W-tOW Book Proper Layout

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Game Guide for

Common Inquiries
Witcher Fights (1V1)
May fight any Witcher at your location and they
Core Rules cannot refuse. Locations Skellige
Cannot fight a Witcher you played Poker with.

Types of Cards Cannot fight a Witcher at a School, or a

location with a Closed Tavern token.
◊ Blue – Fast Attack Train attribute of your choice.
◊ Red – Strong Attack
◊ Green – Dodge
Only if you have reached the highest level of Add a card, with 2 options.
◊ Yellow – Defensive Sign
an attribute and trophy is available.
◊ Purple – Offensive Sign Add a 0 cost card to your discard (if available only).
Cannot have a trophy of the same attribute.
Lose 1 Gold and pick a 1-cost card to your discard
Cannot win with this trophy (can still earn it). (if available only).
Looking Through Your Deck
Any time you are not the active player, and
Exploration If you do not have a Level 1 or 2 Monster Trophy, randomly
after suffering fatigue.
If a card allows the player to draw any 1 card pick a Level 1, and take their Trophy. If you have 1+ Level 1 or 2
of some cost and none are available, they Monster Trophies, you may discard one and upgrade to a random
Potions reveal cards from the action deck and add Trophy one level higher.
Maximum of 4, regardless of Alchemy level. the first card of that cost. Put the rest in a
common discard pile.
If the limit is exceeded, discard any chosen
down to 4. Instant Results – if you are unable to receive
or lose something, do as much as possible. If you do not have a Level 1 Monster Trophy, randomly pick a
Quest Results – must move before claiming Level 1, and take their Trophy.
Shields - Refilling the quest reward (the next turn).
Only after fights, and through combat cards. If your defense is lowered, your shield may
lower as well.
Randomly draw a Level 1, 2, or 3 Monster. Proceed to Phase 2,
Location Actions and Fight that monster. If you are defeated, shuffle the monster
You must move before taking a location action. Hand Limit back into the pool.
Each locations’ action can only be performed 7 Cards. If supposed to draw more, stop.
once per turn.

General Fight Rules Draw 4 Potions. Discard to 4.

Dice Poker
◊ Keep cards in your hand – DO NOT DRAW.
Each turn, you may play with each Witcher, at
any location you share. ◊ Combine and shuffle deck & discard.

You cannot play Poker with a Witcher you ◊ Once Life Pool Deck runs out and you
discard/play your last in-hand card, KO. Gain a up to 1 of each Trail Token.
fought that turn.
A Witcher you challenge must have gold and ◊ When both fighters lose their last card
cannot refuse. on the same Fight Turn, the player
who played the card(s) which led to
Non-active player rerolls first. that situation is not knocked out and Gain 3 Gold.
Active Player wins ties. considered the winner.
Fight Turn Order Driving a Monster Away
◊ Use Potions, Specialties, and Card Effects. ◊ Gain 2 Gold.
Locations All of these count toward your attack. ◊ Discard Monster card and miniature.
◊ Play a Combo. 1 card is still a combo. ◊ Add a printed 0-cost card to your discard.
Gain 1 level of indicated attribute, only if it is equal or lower than ◊ Resolving Combo: Dealing Damage. ◊ Spawn a new monster of the same level.
your level. Monsters do so from top of deck. Witchers
reduce shields first, then discard from
Alchemy – gain 1 Potion
deck, then from hand. Complete Defeat
Defense – raise Shield by 1.
◊ Resolving Combo: Raising Shields ◊ Take 1 Trail token matching monster.
◊ Resolving Combo: Special Effects ◊ Add a printed 0-cost card to your discard.
◊ Replenish Your Hand: Add or subtract any ◊ During this turn only, you can only draw up
Draw 1 potion. modifiers from your combo and/or effects. to two cards during Phase 3.
◊ Place Combo in discard pile.
After a Fight
Monster Fight Turn ◊ Shuffle your deck, discard, and hand
Play Dice Poker with locals. Place 1 gold, 2 from bank. Player to together to form a new deck.
On the initial attack, player controlling the
your right rolls for locals.
monster determines Bite or Charge. Counter- ◊ Raise your Shield to your Defense level.
clockwise after this point.
If a player is forced to trash a card in their
Witcher Fight Outcomes
hand and have none, trash the topmost card of
Witcher School. Spend gold equal to level of attribute +1 to train. Gain Gold equal to the reputation of your
their deck instead.
Your specialty can only be trained at your school. opponent (found on the Trophy Tracker)
Attributes do not have to be trained evenly.
You can only gain a trophy if you attacked a
Defeating a Monster Witcher and won.
◊ Gain 2 Gold
After the fight, both players raise shields to
Talk to locals about monster information. Player collects 1 gold,
◊ Move up Trophy Tracker; Suffer Fatigue defense level, shuffle their deck/discard/hand,
then selects a terrain token of the monster they wish to track.
◊ Spawn a new monster 1 level higher. and draw based on performance (see rule
Draw a token of that type, and place it face-up with a1 Gold.
Level 3 spans a new level 3. If none are book).
When you enter that location, you get the Gold and the token is
turned over to represent the Trail token. available, make a new pile from the
Driven-Away monsters of that level.
◊ Discard ALL Trail tokens for that monster
from all players. (Quest tokens remain)
If you have 0 Gold, gain 1.
◊ For 4/5 Players, see rule book.
You may Trash 1 or 2 Action Cards from pool.

May Trash a card from your hand, and gain a new card with a
printed cost that is lower, the same, or 1 higher. Add this card to
your hand.
Monster Setup Changes Wild Hunt Builds Up Its Power Wild Hunt Fight Structure
Special setup for Monster deck: When Wild Hunt enters Location with 1+ ◊ All players at the same location as the
Monster Trail ◊ Shuffle Monster Fight Cards (20) Witchers, Special Ability is activated (on card). Wild Hunt each perform a Fight Turn (any
order). Must complete full Fight Turn
◊ Draw 4 and remove them before next player can start.
Mutagens ◊ Place another 4 face-down near Large Round Ends
◊ All players not at the same location are
When you gain a level, instead of drawing 1/2 monster cards (16) Move Tracking token to the next row on the moved there (do not Fight this round).
cards, you get a new Mutagen: ◊ Add 4 Special Attack and shuffle Round Tracking board.
◊ The Wild Hunt performs a Fight Turn.
◊ Draw 3 cards from the Mutagen deck. ◊ When level 3 monster appears, add the 4 ◊ Players remaining take a Fight Turn.
◊ Choose 1, shuffle the others into the deck. cards set aside back into the deck (20) Fighting Hounds Repeat until either Witchers are knocked out,
When you reach level 4 or 5, go through this Players sharing space can fight together. or the Wild Hunt is defeated.
step two times. Monster Weakness Does not count as “Monster Fight.”
Mutagens can be used once per fight. After starting monsters are placed (and May only Fight each Hound once per Phase 1. Passive Ability on Special Attack Cards
when new monsters spawn), players draw 1 Each Player who Fights: If 1+ Special Attack cards are discarded during
location token corresponding to that monster,
Bombs ◊ Draw cards based on Hound card a Player’s turn, then the “Passive Ability” on
and place a random face-down Weakness
Whenever you would draw a Potion, you may each of those cards is activated. These are on
Token on their location. If there are 1 or more ◊ Lower Shields based on Hound card
instead discard 1 Potion or 1 Gold and draw the bottom half of cards with a cracked icon.
Witchers there, discard and repeat. Each Player fighting creates one combo. Only
a Bomb.
Weakness Tokens are picked up like damage and shield symbols are used.
Maximum of 4. Trail tokens. When picked up, read the Wild Hunt Fight Turn
If Players deal enough or excess damage:
During a Fight, you can use a combined corresponding paragraph on the Large Any player discards the top card from the Wild
Monster card. Place a new Weakness token. ◊ Wild Hunt loses Shields = excess damage
number of Potions and/or Bombs equal to or Hunt’s deck face up.
lower than your Alchemy level. When starting a Fight with a monster, may use ◊ Reveal random Hound token of same level.
Each player that fought gains that bonus in ◊ Special Attack – Each player applies the
Bombs do NOT count as potions. some/all Weakness Tokens. same effect.
any chosen order.
Dimeritium Bombs are only usable with the If monster wins, keep your tokens. If Monster ◊ Standard Attack – Each player flips the
is defeated or driven away, all tokens for that If Players don’t deal enough damage:
“Monster Weakness and Special Attacks” Charge/Cite token separately and applies
mechanic from this expansion. monster are returned. ◊ Each player fighting discards their hand.
the corresponding effect.

Advanced Action Cards Special Monster Attacks Wild Hunt Fight Preparation Being Knocked Out
Retaliation and Evasion both have a passive If a Special Monster Attack card is revealed Players Prepare
If a Witcher has 0 cards in hand and deck,
ability that is triggered if discarded as a result during the monster attack, the special is ◊ Each player shuffles their deck & discard. they don’t perform any further Fight Turns, or
of damage taken – either from deck or hand. activated over Charge or Bite. apply Wild Hunt attack effects.
◊ Wild Hunt card is turned over.
Cards with Trashing a card in their cost If a Special Monster Attack card is revealed as
Wild Hunt Life Pool is prepared
override +1 / -1 symbols on the board for cost. the result of damage, the controlling player
stops, the special passive ability is read with ◊ Shuffle all 20 Monster Attack cards
You cannot choose a card with a Trash cost
the effect applied, then resolves the remaining ◊ Discard 4, add 4 Wild Hunt Attack cards
from the Vengeberg location action, or any
effect telling you to take a 0, 1, or 2 cost card.
If told to gain any card from the pool, you can
choose cards with a Trash cost and do not
have to trash cards to take them.
Phase 2 Travel to Dagon
Fight First – cannot fight each other. If 2+ Skellige Exploration card is not read.
Wild Hunt players are at the same location, they decide Skellige Proceed to Phase 2 of turn and fight Dagon.
which one of them fights the monster alone.
◊ Players in the same location may support
Only Compatible With Core Game, Mages the player fighting the monster if they have
Traveling by Ship Dagon Trail Tokens
Expansion, and Monster Trail. at least one card in hand. There can only be 1 ship on 1 island or Two options to obtain Dagon Trail tokens:
continent location. If a player finished their
Discard any cards from your hand. ◊ If you travel to one of the island locations,
turn on an island location, it cannot be visited
Goal Decrease Monster Life by that number. by another player until they leave.
and during that travel Dagon emerged.
Collectively defeat the Wild Hunt during a Player fighting draws that many cards. ◊ Fought Dagon and lost.
You cannot use ships to travel:
Fight that takes place after the last round of
You get one of their Witcher trophies. ◊ Between two harbors on the continent
the game together.
Meditate – do not suffer fatigue. ◊ Between two island locations
Unique Dagon Fight Outcomes
Before the final Fight, players complete
quests, fight Hounds of the Wild Hunt, and After all Fights/Meditations, any player draws ◊ Dagon is “defeated” – he is driven away,
◊ Between an island and the Dagon location
other usual monsters. the top card of the Wild Hunt Exploration deck. and placed on his tracker based on the
player count.
Traveling From Continent to Island ◊ Players do not suffer fatigue or move up
Wild Hunt Buffs Phase 4 the trophy track for driving him away.
Only once per turn.
Monster Life Pool cannot exceed 20. New Monster and/or Hound Appears
Test whether the trip is safe or dangerous, ◊ If a player loses, Dagon remains in place,
◊ Hounds appear at Wild Hunt location. according to the Dagon track, and have they receive a Trail token, and the default
If a Hound is already there, place it at a a player read the top card of the Skellige rewards for losing a fight.
Phase 1 neighboring location. Exploration deck based on the roll.
Movement and Actions – can discuss the order ◊ If new Monster appears, randomly pick
of your movement and actions. Travel back to the continent as a normal
accroding to round. Players pick which move.
◊ Players can complete their actions in a type of terrain marker, but can never have
row, or alternate with others. If a Skellige Exploration card is read during
two of the same type.
travel, the player does not Explore in Phase 2.
◊ Ends when all players collectively decide, ◊ If there are 3 monsters present and you If they cannot Fight or Meditate, they move to
or cannot perform Movement/Actions. must draw a 4th, the monster is not drawn Phase 3.
◊ If a Hound/Wild Hunt are present, cannot and the Shields of the Wild Hunt are
take Location Action. increased by double the monster level.
Wild Hunt Movement Traveling From Island to Continent
Fight a Hound – alone or together, if all
sharing same location with Hound. ◊ If there are players on the Wild Hunt’s Up to twice per turn:
Exchange – if at the same location, can location, no movement, proceed to Step 3. ◊ Can only happen when the player begins
exchange/give away any of the following: ◊ Randomly draw a movement token. If a the turn on an island location, ship back
Player’s token, Wild Hunt moves up to 2 to continent, ship to one of the island
◊ Gold
locations towards that player. locations, and back to the continent.
◊ Potions
◊ Ends movement when they either enter
◊ Bombs
a location with a player or moved 2
◊ Trail Tokens locations.
◊ Trail Quests ◊ If Closed Tavern token, move 2 locations
Dice Poker – cannot play against other towards ANY player, chosen collectively.
players. Special Wild Hunt table (Page 8). ◊ Solo Mode: Wild Hunt always moves 2.
Types of Cards for Mages Destruction Tokens
◊ Yellow – Air Gained if you end Phase 1 on a location with a
Mage’s Expansion ◊ Blue – Water
Legendary Monster Destruction Token. Reveal it, gain the benefits,
and place it face down on your player board.
◊ Green – Earth
These act as Trail tokens for the Legendary
Setup Changes ◊ Red – Fire Win Condition Monster.
Based on how many players are Mages. ◊ Purple –Mind Kill the Legendary Monster
While setting up the Legendary Monsters
life pool, the player controlling it puts away
Gameplay Changes – ALL MAGES Location Changes a number of cards equal to the number of
Spending Energy
Destruction Tokens the attacking player has.
◊ Replace all instances of Witcher/Witchers Action cards may have an Energy cost on them Players cannot use the Location Action of the
to Mage/Mages location occupied by the Legendary Monster. The attacking player keeps their Destruction
that can be used.
Mage combos are resolved from left to right,
with energy resolved in order.
Gameplay Changes - SOME MAGES Movement for Legendary Monster
Monster Protection Level
◊ All instances of Witcher/Witchers refer to After the last player of the turn cycle
Corresponds with your reputation (position on
Witchers and Mages Protection completes their turn, they reveal the top card
of the Monster Movement deck. All three the Trophy Tracker).
◊ Players gain action cards from their Only affects the very next opponent’s Fight
respective pool movements shown are resolved one by one. Reduces the amount of damage attacks do,
Whenever the Monster leaves a location, place including abilities, potions, bombs, etc.
◊ Whenever a player is allowed to discard Even if no damage id dealt, the protection is
action cards, they may choose cards from lost at the end of the opponent’s turn. a face-down Destruction Token they left.
either pool in any combination Protection only reduces damage dealt, not The Legendary Monster cannot be moved onto
◊ When a player gains a new action card in effects that discard cards, etc. locations with Destruction Tokens. Siren
Phase 3, they also discard a card from the If the Legendary Monster is on their main
other pool that holds the same position. location, they move towards their secondary
location. Setup Changes
If all the closest locations contain a Place the Siren mini on the Dagon location.
Gameplay Changes – Default Place the Siren card next to the Dagon card.
Destruction Token, the player chooses any
◊ Players can Fight each other neighboring location without a Token.
◊ Mages can pay gold to train their specialty If all neighboring locations contain a Gameplay Changes
at their chosen School Destruction Token, this and all consecutive
Players can move to the Dagon Location, and
◊ Mages use Wisdom instead of Defense and movements this turn are ignored.
the Siren intervenes.
replace all instances in text
Players cannot gain Trail tokens for Siren.
◊ Mages use Energy instead of Shield and Driving the Legendary Monster Away
replace all instances in text If Dagon emerges, Siren is driven-away.
Can be performed if you move into its location Returns if Dagon leaves.
◊ Mages do NOT lower Energy after taking by discarding one card.
damage If using Monster Weakness/Special Attacks,
Can then perform the Location Action. use the Large Dagon card for Siren.
◊ Energy is spent/gained during Fights and
can exceed Wisdom during Fights
◊ After a Fight, Energy is raised up to Rewards
Wisdom level, just like Shields. 2 Gold, Trophy Card. Do not advance or suffer
fatigue. Does not spawn again.

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