STS Preliminary Examinations

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STI College Cubao

Tertiary Level
General Education Department

GEDC 1013: Science, Technology, & Society

Second Term, SY 2022-2023
Preliminary Examinations

General Instructions
This is the preliminary examination in the Science, Technology, & Society course. You are given
exactly one (1) week to submit the output to the instructor via the Outlook Email in PDF form. For
those with full-time or part-time jobs, there will be greater consideration provided on the
submission of the outputs vis-à-vis the flexibility in the extension of deadlines. To reiterate,
plagiarism as the highest form of academic dishonesty remains strictly prohibited in the institution
due to the need to maintain academic excellence and intellectual credibility and integrity. As much
as possible, express your thoughts and ideas using your own words but there should be in-text
citations and provided in the output for credibility and integrity. Likewise, observe proper
punctuation, capitalization, grammar, and syntax in answering the questions which can enhance
your skills and knowledge in academic scholarship. Moreover, indicate the references used in the
examination at the end of the output.

As the take-home written examinations are given by the instructor before the standard periodic
examinations, students are expected to study in advance the lessons and topics that can be
covered in the examinations. As an open-notes examination, students can use different learning
resources and consult with their classmates to brainstorm and exchange thoughts and ideas. As
such, there is no reason for students to commit any form of plagiarism or copy answers from their
classmates. Please also take note that in-text citations and references are required since this is
a comprehensive examination which necessitates the use of facts and evidence to support claims
and justifications. If there are salient needs and concerns from the students, the instructor is willing
to accept queries and clarifications throughout the duration of the examinations.

In the preliminary examinations, there is one (1) required question which all students should
answer comprehensively and three (3) supplemental questions which must be chosen from the
pool of supplemental questions. Unlike typical comprehensive examinations in the graduate level
where the inability to correctly answer the required question results into the automatic failure in
the whole examination, this written examination treats all questions answered on the same level.
Students need to indicate the item numbers of the supplemental questions selected from the list
supplied in the questionnaire. To be clear, there is no prescribed word or sentence limit in each
response as long as the questions have been comprehensively answered by the student.
Nevertheless, it is highly recommended that the essay write-up for each question be partitioned
into the introduction, body, and conclusion sections to generate comprehensive and coherent
responses. As such, the compartmentalization of answers into different sections allows students
to organize their ideas and structure the flow of discussion in elaborating responses. Likewise,
the use of in-text citations and references has been underscored in answering exam questions to
make the responses more coherent and nuanced in compliance with optimal academic standards.

Each question is worth 25 points which implies that the total number of points in the examination
is 100 points. The criteria for assessing and evaluating the answers of students constitute content
(30%), form (30%), and substance (40%). In the formulation of responses, students are expected
to incorporate reason and evidence in generating nuanced and comprehensive answers in the
examinations through incorporating references and in-text citations. To this end, providing specific
examples and concrete applications on the theories and concepts identified can fully elaborate
the responses provided by students in the preliminary examinations.

For the format of the take-home written examinations, there are specific guidelines to be followed
by students. The format specifications are as follows.

Font: Times New Roman

Font Size: 12
Spacing: Double Spaced
Margins: 1”
Alignment: Justified
Paper Size: Letter (8.5” x 11”)
File Format: Portable Document File
Referencing and Citation Format: American Psychological Association 7th Edition

Indicate your name and section at the first page of your output. Further, indicate the page number
at the bottom right of every page in the examinations.

Required Question
What is the relevance of understanding and exploring the applications of science and technology
in the contemporary era?

Supplemental Questions
1. How does the fusion of theory and practice become integral in scrutinizing relevant issues
and problems associated with science and technology?
2. How do multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary, and transdisciplinary approaches differ in the
study of the Science, Technology, & Society course?
3. What is the importance of examining the evolution and development of technology and
science across the ancient, medieval, modern, and contemporary periods?
4. How does the scientific revolution influence the modernization in the society?
5. How does the instruction and learning of the Science, Technology, and Society course in
the Philippine context has been appreciated and recognized by the Filipino youth?
6. What is the essential role of historical analysis in elaborating the scientific innovations and
technological advancements in human civilization?
7. What is the significance of establishing the different ontological, epistemological, and
methodological frameworks used in assessing and evaluating the convergence of science,
technology, and society?
8. How does conducting rigorous and extensive research using the scientific method become
integral in the growth and development of technology and science in the present?
9. How does the paradigm shift from revelation to reason influence the development and
transformation of science and technology?


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