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Table of Contents
Executive Summary............................................................................................................4
Recruitment Strategy: Defining the Role............................................................................5
Amazon and the way Roles are defined........................................................................................5
Job analysis..................................................................................................................................5
Job description.............................................................................................................................6
Person specification.....................................................................................................................6
Job advertisements......................................................................................................................6

Attracting Applicants.........................................................................................................6
Employee referral schemes..........................................................................................................6
External recruitment....................................................................................................................6
External recruitment services.......................................................................................................7
Internal recruitment.....................................................................................................................7
How Amazon attracts Applicants..................................................................................................7

Managing the Application and The Process of Selection.....................................................7

Application forms.........................................................................................................................7
CVs and LinkedIn profiles.............................................................................................................7
Managing applications.................................................................................................................7
Selecting candidates.....................................................................................................................7

Making The Appointment..................................................................................................8

Medical questionnaires and making reasonable adjustments......................................................8
Employment offer........................................................................................................................8
Joining the organisation...............................................................................................................8
Documentation and evaluation....................................................................................................8

Motivation through engagement.................................................................................................9
Motivation: The Concept..............................................................................................................9
Motivation in the workplace:.......................................................................................................9

Purpose of motivation:.....................................................................................................10

Willingness to Do the Job...........................................................................................................10
Increase Performance.................................................................................................................11
Increase Retention.....................................................................................................................11

Increase Job Satisfaction..................................................................................................11


Strategies to Maintain Employees Motivation..................................................................11

Set Motivational goals to create meaning..................................................................................12

Provide meaningful feedback...........................................................................................12

Empower problem solving and learning.....................................................................................12
Deliver all promises....................................................................................................................12
Experiment and learn and Improve............................................................................................13


Executive Summary
This report covers about the recruitment and motivation strategies as applied by Amazon.
The recruitment strategy starts with the organisation taking the task of defining the role
that needs to be filled. This entails aspects such as job analysis, job description and person’s
specifications. It is then followed the process of attracting applicants. The method used here
can be advertising, Amazon tend to advertise their job vacant on their own website. They
also use other available spaces such as social media as well as mainstream media.

After receiving applications, the company then go through the selection process. With
Amazon this is done internally within the human resources management department in
most cases, different aspects are being scrutinised here, including the eligibility to work in
the UK, applicants’ qualifications, experience and character. Those who feet the given
criteria are then being offered the job. The company then evaluate the documentations and
keep in touch with the referee to acquire the references.

On the other side, Amazon, just like any other organisation needs to keep their employees
motivated, this helps in employee retention as well as increase employees’ performance.
According to Maslow’s theory of motivation, needs exist hierarchically starting with basic
needs, psychological needs and self-fulfilment. Amazon as an organisation tends to focus in
fulfilling such needs for their employees, as the organisation understands that the more the
needs are fulfilled the more the employees become satisfied and henceforth, they are
motivated to work for the organisation. Among other aspect used by Amazon to motivate
employees include attractive renumeration packages, conducive working environment and
other benefits such as health insurance, promotions and bonuses.

Amazon is the organisation select for this report. It is driven by four guiding principles,
customer being its sole obsession and not competitors focus, drive for innovation,
dedication to operational quality, and long-term thinking. Amazon aspires to be the planet's
finest employment, most customer-focused business, and safest place to work. One-Click
shopping, personalised recommendations, customer reviews, Prime, Fulfilment by Amazon,
AWS, Kindle Direct Publishing, Kindle, Career Choice, Fire tablets, Fire TV, Amazon Echo,
Alexa, Just Walk Out technology, Amazon Studios, and The Climate Pledge are some of the
innovations that Amazon has pioneered. (Amazon, 2022).
The report discusses the recruitment and motivational strategies used by Amazon, the
shortcomings and challenges are highlighted, and at the end the recommendation will be
given with justification on the improvement needed in those areas mentioned for the
According to Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) recruitment is the
process of resourcing the talent to be employed in the organisation for the purpose of filling
a job vacant (CIPD, 2022), the process includes defining the job role, attracting the right
applicants for the it, managing application from the candidates, the selection process and
finally the appointment to fill the vacancy (CIP, 2022). The terminology resourcing as used in
this definition including the activities which are of extreme relevance to any organisation
which recruits as it intends to fulfil six central human resources objectives which are
staffing, change management performance, administration, reputation-building and
promoting employee wellbeing (Stephen, 2021).

Recruitment Strategy: Defining the Role

Recruitment as a process begins with defining role of the vacancy, which are job analysis,
this defines duties to be carried out in the role, output expected, and which part of the
organisation structure does the role befits well. Also, this explains how the role will be
carried out and where. It is then followed by the person specification; it includes
qualifications, characteristics, experience and other competencies. (CIPD, 2021).

Amazon and the way Roles are defined

Job analysis
Identification of the role can be due to someone left the role or new responsibility has
surfaced as a result of certain changes in the organisation (BBC, 2022).
Whether the role is new or currently in existence, the first step is to take the time to acquire
information about the position from several sources. The analysis gives the necessary
information about the job description and person specification that must contain: the goal
of the position and responsibilities that the position is going to involve, the whereabouts

and the ways the role is going to be carried out, what results would be anticipated of the
position bearer and finally how it is going to fit into the structure of organisation.

Job description
Potential candidates can learn more about the specific work requirements, including duties
and goals, from the job description. It facilitates the recruitment process by giving everyone
involved a clear picture of the role. It can also give clarity regarding performance and goals
both during and after the induction.

Person specification
The necessary qualifications for selection are listed in the person specification. The qualities
must be unambiguous, observable, and free of bias. Job or person specifications are
occasionally replaced with competency and competency frameworks; however, these
should still include a description of duties and responsibilities. 

Job advertisements
Job posting is to be transparent and factual about the company and the position advertised.
It ought to contain: A person’s specification, job location, job description, organisation’s
activities, along with its values. Reward and benefits package as well as Flexible working
practices must be stated where and when available, It should be clear of the type of
employment offered i.e., is it a position with a set duration or not? Details on how to apply
for the role and the deadline for sending applications.

Attracting Applicants

Employee referral schemes

The employers should not rely on such schemes at the expense of attracting a diverse
workforce and they should complement other attraction methods. Some businesses run an
employee referral programme. These programmes typically provide incentives for current
workers to help attract friends or contacts.

External recruitment
The employer's website, commercial job boards, recruitment firms, and professional
networking websites like LinkedIn are common methods of luring potential candidates
(although this will vary by sector and seniority). Linking with nearby schools and
institutions, collaborate with the neighbourhood job centre, and the use of local networks
are a few more popular strategies for attracting applicants. The talent pool can be expanded
by using a variety of unconventional outreach techniques. Most candidates anticipate
conducting their job searches and applications online, therefore companies must pay close

attention to both their corporate websites and their online employer brands. Corporate
websites and professional networking are the most successful ways of recruitment.

External recruitment services

Some organisations turn to outside sources for assistance with their hiring and
resourcing management. Among the services that recruitment consultants or agencies
provide to employers includes soliciting candidates, handling candidate replies, screening
and shortlisting candidates, and managing assessment centres. They must be well-versed in
the organization's operations and its requirements.

Internal recruitment
When recruiting, it's crucial to keep in mind the internal talent pool. Giving employees
opportunities for growth and advancement can promote retention and aid with succession

How Amazon attracts Applicants

Managing the Application and The Process of Selection

Applications submitted in writing or online are often accepted in the form of a curriculum
vitae (CV) and cover letter or an application form. Some employers permit applicants to
apply using their LinkedIn profile. There may be times when candidates need to have
reasonable adjustments provided during the application and selection process. For instance,
recruitment procedures might be modified for those with neurodivergent traits in addition
to supporting those with a physical disability.

Application forms
Information may be presented consistently using application forms. This makes it simpler to
gather data from job applicants and evaluate each one's suitability for the position
specifically and objectively.
CVs and LinkedIn profiles
The advantage of CVs or LinkedIn profiles is that candidates are not restricted to a standard
application form. However, CVs and LinkedIn profiles may include surplus material and vary
in format which undermines their consistent assessment. 

Managing applications
All applications must be handled in confidence and distributed exclusively to those
participating in the recruitment process. An application's prompt acknowledgement,
whether it is accepted or rejected, is best practise and enhances the organization's

Selecting candidates
There are two key procedures involved in choosing candidates; generating a shortlist of
people with the abilities needed to move on to the assessment stage. Secondly, evaluating
those applicants to identify the best candidate fit for the position.

Making The Appointment

Employers in the UK are required to verify that candidates are eligible to work in the UK and
possess the necessary credentials before extending a job offer.

References are often requested after an applicant has received a ‘provisional offer.’ Any
reference-use and reference-type expectations should be specified in any recruitment policy
(for example, from former employers). Consistent application of these guidelines is
required, and applicants should constantly be aware of the reference-checking process.

Medical questionnaires and making reasonable adjustments

The job posting or other recruitment materials should make clear any relevant physical or
medical requirements. The Equality Act of 2010 forbids employers in the UK from requesting
applicants to complete a medical questionnaire before to making an employment offer. At
this point, only critical medical matters should be discussed. It is necessary to adhere to the
law's position on disabilities and employment. Additionally, employers should inquire
whether applicants require any adjustments or have certain access needs in order to
participate in a test or interview.

Employment offer
Employment offers must always be made in writing. However, it's crucial to understand that
a verbal offer of employment given during an interview is just as legally enforceable as one
made in writing to the applicant. Employers in the UK must also be aware of the legal
disclosures that must be included in the written statement of employment particulars, or
contracts of employment. Candidates who are unsuccessful should be informed as soon as
possible in writing, and every attempt should be made to provide them feedback. If
psychometric tests are employed, qualified individuals should also provide comments on the

Joining the organisation

It is important to incorporate an effective introduction into the hiring process so that new
candidates may rapidly become fully operational.

Documentation and evaluation
For reasons of confidentiality, the hiring process should be properly documented, with
access restricted to only recruiting professionals. Data protection, GDPR, and the keeping of
HR data all require strict adherence in the workplace. Our data protection factsheet has
further information.

Motivation through engagement
Aside from being happier, healthier, and more contented, employees with high-quality
occupations and competent management are more likely to promote productivity, better
goods or services, and innovation. Employee engagement, is a notion that has risen to the
forefront of management thoughts over the past ten years, is based on this mutual benefits
perspective of motivation and human resource management. The organisation support
Engage for Success, a voluntary UK initiative encouraging employee engagement, as part of
our efforts in this area.

Evidently, feeling involved benefits employees. The majority of definitions of engagement

refer to workers who are more motivated, fulfilled, and in better physical and mental health.
Research has frequently proven that improved performance is correlated with engagement
indicators for organisations. More generally, additional studies demonstrate beneficial
correlations between elements of employee engagement and other company measures,
such as client happiness, productivity, innovation, staff retention, efficiency, and
performance in terms of health and safety.

Motivation: The Concept

The process of motivating staff is a top priority for most large businesses today, It is crucial
for management to foster a supportive environment among staff members and show an
interest in how well they accomplish their duties.

Amazon is of no different it takes pleasure in the motivational strategies it uses to raise and
improve employee’s morale. Working at Amazon is intriguing, especially if you are
motivated by your job and enjoy receiving recognition for your exceptional potential. An
option to purchase shares as a prize and expanded responsibilities are given as rewards for
performance. The business genuinely values its customers, and it works hard to improve the
customer experience in all facets of its business. The following are some of the elements
that influence employee motivation at Amazon: the work environment, growth
opportunities, career advancement, and money. Each of these aspects has a substantial
impact on motivating employees (UK Essays, 2021)

Motivation in the workplace:
In the workplace, motivation is the desire to exert effort toward the goals and objectives of
the firm while also meeting certain personal demands (Olusegun, 2019). The term
"motivation" comes from the word "motive," which refers to a person's inner needs,
desires, or urges. It entails motivating others to reach their objectives. Motivation is the
desire to carry out a task as effectively as possible. Rewards or threats, discipline or
punishment, can all have an impact on this. True motivation, however, comes from within.
Human behaviour is goal-directed, claims Maslow. Motivation leads to behaviour that is
goal-directed. People that are motivated may manage and address their demands with
purpose. Proposed. (ALexandru et al, 2022)

At Amazon, financial reward is a major factor in motivating employees. Amazon recognised

that money itself does not serve as a powerful motivation, particularly once you have
already earned it. (Davies, 2020). The "hope for money" is a tremendous motivation for
workers and it keeps them going. When a worker is aware of the visibility of their future
salary today, such knowledge becomes a motivational tool. Employees are inspired to work
hard and sprint toward that future. Amazon uses a variety of strategies to keep staff
members motivated, including training, career possibilities, and workplace culture.

Purpose of motivation:
Having good motivation policies in place will aid in encouraging employees and may lead to
greater job satisfaction, which may lead to staff being in employment for longer periods of
time. When employees feel inspired, job performance will be good and there is a chance
that they will be more dedicated to their work. In general, unmotivated employees don't do

effectively at work. Some workers are naturally driven, while others need rewards.
Employers can use a variety of tactics to boost employee motivation.

Willingness to Do the Job

Increasing employee motivation might make them more motivated to do the duties
necessary for the job. Once a person has demonstrated that they are willing to perform,
supervisors are less inclined to use coercion to try to persuade them to complete duties. The
tasks, characteristics, and competences of the role must be reflected in the job description.
This makes it easier for managers and employees to comprehend the requirements of the
role before, during, and after assuming it.

Increase Performance
Increasing employee motivation may result in improved job performance. Managers and
administrators must do everything possible to give employees the sense of belonging within
their farm to boost their performance.

Increase Retention
Increased employee retention can be resulted from including the workforce in decision-
making processes for strategic planning in reaching corporate goals. Employee motivation
and willingness to invest in the company will increase as a result of this strategy, which will
enable workers to feel involved throughout the process. It has been shown that elevating
employee motivation and job satisfaction is associated with greater retention rates and
improved worker productivity

Increase Job Satisfaction

Any excellent employee may get demotivated and lose the will to improve performance in a
poor work environment. Increased job satisfaction would be stimulated by employment
incentives including competitive compensation, perks, and programmes like tuition
reimbursement, flexible hours, scheduling, and time off. Since training programmes have
been shown to improve work satisfaction, they should be promoted. Employee motivation
has been demonstrated to rise with increased work satisfaction, which consequently results
in higher job retention rates.

 A rise in productivity
 Enhanced client satisfaction
 Reductions in hiring and selection expenses
 Improved collaboration and teamwork
 Better client service

 Motivational incentives could start to be expected.
 If they don't have the same level of motivation as other employees, it might be
 Non-financial motivation, like job rotation, lacks specialisation and requires a lot of
time to switch between tasks.

Strategies to Maintain Employees Motivation

Set Motivational goals to create meaning

Employees who are included in the goal-setting process are more likely to be engaged than
those who are not, since it gives them purpose in their daily work.
In order to inspire employees, the organisation should:
 Decide what is required of them.
 Assist them in imagining what success in their position would look like.
 Describe how their contribution benefits the company.
It's crucial to establish a link between the aims of your employees and the organization's
ambitions. For instance, how is an employee in the finance department able to live up to the
organization's purpose of "Awesome customer service"?
The idea is to acknowledge that many motivations that each team member has and then
connect those to the overarching objectives of your organisation.

Provide meaningful feedback

Praise is always welcome but becomes far more meaningful when it is linked to concrete
examples. “Great presentation, well done,” is nice, but “Great presentation, your
explanation of how this impacts our customer base will help us improve customer loyalty,”
pinpoints exactly how someone’s contribution benefits the company. Giving specific,
targeted feedback tells your team that you’re paying attention. 
The same goes for providing constructive feedback on areas of improvement: keep this
feedback personalized and actionable.

Empower problem solving and learning 

Make room for your people to address their own problems, while offering assistance and
direction, it's important to let staff members take the initiative and come up with their own
ideas and solutions.
They will be aware of their skills and abilities and viewpoints are considered. Creating an
environment where learning and problem solving are valued entails:
 Listening to your team's suggestions.
 Appreciating their special talents.
 Supporting independent learning.
 Enabling people to accept responsibility for their job.
 Establishing a secure environment where failure is viewed as meaning of learning.

Deliver all promises

Create a culture of trust and reliability that is upheld from the top-down to keep people
motivated. Because you serve as the organization's representative as a manager, be careful
with the commitments you make. These commitments may directly affect employee
engagement. Employees frequently can't tell the difference between promises made by a
management and those made by the business, thus losing faith in one boss might also imply
losing trust in the entire organisation.

Experiment and learn and Improve

There is no magical, one-size-fits-all formula for keeping employees motivated. Maintaining
motivation in your people is an ongoing task filled with opportunities to experiment and
learn what works (and what doesn’t work) for your team. These are just a few approaches
to keep in mind as you look for better ways to keep your employees happy, engaged and

Managers need to come up with innovative approaches to continually keep their staff
members as engaged as possible because Amazon has a reputation for being an intriguing
place to work. Every business needs motivation to increase staff performance and
production. That's because organisations always behave with a high degree of passion and
excitement to see a work through to completion when they view it as necessary and useful
to their continued existence.


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