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THE OFFICIAL MATCHDAY PROGRAMME i Visit RWANDA pean 3, 2021 © Bow ® £3.50 a. cas Travel with aaa ay RU Ree Us SUT PMN eRe es CU of rind knowing our highly trained cabin crew are Pucci ea as CR mec TT | ) fy c.28afamily, arehonouredto be contibuting to the programm fortis evening's Premier League match agznst Liverpool o celebrate our dad on hatis the 2oth aniversary of his death Arsenal was always Dad's club and he had such a special bond with the sugporters ~ one that | don't chink a5 his children we realy knew the ull extent of until alter his death. Around this time of the year we are inundated with messages pictures and memories ~ i's become very clear to us how much the Arsenal fans loved our dad and what he stood for Whats so specials that much ofthat affection stems from is personality. He was at Arsenal during avery Successful period, including the famous 1989 league victory that came at the expense of today’s opponents. He also won another league title, a League Cup his 14 England caps all came when playing in red and white and the PFA Team ofthe Vear during his time at Highbury. Hewas an important player for the club under the guidance of George Graharn. But off the field is where he seemed ta have won the hearts ofthe fanbase just by simple things such as always signing autographs, making ime for people and treating everyone as equals = values him and our mother have always taught us. Dad had to make it the herd way at Arsenal. He came from a working-class family in south London and as a teenager he had to travel on his owa via public transport to get totraining. He was given an opportunity ata young age and grabbed itwith both hands ~ something many of his teammates from that era did - with some of them sharing their memories of him in this programme. Tonight’ programme also corsists of features with ther players that have been handed the Arsenal number a number that Oad wore with huge pride, 1g that he was following inthe footsteps of other he was ti seven shirt ~ know legends such as Liam Brady and Geordie Armstrong. Arsenal vs Liverpool is usually one of the standout Premier League games. We have enjoyed some fantastic certainly been on top since Jurgen Klopp arrived at Anfield. For Ryan it's a particularly unforgettable fixture Decause he was the mascot in the 2001 FA Cup final rien Liverpool beat Arsenal 2-1 just a couple of months atter Dad's death. Here's hoping we can avenge that today, almost 20 years later, with three points. coys! Melissa, Ryan and Moniques fories over them but in recent years they have os a @AFCProgramme MANAGER'S NOTES Ce be oe It’s So great to be back at the Emirates after a couple of weeks without a game he sched ule this seacon it feels strange not to havea game forthis long, | M n enough challenges, we didn’t win but we have used the time well, we've been ‘enough duels, we were too stretched as.a team, we ready forthe final wo | didn’t show enough urgen you get punish ped over the past twoweeks.Far | Their first goal was great quality to be honest, but the 5 have bee! fe conceded were completely u een so crazy that | the races ‘and when that happens, fromit. Lots of ay playing oth Intermationals, but those wiio have been here have beer Why was is a slow start against West Ha working. and we've been analysing our recent 0 use excuses. If somebody is not fit to play Thursday to performances and looked at what we can do better. Our | Sunda v before the game ‘Lam not fi” focus has been on t ne since the endof | because on minute one to ten, ve been there and you ourlast g That was a crazy day and | have to say thatthe first West Ham. ‘cannot put the blame on tiredn ‘and IFthat had haopened at the end, then maybe we 1, away s that early, After 60, 70 1 80 minutes, okay | und use we are human half an hour wa lly disappointing, we justweren't at would have been close: to using tiredness as an excuse But atthe start ofthe game? No. Sowe showed a face that we stil havein those ‘moments, but then after tht, for the next 60 minutes, we probably played the bes that! have seen us play considering the very tough concitions. That's a moment when any team could collaose and start to blame each other, have bad body language and then concede four five orsix. We did completely the opposite. We reunited, we did exactly what we had to do and we got beter and beter. Isa shame because looking atthe chances, we should have scored more and could have won the game. Butt’s down to me ~ it's my responsibility to make sure we approach the game in the right way forthe ful {90 minutes. We have shown we can reach that level, now wwe haveto stay there all the time That is where we are heading and we have to stop siving the opponents anything, Because the last shot that West Ham had for example — when they hit he post ~ was from a throwin where we gave them the ball and they were through, i's tao simple, “TM NOT WORRIED ABOUT THE CULTURE OR THE SPIRIT IN THE TEAM BECAUSE WE'VE COME SO FAR ON THAT” What keeps me awake is why we keep giving things to the opposition. It has happened too many times, and at this level you canno: do that because the opponents are so good and the margins are not that big. For the rest of that performance though, | was incredibly proud of the team. The way we played, the courage that we showed, how much belief we had that we could go on and win the game ~ and | sensed that at half time, whichis not easy and it shows me as well hhow far we have come together. We can work on the rest and we are working on i. Now I'm not worried about the culture or the spirit in the team because we've come so far on that and I've seen so many positive things to back up what I'm saying, lam not worried about that. lam worried with the levels that we can show within a game and | think that's where we are still far from the top teams. That's our challenge today. You know when you play Liverpoul you simply cannot allow these mistakes. They are the champions, they have quality all over the pitch, and will hurt you enough without us making things easy for them, But also we should remember how we worked hard to beat ther here last year, and also in the Community Shield and Carabao Cup eatlier this season, Finally | want to pass on my words of tribute to the great David Rocastle. We always remember Rocky at this time every year, and it doesn't get any easier to think of how his life was so tragically taken away when he was so young. He was just 33, but his legacy through his family and through the lives on forever football club, He is @ part of our history, but he’s also a part of our present and cur future ~ because his name, and the values that he stood for ~ continue to live with ethos of this dub, And all of the young players that, he come through the system here are inspired not only by wed, but also by how he behaved. what he act He remains a fantastic role model, we will always remember him, and we will always be grateful and proud to say that he's a real Arsenal man, ~ ga @AFCProgramme CAPTAIN'S NOTES @AFCProgramme PIERRE-EMERICK TA It seems like it’s been a long time since our last game here at the Emirates, and now we are all fired up for the final two months of the season he last game here was in the Europa Lea spirit and fight, Even at 3-0, we looked at each ‘against Olympiacos, and although: e and said this isn’t us 1 do so much better night, that was all about just getting through to It’s up to us. the next round, Then we started to take m put in some good That's what we did in the end, and we deserw all afternoun and Laca scored a great goal to get the two gaines, Obvi ‘dhave liked to: in the game, | can’. believe they said that’s an dificult at tis stage of the e and ‘can beat you and we sai League in that round. use in the changing ro e and saying to ea other that we can come back, and maybe even win it nat we were thinking ing at all at th and in the Premier League you will aways be pu vwhen you play ike that. twa were confident and w before aby game again, stating well and not giving t any time or chances. You have to crecit West Ham though, they came at us ial and took advantage of our stow start. They are a very strong side who are having a good season, know with cur team that we are always going ARSENAL FAN RICHARD WON AN 8-DAY HOLIDAY FOR 2 70 WANDA AT THE 2019 ‘VISIT RWANDA CHAMPIONS CHALLEN( L(A EL cya MOUNTAIN GORILLAS Ula ns ja RIGHARD VST wa NS NATIONAL PI FUCHARD & MARA ON TH ECA NYUNGWE, TOM ama N eee BAMA silt ALS ge WW W.VISITRWANDA.COM GI EvISITRWANDA_NOW m putin another great cross for th Then the big man Laca scored a great header fro7 NNico’s c1oss. You saw in the reaction and celebration how pumped up we were. “BUT YOU KNOW WITH OUR TEAM THAT WE ARE ALWAYS GOING TD SHOW SPIRIT AND FIGHT” We stil had time to wi sst wanted that goal afterwards you have to say we did well to co three goals down and gel 2 poi That was our last game, but it seems long ago because a lot of us have been away in the past few days playing for ‘our country. | had a big geme for Gabon against DR Congo and was so pleased to be able to help us qualify forthe Africa Cup cf Nations, We won 3-0 and | got an assist and scored, but really ''m so proud of how the whole team did. Itwas a grea performance ~ we knew what we had to do going into the game and we really deserved it ing for & behind Dawson but it doesn’t matter how an look forward to going to Cameroon for year inking about club football for zames coming up — hopefully ve wil be playing every few days from novr untilthe end of n. So we have to be prok get our rest at the ight times and matchday, lously a huge one, against the re a team of huge quality, even ifthey have time lately. But that has mainly been at mes lately and they dangerous with the players they have ~ especially up front, proved that fo the Premier League and we vill have to be at ourb even closer to them and the other teams above us. We are athome and we have to be realy stonghere now forthe fest of the season. ant to finish these notes by talking about David Rocastle. Everybody at the club knows what a legend he is here and what he means to all ofthe fans. Whether you are a player who has rough the youth senal knows about his legacy "ve heard Wrighty talking about is friendship and about what a great player he wes tco. For me| think legacy football and remembering legends s a big part of wh should be and should mean to fans. So 'm realy proud er such a shame thatthe stadium isn't full today to sing his nat Arsenal c tinues to reme; 5 ke this ame, but |can tel you that all of us here wil be remembering Rocky, 29 years alter his passing m= ga @AFCProgramme BUTE TONY ADAMS first met Ro nd 1980: he was 13 and | was 13, hhe came from Lewisham ard | came from Dag Every Monday and Thursday night we would kick lumps. Clock End where there wa: ‘out of each other behind the asp My development was alittle bit quicker than Rocky's, ‘was abit taller although he was tough as old boots Rock — rock by name, rock by na a tremendous taler shall that the Arsenal youth team trainediin. and He was tough but sw technically he could tackle, pass, dribble and run quickly. He had it all we blessed to have him, Michael Thomas, Paul Merson, SD ras ean wine org ex eons Martin Keown and Niall Quinn all from the youth team. Mort Keown, Micky Thomas and David? He was fun in the dressing room, always a smile on his face. But hewas tough on the pitch. | remember him having a bitof aight with 2 player and | was kind of ‘mediating. |was holding him back and whilst | was dc that, he apposition player hit him, He went ballistic screaming at me‘let me go skipper, | want to get after him’. That was Rocky in a nutshell - super competitive on the field but an absolute gentleman off it “1AM JUST SO GRATEFUL | GOT AN OPPORTUNITY T0 SAY GOODBYE TO HIM.” | dida’t have to worry about him as captain ~ he was ‘one of my leaders. You need people that support you and | think he was someone | could call upon ~ he was one of When he moved over to north London I was il tving i my disciples, We grew up together so there was a bond ‘even before we got into the Arsenal team, When you grow snd you've been through some of the things we did as youngstets, your relationship grows 20 Essex After matches wien we socialised he was never a big drinker ike me — he didn't take it toan extreme level although he would occasionally have a cigar and a rum and black He introduced me to some very interesting times stronger — you're like brothers. | didn’t have to wory sivear words and Lovers Rock (a style of Reggae musi). | about Rock. \was a litle naive boy from Dagenham ~ | didn’t know the | am just so grateful | got an opportunity to say music scene in those days, Rocky taught me how to listen goodbye to him. We were playing Aston Villa away — | ‘was injured and in hindsight 'm so glad I was because jcen me and Rocky was that he got allowed me to go to the hospital and give him a big hug. ky to meet a good woman like his wife Janet when He died a week orso after that. it was extremely difficult 2 joung and tha ly the making of him off to say goodbye towhat was basically a 20-year E the pitch. always joke that Rocky founc Janet to0 early relationship. He was courageous tothe end and | have © andthat we could have had an even closer relationship ~ toads of memories but the emotion ofthat one has £ _shegot in tneway and stopped me dragging him: stayed with me, We had so many highs, on and off the 2 To be honest | was sick as a dog in those days off the field especially at Anfield in 1989 and him coming to my § _ pitch sormhappy that! couldn't always convince him tO "Tyay and David - with Martin Hayes ‘wedding but that final one of saying goodbye, just me = gout — on that amazing night at Anfield and him, will stay with me forever 2 @AFCProgramme a zs DOCK) i V Wednesday marked the 2oth anniversary of the passing of David A J Rocasile, It was a day that affected everyone associated with Arsenal Football Club as they remembered a magnificent footballer - and a wonderful man ~ who lost his battle with non-Hodgkin Lymphoma at the age of just 33. Fans continue to mourn ‘Rocky, who they held with that special affection reserved fora player who they have seen progress through the youth ranks to frst team super stardom. But his passing was of course truly devastating for his fiends and particulatly his Family. And in close taison with his wife Janet and children Melissa, Ryan and Monique, the Arsenal family have come together to not simply mark the anniversary of his death, butto reflect and commit to continue to grow his legacy and educate a new generation of frsenal fans, staff and players about the pleyerhe was and the qualities he embodied, As part ofthe commitment, Arsenal in the Commurity will annually work with seven young people to be guided and mentored via a leadership programme in David Rocestle’s name. The seven local youngsters will take part in regular one to one ‘mentoring sessions over a five-month periog withthe aim of providing the participants with personal development opportunities and positive experiences The group will be an inspiring line up of young people who are known tothe Arsenalin the Community family and have a wide range of interests ur staff vill help the young people nurture their talents cver this period byproviding them with opportunities that are talored to their needs. The seven mentees, our very own ‘Rocky 7’ wll alo spend time as a group developing. community event for local young people which will celebrate Rocky’ legacy, David is an Arsenal legend on the pitch but meant so much more offit, His values of hurl, class and hard work will form the basis ofthis programme and be key ingredients which wil centribute to the success of the young people We are proud to announce this year's intake of mentees Jessy hasattended our ‘weekly Football Plus sessions at Highgate J ‘Wood since the age of eight. Prior to joining the programme he also attended our half-term holicay courses, including a residential course valued member of our junior Community Team that plays in the Regents Park Youth League on Saturday rmomings, where he has played in a number of positions. Jessy is passionate about football and has recently chosen to study physical education as part of his GCSEs at school. He is also part of a sports coaching enrichment, programme at school. Quiet by nature, Jessy is avery hard: working team player who always tries to further develop existing skils, a5 well as acquire new ones. He is keen to gain an insight into the day-to-day life at Arsenal Football Club, and learn more about footbal! coaching REMEMBERING ROCKY Angie, has been involved ath our Gi's Foothall Programme for six yeas. initially starting with us ‘hen she wasin secondary school, Angie is now studying, football management at university and dreams to be 2 professional football manager in the Future. Angie is passionate about the role that football plays in ‘supporting communities and is currently gaining experience 2s.a youth football coach Through this programme, Angie hopes to gain more football coaching experience and gain a deeper insight into both the professional game and community sport. a a @AFCProgramme aS Brotthas been involved with Arsenal in the Community programmes forfour years. A keen goalxeeper, he found his place straight away, going on to represent Arsenal in the Community groups at numerous events around the county, including at a Premier League ‘event at the Manchester City training ground and visiting (Od Trafford for the International Day of Disabled people. Prior to lockdown Brett took the decision to pursue his interest in the medical field by enroling as ¢ match day volunteer with St john’s Ambulance, getting a thank you ‘and good luck from Arsenal's No. 1 Bemd Leno. Through his volunteering with St John’s Ambulance, Brett has been ‘one of the Few people permitted at the Emirates this ‘season, on hand for emergencies. Through this programme, Brett hopes to gain a deeper understanding of medical practices within sport Nallais a participant on Ly the Arsenal Gap. | programme. having joined us ast year to pursue 2 career in football ccaching. Naila has gained experience of coaching in local primary sciools, estates and parks. Although Naila’s experience so far has been disrupted due to COVID and the restictions around grassroots football, she is determined to develop her community coaching career further. Naila is passionate about working with young people who may have low self-confidence and particularly those who face barriers to taking part in sport. Having faced challenges herself when beginning her journey in football Naila i interested in how we can encourage more girls from diverse communities to take part in spor Glenis 2 sold and has been known to Arsenal in the Community ‘over mary years and taken part in numerous program mes. His first involvement was as a panicipant on the Kicks programme at Elthorne Park before taking part in Premier League Enterprise and: Works programmes. During his time on the programmes, Glen took part in a number of social action activities 10 support the local community Glen is now receiving suppor from Arsenal in the Community to prepare and search for employment ‘opportunities. He isa huge Arsenal fan and enjoys playing football and watching Arsenal matches. Tyler Joined our Football Plus Programme at the ‘age of 16, recommended bya friend and former participant withthe alm of helping to enhance his awareness in football and gain coaching experience, After four years on the programme, Tyler has played a key role inthe group, representing the programme in many ways, not just on the field of play but also on a cultural exchange trip t0 Cologne and being oar of a youth leaders group, which has been setup to ensure that the participants" voices ate heard and help shape the project. Tyleris passionate about sports and particularly sports, choreography. He has had opportunities to take oart in commercial campaigns and photo shoots previously and ow hopes to gain more experience in this fel. Tyleralso plays football and is challenging himself to reach the highest level he can whilst pursing personal ‘development opportunities of the pitch. Sijoula fs 20 years old Si JOU and has been a WB caricioant on cur kicks programme forthe past sikyears, taking pet in activity sessions in Camden, SSjoula has also been a part of our Sunday League ‘otball team, where he won league and cup winners? medals. He also stands out as an individual, having been voted Player's Player ofthe Year by his teammates, 2 well as being voted Cluoman of the Year by the manager. Sjoulais curently attending college where he is studying accountancy and after completing his studies, hopes to move into a position inthe accountancy ptofession, Through this programme Sijoula hozes to increase his knowledge of Finances within fotball and gain practical work experience in this id VOICE 0 roe) 4 C7 Emirates FIV BETTER Fist time on duty at the Vialty Stadium 7 Ct at = This is Mikel Arteta’ two meetings, @AFCProgramme iN ~< 2 cl hour ma E ae hope the rec familie a aa See enact ee Pee cui Seem ARSENAL ITK een t Arsenal won this fixture 2-1 last season and we are looking to beat Liverpool in consecutive ho April 2035. Liverpool have won just two of theirlast 20 Premier Lea s (OoL9), than any E 5 Alexandre Lacazate hs scored in z et eee re a eed ee Coo bo SSE Pasa es] ABUSE ABLISE ae eer 1 aa seen) ISE A ry ABLI| DICE ADIICE § 2 Supporters will have read that Joe Montemurro will be leaving his position as Arsenal Women head coach at the end of the season, joe nas done a fantastic job over the past three years, leading us to a first Women’s Super League ttle in seven years in 2019, four cup finals and a Champions’ League ‘quarter, built a talented and competitive squad AND led the club through a global pandemic. He has decided to take a professional break to recharge and dedicate more time to his family, Joe sald: “My three anda half years at Arsenal have been a fantastic adventure, the highlight of my coaching Read mote from Joe in the Slavia Prague programme, RAY WEEKS is 50! We can't believe it! Happy Birthday for April. Love Mum, Dad, Liz, Paul, Imogen & Rufus MAURICE LAMBE ~ Happy soth Birthday Dat Love Ea Jonny & Seamus xx ALFIE HUMPHREY ~ Happy 1st Birthday! Gooner forever, continuing the Humphrey family tradition. We all love you very much, Mum, Dad & Family 19% AUT UR aU Ulta Cee et eee en Peet eee ee nds. Restin Peacem ‘Experienced Marin is one of the few remaiing v's wno fiat at Highbury Today's referee is Martin Atkinson from West Yorkshire, A very experienced official, Martin as been a Premier League referee since season 2004/05, This season, he has refed 25 Premier League games, handing out 55 yellow cards and two reds. Today's match will be his fifth this season involving Arsenal, He was the man in the middle in our 3-0 home loss to Aston Villa, followed swiftly by a 2-0 away defeat at Tottenham, However his two most recent gamnes, at Brighton anc West Brom ended in wins for the Gunners, 1-0 and 4-0 respectively (Our next two Premier League matches here at Emirates have been rescheduled as a result of TV selection. Arsenal v Fulham Sunday, April 18 (originally Saturday, April 17) kick off: 4.30pm Live on Sky Sports Arsenal v Everton Friday, April 23 (originally Saturday, April 24) Kick off: 8pm Live on Sky Sports The ‘standara! TV selections have nov been made up to and including April 26. VOICE OF ARSENAL recur wuners Lease cup wanes raves cup wns, UROPCAN cl WINNERS’ CUP WRS, ra yout cur wnwers ARSENAL FOOTBALL cLUB WeosiTe ena rie Le Preston ner execunve orrcer TECHNICAL RECTOR Cor aT eo Cnc CR) ones Cn eee a ee) the unofficial World Club Eee uur a een eres CO cea etc trys EVAN ree es ere Seat te Sportsbetio Peer) eon Ty fone ei) (oe) ROCKY'S GAMES AND GOALS FOR ARSENAL OTHER TEAMS PLAYED FOR Se Z 7 7 TRS ARSE NOS ‘ARSENAL PLAYER OF THE YEAR 1986 BARCLAYS YOUNG EAGLE 1987, 989 PFA TEAM OF THE YEAR 1987, 1989 Rocky joined Arsenal as a PTT Ege EMEC es eu ee CR UMD DCT. CP ay Mel Mc Sue ere Mieco ae) December 31, 1984 (986/87 1988/89 1980/1 1991 ROCKY'S ARSENAL APPEARANCES & GOALS - SEASON BY SEASON A= Appearances @ =Goals mu 48 52 4 4 § 48 Lore Ve Oe COM England senior team, two & '@ A tere mse Gein mur § (G) e G) BUA em Cm erst CLUE > ite ere rene ORL} 985/86 1986/87 1987/88 1988/89 1989/90 1990/91 991/92 @AFCProgramme 8 femember becoming aware of a bunch of really good ‘youngsters coming through the ranks. In the first- team we started to talk about them a lot ~ but most of the whispers were about a guy called Dave Rocestle. Dave then started training with us in the first team and it became clear that he was an even mere outstanding talent than what was spoken of him. His love for the game always shone through with his training and dedication. His competitiveness was incredible along with his skil level. felt from an early age that he was going to do very well. you have love for something you can go far and when you combine that with natural abillty ~ Dave was on another level was from Dulwich and at the time there was no one else in the changing room from south London ~ they were all from other parts of the country. All ofa sudden there was Rocky and Micky who were south London boys: and | thought wow, these guys grew up close to where | did. Back then when you knew someone carne from your area, you felt connected to them and they were black uyS a5 well, so | knew about some of the struggles they'd have endured "d say itwas a mixture of an older brother/uncle type of relationship. | as five years older than Dave so] lke to think he saw me asa bit of arole model. I wanted to be able to suppott all of our olayers, but in particular the: young black lads that were coming through from the same part oftowm as me, It made me feel good that was someone Dave thought he could look up to, butto be: honest he could look after himse' He's a London boy, so trust me, he could look after himself on and off the pitch, bbut people just loved him in terms of his personality and his enthusiasm, ‘must say the connection was always strong with that team we had under George Graham. We were able to mix the older group of guys who weren't from our part of town with some of the younger guys and also the black and A south London hatte TRIBUTE PAUL DAVIS white pleyers formed good relationships. I think Rocky was, particularly good at making sure team spirit was positive ‘and he could get on with absolutely everyone, Rocky left a huge impression on all Arsenal fans and especially the black community. | look at the fanbase of Arsenal now and it's one of the most diverse in the Premier League and | put a lot ofthat down to Rocky, ‘Micky Thomas and later Kevin Campbell. | fee! very proud ‘of what mysel” and them boys did in terms of coming through at a massive club like Arsenal and making it to the first eam. The odds would have been against them back then but they did it and did it with class. I feel privileged that | got to know Dave, his wife and his kids. We were sa clase that | even gat to know people like his wife's mum, We did a ot of social events together but also things like christenings and weddings. The fans loved him, always singing his name firs. The day he passed we played Tottenham and | remember a few (of us were worried about the minute's silence. To the Spurs fans’ credit you couldn't hear apin drop during that minute and I think tha: showed just how loved ard respected Rocky was amongst the wrole footballing world 8 a @AFCProgramme (ane aaa lo You Sst ek ll ley LUCA LC CMLL} appearance details ( SHOP.CAMDENTOWNBREWERY.COM | CAMDENTOWNBREWERY.COM |@) oO} Rae at Lae \ | DEVELOPING STRONG YOUNG PLEASE DRINK RESPONSIBLY for the facts Sreteninsc niet err oe beatae ets rece é 3 2 é rowing up, |had an interesting relationship with footoall. Unlike most in my age group here at Arsenal,| started playing quite late and to be honest, | never really used to watch games in the vay that others did. You see, my dad did't really pay much attention to football and hecause ofthat, | did't really have a team to support growing up. For me football was just a vagy to have fun with my frends and express myself abit, uess. Butthat all started to change when my fiend’s dad waswatching me play outin the sect and thought | ha something about me. He told my dad right away, and although my dad doesn’t know too much about football, he tock his word. He vas the first person to really believe in me asa footoaller,|hink Street football has definitely played a really important role in my development as a player. I's all about close control and technical skills and thase are the kind of traits that wil follow you throughout your wate career. I's probably why we have so mary tec England youth system right nowy. had a wall directly nical playersin the ‘opposite myhouse asa kid and that was perfect for kickabouts with my mates. | also had a Power League just ‘around the comer too. AS a kid, Nove playing there: because everyone used it asa space to just freestyle and, kind of go with the low. You're not ally thinking too much, ‘You just have to adapt, and aver time, those skills and. movements become more and more natural. Now, when | was playing at school and with my mates, could tell that | was a good player. Icould skip past defenders with ease and do things others couldn't, but “T'VE BEEN WORKING ON ADOING A CLINICAL ‘SIDE TO MY GAME - AND IT'S PAVING OFF” when lantived at Arsenal, Iwas probably the worst person there, | remember feeling like the only thing I could offer was my pace. Everyone else was just so good! ‘sve already explained, isnot like | didn't ike football growing up, | ust didn't watch itand lave tn the sameway that others didn terms of my technical and physical ability. was avery raw player and needed coaching Genuinely, it wasn’t until | was 14 that I started to really gain an understanding of tactics and howto approach certain things in game. Because | wasn't exposed to football in the way mary others were, it took me ait longer, but Ive given ita lot of attention over the years and 've changed as a playertor the better Lastyear wes my first up at London Colney and overall a say! did alight, but t was qui period forme. just before Icametto Colney |was out of form and knew that could do more, so when | arived here and a frustrating and testing started finding my form again, | was buzzing, but then | broke one of my toes against Reading and that killed my rhythm, Then wewere hit by coronavirus jus ast wes gptting backto fitness! That was tough forme mentally because | just wanted to put a nin of games together. When I'm out ofform, | always feel ike 'm forcing things. {'m trying too hard and feel ike fm trying to be too smart know t's the wrong thing to do because when I'm in form, | ahvays feel lke 'm flowing and playing with instinct. When {'mat my best. dont think, Ijust do It oes without saying, that it comes with good practice anc good habits, though! [fee tke that’s why Ive really kicked an this season. Taroughout my career, my end product has never been my standoutattibute, re always been able to get into the box, but then I let myself dowa because my first thought was to pass, | used to get alot of assists, but Ive never been a soalscorer and that’s something I ea'sed | had to change. The moment that mace me realise thatwas when Iwas ‘away wit England Under-6s and | wasn't called back after tournament, They told me | cidnt take a single shotin the ‘whole tournament and that Ineed to become more deadly inthe final third, Since then, Ive been working on adding that clinical side to my game ~ and | thinkit’s paying of! Serge Gnaby isa player really look up to in that regard. He was always. very talented player here at Arsenal, but he never put up razy numbers and overtime he's become more direct, aggressive and sharp with his runs and shot selection, lwant to add that to my game too, ‘As fortoday' game, 'm proud that as a member of our academy, we'llbe remembering atrue Arsenal legend, (David Rocastle. Asa player, he was before my tine, but his legacy around the club and especially the academy lives on He's got the indoor Sports Hall named after him and Ithink little details like those are important because kids at Hale End will remember his name for generations, Homegrown 2s given this club $0. players and the academy systern ‘much talent and so many memories over the years. @ @arsenalacademy 2 My fiend's dad Zinedine Zidane The fist one I got which was the Grenada international team shirt The first Hypervenoms: | didn't realy support aryone Zidane's volley in the World Cup Tino Anjorin from Chelsea Under-tas Against Liverpool U-1és away I icked it over then gotan assist meone'’s head My intemational debut Emirates Stadium A header because I've neve scored ring Haaland I'd play wing back Play with freedom Basketball ‘Matches at the end Dedication and hard work Attitude gets you far Dwayne Johnson Zinedine dane Arsenal and the rest of the Premier League will not tolerate racism, anywhere, and we are taking action to combat all forms of (eles ianliareit(ola Ml =10) a uU Meo Kel ReleMunele Challenge it, report it, change it, and together we can make a positive impact. to find out more. #NoRoomForRacism RNv ae cy) Challenge it. Report it. Change it. @ArsenalAcademy FA Youth Cup Fourth Round Saturday, March 20 Ewood Park ARSENAL UB (Henry i, Edwards, PE Hutchinson (Ideho 0) csadbiahiciadiceis ‘SUBS NOT USED: Graczyk, AV Jeffcott, Sa ie place the FA Youth Cup as they ran out gt w Blackbur R mwas ‘omar Hutehinson in quarterfinal st A Youth Cup action 1 Gillard’s side claimed r Kido Taytor-Hart tacking performance of th enjoys his sre ied th just nine ehind Blackburn's ooke Norton-Cuffy's set toclaim his sarching pass, but falled to take contiol of the situation and Edwards was on hand to finish into an ‘open goal. do Tay then went on to double ou’ advan ide from the left on a dangerous counter-at he ball into the top comer, e from the 18-year-old winger, of the burch arrived on the stroke of halt uel Azeex picked up the ball 30 yards from ind the top-tight comer in style. Rovers pulled one back just one minute after the rt with Zak Gilsenan converting from ¢ but we restored our three-goal advantage late an when ke Narton-C: d forward on the break to convert Mazeed Ogungho’s rebound, We will travel to West Ham United in the last 16 of the competition, a date has yet to be confirmed for the gamem Celebrations ater Taylor Hart made it 2-0 Hutchinson in possession Pane e Enc] EIMES WOE ‘peje ppeds ey passrosip misBunok pope ‘aun uaym ‘9966 9 s2qun209 uO Yd YsuIeTE auweISO1d Aopypqeus ino wey piaeg yi moUsoqu) 24) pasnposdas ancy am e104 65 Myu0 is sem oy vay 965 20) 024 au 0 J2ht}g p2}0N Sea 24 YOY) Os U>nUL 0s ‘eussay 3B uopesuas aSeusoy e sem apseacy PINeg nnd ONNOA TwDI8O 3HL ~ 4x70 uoseas sui swe $14 Burysiiqeis3 uonssoddo jayedxe Sy Uapeoig o 6u3 u) ayo 1,u0p SI pue pireg 195 pue ord oum — apis Ag|soBn, pause, S,9H “pends Aemeny6 yay 180g @ au! anI6 AoU ‘playpru u IM 2A8)S \Y}IM asIMAXtT,, ;PIAEQ eure oy) yBnosy ow diay 0} 9UeNedx siy Bujsn ‘ow o1 Guryer sAemje s| AIA pue — ‘oy uo diyssouied & w10} | pue osepUY AIA, pe ua |]@ 9AAoyL,, “SonBea}joo wear is14 panieoe1 §,04 djay oun SeBpajmouyoe os}e a5! 10q 106 an Adu ax] — NOA pulyag 198 ‘UN @ OABY NOA jf PUL ‘yRIM WEIS OL YoNW O8 3,uop Sup} aus “Ang Aauow Big e ‘Aes ‘uemr pardes: 1d Bunok © 40) Jo1se0 $1 uoyDe1 O5|e pue yBnou puly 02 s91u1 04 ing “se siy inoge Bunseoq lusa0p afsed0y {SUR} |eUasiy AY des 0} yeu pur Arn), mOaq Rog aus oF wo 190 s,u0p Ava ‘OYBISIU B YELL | J] 1UDJ44Ip GuIBoWOS Ant o1 preyE 8q 02 10U eouap\juc aul aU @AIB padjoy oA,AOUL Aem eu) 6ulO6 jou eam 36 UM AAOUL,, :SARS 04 ,Joquiardag ‘0UIs 40n9 neg ple ‘sedy suey Ainqu6in Sup ng ‘Asopow sAvs ay , ||! 0s Bujop use s 1242 weer e jo.uied 2q pue — apis eu) oui yoeg 186 nUOG & SM I, 238 pue|6u3 e1mny e se paddy Bulaq s,ey mou pue wieay S18UUND auf U} e9eId s1Yy y92q OM ‘uoNesedo Yeu wo4y pa0A0001 9H ‘IJoM Se oBesNoD siy panoud s,94 ‘Aulige siy penoud Aluo Jou sey pineg yeai6 e q — 4 peroadxe sen 1,Up|NOd |, :pajeenoi oy ,as1y 1 xOYS & SEM I}, SANOU OU WHY j}1 02 pauoYd J8¥eE Ueym uo yoreo 0} puey, 3! 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Manchester Urited Manchester City Liverpool Southampton Blackburn Rovers Sun Mat 21 Everton Mon Apr 12 Derby County Mon Apr 26 — Leicester City FriApr3o West Ham United iMay7 West Ham United PREMIER LEAGUE 2 PW Manchestercity 1912S BlackburnRovers 19 10 6 Tottenham Hotspur 19-9 5 Derby County 199 3 Chelse 1 8 5 Manchester United 8 4 5 Liverpool 83 § Everton 75 2 Brighton & HA 5 8 Arsenal 5 6 Leicester City 52 Southamotor ‘ 7 West Ham United 12 22 on 03 33 os 60 10 50 40 18 Pts, 4 36 30 2 28 6 23 Ey 7 16 B Sat Sept a2 Sat Sept 19 Sat Sept26 Sat Oct 3 SatOcta7 Sat Oct 24 Sat Oct 3a SatNov2s Sat Decs Satan 23, Set an 30 Tue Feb 16 Sat Feb 20 Sat Feb 27 Tue Mar at Mar 13 Sat Mara7 Set Apr 10 Set Apr 24 Sat May Sat May 8 TEA TBA TBA EFL TROPHY FIXTURES: Tue Sept 8 Tue Oct 13, Tue Nov 10 Tue Dec8 UNDER-18 FIXTURES Southampton Tottenham Hotspur Crystal Palace West Ham United ighton & HA West Bromaich Albion Norwich City Fulham Leleester City ‘Tottenham Hotspur Crystal Palace West Ham United Brighton & HA West Bromwich Albion Aston Vila Norwi Reading Fulham Leicester City Chelsea Aston Villa Reading Chelsea Southampton Ipswich Town Cranley Town Gillingham ‘AFC Wimbledon i A *=won on penalties 42 03 0-0 14 43 12pm Tam Tam nam TBA TBA TBA 24 Fat iW 03 UNDER-18 PREMIER LEAGUE SOUTH Pwo. Fulham 122 4 Crystal Palace wi 2 4 Brighton &Hovedlbion 19 11. 35 Aston Villa 6 9 5 2 ToltenhamHotsour 17-8 6 3 Chelsea 9937 Arsenal 7 8 27 Norwich City v7.1.9 West Bromwich Albion 19 6 3 10 WestHam United 17 4 & 9 Reading 3 4 9 Leicester City vi? an FA YOUTH CUP FIXTURES Tue Dec 1 Sat Mar 20 TBA Rotherham Uri Blackbuin Rovers West Ham United 40 50 30 at B 36 2 48 16 13 A GD Pts B29 38 28 12 38 22 36 10 32 17 30 36 1130 34 + 26 41 2 46 10 21 40 18 16 5329 10 ul MeN STH) PLAYER Timatinoa Folin Baton yan Alebioss Ben catiet Nt oer ToelLopee Joratha Gian Gyse NiguetAceez allt Fo Tylor Hat Daniel Oyegake Authur ork Feiss Nesen iam Seta Georg ens He Krk ra r James Olvinka an) 2 Chore Patna a > 10) Jord Meerut b3 20) Zineion aus Br say 2 ra) EFT IB FAYG PLIC TOTAL ra is Tree le ary Clarke Nt Dani! aed Fabiola Tam Sith Sabine ubdMrerd 1 Ioetloeho ot 6a) i cui Sowa Pa ivits Hater yk Jace Hon Fans famestiton Edel Cech JueWilock NezeedOgungho KhayonEovaris TaybrFora GabretNtine 1 Niot'smth t ‘mai Hatin NawroBandera Narco Hewes Natta Bur je ke Pange Ove Fhe Tames Sweet Henry fet ty ger Charles ampele Badley atin Fey Mickel Tash Robinson Res ves Amara Cover Dube Taser Saha Onn goa @ @ ON PARADE Answer one easy question on Arsenal defender, Calum Chambers and you could be our next lucky winner! Head to or download the JG app to find out mora ne of the most memorable momen involved Rocky, but itwas actually eway from the pitch. Penny (my wife) and | went down for the Arsenal end of season dinner at the Hilton in Park Lane at the end of the 1986/87 season, |was joining the lub atthe start of the next season and we were sat there with other couples. Rocky came aver to introduce himselt, ‘comed me, said how delighted they were to have me at the club and said if there's anything he can do for me please ask. Pen and | spoke afterwards in the car, almost .gobsmacked a that particular interaction. Racky spoke as if he was the 30 year old club captain and senior man, yet hewas 20 years eld! He was so mature, so charming and so polite. off ight from that point, He was just ane of those peop! ‘and | grew very close with his family. We would quite coften meet for a meal and we became very comfortable ‘around one another. | remember Penny used to speak t was our first experience and we hi naturally got on with Janet whilst she was working at BT - h shows you how good \ev would be chatting away for hours w mates they were. He was a funny ad Rocky, he had a big booming voice wien he wanted to, he could fil the dressing room with his big smile and big personality - you couldn't dislike Rocky. He was serious when he needed to be but could also take the mick, especially with who they called the ‘brothers’ like Micky Thomas and Gus | would always like to see what Rocky was wearing and, what car he was eriving ~ he was such a classy guy, He had a beautiful Mercedes Coupe at one point which | tended up copying and getting one myself a f On the piteh Dave was 59 good at puting in ball, just fzzing a low on: keener and defenders. When | realised how accomplished hewas att it became id w year lat neatly + between the I because | could make my ‘ovement ust before the def fow step overs which had to get used to a bit ~|ust He would do q The great fiends celebrate winning the 1990/93 league champlonship in the Highbury dressing room BUTE ALAN SMITH (On England dy. Arsenal's Rocasle, Seaman, Smith and Waght ~ garg up on Tottenham's Uneker! “HE WAS ONE DF THOSE PEOPLE | NATURALLY GOT ON WITH. 1GREW CLOSE WITH HiS FAMILY” watching him bamboozle defenders ~ but the gaffer knew Rocky had a spe fo go past players and encouraged him to be creative in the final thc, Having ssid that Rocky was i past a pl had Bria that was some fala ligent enough te know wien to-go 10 deliver. In those early years we rood on the left and Rocky on the right, rerand wt ice for a centre foward! The fact that Penny and Janet were so close was something that was important to me as it meant our relationship remained, The nature of being a footballer ‘meant things changed so quickly with your teammates — cone day you're best frends and suddenly one gets a ttansfer and you don’thear from them, Having Penny and our friendship as Janet close meant we could easily women ate usually much better at keeping in toucn than ‘men! | ernembe visiting him up in Leeds and nim coming g back down when he could. When he was at Che! E would go to watch him play and go mee ir £ players’ lounge beforehand £ Even wher ne was in Malaysia we would speck 5 regulaty on the phone about what twas ike out there 2 The legacy of Rocky es on with his wonderut kids FN SIT | 1962-1977 WS Erreur Pana: De RucuR ake Perea Gear Rete nee ne ee eee ae but he dovetailed perfectly with Bob McNab over on left, al Pe ST eer Pee eee cece with express pace, but he po: ‘an uncanny ability to drift past defenders. esd cern Peas Tiree Ore Cn eee fe eee eeu ere atts ndon rivals back in August It's Time To Step Up Your Cyber Protection Get #CyberFit with Acronis A LEARN MORE Acronis OFFICIAL PARTNER OF ARSENAL ER APPS [EZ GOALS ‘What was his finest moment in red and white? Inspiring the Gunners to.a5-0 win at Tottenham — our greatest post war the 1979 FACUD final, when he dragged Arsenal over the finishing line in a fanchester United 3-27 talented Dubliner resultin Nx7 —wi pulsating ast five minutes tob Wherever it was, this outrageous stood head and shoulders above all those around him, a hero for a generation, a player who could walk — or lice: into any team in the world. The sweetest, most exquisite left foot and sublime mastery ofa football delighted and enchanted an otherwise grey Highbury in the 19705. Inevitably, he let for aventus in 1980, shortly after an outstanding display in Turin as the Gunners became the first team to beat the Old Lady on their own pitch. There he ‘won the tiles his talent deserved. He won the Serie A ttle in both 2981 and 1982 with Juventus, before also starring for Sampdoria and Inter Milan. He returned to London to finish his playing days at West Ham but his time at Arsenal wasn't over In 996 he came home, rejoining the club as the head of our academy, imparting his knowledge to future generations of Gunners. It began a golden era for our youth department, and after various academy league titles, and three FA Youth Cup successes, he retited in May 2014 leaving @ permanent legacy a the club. ‘A great regret is that he never got to showcase his talents ata major intemational toumtament, He played 72 1 for the Republic of Ireland, scoring i d (having previou: he was suspended for Euro 88 and was not selected for the 1990 World Cup after retiring during the qualifiers Credit goals? Count on the experts You wouldn't have much to celebrate if one of our credit geeks was trying to score at football, Pree eueedet aucune you can count on the MBNA team. Whether you're looking to squish existing Peek ercn maa isee eveee ats for when things get stretched, you'll find a cela) «Roa ee 1ce Rodel anes Find out more at: mbn; kK miona CE earn il rd APPS GOALS One of the most elegant, graceful players ever io light up Pires was a major creative influence in Frenchman was an excellent finisher, as well (of Thierry Henry and Dennis Bergkamp during his six seasons atthe club. Arriving fiom French side Marseille in 2000, Pies took a while to get used to the physical nature of English football, but then took the Premier League by rm, He Was creating countless chances for the likes jonal during 2001/02, only to have 1 cut down early by a cruciate knee injury in March 2002. He had already done enough to win the Football Writers’ Association Player of tie’ his teammates literally bored before him when he picked up the Premier League trophy in May. He scored the only goal in the 2003 FA Cup final win over Southampton and the following season was an integral partof the Invincibles side with 14 goals and Ue eft the club after the 2006 Champions League final, after being withdrawn earty so that Manuel ‘Almunia could Pires scored 84 gocls in 284 appear Gunners, and particulary enjoyed playing in the north London derby — the No. 7 ¢0 against Tottenham in all. ‘long-time France international with 79 caps, he was part of the 1998 World Cup and 2000 Euros winning. squads, as well as ling the Confederations Cup in and 2003, He later played for Villarreal, Aston Villa and finished his playing days in India. TOMAS sls < IAT PAPA] 245 APPS 28 GOALS sky FEES & feel it all 2 é & £ & £ $ = 6 BUKAYO EZ Ed vrs coms 4, , LiL airs yaliy y ae THIS IS FAMILY Emirates FLY BETIER OSB alee SUES TR TRIBUTE MICHAEL THOMAS Micky and Dave's joumey went all the way to the lexgue tte in 3989 g ce and Rocky met before we became team mates at Arsenal when we were both playing for South London Schools at around 11/12 ‘years old. | only knewhim on the field at that ppoin:. When we joined the Arsenal youth tearm | was coming from Stockwell and Dave was coming from Brockley, he got the train to Waterloo and | was on the Victoria Line ~ most momings we'd meet at Arsenal station and walk to the stadium from there. When we got to around 16/17 we were spending a lot more time off the field together. We went to a lot of parties — he seemed to know the scene a bit better than mel | would sometimes stay at Dave's family home and we would go out as | was from the same area, Dave started training with the first team a bit earlier than me and {will never forget when he made his debut. We used to train at Highbury on a Friday and the youth team would go into the gym after the first team. By that point Dave was already training with the main squad and hhewas by the stairs waiting to tell me that he was making his debut tomorrow against Newcastle He was absolutely glowing and he couldn’ wait to tell me! Unfertunately we weren't there to see itas the youth team had a South East Counties game but | remember Dave's reaction to that bit ‘of news so clearly. He was beaming with pride abou playing for The Arsenal. Me and Dave came through the ranks together, playing in district teams, it was a special joumey with so many incredible moments that we could share with each other. Dave was humble, he had everything, he was so talented but he had time for everyone and thet is what | loved about him. He was special like that — he didn't see himself as bigger than any other person, in his eyes he was justa young kid from Brockley who had time for everyone else He had such hunger and love for the club and playing for Arsenal ~ putting on the shirt ~ that was his team! would go to him for advice as he was in the firstteam abit before me and he really old head on young OA snites aerators shoulders, He lost his dad when he was five but he was just so well adjusted that you could ask him anything and he would try and helo you out. He would treat everyone fairy When Dave left Arsenal that was a sad day for me. | was (on pre-season tour with Liverpool in Paris and Graeme Souness came over and said to me ‘that’s a bit ofa shock. about your mate isnt i'l was thinking what's he on about before he told me that Arsenal had sold David Rocastle to Leeds. | knew Dave would be absolutely gutted because he loved Arsenal and his best mate Wrighty had just arrived there, Ihad left at Christmas. That was hard because | knew Dave would never ever want to leave ‘Arsenal — that hurt him a ot and that hurt me, But his move to Leeds and then Manchester meant we got to see more of each other. We would ahvays talk on the phore but when | was at Liverpool and he was at Leeds we had some incredible times, 'd dive down a lot and spend time with him and the family and they were great memories. Much of t was just reminiscing about o'd times at Arsenal ~something we did right up until his very last moments, g 5 & 2 5 3 Sa WOMEN News and reports from England’s most successful women’s football team Cee ges} PP eeerners 0 pment rrr Pn ednearsd i ere “a ; isa ANI ‘ Tease ana een ae Oe roe} Nesew ne cuct Contes ore) me foo ectuised to victory in the north London derby eee ae eae Lene ier n Katie McCabe delivered a player of the match performance, scoring one and assisting another, Sis Pee eee We started strongly and after Jordan Nobbs fired wide early on, Caitlin Foord gave us the lead in style Lire eer cuca) Rone ee eee Ree Coe ee Perey Oreo eee eee le too, McCabe Oreo) area and Miedema found the top corner with a stunning ne floated an inch-perfect comer del eter ee Solem McCabe wreaked havoc on Tottenham's defence all afternoon, and shortly after the hourmark she grabbed De Rena Cees nea eta tesutd Pee oe eee ety ee Me emer me en eee Cee Erect eee oe ee eee een Ta) eects igeegese a ete eee tee ee US cues a London red last Saturday ~ but it was a particularly Pete ee oe ee ea aS Seer team squad and she took her place fece) Willian Cet uso een ar CeCe Utne) is also part ofthe England Undera8 squad having See eee Grad internatio I stars Leah Williamson, Lydia Tey eer ese et Crete member of the Arse eres ewe cy WE ARH 3 The north London derby witnessed a worderstike from See ee et Cec se anc ucts rer Nee ene eu NuELcS hhas gone from strength to strength in the last six years, See OMe tie ees mes for joe Montemurro’s team ~ only Mie Soe eee et E) eee eer ing the cross for Seren ‘Wubben-Moy against Manchester United in our previous A Oe! Oe eee aes match, Katie is only one assist away from equalling ‘Arsenal's WSL record of 12, held by Beth Mead from the Bae eal eee SES Rete Te ee tc | UNS TRL TTS tana Cr re Penna ey) Oe ee er pre] 2020/21 FIXTURES LONG u wes ED 4 Tow Choo MaNcrY ADUP ENE) 12 STL u SEA) 4 RREHTING VENER «|S TUTERK HITEPER HL Uomo TY UNESTS(E) 4 een TED a ces HW TUTENMM aTPERCCS] 2 NEN EY i (ec MMNCHTERDY keen OTN JT REOKG fa) wucaTERoY fam ose feamy STON ae7— RWNGMEITY ARS MUNeESER TED var) TOTEM PUR PRG pSTOLCITY (R75 RENTON 6 HOVE MIN way EVERTON wag ASTON RUA TR WS HAM UNTED WOMEN'S SUPER LEAGUE arn PWOLER oat nS est esr _ fom wast oo raver swan! acy so voruwara TT NEL a eg A COFFEE MACHINE FOR JUST £1? Official Coffee of Arsenal EC The work of The Arsenal Foundation and the partners and initiatives it supports have touched the lives of a great number of people in a variety of ways The Arsenal Foundation’s emergency Covid fund has helped the Museum Of Homelessness, a community-driven social justice museum created and run by people with direct experience of homelessness. David Tovey, 46, tells us how the charity has helped him ack in 2013 took a near-fatal overdose i fighbury any other wa was in debt, addicted to alcohol and about to lose y flat. Luckily | was resuscitated that day, bu 1m becoming homeless. After five that did ‘months things changed one night in Isledon Garden: went int the locked par to take my own life when a man appeared and was like, “What are you doing?” ke down and told him everything ‘and not only did he save my life, he gave me my life threw me, back. That moment Uheinspiration for a lot of my art, which later played a massive role in me coming off the streets. It led me to meet other artists with similar ices and discover a museum about Lup by people affected by i ted with the museum since 2016 and time. Vie've put on exhibitions and events ail over the countiy: we've operated in the halls ¢ We believe art can cl expe hom« ‘ve callabor ness was being we've come a long way in th fate Modern and on the streets, e lives. t saved my life and that's why I've dedicated myself to changing society through art. We have a homelessness crisis but iyo just shout about it people stop listening something beautiful, make you give them sm cry, they will listen, When the pandemic hit we knew it was a massive risk = im lA Cae | » f ak A special day at Tate Modem Art can change lives © homeless people so we set up a taskforce. Islington Council ent us a community centre and we stacked our museum shelving with food and emergency supplies, but even after the lockdos stating imy with the help of funding from The Ars we set up a StreetMuseum every Thur » we realised isolation was still having a d ‘oundatio layon Highbury outdoor, Cavid-secure space wi .eople could gather as safely as possible for food. art mpany. worked with tnousands of people during the We down one alone we distributed 8, ‘meals and care 4 the winter was very tough, We ‘ad a spike in homeless suicides in 2020 and given my owin experience, and the fact the StreetMuseum was so. near to where | tried to take my own if, it meant so much ometo beable tc help people. My proudest moment was h ing my family come to our show at Tate Modern. Itwa: first time knew my dad was proud of ne, proud that | had much and picked myself back up. He ldn’t think the arts ‘ould make a difference, but that day changed his mind ittle did | know that just over a year later | would be arrying his coffin. | can never thank the museum enough ‘or giving me that chance to make my dad proud. For more info visit fone through so WEST HAM UNITED REPORT TOTALSHOTS ‘SHOTS OW TARGET CORNERS OFFSIDES FOULS POSSESSION FABINKSI COUFAL AWSON ‘oop (CRESSWELL souceK ce ‘BOWEN (74) ‘uNGaRO BENRANWA (73) ANTON foe (ro, eens LUE ‘oun, ava ALES, ws SANS TTT 120 TERNEY avn wz mans ‘CHAMBERS XHAKA (74) ARTEY SAKA (74) ‘ODEBAARD, {ACATETTE ‘AUBANEVANG (1) Da (8) PET NEL (Sug, eos Lu, Cee, Ee ra runny 9 HDAY 29 3pm © Sunday, March 21 © London Stadium Having made a desperately slow start to the game, we were punished when the Hammers 100k lead as Jesse Lingard arrowed a shot into the top comer. I: should have acted 2s a do Jarod Bowen beat Bernd Leno. The wake-up call, but instead. less than two minus later, the hosts doubled their advantage as a quicklytal Hammers extended their advantage when Tomas Soucek deflected in Michall Antonio's veader.F n Free kick caught us off guard ar i we woke up and responded when Alexandre Lacazette’s swivel and sho e bax deflected off Soucek into the roof ofthe net. 8 da gold o makeit 3-2 soon afterwards but his shot 52 Fab Saka too dose to Luk ust after the hour mark our dominance had its reward when, Calum Chambers ipped 65 was deflected into his own goal by Craig Dawson. The comeback was on, and the nfluential Martin Odeg soon saw @ shot blocked in the area vhile down atthe ot fend Chambers had to clear one offthe line as Lingard looked set 10 second. We nally evelled with nine minutes remaining, Nicolas Pepe dug out a fine cross to the back post for Lacazette to head in from close range. Pepe hac two half chances during a thriling jnale to the match, but in the e ye shared the spoils n a drama i a ail one” ae a aia iii ~ SG Nima mae re THIS PAGE Craig Denson turns Inv his ‘own net under pressure from Piene-Emerick Aubameyang PRONG PAGE Alexandre lacazette celebrates his equaliser LIVERPOOL EEL CM aU} si TS) Tart TS cae STADIUM Anfield (63,394) TSS ee geuge eer Se Ore CCR rE RL eas Fe een LUM ALEM 1979/80, 1981/82, 1982/83, 1983/84, 1985/86, Fi Meta hrc ae SSeS Be ey eC OM CeCe eed ree corte eel ery 2003, 2012 UME MEU we eC Mie 1977*, 1979, 1980, 1982, 1986*, 1988, 1989, 1990*, eee) European Cup/UEFA Champions League 1977, 1978, 1981, 1984, 2005, 2019 NER e eee eee) venice eat) OWNER Fenway Sports Group SE SCLIN acs pS Uta Techy Pog) Cee eT ere es 0 Pe nue) to finish in the top four ofthe Premier League this season. A remarkable collapse in Liverpool's form at Anfield since the turn of the yearhas seen them slide fist out of tile contention, then out ofthe Cree ee ee een eet] Bee eee eu ec oe ese Pa aoe est eee tenn al Pe eae tet eco Ree eee ee eee ee second-placed Manchester City ~ and dropping just two points at en eee ao ei a ee eae eS games undefeated — a record run lasting almost four years — they have, Pe eee Cee ee ee ne ego mca ee se meets Ucn ae een ent a ence erence 2-0), Chelsea (-0) and Fulham (1-0) have all won there. ‘@& Itis perhaps a blessing for Liverpool that the match against Fulham as Ren reat eee ae ea een return there to face Aston Villa next weekend and wil be desperate not to extend thelr new club record run to seven defeats in a row. Before then, however, they arein action on Tuesday in Spain, where they take on Real CA en ae tu eu ie ater Pe ee ye See kok nu oe Reon Cm en cee ene oa ee ay the final - also in Madtid, at the home of Reals rivals Atletico. ee rae ees ee ad Sate ee eee Comte Cees 1-1 raw at Wembley, and the Gunners also knocked Liverpcol cut of Perec neers aL irri ee a etn et a et eT ee eee nee) See ee ae ete a pee ee ete tet etter Pg ego Soe cos eee ene ng ser League fixtures on the road, the first two in London (3-1 against both Tottenham and West Ham), witha 31 defeat at Leicester interrupting the Pete nce ce (2-0) and, last time out, at Wolves, where ex Molineux favourite Diogo ee ene erie Renter central defence, has plagued the Merseysiders in 2020/21, and they wil ee ec ete en et eee againin search of top-four place against Arsenal this evening. SSCL dash Cc ee er Sco Pe ere Aca) Pee ene Pe oe eens Set eae! ere eee eaeun es from Northumberland grabbed his Cea ane es Mey Se ae eu Cen eee) eter ce Renna wer ne Re Ce ee aes Dee eed eee nee etc) oa ee eo TCs Pees concur Cem casey to drop back into midfield, where Do TT ec) half of the decade as Liverpool Eee ae On Ree rts titles, three European Cups, a Uefa eee ce eee ead Sens awe In later life Kennedy has suffered Ceca ee Eee) Le Le Sere se Ed ry Cree mae Ta Gls u ey THO Jin Tans ‘BORN Rotterdam, Netherlands, 13/11/90 ‘PREVIOUSLY Feyenoord, PSV Eindhoven, Newcastle The captain ofthe Netherlands is now in his fith season as a Liverpool player, having joined the Merseysiders after an impressive first season in England with Newcastle in BOOM eo ete tree a eed ee eo ee) importance since he joined and featuring in every Premier League game this term, all but two from the start. He scored in the 3-1 win at West Ham in late January. THE FLYING SCOTSMAN a Ute TESTE aaa) CE eneee rr) ore a a Oren MC ce ee ee) ‘abroad with his pacy sarties down the let fank and inch- perfect crosses, Andrew ~ or Andy ~ isan attacking left back par excellence who joined the Merseysiders from Hull City in Poe SCI om ur eo to pee een ee Bree eR CUS ue ut ST enna eee ema Cone ase aLaasHin sy Oo Se ey ae tiais Cee sy eer eee eae ea anos Te era esc eee ec accumulating 198 first-team appearances and scoring 20 Pere tere te eee re ees Dea ae eee as ligament damage in April 2018, and although he remains ‘on the fringes at Anfield, the 35-cap England international Gee eae carriage a ato Premier League ttle-winning campaign. aed LN ee SS ne eT PREVIOUSLY Barcelona, Bayern Munich eee ee eer ny added Thiago to their Premier League titl-winning squad las Degenerate Pr ee Geena eet Mae aca Geen ee sreue oger Nes eT oe Tt tee ee utc ene ee eee Pees glee Lar oer SNe CTS naa CO ee oe EU ead Cm ‘Alisson briefy became the world's most expensive keeper in 2018 with his £66 8m transfer from Roma, and Brazil's World ee ere een ea resoling Liverpoo!'s problem position between the posts ese fe eee ee SLE ron Cue ean a ee cee See ae ee Sere League and Premier League triumphs have already assured ee ue en cnet ta THE AFRICAN ACE SOS Pry Paris COU a Ory Che ea eee eee mE oe ce aD en eS ee acu ee eS Dae er Mea ac CE) Settee ene et eee Ae eae eee oR Cru) Cree arte ene ee Salah as the CAF Afican Foothaller ofthe Year in 2019 after Rete een atu uy aa LTTE ES arn Cae rd eh ee cd ‘Appacy Porugual international striker, Diogo has been Se ee ee Ou ee ct two league games and scored the winner ast time out at eee eee Mune ccs September. although the 24 year old got oftto a fne start at ‘Anfield, scoring his fst Liverpool goal in their3-2 home win against Arsenal, he was out for three months ater sustaining Bau ee aU MO SALAH ef nc Cees eNO ees ee aT eee nena ee ices ees Teeter hr canul cerns Intemational both the PFA ard FWA player ofthe year awards. The club trophies have come since then, with decisive Re rain ces eae Peace ge ea me eee ese Pree nese see eed make him one of English footballs leading attractions. JURGEN KLOPP MANAGER STO ST eeu a All of Liverpool's kit sponsors ee per eee oD Peete Peete eg Bement) er ta VN a ecco nocd oe eee as Pee eee eee rs Oe nee a cee Pease teen er he also played against the Invincibles, for Leeds at Elland Rd on November s, 2003 (@ Pr tt) Naby Keita is the sixth player from Guinea to ane an ee Coe cea when he played for Arsenal against Chelsea ee eu Cea Pe a following season, and scored a winner at Highbury against Arsenal in his first season. ee eno Cue ag eye Penne ae Co ee ce at CN RC Noe Glasgow, where he was 2 childhood friend of later to be Scotland, Celtic and Arsenal star eee F A 4 3 3 ry Ge ee’ ae Sa gels) SUSE ALT ine Pet) cS ert Ce Seah ee eee eee Coe CALM UCAS Se iF impressive fist season in England with Newcastle in aU e Ss ree na ae ‘mainstay of Jurgen Klopp's sid, barely missing a match of Te eee en ta feet ea ue cre eee eC ets ty aaa RSLS ANDREW ROBERTSON ara ay Ce Oey PREVIOUSLY Queen's Park, Dundee United, Hull eer ata Na eect ur eT abroad with his pacy sorties down the left flank ard inch- eee eee ea ‘par excellence who joined the Merseysiders from Hull City i ‘2017 after exneriencing relegation, promotion and relegation Eee eet ee See eee eect ‘skippered his country tothe Euro 2020 finals last autumn Poa aac Tay EUG Tey le WIDFIELDER Cee) PREVIOUSLY Southampton, Arsenal Pee ea de akin ecru Ce eee esc See eae oie eed) Pee ue en eer ea absent for over yearafter sustaining serious knee Perera Pee ee eee ‘onthe fringes at Anfield, tie 35-cap England international “made 30 appearances, scoring four goals, in ast season's Cee a neuen afer) ate) eos MIDFIELDER CUO cua ae PREVIOUSLY Barcelona, Bayern Munich Liverpool appeated to have landed a major caup when they Eee MN aang ec ea ea Peete ee eae oa gd yaa een com un ere ca Ee CIS Can eee Ren eee eee Sars Ce eae eee) eae es re ey ALISSON ani Coe aC ocd Coen d Reece eeu eda 20:8 with his £66.8m transfer from Roma, and Brazil's World ee a eee un ee Pe Meee esc one ey with several world-class performances ~ albeit with a few Pec ma ee) Sere ee meee ee fete eure tuna etaee er e ets) him cecogrition as a Liverpool goalkeeping great. THE AFRICAN ACE ST CUT Cag Cee ey CRS ea oe rue ee ey fier ore ue eu eee Pe oes CaaS nd steady output of vital goals throughout his five seasons at Cnr Teac Osc Ly Cet neue aoe ek eee Salah asthe CAF ican Footballer ofthe Year in 2039 after {wo successive runners-up placings behind the Egyptian. NETL) URL ee ATTACKER Ee Ce Rae ead My eee tanec eae ees) ee erates two league games and scored the winner last time out at ‘Wolves, the club that sold him fora reported £4:m fee last Sea nC See ee OTe ee en ee et Sees ee anced Bonn eae nec cas aU DS ENTE eZ ATTACKER SOULE Fo ea ead Dee ea eer ed then club-record transfer from Romia~ earned the Egyot international both the FFA and FWA player ofthe year awards. See ed er ee eee eee ee ee! Pere au Rate tes Preece peer eee is cee ey tees Gen ea eae Se esr JURGEN KLOPP MANAGER USCS eT ea aa eae een eee er Peres eee NES Peres Perera eed Peer er) yaa gl eee mcs James Milner wouldn't be a bad man to ask. eee ese od Ben a ou eL A Tec 2005 (pictured below ~ Arsenal won 2-0), but the also played against the Invincibles, for Leeds at Elland Rd on November 2, 2003 (2 Pe) ‘Naby Keita is the sixth player from Guinea to Cac ee SER e ecu ta eee eco COE RL cd second when he joined Liverpool the eee ee ere Dae eee ee ee ens eR PAT Ear) Penurve sarc) Pee ee een Ce Lc ns later to be Scotland, Celtic and Arsenal star Cnr Fs i s

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