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Ethico-Moral Consideration of Maternal and letting sperm fertilize them in a liquid in a

Child Practice laboratory.

Ethico-Moral– Branch of Philosophy w/c  Embryo transfer
determines right and wrong - Embryo transfer refers to a step in the
 Ethos – comes from Greek work w/c process of assisted reproduction in which
means character/culture embryos are placed into the uterus of a
 Moral – personal/private interpretation female with the intent to establish a
pregnancy. This technique, may be used in
from what is good and bad.
humans or in animals, in which situations
Ethical principles
the goals may vary.
 Autonomy – the right/freedom to decide  Ownership of oocytes or sperm
(the patient has the right to refuse  Surrogate motherhood
despite the explanation of the - practice in which a woman ( surrogate
nurse) Example: surgery, or any mother) bears a child for a couple unable
procedure to produce children in the usual way,
 Nonmaleficence – the duty not to usually because the wife is infertile or
harm/cause harm or inflict harm to otherwise unable to undergo pregnancy.
others (harm maybe physical, financial  Pregnancy termination
or social) - An abortion (termination) is the medical
 Beneficence- for the goodness and process of ending a pregnancy so it does
welfare of the clients not result in the birth of a baby. Depending
 Justice – equality/fairness in terms of on how many weeks you have
resources/personnel been pregnant, the pregnancy can be
 Veracity – the act of truthfulness ended by taking medication or by having a
surgical procedure.
 Fidelity – faithfulness/loyalty to clients
 Stem cell research
Moral Principles:
- is the area of research that studies the
 Golden Rule properties of stem cells and their potential
 The principle of Totality use in medicine. As stem cells are the
 Epikia source of all tissues, understanding their
 One who acts through as agent is properties helps in our understanding of the
herself responsible – (instrument to the healthy and diseased body's development
crime) and homeostasis.
 No one is obliged to betray herself  Resuscitation
 The end does not justify the means - the action or process of reviving someone
 Defects of nature maybe corrected from unconsciousness or apparent death.
 If one is willing to cooperate in the act, Difficulty on maintaining confidentiality of
no justice is done to him records when there are multiple of
 A little more or a little less does not caregivers.
change the substance of an act.
 No one is held to impossible ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES IN
Ethical Issue on Maternal and Child Practice PRENATAL NURSING
Conception Issues • Ethical issues across the child bearing ages
 Invitro fertilization are multiple and complex. Nursing is a
- In vitro fertilization is a process of process that involves judgement and action
fertilization where an egg is combined with with the aim of maintaining, promoting and
sperm outside the body.The process restoring balance in human system. The
involves monitoring and stimulating a need for judgement and action brought
woman's ovulatory process, removing an about the moral questions of right or wrong
ovum or ova from the woman's ovaries and
of duty. The end purpose of nursing is the Conflicts between a mother and fetus
welfare of other human beings. occur when the mother’s needs,
ETHICAL PRINCIPLES AND FRAMEWORKS behavior, or wishes may injure the fetus.
• Ethical principles are a set of rules that can The most obvious instances involve:
be applied to all situations. They provide a • Abortion
framework for helping nurses and others • Assisted reproduction (artificial
evaluate ethical issues. insemination, invitro fertilization and
• Ethical and social issues affecting the embryo transfer, and surrogate
health of pregnant women and their fetus parenthood)
are increasingly complex. Some of the • Selective reduction in multifetal pregnancy
complexity arises from technological • Intrauterine treatment of fetal conditions
advances in reproductive technology, • Substance abuse
maternity care, and neonatal care. Nurses • Refusal to follow the advice of caregivers
are autonomous professionals who are ABORTION
required to provide ethically competent • It has become a hotly debated political
care. issue that separates people into two camps:
Some ethical principles related to patient prochoice and pro-life.
care include:  The pro-choice group supports the right
• Autonomy: The right to self of any woman to make decisions about
determination her reproductive functions based on her
• Respect for others: Principle that all own moral and ethical beliefs.
persons are equally valued  The prolife group feels strongly that
• Beneficence: Obligation to do good abortion is murder and deprives the fetus
• Nonmaleficence: Obligation to do no of the basic right to life.
harm  Abortion is a complex issue, and the
• Justice: Principle of equal treatment of controversy is not only in the public arena:
others or that others be treated fairly many nurses struggle with the conflict
• Fidelity: Faithfulness or obligation to between their personal convictions and
keep promises their professional duty.
• Veracity: Obligation to tell the truth  Nurses need to clarify their personal
• Utility: The greatest good for the values and beliefs on this issue and must
individual or an action that is valued be able to provide non biased care before
Ethical principles that guide ethical action assuming responsibility for clients who
include four primary moral principles: might be in a position to consider abortion.
respect for beneficence, non-maleficence, Their decision to care for or refuse to care
justice, and autonomy, which upholds the rights for such clients affects staff unity,
of individuals and families. A key way for influences staffing decisions, and
nurses to respect autonomy is through support challenges the ethical concept of duty.
of childbearing women, including adolescent  The ANA’s Code of Ethics for Nurses
women. upholds the nurse’s right to refuse to care
Ethical Issues and Challenges in Maternal for a client undergoing an abortion if the
and Child Health Nursing nurse ethically opposes the procedure.
• Maternal and child health issues often  Nurses need to make their values and
involve conflicts in which a woman beliefs known to their managers before the
behaves in a way that may cause harm situation occurs so that alternative staffing
to her fetus or is disapproved of by arrangements can be made.
some or most members of society.
 Open communication and acceptance of Informed consent has four key components:
the personal beliefs of others can promote • Disclosure
a comfortable working environment. • Comprehension
Nurses need to understand abortion laws • Competency
and the conflicting beliefs that divide • Voluntariness
society on this issue. It occurs prior to initiation of the
SUBSTANCE ABUSE procedure or specific care and addresses the
- Substance abuse for any person is a legal and ethical requirement of informing the
problem, but when it involves a pregnant client about the procedure.
woman, substance abuse can cause fetal REFUSAL OF MEDICAL TREATMENT
injury and thus has legal and ethical • Refusal of treatment may occur when the
implications. treatment conflicts with religious or cultural
- In some instances, courts have issued jail beliefs. In these cases, it is important to
sentences to pregnant women who caused educate the client and family about the
harm to their fetuses. Many state laws importance of the recommended treatment
require reporting evidence of prenatal drug without coercing or forcing the client to
exposure, which may lead to charges of agree.
negligence and child endangerment against • Sometimes common ground may be
the pregnant woman. reached between the family’s religious or
- This punitive approach to fetal injury raises cultural beliefs and the health care team’s
ethical and legal questions about the
degree of governmental control that is
• Communication and education are the keys
appropriate in the interests of child safety.
FETAL THERAPY in this situation.
• Fetal therapy is becoming more common • If providing medical treatment may save a
as techniques improve and knowledge child’s life, health care providers and the
grows. judicial system strive to advocate for the
• Although the risks to the fetus and the child.
mother are both great, fetal therapy may • The state has an overriding interest in the
be used to correct anatomic lesions. health and welfare of the child and can
• Some argue that medical technology order that medical treatment proceed
should not interfere with nature, and thus without a signed informed consent. This is
this intervention should not take place. referred to as parens patriae (the state has
Others would argue that the surgical a right and a duty to protect children).
intervention improves the child’s quality of • Parents may refuse treatment if they
life. perceive that their child’s quality of life will
• Nurses play an important supportive role be significantly impaired by the medical
in caring and advocating for clients and care that is offered. If the parents refuse
their families. treatment but the health care team feels the
• As the use of technology grows, situations treatment is reasonable and warranted, the
will surface more frequently that test a case should be referred to the institution’s
nurse’s belief system. ethics committee. If the issue remains
• Encouraging open discussions to unresolved, then the judicial system
address emotional issues and differences becomes involved.
of opinion among staff members is healthy CONFIDENTIALITY
and increases tolerance for differing points • With the establishment of the Health
of view. Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
INFORMED CONSENT (HIPAA) of 1996, the confidentiality of
health care information is now mandated by used as a condition of probation, allowing
law. women accused of child abuse to avoid jail
• In maternal and child health care, terms.
information is shared only with the client, - Some people believe that mandated
legal partner, parents, legal guardians, or contraception is a reasonable way to
individuals as established in writing by the prevent additional births to women who are
considered unsuitable parents and
client or the child’s parents.
decrease government expenses for
• This law promotes the security and privacy dependent children.
of health care and health information for all - Requiring poor women to use contraception
clients. Client information should always be to limit the money spent supporting them is
kept confidential in the context of the state legally and ethically questionable and does
law, as well as the institution’s policies. not address the obligations of the children’s
- Induced ovulation and invitro fertilization - Such practice interferes with a woman’s
sometimes result in multifetal pregnancies. constitutional rights to privacy, reproduction,
If the number of exceeds the woman's
refusal of medical treatment, and freedom
ability to carry them to the point where they
can survive outside the uterus, physician from cruel and unusual punishment. In
may recommend selectively terminating one addition, medication may pose health risks
or more fetuses. to the woman.
- In these situations, the ethical dilemmas are - Access to free or low-cost information on
much the same as they are for abortion. family planning would be more appropriate
Further complicating the issue is that these and ethical.
are long awaited, desired children. FETAL INJURY
INTRAUTERINE TREATMENT OF FETAL • If a mother’s actions cause injury to her
CONDITIONS fetus, the question of whether she should
- Advances in intrauterine diagnosis of fetal be restrained or prosecuted has legal and
malformations have led to new, although ethical implications.
still experimental, development in • In some instances, courts have issued jail
intrauterine fetal surgery aimed at improving sentences to women who have caused or
fetal outcomes. These new treatments
who may cause injury to the fetus. This
raised ethical and legal questions about
response punishes the woman and places
maternal vs fetal rights.
• Who has the right to give consent? her in a situation in which she cannot
• Can a court of law override the mother's further harm the fetus.
wish if she says ''no‘’? • In other cases, women have been forced
- Similar ethical dilemma arises during labor to undergo cesarean births against their
if a mother refuses caesarian section will when physicians have testified that
although it is clearly (in the judgement of such procedure was necessary to prevent
the health care provider) in the best interest injury to the fetus.
MANDATED CONTRACEPTION - Perinatal technology has found ways for
- The availability of contraception that does some previously infertile couples to bear
not require taking a regular oral dose, such children. Many techniques are more
as using a hormone-releasing patch or successful, but ethical concerns include the
having hormone injections, has led to high cost and overall low success of some
speculation about whether certain women infertility treatments.
should be forced to use this method of birth - Other ethical concerns focus on the fate of
control. Requiring contraception has been unused embryos.
• Should they be frozen for later use by menstrual cycle when the woman is most
the woman or someone else or used in likely to conceive.
genetic research? Basal Body Temperature Methods
• What if the parents divorce or die? - Or the temperature of her body at rest
• Who should make these decisions? - To use this method, the woman takes her
- In multiple pregnancies with more fetuses temperature, either orally or with a tympanic
than can be expected to survive intact, thermometer, each morning immediately
reduction surgery may be used to destroy after waking before she rises from bed or
one or more fetuses for the benefit of those undertakes any activity
CONTRACEPTION Cervical Mucus Method
Reproductive Life Planning - Before ovulation each month, the cervical
- It includes all the decisions an individual or mucus is thick and does not stretch when
couple make about whether and when to pulled between thumb and finger. Just
have children, how many children to have, before ovulation, mucus secretion
and how they are spaced increases. On the day of ovulation, it
Natural Family Planning becomes copious, thin, watery, and
- Also called periodic abstinence methods, as transparent.
name implies, methods involve no Two-Day Method
introduction of chemical or foreign material - A woman assesses for vaginal secretions
into the body daily. If she feels secretions for 2 days in a
- Abstinence or refraining from sexual
relations, the most effective way to prevent
STIs. It may be difficult to adhere to
Periodic abstinence
- Periodic abstinence is a method to avoid
pregnancy by avoiding sex on days a
woman may conceive.
Coitus Interruptus
- Coitus interruptus (withdrawal) is one of the
oldest known methods of contraception.
The couple proceeds with coitus until the
moment of ejaculation. Then, the man row, she avoids coitus that day and the day
withdraws and spermatozoa are emitted following as the presence of secretions
outside the vagina. suggests fertility
Postcoital Douching
Symptothermal Method
- Douching following intercourse, no matter
- Combination of cervical mucus and BBT
what solution is used, is ineffective as a
contraceptive measure as sperm may be - 3 days after the rise of temperature
present in cervical mucus as quickly as 90 Standard Days Method: Cycle Beads
seconds after ejaculation, long before - This method is designed for women who
douching could be accomplished. have menstrual cycles between 26 and 32
Calendar (Rhythm) Method days.
- The calendar method requires a couple to - Purchases a circle of beads that helps her
abstain from coitus on the days of a predict fertile days.
- It is a circular rubber disk that is placed over
the cervix before intercourse to
mechanically halt the passage of sperm.
Cervical Caps
- It is made of soft rubber shaped like a
thimble, which fits snugly over the uterine
Hormonal Contraception
- Hormonal contraceptives are, as the name
implies, hormones that when taken orally,
transdermally, intravaginally, or
intramuscularly, cause such fluctuations in
Ovulation Detection a normal menstrual cycle that ovulation or
- Predict ovulation by the use of an over-the- sperm transport does not occur.
counter ovulation detection kit. These kit Oral Contraceptives
detect the midcycle surge of luteinizing - Oral contraceptives, commonly known as
hormone (LH) that can be detected in urine the pill, OCs or COCs, are composed of
12 to 24 hours before ovulation. carrying amounts of natural estrogen or
- 98 to 100% accurate synthetic estrogen combined with a small
- Expensive amount of synthetic progesterone.
Marquette Method - Combination of Oral Contraceptives
- This method combines the use of ovulation - Popular COCs in United States:
detection with other signs of ovulation 1. Monophasic pills – contain fixed
(cervical mucus, BBT, cervix position and doses of both estrogen and progestin
softness) throughout a 21-day cycle
Barrier Methods 2. Biphasic – or preparation that deliver
- Are forms of birth control that place a a constant amount of estrogen
chemical of latex barrier between the cervix throughout the cycle but varying
and advancing sperm so sperm cannot amounts of progestin
reach and fertilize an ovum. 3. Triphasic and tetraphasic
Spermicides preparations – which vary in both
- A spermicide is an agent that causes the estrogen and progestin content
death of spermatozoa before they can enter throughout the cycle
the cervix. Progestin-Only Pills (Mini Pills)
- Spermicides not only actively kill sperm but - Containing only progestins and must be
also chance the vaginal pH to a strong acid taken conscientiously every day. Without
level, a condition not conducive to sperm estrogen, ovulation may occur, but because
survival the progestins have not allowed the
Male and Female Condoms endometrium to develop fully or sperm to
- Male condom is a latex rubber or synthetic freely access the cervix, fertilization and
sheath that is placed over the erect penis implantation will not take place.
before coitus to trap sperm. Estrogen/ Progesterone Transdermal Patch
- Female condoms are sheaths made of latex - Transdermal Contraception refers to
or polyurethane, prelubricated with a patches that slowly but continuously release
a combination of estrogen and
spermicide so, similarly to male condoms,
they offer protection against conception as Subdermal Hormone Implants
well as STIs, including HIV.
- A progestin-filled miniature rod no bigger plugged, blocking the passage of
than a matchstick, estronogestrel implant spermatozoa.
(Nexplanon) can be embedded just under Tubal Ligation
the skin on the inside of the upper arm - Sterilization of women could include
where it will slowly release progestin over 3 removal of the uterus or ovaries
years. (hysterectomy), but it usually refers to a
Intramuscular injections minor surgical procedure, such as tubal
- A single intramuscular injection of depot ligation, where the fallopian tubes are
medroxyprogesterone acetate or DMPA occluded by cautery, crushed, clamped, or
(Depo-Provera), a progesterone given blocked, thereby preventing passage of
every 12 weeks, inhibits ovulation, alters both sperm and ova
the endometrium, and thickens the cervical
mucus so sperm progress is difficult. ADVANCES IN GENETICS AND GENETIC
Intrauterine Devices Genetics
- An intrauterine device (IUD) is a small - Is the study of the way such disorders
plastic device that is inserted into the uterus occur, because genetics constantly
through the vagina. IUDs can be either changing field of study, it is important for
hormonal or nonhormonal. nurses to keep current with new advances
- The device is inserted in a collapsed so they can appreciate how a new
position and then opens to its final shape in discovery will affect a family and a child’s
therapy child
the uterus when the inserter is withdrawn.
- Twenty yrs ago for example most children
The woman may feel a sharp cramp as the
w/ cystic fibrosis (a disorder of lung and
device is passed through the internal pancreatic dysfunction) died in early
cervical os, but she will not feel the IUD childhood. Today w/ good management,
after it is in place. such childhood live into adulthood because
the gene mutation that causes the disorder
has been identified, giving hope for an
eventual cure for this puzzling illness,
including a new view of counseling
New Technologies
- With the completion of the Human Genome
Project in 2003, scientists can now
access—and develop – ever more
sophisticated techniques to identify and
record the genetic contributions to common
complex illnesses
Surgical Methods of Reproductive Life Computational Biology
Planning - Ongoing genome projects are generating
- It is often called “Sterilization” – includes vast amounts of DNA sequence
tubal ligation for women and vasectomy for information, and because of this ever-
men growing influx of data, researches are
Vasectomy increasingly relying on mathematical and
- A small puncture wound (referred to as no- computational techniques to embedded
scalpel technique) is made on scrotum. The meaning into the data outputs
vas deferens on each side are then pulled - Sophisticated mathematical concepts are
forward, cut and tied, cauterized, or used to characterize the principles
underlying biology at genetic, molecular and - Researchers use DNA microarrays to
cellular levels measure the expression levels of large no.
- Computational biology includes the areas of of genes simultaneously
molecular cell biology that are embracing - Detect SNPs or genotype multiple regions
the application of mathematical theory to of a genome, for these tests, a collection of
advance discovery. The Field includes microscopic DNA spots are attached to a
foundations in computer science, applied solid surface, and each DNA spots contains
mathematics, statistics, biochemistry, specific DNA sequences (known probes)
chemistry, biophysics, molecular biology, - Since an array can contain tens of
and genetics, among others thousands of probes, a microarray
Epigenetics (including epigenetic experiment can accomplish many genetic
techniques) tests simultaneously
- A relatively new area of research based on - Therefore, arrays have dramatically
the science of epigenetics is uncovering accelerated many types of investigations
how our environment interacts w/ certain - Microarray technology brings new
genes to switch them on/ off permanently/ knowledge about complex illnesses such as
alter their expression—much like a light- cancer. Specifically, w/ the help of
switch dimmer microarray technology researchers can not
- Epigenetics is the study of changes in gene only classify tumours based on which
activity that do not involve alterations to the organs they reside, but also based on the
genetic code, yet are heritable. These patterns of gene activity in the tumour cells.
patterns of genes expression are governed This knowledge assists in the development
by cellular material—the epigenome – that of new treatments targeted directly to each
overlies the genome specific type of cancer
Genome-Wide Association Studies Whole-Exome Sequencing
- Enable researchers to identify genes - Exome sequencing selectively sequences
involved in human illnesses and thereby the coding regions of the genome and is
test for the association between genetic sometimes used as an alternative to whole
polymorphism ( the recurrence within a genome sequencing
population of two or more discontinuous - Whole-exome sequencing is a cheaper,
genetic variants of a specific trait, such as faster, yet still efficient strategy for reading
blood type) spread evenly over the entire the parts of the genome that researchers
genome. believe are the most important for
- GWAS search the genome for small diagnosing disease
variations, called single nucleotide - It is estimated that most disease-causing
polymorphisms (SNPs) that occur more mutations are found within the regions of
frequently in people with a particular illness the genome that encode proteins.
versus those w/out - Whole-exome sequencing reads only the
- Once new genetic associations are parts of the human genome that encode
identified for a particular illness, proteins (including untranslated regions of
researchers can use the information to RNA)
develop better strategies to detect, treat - Leaving other 99% of the genome unread (
and prevent the disease in effect the technique is akin to a high-level
- Such studies are particularly useful in scan of the genome)
finding genetic variations that contribute to
common, complex illnesses such as
arthritis, cancer, diabetes, heart disease
and psychiatric illnesses
Microarray Technology (DNA

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