Electrical Machines and Drives Present and Future

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P. Vas PhD, DSc, CEng, F E E

University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, AB9 2UE, Unil ecl Kingdom
Tel (44) - 1224 - 272818 E-mail P.Vas&abdn ac uk
W. Drury PhD, CEng, FIEE
Control Techniques Plc, St Ciles, Newtown, Powys, Wales SY 16 3AJ, United Kingdom

Abstract - The paper discusses the present and the fact that ABB lias recently marketed one specific form
future of electrical machines and variable-speed clf such a drive Universal drives have started lo emerge
drives. Although at present improved dc drives iirc and advanccs in infelligent control techniques and
emerging the market for dc drives is expected to fall packaging of drives is causing a revolution
and ac drives will dominate the market. Different
manufilcturers have released various universal drives, 2. T.HE PRESENT
and it is expected that other similar drives will ;also
emerge. There will be an increase in vector-controlled 2i.l T h e de drives field: improved drives
drives (speed-sensorless implementations as well),
permanent magnet synchronous motor drives imd The coweriTiona1dc motor drive continues to take a large
different types of reluctance motor drives (switched of the variable-sptted drive inarket However, it is
reluctance motor, synchronous reluctance motor). expected Ittat this sltare will very slowly decline
Various drives, including vector and direct torque Similarly to ac drivss, efforts are being made to reduce
controlled drives are also discussed and compared. It tlhe costs and to iuxease reliability and thus new and
is also shown that there will be a revolution in the iinpro\cd dc driver; arc being introduced by various
packaging of drives and also in the application of nianufacturcrs The gzneral industrial dc drive power
various intelligent control techniques, (fuzzy, ineural, circuits ~ J V Cclianged little since the earliest introduction
fuzzy-neural etc.) techniques. Drive efficiency will be :L of the si\.-pulse fully contd-ollcd thyristor bridgc
critical issue. Most recent trends for niiaimum However, this might change, if legislation to limit the
configuration DSP controlled drives are also discussed. liarnionic ccrntcnt of the supply current begins to have an
Results of a survey on the future of drives ;tire also iiupact ou the iuarkcl
presented. This involves a large nuniber of
2.2 Ac drives: vector drives, direct torque
1. INTRODUCTION controlled drives, reluctance motor drives

Variable-spced drives have existed for almost ;I cciiturv

Great progress has been made from the Ward-Lconhard Induction motors are often thc prefemed choice in
dc drive through mercury arc rectifier controlled diivcs lo v;lriablc-spccd drik e applications Although irnproved
silicon-based controlled drivcs efficiency and low-speed pcrfonnauce can be obtained by
using penuanent iiiagitet synchronous motors, howcvcr.
Although iniportant advarices have been made in the ac urilcss thcie is a significant reduction in the cost of rarc-
drives field, until the early 1970's. thc dyndllilc earth pcniiauicnt iiiagitct materials, the position of thc
performance of dc drives was superior to those of ;IC induction motor i s secure
drives [l, 21 The introduction of the so-called field-
oriented control technique (magiieti sing-flu x-oriented The PWM \ oltagc sourcc inverter, based upon IGBTs has
control) and other vector-control sclicnies (i e. rotor-flux- gained a doniinnnt position in the ac drives market in the
oriented control, stator-flux-oriented control) has brought power raiigc to 200 kW due to its ease of application,
significant changes in the field of drives. In the 1980's good power factor arid potential to provide good dynamic
microprocessors have enabled the development of cost perf'oIiiiancc PWM inverters are most commonly applied
eflective digital drives and the widespread availability of' in inductiori motor drives. but tlicy also fonn the basis of
DSPs has enabled the development of a large cariety of brushlcss ac SCIVO drives Current source invcrters using
drives with advanced features There exist basically tuo thyristors contiriue to have a role for single motor drives
types of high perfomiance ac drives: vector drives 13, 4J up to Uie 3-MW range for induction niotor drives
and direct torque controlled drives Vcctor drives wcre Synchrowu:j niolor clrives with CSI find application at the
introduced more tlian then twenty ycars ago and have higher powcr range (>4 MW) and at high speed (>5000
achieved a high degree or maturity Direct torque rpiii). Cyclocorfiverlcr-l'ed ac drives for low speed/high
conuolled dnves have found vanous applicatioiis 111 Uie power applications, have particular merits The static
past ten years including traction applications and at KJ-aiucr dnvc lias Poruid extensive applications where the
prcscnt there is an increascd intcreqt in thcsc driycs duc lo torquc is proportional to the square of the speed, for

0-7803-3 1-09-5/96/$5.00 0 1996 IEEE

example, for fans, pumps and blowers. This type of load simplest Form it is required to have the flux vector in one
is responsible for a substantial part of the electricity of the six sectors of the flux hexagon. The flux arid torque
consumptioii. errors are restricted within their respective hysteresis
bands. The scheme requires flux and torque estimators.
The introduction of various vector-controlled drives has The stator flux can be obtained by integrating the terminal
allowed the dynamic performance of ac drives to match voltage reduced by the ohmic losses but at low
or sometimes even to surpass that of the dc drive. By frequencies- large errors can occur due to the variation of
using vector control, it is possible to control separately the stator resistance, integrator drift and noise. It is not
the flux and torque producing components of the supply necessary to monitor the terminal voltages since they can
currents. The trend is to develop speed or position be reconstructed by using the inverter switching modes.
sensorless vector-controlled drives where all the The outputs of the flux and torque comparators are used
idormation required is obtained by utilising the in the inverter optimal switching table which also uses the
monitored voltage and/or current waveforms. Limitations position of the flux vector. The main features of the DTC
on the drive dynamic are now largely set by the are: direct control of flux and torque; indirect control of
bandwidth with which the inverter c a i control the stator currents and voltages; approximately sinusoidal stator
currents of the machine subjected to vector control. This fluxes and stator currents; reduced torque oscillations;
in turn is determined by the supply voltage and the excellent torque dynamics; inverter switching frequency
inductances of the machine. For further improvement of depends on flux and torque hysteresis bands. The main
the dynamic performance, the user will have to move to advantages of the DTC are: absence of coordinate
permanent magnet brushless motor. Brushless motors can transformations (which are required in most of the vector
also be constructed with very low inertia, giving excellent controlled drive implementations); absence of separate
speed responses. Switched reluctance [5, 61 motors have voltage modulation block (required in vector drives);
high torque-inertia ratio, enabling them to be used in absence of voltage decoupling circuits (required in
servo-drives. voltage-source vector drives). The main disadvantages of
DTC are: possible problems during starting and low speed
Vector controlled drives providing high-dynamic operation and during changes in torque command; it
performance, are finding increased number of industrial requires flux and torque estimators (same problem exists
applications and there are many manufacturers who for vector drives). Torque response times typically better
market these drives (CTC, Siemens, Mitsubishi, Hitachi, than 5 ms are claimed by ABB together with high torque
etc.). There are many types of implementations, direct control linearity even down to low frequencies including
and indirect methods, stator-flux-oriented control, rotor- zero speed. It is also claimed by ABB that the new AC
flux-oriented control, magnetising-flux-oriented control drive technology rests chiefly on a new motor model with
etc. [l- 31. There exist several speed-sensorless enables the computation of the motor states without using
implementations, but future work will concentrate on a speed or position sensor. However, the motor model
further speed sensorless drives. Drives with direct torque used by ABB is a conventional type of model using
control are finding great interest. Recently Al3B has various machine parameters (i.e. tlie stator resistance,
introduced a direct torque controlled (DTC) drive, which mutual inductance. inertia etc.), but it is believed that
can work even at zero speed, bbt it is expected that other higher robustness and precision can be obtained by
manufacturers will also follow and further developments utilising advanced adaptive control theories.
are under way for other speed sensorless implementations.
Fig. 1 shows the schematic of the DTC. Switched reluctance motor drlves are gaining increasing

y h
interest mainly due to the simple technology involved.
However. most of the difficulty in understanding the
operation and design of switched reluctance motors
originates from the fact that the switched reluctance
motor is doubly-salient aud highly non-linear.

Switched reluctance motors have several attractive

features They require only unidirectional stator winding
curreuts This results in an econonlical and robust
controller. The converter has totally independent circuits
for each stator winding. Direct control is achieved

Fig. I Schematic of a VSI-fed DTC drive

63 through the stator currents. A rotor position sensor is used
to switch the stator currents at the appropriate instants.
The control circuit incorporates logic and data sets to
provide the switching instants and also to ensure that
these are optimum in some sense in relation to the
In a VSI DTC drive, torque control involves separate application of the drive For overall performance, in
control of the stator, rotor or magnetising flux through thc particular minimum cost, the power aid control
selection of optimum inverter switching modes. In its
electronics and the magnetics must be designed as a

single entity in relation to the particular application. Rectifier-inverter system: The conventional ac-ac
Future work will also be perfonned on the applications of converter for variable-speed ac motor drives is the
observers to obtain real-time cstimates of the rotor combination of an uncontrolled rectifier and a three-phase
position, rotor speed and electromagnetic torque and work bridge inveirter. It is likely that for the foreseeable future
is also in progress to improve tlieir noise and vibration the rcctifier-iwerter-J~ed induction motor drive will
characteristics since so far aspects of noise and torque dominate the markcl.
ripples have not been successfully rcsolved for thc
technology to be widely applied in the field of gencral The most siqificant dievelopment in drive technology in
drives 11995 has been the introduction of universal drives which
;re capable of contrcdling virtually any motor in any
Synchronous reluctance motors 17. 81 arc rugged, simple mode of operation Control Techniques was the first in
in structure and cheap to manufacture In particular the world to producc the first universal drive in the world
inverter-Fed synchronous reluctance motors require simple 1Jnidrivc: is a radically new drive, which combines
controllers due to the absence of rotor wiindings sensorless vcctor open-loop, closed-loop flux vector and
However. the torque density, power factor and efficicncy high-performam brushless servo technologies as a single
is only lligh for high saliency ratios (Ld/Lq) arid high Ld- fully enclosed product Unidrive is available in five frame
Lq. However, there is a limit to tlie maximum saliency sizes to 1 MW It can be directly controlled from a
ratio, since the maximum for the direct-axis induckincc is tontrol module panel or remotely through a serial
the synchronous inductance (Ls) for cylindrical rotor case c;ommunications interface Universal drives o€fer distinct
of the same stator and airgap and thc minimum for the advanlages to the user in that the control method,
quadrature-axis inductance is the stator leakage parameter listing mi user interface are the same for each
inductance of the machine The rotors of synchronous rnetliod oP control, eliminating the need for different
reluctance motors can take different forms segmental, training progranme!; For the manufacturer of the drive, a
flw barrier and &xially laminated. For seginental rotors universal drivc can lead to signifhnt rationalisation of
and rotors with flux barriers tlie saliency ratio of the nianufacturmg process and hence, to lower production
approximately 6-7 has been achieved and with inachincs costs Fig 2 shows ttie Unidrive.
equipped with axially laminated anisotropic rotors have
produced a saliency ratio of 9-12 has bcen rcportcd ‘The
stator of these motors is similar to that of an induction
motor. However, the magnetic structure of thc motor
maybe doubly-salient similarly to switched rcluctauce
motors For comparison purposes Tablc 1 shows thc main
features of switched reluctance (SWRM) arid
synchronous reluctance (SYRM) motors

Table 1

Stator salicnt pole smootli borc (slottcd)

Rotor salient pole salicnt pole
Stator winding concentrated polyphase
Rotor winding -
Stator currents unidirectional multi-phase balanced
Control position-feedback position-feedback

Due to the inherent low cost and largc obtainable torque- Fig. 2 Unidiive (Courtesy of Control Techniques plc)
per-volume, synchronous reluctance motors will also have
a more dominant role in the future. Future will work will 3. THE FUTURE
concentrate on vector-controlled synchronous reluctance Various future trends have also been emphasised in the
motor development, this will also include the detailed previous section, bul firther detail is given below.
study of the iron losses (the results are important for high
speed applications), development of new topologies of 3.1 General, convergence of technologies
rotor structures etc.
The dc drivle will not dke in the near future. It is expected
that there will be a growth in the dc drive market,
There will be continued pressure for all types of drive
cspccially in the field of improved dc drives, but ac drives
converters to develop, and it is witli tlie ac drive that the
most significant innovations are likely to occur as drive will be dominant. Due to its ruggedness, low cost and
reliability the induction motor will remain to be the
manufacturers focus on the sector of the market witli most
preferred niacliine ]’or most industrial drives. However,
potential growth.
higher performance arid kigher power densities will call

upon the permanent magnet synchronous motor drives approximately 54 billion ln volume terms this
Various reluctance motors (switched reluctance, corresponds to 8 million drives (about 50 % of this is
synchronous reluctance) may have an increased role classed as low-perroniiance, low-cost drives) Tables 2a
Open-loop drives with better perfonnance will be and 2b show the value and volume of the various drive
required in the future as well Further closed-loop drives types, and the estimated g-owth of the world market for
will emerge drives for the period 1993-2000 respcctively
New control techniques will emerge and find wide Tables 2a- Value and volume of world drive
applications such as intelligent soft-computing market
techniques ANN-based control, fuzzy control, genetic Volume (YO Value 9'0
algorithm-based control. various self-tuning techniques Dc drive 27 20
etc There will be a development of various observers 191 Servo drives 11 5
for speed-sensorless drives It is expected that intelligent Open-loop ind motor drives 50 19
sensorless vector drives will become the standard in the Low-cost drives 6 54
future These drives have many advantages besides the Other 6 2
higli dynamic performance
There is the possibility for the "electroilic" motor with ai Table 2b Estimated growth of world drive market
integrated motor and controller to be manufactured
Reliability is a key issue of the future Totally automated Volume %) Value Dc
manufacture is an important goal especially since greater Dc drives 5 10
volumes are expccted Servo drives 150 125
Open-loop ind. motor drives 100 100
The various types of variable-speed drives are showing Low-cost drives 120 75
the signs of convergence This is mainly the result of the Other 30 15
introduction of the IGBT The IGBT has provided the
drive industry with a voltage-controlled device. with a The European market for ac and dc drives comprising ac
good Safe Operating Area, which could operate off-line at inverters. flus vector drives, dc drives and servo drives
a switching frequency which gives adequate bandwidth (excluding naotors) was worth $1361.9 million in 1994
both for vector controlled drives and brushless dc motoi and is forecast to grow by an average of 5.9%) a year to
servo drives. Thus there is only a little practical reach the value $1813.4 million by 1999. The UK market
difference between the power circuit of an inverter for an represents a sizeable portion of this total and was worth
induction motor drive and that of a brushless dc servo an estimated $152.9 million in 1994. Growtli in the
drive The trend in brushless servo drives is therefore for European ac and dc drive market is forecast to peak
off-line operation taking advantage of the relatively low during 1995-1996. In 1994, Siemens and ABB together
cost of inverters resulting from the higher volumes in tiie with CTC have dominated the Europem drive market. It
ac drives market can be seen from the Table shown above that although the
dc drive market is expected to slowly expand, for open-
If there will be a significant reduction in the cost of rare- loop induction motor drives and for servo-drives it is
earth permanent magnet materials, or if a type of e'qected to increase significantly. There are two basic
permanent magnet is discovered, which has the factors stimulating growth in the European drive market.
perfomiance of the rare-earth pemunent magnet matenal. Firstly, modem industrial manu€acturing technologies are
but with a much lower cost, then the inverter/induction placing cousiderablc demands on industrial automation to
motor combination could find itself under threat in many imnprovc plant flexibility. Secondly, there is a significant
applications from the sinusoidal brushless servo niotor trend in all industry sectors towards more efficient
drive systems.
The replacement of resolvers and expensive decoder
3.3 Packaging, "electronic motors": integration of
integrated circuits with absolutc encoders is a further
significant trend in servo drives when smooth rotation is
motor and inverter
critical Further advances are expected in the field of It is now becoming conmon practice to use an eimded
position sensing Sensorless operation, mainly by the use or diecast heatsink as a part of the converter casing and to
o f observer-based techniques (Extended Kaliiian filtcr, complete the unit with a moulded plastic unit for the
extended Luenberger observer etc j may also h a ~ ea walls and the front. Increased reliability is achieved by
significant impact It is expected that due to the large using reduced number of interconnections: rcduced
volunies involved, there will be a significant reduction in coniponents and fewer assembly steps. These
DSP prices, which will allow further DSP-controlled developments are expected to continue with the emphasis
drives to emerge on the case of construction, enhanced reliability and good
aesthetics. With a growing market, there will be a trend
3.2 Size of the world and European drive markets
for increascd automation of the manufacturing process.
In 1993 the world market for drivcs was in the order of k7
It is expccted that in the future the inverter and motor will
billion [a, 3, 101 The market for the controllers was
be integrated into a single, compact unit ("electronic
motor"). being matched to each other and optimised Artificial neural networks have been recently used for the
already at the manufacturing stage This will also result in identification and control of non-linear dynamic systems
much simpler installation, will also eliminate the need for Thcrc are many different types of ANNs, but it is a
inverter control rooms, ventilation equipment and the common feature that tlhey learn from examples rather thari
cabling between the motor and inverter A significant by utilising coanple Y algorithms required by conventional
decrease in the price OF DSPs is expectcd, this may also softwarc-based solutions. The leaming and adapting
allow an integration of the inverter and its controllers capability of neural networks makes them ideal foir
control putposes. 'I'he ANN can be successfully applied
3.4 Power semiconductors, their management even if the motor which is to be controlled and the load
IGBTs dominate the medium-power range of variable- parameters are unknown ANNs can be combined with
speed drives. Since the maximal current rating of IGBT fuzzy logics and the arising fuzzy-neuro controller has ii
modules is around 1 kA and the voltage rating is around 2 great advantage over conventional fuzzy logic controllers
kV, IGBTs will continue to be used instead of GTOs at the membership functions, the number of rules and the
the higher power levels. The MOS controlled llhyrislor rules themselves axe lproduced by an automated process
(MCT) seems to be the natural successor of the IGBT [16] The fuzzy-y-neural controller described in 1161
However for the MCT to beconie a successful competitor contains five layer:;: the input layer; a layer for fuzzy
l o the IGBT, it will have to be further developed A membexshilp sets, a f k z y AND layer, fuzzy OR layer, an
possible altemativc to the IGBT and the GTO is the ficld- output layer A fuuas.y-iieura1 controller enables automated
controlled thyristor (FCT) desigi.
Power semiconductor module manufacturers now provide In all types of intelligent control applications nlininium
inverter bridges in a single module (complete with gate configuration-based systems are preferred. This leads to
drivers and protection circuits). There is also the greater siniplicily, robustness, reliability and reduced
possibility of including the rectifier bridges and also a Execution limes. Fig 3 shows experimentally obtained
transistor for switching a resistor across the dc rails during results for a DSP-controlled vector controlled drive
regeneration. These are now known as 'intelligent' power containing two fuzzy logic controllers Fig. 4 shows
modules results obtained on ihe same drive. but utilising minimum
configuration h z z p controllers
3.5 Self-tuning, fuzzy, neural, fuzzy-neuro and __---*
* , e , r n W I v ( ( d d
$ 1

genetic-algorithm-based controll systems,

minimum-configuration soft-computing
Various types of intelligent control schemes have bcen
described for dc and ac drives in the literature and it is
expected that there will be a widespread use of these
techniques. Fuzzy-logic based control systems i l l ] and T m e I,,

artificial-neural-network-based control systems [ll2 - 141

seem to offer great advantages. but more conventional
self-tuning schemes (e.g. pole placement controllers 1151)
will also be used increasingly. For optimal response, the
control loops of a drive must be tuned to take account of
thc whole mechanical system (not just the motor). but the
load as well. However, the drive manufacturer does not
i o ~
11 ~

7,m e

Fig. 3 Expcrimental results for DSP-controlled ruzzy

( 3 ,

have prior information on the nature of the load, and must

provide controls which allow the tuning of the systcm. induction motor drive
Manual tuning would require a skilled operator In the
future intelligent control schemcs arc expected to become
standard features of drives. However minimum
configuration intelligent drives will represent an
important step. Such systems are under development at
Aberdeen University 3

Fuzzy logic control is receiving great interest world-wide

Fuzzy logic control providcs an algorithm which can 61 11111' (4
convert the linguistic control strategy based on c ~ p c r t JI

knowledge into an automatic control strategy F u z ~ ylogic

control may yield results superior to those using
-. iuv"vvq - ---.w

conventional control algorithms "he main advantages of 11 5 I 1 7 2 1

usmg fuzzy logic controllers are' they can work well Fig 4 Experimental results for a DSP-controlled
without having to construct any model of the process (or minimum icoifiguration fuzzy induction motor
plant) and the tuning efforl can be significantly reduced drive

Genetic algorithm can also be used for motor control [17]. increasingly. The interest in photovoltaic and wind-
They are optimisation procedures inspired by the laws of powered systems is expected to grow. Hydroelectric
a natural selection and genetics. A combination of fuzzy power generation will increase its share.
and genetic algorithm based techniques can also yield
self-tuning controllers which automatically produce the 3.9 Future of drives as seen by various
membership functions and the rulc-base. manufacturers

3.6 Efficiency Bclow are extracts from reports on the future of drives
provided by various well-known drive manufacturers.
The need for energy conservation is accelerating the
requirement for increased levels of electric motor m:Most recent development has seen the introduction
efficiency. It is expected that issues concerning efficiency of a product-specific standard for power drive systems.
may become increasingly important For energy saving IEC 22G/21/CDV which appears to gain approval. This
purposes, in the future, for high-speed applications, there standard will take precedence over all other standards
will be a trend to replace conventional induction motor prcviously used and it stipulates the required emission and
drives employing step-up gearing with unconventional irnxnunity levels of drive systems and test methods to
drive systems measure the levels

3.7 Railway traction, electric vehicles Allen Bradlev/Reliance Electric: With the advent of
niore advanced digital drivcs the possibility of direct
In Europe and Japan, the activities of the traction reniote coinniunication with the drive itself becomes
engineers have contributed to the development of high realistic This will result in a more comprehensive and
power GTO thyristors. Traction drives using IGBT's have immediate diagnostic evaluation. In the future it will be
also been built in the past few years It would appear that possible for a drive manufacturer to 'dial up' a drive via
in the future for high-speed traction the main competitors standard telephone links utilising readily available pc and
will be magnetic levitation systems. modem colliigurations and also to read drive and
operational diagnostic data registers and make the
Recently there has been an increased interest in electrical required adjustments remotely. Continuous remote drive
vehiclcs However, no clear leader has emerged from the interrogation and surveillance will result in more efficient
various motor-controller systems, which include chopper- setting up of drives and fewer site visits for periodic
Fed brushed or brushless dc niotors, inverter-Fed induction maintenance
motors with vector control and also switched reluctance
motor drives However, the key component to the success Baldor: In addition to industrial applications. quieter.
is the battery. Although at present dc motors are dominant safer variable-speed drives will find increasing
in electric vehicle application, it is eqcctcd that in the commercial and domestic applications with energy
future their role will be taken over by the induction savings. An increasing nuniber of drives will be used in
machine. Further advances in the application of svvitclicd lift and escalator drives. In the commercial field further
reluctance motors in this area are also e.\pected variable speed drivcs are expected for heat, ventilation
control and for applications in air-conditioning systems.
3.8 Machine design, testing and maintenance, Further intelligent domestic drives For applications in
other developments washing machines, dishwashers etc. are expected.

The main trends in machine design are: standardisation of Cegelec: In the future designers will need to make use of
structura and parts, minimisation of parts; minimisation a range of techniques to limit harmonics produced by
of production costs and tooling; optiinisation of the design non-linear loads. These include: use of dc link chokes and
process. The main efforts in manufacturing are directed to ac supply reactors; connection of loads at higher voltages;
automation to achieve a reduction of costs, shorter incorporation of harmonic filters; increasing the pulse
delivery times and higher quality There is a trend for nunibcr of the rectifier; adoption of a common dc bus;
computerised tests to be perfomied on thc test bed. utilisation of sinusoidal rectification systems; the
Microprocessor-based protection and diagnostic-condition deliberate introduction of distortions to the modulation
monitoring systems [ 181 will become more widely used in pattem driving the semiconductors of the sinusoidal
the future. rectilicr to produce harmonics in anti-phase with existing
disturbances etc.
Further developments are expected in the fields of
piezoelectric actuators, ultrasonic motors. The slotless Danfoss: The application of serial communications have
brushless motor is gaining rapid acceptance in industrial the following advantages in drives: reduced installation
and automotive applications in the USA. The high torque time: flexibility; reduction in cabling; cost effectiveness
hybrid stepping motor is fimding increased nuniber of arid flexibility. At present the most widely used fieldbus
applications. High-phase induction motors may be used is the Profibus system delivering reliable communications

at speeds up to 12 Mbaud This enablcs the inverter witliin Uie motor. This market sector is expected
commissioning of a drive from a central location in 0 5 to e,\pand The push €or efficiency may also bring into
Ins, and up to 120 different equipment can be linked on standard production thc four-quadrant regenerative drive.
the same system Larger drive manufactures at ]present taking advantage of fully integrated 'intelligent' power
can offer Profibus and WorldFP fieldbuses With chips.
advances in technology serial conmunication plays a
more vital role since greater levels of control and Mtachi. In the future there will be no need for printed
monitoring will be required Serialconms is also ihe key manuals Many drives already have automatic tuning
to progressively smaller. easier mannfaclurabilily and features Users will get advanced features whether they
thus to cheaper control systems. Serialcomms also offers need tliierii or not, ;imply because the economics will
significant benefits in terms of flexibility. since system dictate that every drive gets everything Several inverter
changes require only changes in the software Their manufacturers already incorporate bus systems as
application also results in great benefits in the standard I n the future there will be a larger scale of
commissioning and installation procedures networking and network control Fault tolerant drives and
drives with rcmote diagnostic features will be more
Eurotherm Drives: Recently a quite revolution has common place Nevi drives could be programmed and
taken place in the field of drive control The inslallcd electronically from remote centres The latest
sophistication and adaptability of drive control has gencralion of intelligent IGBTs is about to go into
undergone enormous changes by hamcssirig digital production These will give greater protection in the
technology, a process which is set lo continue At ]present current liniiting circuits offering still higher reliability.
there are highly sophisticated ac and dc drives offering
the user standardised hardware that can be programmed to Mitsubishi
_ _ _ Electric
_ _ ~ A power
- hybrid module is under
perform the drive functions required The next inajor step devclopmeni that has input diodes and output transistors
will be related to the introduction of DSPs in place of in the same semiconductors The near future will also see
microprocessors. ']This will have two major advantages to an assortment of smart input bridge topologies, including
the user: the control algorithms will beconic faster and active sections designed to reduce mains disturbance to
more accurate; there will be an increase user flexibility minimum They have e rcellent performance and they can
DSP technology will place new requirements on die pass power in the reverse direction In the future active
driver-to-user interface. Next gerxration gi-aphica? EMC filters may replace the bulky EMC filters applied at
systems which are pc-based x e e ~ p c c ~ etod beconnc the present They are easy to design, have high performance
norm. There will be furtlier developments of future and Lhc user can achieve space saving Future
support softwares as well in the direction of intclligent development of IG13Ts involve the integration of all
support softwares. Commissioning of drives is another control and protection electronics in the same package
area where giant steps are expected New dcvclopnients in the MOS controlled thyristor may
change Uie cost and performance of large drives Low
w: The advance of inverters has bcen inextricatebly noise inverters are gowing in demand and the drives
industry responds to this by designing low loss ICBTs
linked with semiconductor and microprocessor
technology and this trend will continue for the immediate which are switched at high fTequencies This considerably
future. At present the ac drive standard rests at tlic self- rcduccs audible noise, but at the cxpense of step change
tuning, sensorless torque vector level. The current in the RFI (output and additional stresses on the motor
generation of torque vector drives offers supdative windings To counter this, designers can use soft
starting torque and high dynamic perfomiance without switching. but this rcquires special components or output
motor feedback but falls just short in zero speed filters At present any competent inverter on the market
performance Flux vector drives close the gap and offer uses c\trcmely advanced software This is a major area
highly accurate speed control and positioning for more for dcvclopment
specialist applications, ever down to offering Iull torque
at zero speed but at the inconvenience of an encoder on Siemens. Technology in industry has taken a giant leap,

the motor shaft. Current products therefore offer much but Uic level of dynamic perfomiance provided by the
more than most users need for simple applications but the state-of-the-art d r i i e s is not required in many
demands of volume manufacturing mean that the standard applications Probably less than 10% of all drive
drive is becoming more and more complex to embrace a applications really denmnd the level of technology that is
wider market sector with a single model Once dc drive on offer
performance levels are acllieved as an opcn loop ac drive
standard, then fundamental changcs will take place Telemcran!&~ Variable speed drives are becoining
Efficiency is still an area for improvement New circuit more and more alike. Ftuthermore ac drives are rapidly
board techniques, such as double-sided surface mount displacing their de counterparts in all but the most
technology and LSI also have made a huge inipact 011 specialist applicatioirj Modern inverter drives incorporate
inverter compactness and reliability The compactness of flexible microprocc 3sor systems, which means that
modern inverters has also led to the dcvclopment of the successful features ollrered by one manufacturer can
sooiibc copied lby ollicrs The important differenlidtirig
factor for the future between the various suppliers of based research of Professor Vas. The authors also wish to
drives will not be technology, but support The versatility thank Control Techniques plc for the photographs.
of new drives will enable their use in more and more
complex applications. The focus of attention will shift 6 . REFERENCES
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5. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT [19] E. Chiricozzi, F. Parasiliti, M. Tursini, D. Q. %hang,
"Fuzzy self-tuning control of PMSM synchronous motor
Acknowledgement is niadc to EPSRC, GEC and Control dnves", PEDES'95, Singapore, pp.749-754, 1995.
Techniques Plc for the support of the soft-computing-


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