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1. What are the two types of research data?

a) Organized and unorganized data
b) Qualitative and Quantitative data
c) Processed and unprocessed data
d) None of the above
2. The word “data” is originated from the latin word:
a) Detum
b) Datum
c) Datam
d) Detem
3. The data which are collected from the place of origin is known as:
a) Primary data
b) Secondary data
c) Primary & Secondary
d) None of these
4. Which of the following is an example of primary data?
a) Book
b) Journal
c) News Paper
d) Census Report
5. Which of the following is an example of secondary data?
a) RBI Bulletin
b) Government Publication
c) Committees and Commissions
d) All of the above
6. The data of research is:
a) Qualitative
b) Quantitative
c) Both Qualitative and Quantitative
d) None of the above
7. Which of the following statements are true about the data in research?
a) In research the data can be qualitative
b) In research the data can be quantitative
c) In research the data can be both qualitative & quantitative
d) In research the data can be quantitative but never qualitative
8. Which of the following is true about secondary data?
a) Secondary data must be suitable.
b) Secondary data must be reliable.
c) Secondary data must be adequate.
d) All of the above.
9. Which of the following is a method of collecting primary data?
a) Observation method
b) Interview method
c) Questionnaires and schedule method
d) All of the above
10. A schedule is generally filled up by:
a) Researcher
b) Informants
c) Government
d) Educational institutions
11.Structured observation is appropriate in case of:
a) Analytical studies
b) Descriptive studies
c) Fundamental studies
d) Experimental studies
12. The data which are collected through Internet is called:
a) Internal secondary data
b) External secondary data
c) Documentary sources
d) None of the above
13. Selection of appropriate method of data collection is based on:
a) Nature, object and scope of study
b) Availability of funds
c) Time Factor
d) All of the above
14. Pantry audits is used to:
a) Estimate the annual sale of goods.
b) Estimate consumption of various goods by consumer.
c) Estimate the wastage of goods.
d) Estimate the average collection from sales.
15. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is
followed by:
a) Statement of Objectives
b) Analysis of Data
c) Selection of Research Tools
d) Collection of Data
16. The search for answers to research questions is called collection of:
a) Data
b) Information
c) Forms
d) Schedules
17. What is the meaning of cluster sampling?
a. It is a process where the sampling universe is divided into multiple groups
b. It is a process where the samples for a study is obtained through conscious
c. It is a process where the samples for a study are selected at regular intervals
d. It is a process through which the sample for a study is divided into multiple groups
18. Which of the following situations is suitable for direct personal
a. It is suitable when the field of investigation is large and complex
b. It is suitable when the information to be collected is complex and confidential
c. It is suitable when the researcher needs second-hand data for their research
d. It is suitable when direct contact with the interviewees is not possible
19. Which of the following is a drawback of the direct personal investigation?
a. This method of investigation lacks reliability
b. It is an extremely costly and time-consuming process
c. The questions asked under this method can be subject to misinterpretation
d. It is difficult to get original data using the direct personal investigation method
20. Which of the following situations is suitable for an indirect oral
a. This method is suitable when the field of investigation is large
b. This method is used when the informants are not capable of providing information
to the investigator
c. The indirect oral investigation method is suitable when it is not possible to talk to
the respondents directly
d. All of the above
21. Which of the following statements is true about the collection of data?
a. The problem of doubtful confusion arises in the case of an indirect oral
b. The problem of doubtful confusion takes place when the information is accessed
through correspondents
c. The problem of doubtful confusion occurs when the researcher obtains data
through mailed questionnaires
d. The problem of doubtful confusion happens in the case of direct personal
22. Which of the following is the main point of difference between primary data
and secondary data?
a. The collection of secondary data is costlier and more time consuming when
compared to primary data
b. The secondary data is always original whereas the primary data is not
c. The primary data is much more reliable than secondary data because it is collected
directly from
d. None of the above
23. Which of these statements is true for collecting information from a third
a. The indirect oral investigation is used to collect data from the third parties
b. The mailed questionnaire method is apt for gathering information from third
c. Third parties prefer direct personal interviews to provide data to the researcher
d. All of the above
24. The main feature of secondary source of data is that _________.
a. It provides first-hand information to the researcher
b. It is more reliable compared to primary data
c. It implies that the data is collected from its original source
d. It involves collecting data from existing sources that had gathered primary data
beforehand for their research purpose
25. Which of the following statements is true about the census?
a. The census involves a process of choosing a few units out of the entire population
for collecting data
b. The census involves a process of organising and publishing the data
c. The census involves a process of collecting data from each and every unit
d. None of the above

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