Photography and Videography in Advertising

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Photography and Videography In Advertising

Manastosh Karki

Exam Roll No.: 19398/17

TU Regd. No.: 7-2-25-805-2017

A Summer Project Report Submitted to

Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University

in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of


At the
Nepal Commerce Campus
Tribhuvan University
New Baneshwor, Kathmandu

January, 2022
This is to certify that I have completed the summer Project entitled “Photography and
Videography in Advertising” under the guidance of Professor, Mr. Babu Raja Tandukar in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration at Faculty
of Management, Tribhuvan University. This is my original work and I have not submitted it
earlier elsewhere.

Date: Signature:

Manastosh Karki
This is to certify that the summer project entitled “Photography and Videography in advertising”
is an academic work done by Manastosh Karki Submitted in the partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) at faculty of
management, Tribhuvan University under my guidance and supervision. To the best of my
knowledge, the information presented by him in the summer project report has not been
submitted earlier.

Signature of the Supervisor

Prof. Babu Raja Tandukar

I express my sincere gratitude to the Faculty of Management, Tribhuvan University for
including Summer Project as a part of our curriculum. I also express my sincere gratitude
to a number of people whose assistance and guidance have made this project report
possible. I hope that this project will serve as a useful reference material for all students
who wants to do research on similar topic or the same topic. I want to specially thank my
supervisor Mr. Babu Raja Tandukar for his valuable guidance, advice and continuous
encouragement which proved very helpful in completing this project. I would like to show
my gratitude to Nepal Commerce Campus for giving me an opportunity to explore my
abilities via this project.
I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends, family and colleagues who took
part in this research. The primary data provided by them have contributed towards making
this project comprehensive as possible.

Thank you!

Manastosh Karki
This is a report on Photography and Videography in Advertising. The primary objective of the
study is to understand the possible future for the Photographers and videographers in Nepal and
either it if viable to Photography and videography as a career. The specific objectives are to find
out the perception of people towards this newly emerging Visual promotion of products.

The purpose of this report is to assess the future possibilities for the Photographers and
Videographers and how beneficial it is to make it a living in general context of Nepal. In this
report, I as an author, have tried to show the beneficiary side of Photography and Videography
and question the traditional mindset of peoples thinking this only as entertainment. Descriptive
research design was utilized to gain an accurate profile of the situation. Sixty (60) peoples of
different age, gender who use camera in their daily life. It was conducted during the summer
semester of the academic year 2021-2022. Summing up, photography and videography are
famous in peoples of all gender and age group and nowadays it don’t only work as entertainment
source but also a way of communicating with others and some have also make it as their primary
source of income and opposite of the traditional thinking of it being a waste of time peoples have
started giving mobile gaming proper recognition. Although there are some cases of this being a
addiction and also proving as harmful but there are many benefits as compared to the

Thus, it can be concluded that photography and videography is very prosperous industry and
have the potential of becoming one of the largest industry in coming future so, peoples should
start giving proper recognition to this growing industry of mobile gaming and Photographers and
CERTIFICATE FROM THE SUPERVISOR.................................................................................3
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.............................................................................................................5
Chapter - 1.......................................................................................................................................6
1.1 Context Information...............................................................................................................6
The Minimum Gear Needed for Photography are:............................................................................6
1.2 Statement of the Problem.......................................................................................................8
1.3 Purpose of the Study..............................................................................................................8
1.4 Significance of the study........................................................................................................8
1.5 Literature Review...................................................................................................................8
1.6 Conceptual Theoretical Framework.....................................................................................11
1.7 Research Methodology........................................................................................................11
1.7.1 Research design................................................................................................................11
1.8 Limitations of the Study.......................................................................................................12
Chapter II.......................................................................................................................................13
Data presentation and Analysis.....................................................................................................13
2.1 Data presentation and Analysis............................................................................................13
2.1 Data presentation and Analysis............................................................................................13
2.1 Respondent’s Profile............................................................................................................13
2.2 Descriptive Analysis............................................................................................................17
CHAPTER III................................................................................................................................25
CONCLUSION AND ACTION IMPLICATIONS.......................................................................25
3.1 Conclusion...........................................................................................................................25
3.2 Action Implications..............................................................................................................25

Chapter - 1

1.1 Context Information
Photography is the art, application, and practice of creating durable images by recording light,
either electronically by means of an image sensor, or chemically by means of a light-sensitive
material such as photographic film. It is employed in many fields of science, manufacturing
(e.g., photolithography), and business, as well as its more direct uses for art, film and video
production, recreational purposes, hobby, and mass communication.
Videography refers to the electronic capture of moving images on electronic media, such as
digital cameras, videotapes, and streaming media. This includes specific methods of video
editing and post-production as well. From a layman’s standpoint, it describes a certain style of
hands-on video project, typically smaller in scope. 
The first permanent photograph was captured in 1826 (some sources say 1827) by
Joseph Nicéphore Niépce in France. It shows the roof of a building lit by the sun.
“Videography is geared toward live events or weddings, or something that’s not necessarily
planned with a giant crew or any filmmaking setup that we usually see in a movie,” says
professional filmmaker Whit Ingram.

The Minimum Gear Needed for Photography are:

Camera: While buying a dedicated camera (rather than a phone), we must pick one with
interchangeable lenses so that different types of photography can be tried out more easily. We
must go through reviews, before buying a camera.

Lenses: This is where it counts. For everyday photography, a standard zoom lens like a 24-
70mm or 18-55mm must be used. For portrait photography, there is a prime lens (one that
doesn’t zoom) at 35mm, 50mm, or 85mm. For sports, there is telephoto lens. For macro
photography, macro lens is effective. And so on. Lenses matter more than any other piece of
equipment because they determine what photos we can take in the first place.

Post-processing software: One way or another, we need to edit the photos. It’s ok to start with
software already on our computer, or software that comes with our camera. But in the long run, a
dedicated program will do a better job. Adobe sells Light room and Photoshop as a bundle for
$10/month, or we can buy standalone software from another company if we prefer; there are tons
of options.

The three important Camera Settings are:

 Shutter speed
 Aperture

The right stuffs for Videography are:

 Stabilizer 
A foundational piece of any shoot, a stabilizer reduces video camera movement and makes our
shots consistently steady, whether we use a tripod, Steadicam, or mount. As
both documentarians and wedding videographers know, some events respond well to the
handheld style of filming, but it’s helpful to keep a stabilizer on hand for times when we need to
set up certain shots beforehand.
 Lighting equipment
Proper lighting is essential to keep the visual quality of our clips high. “We may want to bring
our own lighting, depending on how big a setup it is, so there won’t be any flicker,” says Ingram.
If it’s a DIY project or our crew doesn’t include a lighting director, we may need to speak with
the venue coordinator to get a sense of how much light we’ll be working with.
 Sound accessories
“On-camera microphones for videographers are super helpful,” says Miller. Certain mics work
better in specific environments and conditions. More often than not, shotgun mics prove to be
one of the most effective camcorder tools for sound capture due to their ability to block sounds
from the rear and sides while prioritizing the sound in the front. Excellent sound production isn’t
limited to just one method, technique, or piece of equipment, so use and gather as many of them
as possible to learn what we need to capture crisper audio in the situations we work in.
 Multiple lenses
Although it doesn’t have the same artistic direction as cinematography, videography deals with
certain stylistic choices, including the type of shots that appear in our work. Depending on the
project’s needs, bring different lenses along when we shoot to show our subject in a different
light and keep our viewers on the edge of their seats. If possible, use a shot list to keep track and
stay organized during our project.
 Backups
Since video uses a considerable amount of footage, make sure we bring backup memory or SD
cards in the event we run out of space on our camera. 
Digital advertising is all about visuals. Even if we can come up with the catchiest ad copy in the
world, our ad won’t be as powerful if there are no visuals to draw our audience toward. Think
about the ads we see on some of our favorite websites. Often, the visual appeal of the ad is what
enables us to click on it, if the ad is relevant to our interests.

Consider employing a professional photographer to assist with our advertising efforts. No matter
what our product is, the right photos can entice people to become customers.

Video content is the most effective way to get our message out. Video works so well for a couple
reasons. For one, it’s very easy to pack valuable information into a video without it seeming
tedious or boring. Communicating our brand can be done easily through video.
Furthermore, video content is easily distributed across a variety of online channels, including
social media.

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Visual Advertisement is regarded as a very effective means of advertisement. Without
photography and videography it is not possible to create visual advertisement. So with this report
we can find out the problems about use of photography and videography in advertising and the
problems with the people using it. As in this modern world, people are mostly persuaded to buy a
product through the visual mode of promotion. So, the major purpose of doing this research are:

a. How effectively Photography and Videography work in attracting Customers?

b. To which degree is Visual advertisement effective as compared to other forms of
c. Does Photography and Videography has scope in all level of business organizations?

1.3 Purpose of the Study

The objective of this study is to analyze how the photography and videography helps in the
persuasion of the customers and stimulates the consumer’s appeal towards certain products.

1.4 Significance of the study

This study shows the importance of visualization in the world of business and advertisements.
This study helps to understand the difference between the appeal generated by other form of
promotion and the promotion through pictures or videos. It helps people that professional
photography and videography is not just limited to entertainment, but also has a scope in the
Business and Management world.

1.5 Literature Review

Digital advertising is all about visuals. Even if we can come up with the catchiest ad copy in the
world, our ad won’t be as powerful if there are no visuals to draw our audience toward. Think
about the ads we see on some of our favorite websites. Often, the visual appeal of the ad is what
enables us to click on it, if the ad is relevant to our interests.

Consider employing a professional photographer to assist with our advertising efforts. No matter
what our product is, the right photos can entice people to become customers.

But in the online marketplace, video content is the most effective way to get our message out. If
we are a small business looking to spread brand awareness, a great video will increase
recognition of our company and our products. Eventually, this can lead to an increase in sales.
This is where a professional videographer can be especially valuable. If we want to create a
promotional video for our products, it needs to be of the highest quality. Poor quality video
content will only hurt our business’s outreach efforts. Similarly, if we’re an ad agency producing
content for a client, we want to work with a videography team that can help we uphold our high
standards of video quality.

Professional advertising photography & videography companies can help with creating an
attractive visual component to the story we are trying to sell. For example, what are our humble
beginnings? What have we always sought to achieve with our products or services? What do we
want our target audience to know about our company that they may not be privy to? Telling our
story the right way can make our company seem more human and down-to-earth than our
competitors. The better our reputation is, the more people will want to become our customers.

Visual methods are accepted tools for qualitative research and are increasingly used in a wide
range of disciplines, such as sociology, psychology, geography, and health care. Pauwels (2010)
described a system for visual social research termed an Integrated Framework; however, reasons
for choosing visual methods were not explicated in the Framework. The focus of his article is
mainly the visuals themselves—how they are conceptualized, collected, and analyzed. The
current review is instrumental and therefore approaches visual methods as tools and seeks the
researchers’ reasons for choosing them, which is a different approach from Pauwels and other
visual sociologists, such as Harper (1998) and Stanczak (2007). These two aims are
complementary, because it is not only necessary to consider how one views and understands
visual images, but also whether they will fulfil the reasons one has for choosing them. Detailed
descriptions of specific visual methods and the analysis of visual data are beyond the remit of
this paper, and instead can be found in books on visual methodologies (e.g., Banks, 2001;
Hamilton, 2006; Prosser, 1998; Rose, 2001). Only research reports that stated a rationale for
using visual methods are reviewed here, but other literature on visual methods are referred to
when discussing the review’s findings.

Visual Methods Used to Enhance Data Collection or Presentation

Rapport Building
One method employed for the purpose of facilitating the building of rapport is photo-elicitation,
where photographs are taken by the participant or researcher and then used in an interview. The
rationale given by authors for choosing this method included putting someone at ease (Banks,
2001), encouraging engagement with the research study process (Rhodes & Fitzgerald, 2006),
and providing the interviewer with a way into the participant’s world (Chalfen, 1998; Gold,
2004). The effectiveness of this method for building rapport was seldom mentioned, with two
exceptions: Gold (2004) reported that taking photographs as an orientation exercise enabled him
to initiate conversations with people and Meo (2010) noted that her interviews with students
concerning class, identity, and education were longer and “more enjoyable” (p. 155) when using
photographs than when interviewing without them. Rapport building may need to be defined
more precisely by authors to enable further evidence to emerge. Although rapport may be
facilitated with visual methods, at present it is unclear with whom or when they may surpass
verbal discourse alone in this regard.
Facilitating Communication
Researchers have variously reported using visual methods as a prompt to help participants
express abstract ideas or as an adjunct to verbal communication. These reasons were grouped
together because they facilitated communication in practical and intellectual ways.
Facilitating Expression of Subconscious and Tacit Knowledge
In the literature, frequently reasons given for choosing a visual method related to facilitating
communication on topics that are difficult to raise either because they are largely subconscious
or subject to social or psychological inhibitions. One rationale for the potential effectiveness of a
visual approach is rooted in the psychoanalytical school, which theorizes that drawing or
modelling will enable things to be expressed visually or symbolically that would be repressed in
their verbal form (Jones, 2005). Newell-Walker (2002) combined elements from this approach
with a more phenomenological approach as a way of restoring ‘personhood,’ and she provided a
case example where a participant made a series of drawings across several sessions, which
demonstrated a positive progression of insight with each successive drawing. Her case study
illustrated the potential effectiveness of creating and reflecting on a series of drawings as a
means to understanding aspects of one’s psycho-social self that are usually subconscious.

1.6 Conceptual Theoretical Framework

Dependent variable Independent Variable


Customers' Access of
Persuasion information

Ease of use

Figure 1.1 conceptual framework

Attractiveness: There is positive relationship in between Attractiveness and consumers

persuasion. The more attractiveness of the product the more the customers are motivated to buy
Access of Information: The more amount of information the customers gets about the products,
more they are attracted to buy the products. For example: in the visual advertisement of any
product, if the adequate information is presented. Videography is more effective in such
Easy: There is positive relationship in between ease of use and satisfaction...Higher the ease of
use higher will be the satisfaction.
1.7 Research Methodology
Methodology refers the steps that will be adopted this study. The more systematic method gives
the more actual results for the study. The method of this study includes research plan and design,
description of sample, data collection procedure and data analysis plan. The methodology used
for this research listed below;
1.7.1 Research design
A research design is the planned specification of methods and procedures for acquiring the
information needed to structure to solve the problems. The research design used in this study is
descriptive. Descriptive research includes surveys and fact-finding enquires of different kinds.
The major purpose of descriptive research is description of the state of affairs as it exists at
present. The descriptive research design is selected for the study to learn the profile of the
respondents, presentation and description of data collection, and describe the customers
perception and satisfaction towards the Videography and photography or Visualization.

1.7.2 Sample Design

Sampling is the selection of a subset (a statistical sample) of individual from within a statistical
population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. Convenience sampling has been
used to select the samples from the population in this research process. The customer’s using
camera in their daily life in Kathmandu valley are sample unit of study. The samples size is 75
customers from different parts of Kathmandu valley.

1.7.3 Method of Data Collection

Data collection is the process of gathering and measuring information on targeted variables in an
established systematic fashion, which then enables one to answer relevant questions and evaluate
outcomes. Questionnaire has been used to collect primary data. In order to collect the data from
the respondents, five point likert scales has been used and the questionnaire has been filled by
respondents themselves.
1.7.4 Method of Data Analysis
After collection of data, following tools are used for data analysis:
Arithmetic Mean
Coefficient of variation

1.8 Limitations of the Study

 This study is based on the willingness of the consumer to provide the necessary
information. So, it depends on their feelings and desires to share and give information.
 The information and data in completion of this report are limited by time and resources.
 This study employs descriptive, convenience, and sampling methods only.
Chapter II

Data presentation and Analysis

2.1 Data presentation and Analysis
2.1 Data presentation and Analysis
This chapter covers the data presentation, data analysis and description of the results. The main
purpose of this chapter is to set forth basic data, describe the characteristics of the sample
included. This chapter includes the presentation and analysis of data related to independent and
dependent variables as mentioned above. To make this study more systematic this chapter has
been divided into four sub headings: first sub-heading contains respondent’s profile, second is
data representation, third is data analysis, and fourth is findings and discussions.

This empirical investigation was conducted in the form of a field survey of respondents through
structured questionnaire distributed to then samples selected by using non-probabilistic
procedures. Question was developed and distributed to 80 respondents and 60 of them responded
and sample size is 60 to get their opinions with respect to determining the financial feasibility for
Photographers and Videographers in Nepal.

2.1 Respondent’s Profile

Under respondent profile, demographics features of respondents were gathered from the first few
questions of the questionnaire. The purpose of this measure was to know the level of satisfaction
based on different variable such as age, gender, occupation. Personal characteristics of
respondent’s play a significant importance in the responses they give in surveys. The collected
data are exhibited as follow:
Gender of Respondent

Table 1.1 gender of respondent

gender Frequency Percentage

Male 33 55%

female 27 45%

other 0

total 60 100%

Analyzing Table 1.1 it shows the respondent’s profile from those participated in the
questionnaire survey on the strata of gender. As evident from the table, as regards gender, the
male participants were highly participated in comparison to female participants where male
respondents are 55% and female are 45%.

Table 1.2 Age of respondent

Age Frequency Percentage

15-20 11 18.3

21-35 49 81.7

Above 35 0 0

Total 60 100

Source: Survey Questionnaire

Table 1.2 represents that 18.3% of the respondents are between the age of 15 and 20 and 81.7%
of respondents are between 21 and 35 years and there are not any respondents above the age of
35 years old. By the responses of the respondent, we can notice that most of the respondent
taking part are of age 21 and 35 and some of them are of age 15 and 20 and in the study, there
are no respondent who are of the age of above 35. By this we the age distribution can also be
shown as figure2.

Figure 2 Age of respondent

Figure 2 shows the percentage of respondent as per different age group. Out of total, 11
respondents representing 18.3% falls under the age group of 15-20 years whereas 49 respondents
representing 81.7% falls under the age group of 21-35 years. This shows that the people of age
group 21-35 use cameras.

Table 1.3 Educational level of respondent

Level No. of respondents Percentage

+2 level 7 11.66

Bachelors level 52 86.67

Masters Levels 1 1.67

The table shows the educational level of respondents. I have divided the educational level into
three categories, +2 Level, bachelors Levels, and Masters Level. The table shows that the 11.6%
are either studying at +2 level or have just the qualification of +2 level. 86.67% have the
qualification up to bachelors level where as only 1.67% of the respondents are currently in the
Masters’ level.
percentage. of respondents
intermediate bachelors masters



Fig 3: percentage of respondent’s education level.

Fig 3 shows the percentage of the educational level of the respondents. According to the given
pie chart, the educational level of +2 is 11%, masters Level is 2% and the highest is the
Bachelors level which is 87%.

Table 1.4 Respondent on the basis of their interest in photography and videography

Interested 22 36.67%

Not interested 3 5%

Interested but not 35 58.33%


Table 1.4 shows the numbers of people who are interested, which is 22, and the numbers of
people who are not interested which is3. We can see that 35 people said that they are interested
in photography but not professionally. The percentage of the interested, not interested and
Interested but not professionally are 36.67%, 5% and 58.33% respectively.
Fig: 4 percentage of respondents on the basis of their interest in photography and videography.

Figure 4 shows the percentage of interested, not interested and those who are interested but not

2.2 Descriptive Analysis

Descriptive Analysis describes the basic features of data in a study and summarizes it in a
meaningful way. All the respondents were inquired in advance about their interest in
participating in the survey at the time of collecting their views in the regards of the role of
photography and videography in Nepal. The response received from these respondents have been
arranged, tabulated and analyzed in order to facilitate the descriptive analysis of the study. In the
survey questionnaire, the respondents were requested to respond in two ways: Multiple Choice
and checkboxes method.

The sample questionnaire schedule is presented in Appendix

2.2.1 Respondents main reasons for taking photos or videos in their daily life.

Reasons for taking Numbers percentage

photograph and video graphs

to capture important details 35 16.9%

such as exams routines,
phone numbers, quotes etc.

For professional reasons 10 3.4%

For memories 6 59.3%

For refreshments 6 10.2%

For entertainment 3 10.2%

none 0 0

The table 2.2.1 shows the purpose of people to use cameras in their daily life. It shows that the
59.3%, which is the maximum percentage is for the purpose of memories. 10.2% are for the
entertainment and refreshment respectively. 16.9% is for capturing important details such as
exams routines and others. And the least is for the professional reasons, which is at 3.4%.

Fig 5: the purpose of taking photographs and videos of the respondents.

Figure 5 represents the table 2.1.1 in which the percentage of purpose of respondents are shown.
Table 1.5 Number of photographs taken in a day

No of photographs Respondents reaction percentage

Less than 5 45 77.6

5 to 10 12 20.7

10 to 15 2 1.7

more 1

The table shows the total number of photographs taken by the respondents. The table shows that
the 77.6% of respondents takes less than 5 photos, 20.7 % of respondents take 5 to 10 photos,
10.7% of people take 10 to 15 photos and remaining takes more photographs.

Fig 6: number of photographs taken.

Figure 6 shows the pie chart representing the percentage of respondents on the basis of the
number of photographs taken. It represents the table 1.6.

2.2.3 Photography and Videography limited to only entertainment sectors or not

Table 1.7 Is Photography and videography only limited to entertainment sector or not

response number percentage

Yes 5 8.3%

No 55 91.7%

Table 1.7 shows that only 8.3% of respondents agrees that the photography and videography are
only limited to the entertainment sectors. Rest (91.7%) doesn’t agree with this.

Fig 7: scope of photography limited to only entertainment industries or not.

The figure 7 represents the the table 1.7 which shows that the percentage who agrees the the
professional photography is only limited to entertainment sectors are 8.3% and those who donot
agree are 91.7%.

2.2.4 Photography and videography in persuasion of the Consumers

Table 1.8 photography and videography helps to persuade customers or not

reaction number percentage

Yes 53 88.3%

No 7 11.7%

The table 1.8 represents the perception of respondents regarding the role of photography and
videography in the persuasion of the consumers. 88.3% or 53 respondents agreed that it helps in
the persuasion of the consumer, while 11.7% or 7 respondents disagreed this statement.

Fig 8: photography and videography in the persuasion of the consumers.

The figure 8 shows the perception of people regarding the roles of photography and videography
in the persuasion to the costumers. 88.3% agrees on this while 11.7 do not agree on this.
2.2.5 Most effective Visualization or Photography and Videography Medium in attracting

Table 1.9: most effective medium of visualization

Medium respondents percentage

Television Advertisements 24 40

Internet ads 42 70

Pamphlets 13 21.7

Facebook Pages 41 68.3

The table shows the numbers and percentage of people on the basis of their preference towards
different means of advertisement on the basis of survey done through checkbox method.

Fig 9: effective modes of visualization

The figure represents the table 1.9 showing the perception of respondents towards the effective
means of visualization.
2.2.5 Factor of the advertising videos or images that convinces customers to switch the products

Table 1.10 the factors that convinces people to buy the products.

factors Response Percentage

The Information Included 32 53.3%

Favorite celebrity endorsing 7 11.7%


Attractiveness of iname 29 48.3%

Creative ads 29 48.3%

Sources: Questionnaire

The Table shows the response of the respondents about the factors that convinces them to buy
the products. This survey was conducted through checkbox method.

Fig 10: factors that convinces consumers to buy the products.

Figure 10 shows the factors that persuade the consumers to buy products. 53.3% of respondents
are convinced by the information included in the advertisement, 11.7% are convinced by their
favorite celebrity endorsing the brand, 48.3% are convinced by the attractiveness of images in
the posters and 48.3% are convinced by the creative ads.
2.3 Findings and Discussions

2.3.1 Findings

The major findings of this study are: -

 The primary motive of people taking Photographs and making videos is to create
 On average people makes 5-10 photos or videos in a day..
 People spend their time in making photos and videos to have casual fun and for
 Almost half of those surveyed admit that Photography and videography is taking place of
other forms of promotion of products
 It is also showed that most people are interested in Photography but are not willing to
take it as a career.

2.3.2 Discussions

In this section the researcher tries to interpret the findings. Further, this section compares the
findings with the prior researches on the basis of similarities and differences. For this purpose,
other researchers are also considered.

In the today’s time we use photographs And Videos in our daily life. We use it for the purpose of
cresting memories, capturing important details, refreshments, entertainment etc.

By this study we can notice that mostly students are interested in photography but are not willing
to take it as a profession. Undoubtedly, they are aware about the scope of photography and
videography in the visual advertising.

The study confirms that there is potential in the field of Photography and videography and many
youths as well as adults have also understood that and are engaging in this sector.


This chapter deals with the major conclusions which are discussed in separate sections of this
Chapter. Likewise, recommendations regarding the study are also presented in separate
Sections of this chapter. Lastly, the chapter ends with the discussion of scope for the future
Study in the same field.

There are several advertisement agencies that hires professional photographers and
videographers for the effective ads. There is high competition among various advertising
companieson a daily basis. On a daily basis millions of players are active and enjoy various
visual advertisements. Following conclusions can be drawn from the research conducted.

3.1 Conclusion
From the above, it is observed that students use photography and videography platforms and they
are mostly studying at +2 level or bachelors or Masters Level. And it is also observed that most
of them are interested in photography and videography but are not professionally interested.
Most of the students takes photographs and videos for memories or other important aspects.

Respondents also strongly believes in the opinion that the photography and videography are not
just limited to the entertainment sectors. It can be also used at commercial sectors. Majority of
the respondents agreed on the fact that the Visualization method of factors is dominating the
other form of promotion of the products.

Thus, it can be concluded that professional photography and videography is not limited to only
one sectors. It can also be used in effective advertisement of products.

3.2 Action Implications

While most of the students feel that Photography and videography is not limited to songle sectors
and can be effective in the business sectors as well. But it can still be observed that most of them
are not willing to take Photography and videography as their profession. Most of the people takes
photographs or videos for the purpose of memories only.

1. Awareness can also be provided to the common people about the scope of Photography
and videography.
2. Parents can also provide supportive roles to motivate their children to pursue this career.
3. Schools and Colleges should guide students for the course related to visualization
advertisement such as Degree in Mass communications, or Diploma in Photography and
4. Professional Photographers and videographers should organize seminars or programs
related to the scope of photography and videography in the commercial worlds.
5. Every Business Organization must provide fair salary to the photographers and
videographers of their company, which motivates them to select photography and
videography as a profession.
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Yochelson, Bonnie. “Pictorialism into Modernism: The Clarence H. White School of

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Questionnaire on “Photography and Videography in Advertising”

Dear participants

This survey with the above captioned subject has been designed to explore the “Photography and
Videography in Advertising”. You are kindly requested to co-operate by filling up the
questionnaire below. Your co-operation is expected to add academic value. The information
provided will be kept quite confidential and used at aggregate level only. I am looking forward
for your kind and generous co-operation

Manastosh Karki

BBA Seventh Semester

Nepal Commerce Campus

1. What is your name?

2. What is your gender?
o Other
3. What is your semester ?
4. Which age group do you belong?
o 15-20
o 21-35
o Above 35
5. Are you interested in photography or Videography ?
o Yes
o No
6. Do you take Photos or Videos Everyday ?
o Yes
o No
o Not everyday But I do take photographs and make videos.
7. How manyphotographs or videos do you make in a day?
o Less than 5
o 5 to 10
o 10 to 15
o more
8. For what Purpose do you make photos or videos ?
o For capturing important details
o For professional reasons
o For memories
o For refreshments
o For entertainment
o None of the above
9. Do you think professional photography and videography is limited only to the
Entertainment sectors?
o Yes
o No
10. Do you think Photography and videography helps in persuading the customers?
o Yes
o No
11. Which medium of Photography and videography plays important role in attracting
o Television ads
o Internet ads
o Pamphlets
o Facebook paged
12. Do you think Visualization methods of Promotion is taking place of other methods of
o Yes
o No
13. What is the Factor of the advertising videos or images that convinces you to switch the
o Information included
o Favorite celebrity endorsing the brand
o Attractiveness of image in the posters
o Creative ads.

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