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Traffic signal design at intersection is important for the efficiency of the overall network.
SIDRA INTERSECTION is an advanced traffic evaluation tool that employs lane-by-
lane and vehicle cycle models. SIDRA INTERSECTION is a renowned software package
used worldwide for intersection capacity, level of service and performance analysis by
traffic design, operations and planning professionals. Using SIDRA INTERSECTION,
one can evaluate and signalized intersections, roundabouts, two-way stop and give-way
(yield) signal-control, all-way stop sign control, single-point urban interchanges,
signalized midblock crossings for pedestrians, all in one package. Intersections with up to
8 legs, each as a two-way road, one-way approach or one-way exit can be modelled with
ease .

1. To design a fixed time signal plan for 4-leg junction
2. To propose strategies to improve the level of service of the junction

2. Computer

Key in the input and volume of vehicle from each road to 4-leg junction .The SIDRA
INTERSECTION will help to find Optical Cycle Time , Green Time for Phases , Degree
of Saturation , Level of Service of the intersection , 95% Back of Queue , Control Delay
(average) and also Queue Storage ratio.

1. Run the SIDRA INTERSECTION licensed software .
2. Set up 4-leg junction and put the name for each leg (Appendices , Figure 1)
3. Key in the input step-by-step , the input is
Peak flow period : 60 minutes
PFF : 95%
Grade: Level
Basic saturation flow : 1950
Lane width : 3.6m for all approaches and exit lanes
Approach and exit speeds Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman, Jln Bukit Bintang :
80km/hr ; others : 60km/hr
Yellow : 4s
All red time : 1s
Vehicle occupancy : 1.5
Growth rate for all road : 1% per year ; No pedestrian service provided
4. Key in the traffic volume
North East South West
LT Straight RT LT Straight LT Straight RT UT LT Straight
253 713 551 566 1020 1270 684 323 194 351 552

5. Set up the 3 Phase (Appendices , Figure 2)

6. Run the all data and wait for results
7. Record the results .

Signals – Fixed Time Isolated
Cycle time = 150 seconds(Optimum Cycle Time – Minimum Delay)
Phase Timing Results (Appendices , Figure 2)
Phase A B C
Reference Phase Yes No No
Phase Change Time (sec) 0 41 108
Green Time (sec) 36 62 37
Yellow Time (sec) 4 4 4
All – Red Time (sec) 1 1 1
Phase Time (sec) 41 67 42
Phase Split 27% 45% 28%

Degree of saturation : 1.250

Level of Service of the intersection : LOS F
95% Back of Queue- Vehicles (Worst Lane) : 242.3 veh
95% Back of Queue- Distance (Worst Lane) : 1696.1m
Control Delay (Total) : 582.90 veh-h/h
Control Delay (Average) : 324.0 sec
Control Delay (Worst Lane) :543.3 sec
Control Delay (Worst Movement) : 544.1 sec
Queue Storage Ratio (Worst Lane) : 2.08
Movement summary

Movement Performance - Vehicles

Mov OD Demand Deg. Average Level 95% Black of Prop. Effective Average
Flows Satn Delay Of Queue Queued Stop Rate Speed
ID MOV Total HV v/c sec Service Vehicles Distance Per veh Km/h
veh/h % veh m
South : Dang Wangi
1 L2 1270 0.0 1.232 500.8 LOS F 242.3 1696.1 1.00 2.08 6.5
2 T1 684 0.0 1.232 494.7 LOS F 242.3 1696.1 1.00 2.59 6.6
3 R2 323 0.0 1.250 542.9 LOS F 129.7 908.0 1.00 1.95 6.1
3u U 194 0.0 1.250 544.1 LOS F 129.7 908.0 1.00 1.95 6.0
Approach 2471 0.0 1.250 508.0 LOS F 242.3 1696.1 1.00 2.20 6.4
East : Bukit Bintang
4 L2 566 0.0 1.250 543.1 LOS F 141.5 990.3 1.00 1.74 6.2
5 T1 1020 0.0 1.073 230.1 LOS F 77.2 540.1 1.00 1.67 13.4
Approach 1586 0.0 1.250 341.8 LOS F 141.5 990.3 1.00 1.69 9.5
North : KLCC
7 L2 566 0.0 0.325 37.1 LOS D 12.3 86.3 0.72 0.78 36.7
8 T1 713 0.0 0.396 32.2 LOS C 16.3 114.4 0.74 0.64 39.4
9 R2 551 0.0 1.184 424.9 LOS F 118.8 831.8 1.00 1.87 7.6
Approach 1517 0.0 1.184 175.7 LOS F 118.8 831.8 0.83 1.11 15.5
West : Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman
10 L2 351 0.0 0.349 18.1 LOS B 10.9 76.2 0.50 0.75 55.0
11 T1 552 0.0 0.387 51.1 LOS D 11.2 78.6 0.89 0.73 38.0
Approach 903 0.0 0.387 38.3 LOS D 11.2 78.6 0.74 0.74 43.2
All Vehicles 6477 0.0 1.250 324.0 LOS F 242.3 1696.1 0.92 1.62 9.7
SIDRA INTERSECTION is a software use to make the traffic signal design ,
it also can use to find the Level of Service (LOS), degree of saturation , optimal cycle
time and others of the intersection . Degree of saturation is meaning the ratio of the lane
flow to criterion lane flow , therefore degree of saturation also can use to measure the
congestion level of the intersection . If the degree of saturation is > 1 , means the user of
the lane is more than criterion value, so the lane is squeeze and may have traffic jam .
Beside that is degree of saturation is < 1 , mean less lane user , so the lane will smooth .
From the results degree of saturation for the intersection is 1.250 , this means the lane
flow in 25% more than criterion lane flow . This is high degree of saturation for the
intersection , the traffic jam will occur in the intersection , the vehicles cannot move
smoothly at the intersection . If want the lane flow smoothly , the degree of saturation
need to reduce until below than 1 .

Level Of Service can be divide to 6 type that is LOS A – LOS F , LOS A is

the most smooth and LOS F is most squeeze . Refer to the SIDRA Intersection User
Guideline Version 1.0 , the LOS is depend to the congestion level of intersection . Table
8 (appendices) is minimum acceptable assessment LOS for each lane of Urban Roads and
for Rural roads is using table 9 (appendices). The highest LOS as identified in Table 8
and Table 9 is minimum acceptable service target level for overall intersection . Beside
that , Table 10 (appendices) show the delay criteria for each LOS for vehicles and Table
11 (appendices) for pedestrians .

From the results , the degree of saturation is 1.25 and it is LOS F , therefore
some countermeasure strategies must do to improve the LOS of the junction . The 1 st
suggestion is build a roundabout to replace the 4-legged junction , Roundabout can
reduce the delays , this will make the traffic can flows smoothly compared to 4-legged
junction because roundabout can allow more vehicles move at same times . The another
suggestion is make the lane wide , width lane can make more vehicle on the road at same
times , therefore if possible change to width lane to allow more vehicle move on the
road . Beside that the other suggestion is build more public transport like LRT , KTM and
train . Main problem for this problem is too many vehicles in the road , because driver
has no other to reach their destination except drive car , that why the road has so many
vehicles . So if more public transport is build , car is not only the way for driver , they
can choose convenience way to reach their destination , and this will reduce the volume
of vehicles . Beside that car pool also is the best way to reduce vehicles .
In the conclusion , the saturation degree of the intersection is 1.250 and it is
LOS F , the cycle is 150 seconds . To improve the level of services roundabout is suggest
to build , and change the lane to width lane , another suggestion is car pool and build
more public transport to reduce the volume of car on road .
1. AKÇELIK, R. (1989). On the estimation of lane flows for intersection analysis.
Australian Road Research 19 (1), pp. 51-57.

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