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HEPI Program Forum & New Affiliate Workshops

Jakarta, Indonesia

About the Higher Education Partnership Initiative (HEPI): In partnership with Arizona State University
through HEPI, USAID strengthens partnerships between U.S. and Indonesian institutions to improve
science, technology, engineering, and mathematics programs of study in select Indonesian higher education
institutions (HEIs) to meet international standards and industry demand. HEPI supports Indonesian HEIs
through a consortium of university, government, and industry partners working to improve industry-
relevant curriculum, meet international accreditation standards, and increase course credit recognition
between U.S. and Indonesian universities.

By early 2027, USAID through HEPI seeks to increase the number of fresh university graduates who are
able to secure good-paying jobs upon graduation. This will be achieved by increasing the number of
Indonesian universities teaching curricula that meet industry-based certification requirements and by
increasing the number of Indonesian science, technology, engineering, and math programs meeting U.S.
quality accreditation standards. These gains will make Indonesian course credits more transferable to U.S.
and other international universities.
About the Affiliate University Forum: Over the course of the HEPI project, experts from academia,
government and industry will come together and explore topics of interest to our Affiliate Universities.
These topics include leveraging industry partnership to improve curricular standards, faculty development
in the domain of 21st Century Skills, accreditation and international recognition, as well as academic
readiness workshops for students interested in studying in the United States.
Suggested Attendees: Affiliate University Leadership/Academic Leaders/Program Faculty Leads
interested in continued improvement in higher education.

HEPI Affiliate University Forum

Date: July 12th - July 13th, 2023
Venue: Puri Ratna Ballroom, Grand Sahid Jaya Hotel, Jakarta


8:00 – 8:30 am Arrival at physical site and networking/Registration and Sign-in

8:30 – 8:45 am Welcome Message & Forum Introduction

Jeffery Cohen, USAID Mission Director
Professor Nizam, Director General, Director General of Higher Education,
Research and Technology
Dr. Abdul Rahman Country Director, Arizona State University, HEPI Project

8:45 – 9:15 am Your HEPI Opportunity: A Call to Action

An introduction to HEPI: Program, Purpose, Motivation, Expectations.
Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU
9:15 – 9:30 am Tea Break

9:30– 11:00 am Workshop I: “What is an Affiliate University?” Roles, Expectations,

Criteria, and Resources for HEPI academic partners.
Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU

11:00– 12:00 pm University Partnership Panel

Moderated Q&A with American and Indonesian Higher Education Institutions.
Topics include best practices for leveraging potential partnerships for Pathways
to a US education.
Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU
Dr. Jeffrey Simpson – Assistant Dean of Global Programs, Oklahoma State
Yully Purwono –Business Development Director, Thunderbird School of
Global Management
Brook Williams Ross - Director Business & Education Partnership, Asia
University of Rhode Island
ITB Representative
BINUS Representative
UNHAS Representative

12:00 – 1:30pm Lunch/Prayer

1:30 – 2:15pm Workshop 2: “Building a Comprehensive Partnership Agreement”

What does it mean to partner with an American university? How do you identify
initial goals for partnership? This workshop addresses first steps for establishing
productive and sustaining partnerships with American HEIs.
Brook Williams Ross - Director Business & Education Partnership, Asia
University of Rhode Island

2:15 – 3:00pm Launch Pad & Earned Admissions (ULC)

The HEPI Launchpad is an Indonesian student’s one-stop shop for exploring
educational opportunities in the United States. Each Launchpad is housed in a
HEPI partner’s institution allowing for customization to ensure their students
get the experience they need to excel globally.
Thomas Becskehazy – Assistant Chief Representative, HEPI Jakarta

3:00 – 3:15 pm Tea Break

3:15 – 3:45pm USINDO

Overview of USINDO GRASP (Graduate School Application Preparation
programs including Mini Intensive Course on Critical Thinking & Digital
Literacy (CTDL) Skills for undergraduate students at HEPI affiliate universities
and U.S. Graduate School Series (Interactive Zoom Sessions).
Ajanti, Country Representative, USINDO (U.S.-Indonesia Society)
3:45 – 4:15pm LPDP Funding Opportunities & Experiences
Participants explore and engage with LPDP personnel and learn about funding
options for affiliate university students studying in the US, as well as hear about
success stories from colleagues who have advanced their career by studying in
the United States.
Dr. Dwi Larso, Director of Scholarships LPDP
Testimonial Speaker 1
Testimonial Speaker 2

4:15 – 4:30pm Closing – Day 1

Brief summary of today’s sessions and announcement for Day 2


8:00 – 8:30am Registration and Sign-in

8:30 – 8:45am Day 1 Recap and Opening Remarks

Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU
Dr. Abdul Rahman Country Director, Arizona State University, HEPI Project

8:45 – 10:00am Industry Partnership Panel

A moderated discussion of the integration of industry partners with the goals of
the HEPI Project. Q&A allows for the interaction between forum members and
panel representatives.
Moderator: Jeff Goss
Zaid Alami – Country Director, Boeing Indonesia
Adi Darmadi – Country Director, Rockwell Automation Indonesia
Adri Gautama – Country Manager, Cisco Indonesia
Rob Smith – Director of Higher Education and e-Research, Microsoft
Nurul Zein – Country Director, Oracle Academy Indonesia

10:00 – 10:15am Break/University of Rhode Island Showcase

10:15– 11:30am Industry Partner Showcase - Speed Dating Sessions

Attendees participate in multiple 10-minute informational and partnership
sessions with representatives from HEPI industry partners. {describe}
Zaid Alami – Country Director, Boeing Indonesia
Adi Darmadi – Country Director, Rockwell Automation Indonesia
Adri Gautama – Country Manager, Cisco Indonesia
Rob Smith – Director of Higher Education and e-Research, Microsoft
Nurul Zein – Country Director, Oracle Academy Indonesia

11:30 – 1:00pm LUNCH

1:00 – 2:15pm The Affiliate University Commitment Framework Workshop
Participants engage in the creation of a roadmap document allowing them to
plan out their involvement with HEPI.
Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU

2:15 – 2:30pm Closing Remarks and a Call to Action

Brief summary of the value of HEPI, the resources available to affiliates and a
Review of Day 2 programming.
Dr. Kathy Wigal – Director of Global Operations, GOEE, ASU,
Dr. Abdul Rahman Country Director, Arizona State University, HEPI Project

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