Adversial Search" and "Genetic Algorithm"

2 Questions of 3 marks

1) If a person learns how to drive a truck, is it best suited to be called

"Declarative Knowledge"? Also give reasons to prove it.

2) Define the given statement of CNF

(AvB) ^(Bv~C)^(D)
note: D=(Dv~D)

2 Questions of 5 marks

1) From the three methods Mutation, Crossover or both, Which method should
we use in Genetic Algorithm if we want to get the desired solution. Also give
2) What are the appropriate domains for the expert systems

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[] 2011

(7+7 marks). Let us define the following propositions: A=x hates studying B=x
wastes time watching movies C=x attends VU lectures D=x gets a good
grade in the AI course
i. Modus Ponens, Modus Tolens, AndElimination and AndIntroduction We
know that if a person hates studying, they waste time watching movies. We also
know that if a person does not hate studying and attends VU lectures, they will
get a good grade in the AI course. There is a student who does not waste time
watching movies and attends VU lectures, prove that this student will get a good
grade in AI, using
ii. Resolution refutation. Also state, why do you think resolution refutation is a
strategy in practical theorem provers? (6 marks). Early man discovers
fire in a simplified chemistry world:

%s. • IF dry stones strike each other

%s. • Then a spark is produced
%s. • Conclusion
%s. • When there is a spark, dry leaves and oxygen is present in the
atmosphere, then there is fire.
%s. • Encode the problem using propositions and rules.
%s. • One day, early man Fred rubbed dry stones together near a bunch
of dry leaves (of coarse there was oxygen, or Fred would not be alive).

•Prove using resolution refutation that Fred created a fire. (5+5+5 marks).
Discuss the three strategies of problem solving briefly. Give examples to support
your argument in each case.
i. Blind/UnInformed Searches
ii. Informed/Heuristic Searches
iii. Optimal Searches (8+2 marks). Run the Alpha Beta Procedure on the
following tree clearly indicating the pruned branches. Calculate the percentage of
nodes on which the static evaluation has to be computed.

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[] 2011



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