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The primary objective of exploratory research is to provide

insights into and an understanding of marketing

phenomena. Exploratory research may also be used in
cases where you must define the problem more precisely,
identify relevant courses of action, or gain additional
insights before going on to confirm findings using a
conclusive design.
For example, if a researcher was trying to understand what ‘atmosphere’ meant in a restaurant, exploratory research
may help to establish all the appropriate variables and how they connected together. What role did music play? What
type of music? How loud? What types of furniture? What colours and textures? What types of lighting?

A probability sampling technique in which the sample is chosen by selecting a random starting point and
then picking every ith element in succession from the sampling frame
A non-probability sampling technique that attempts to obtain a sample of convenient elements. The selection
of sampling units is left primarily to the interviewer . Often, respondents are selected because they happen to
be in the right place at the right time.
Use of Descriptive Research
Uses of Exploratory Research
To describe the characteristics of relevant
Formulate a problem or define a problem groups, such as
more consumers, salespeople, organizations, or
precisely market areas.
Profile of the “heavy users”.
Identify alternative courses of action
To estimate the percentage of units in a
Develop hypotheses specified
population exhibiting a certain behavior. 10%
Isolate key variables and relationships for of heavy
further examination users of prestigious department store also visit
Gain insights for developing an approach to store.
problem To determine the perceptions of product
Establish priorities for further research How do households perceive different
elements of a

To determine the degree to which marketing

variables are
associated. Measuring the similarity of two
products of a

To make specific predictions. What will be the

sales of
“Sony PDA Model G31” in Bangladesh?
The model is fit/significant

Which means these 6 variables can only explain 33.1% of the changes in the variable, loyalty.

The rest, meaning 66.9% is unexplained so need to find other variables to explain loyalty
A type of research design involving the collection of information from any
given sample of population elements only once.

Multiple sample of respondents

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