Module 1 BEE P1

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Basic Electrical Engineering Module 1 DC Circuits Part 1 Course Co-ordinator - Mr. S. S. Medhekar (M. Tech. Power Systems ) Assistance Professor Electrical Department WCE, Sangli tourse contents [| According to Sy tlobus) Revicw of RL C Cirtait elements, Kvl Ond kcL Stor Delta tonyer$ion, voltage and Curcent Source Theyenin, Nocton, Superposition ond Mosimum powsr transfer theorem Concept of (Werent ond Yoltoge charge r— Positive —_ Negalive tgulomb ) unit of charge Fundomentol chorge > C= -I-604 ¥ 10" low of conServation of charge Charge can neither be created nor be destroyed it can only be transferred. So the algebraic some of charge in a system does not change. Matter is made up of atomic particles and charge is an electrical property of that atomic particles. Charge can be separated or moved. When charges are set in motion it creates an electric fluid known as current. And we know that the unique feature of charges is that it can be transferred from one place to other and which indeed is responsible for conversion of energy from one form to other. I Ceurcent) © oO Coe <—e) Ie ‘ Symbolic tepreSentotion oF " Botkery or Oc voltage Source The rate of flow of charge is known as electric current. ict i. 99. d dt dt rake of chong, wert. time (q) Us turtent , fim pect (Al qs thorge, coulomb [c] t= kime, Second (5) So we can say that to have 1 Ampere of current we need to flow 1 Coulomb of charge in one second. whot will be noture oF it flow le dg dt iF we inte qrole an both Side ue. t time, we qe idt - [99 dt ‘dt idt- { dq qe i dt l l 1 cout F,(4) { \ Oo 4, ty t 0 t, fig a Fig b + Fs (t] fe voltoge We know that charges can be separated from each other and when they are separated energy is expanded. Voltage is nothing but the energy per unit charge created by the separation of charges. So we can say that the voltage or the potential difference between two points say a & b is the energy or work required to move a unit charge from a to b Yop du. dy dq dq rote of chonge weet. charge Ws ener in joules (T) gs charge in Voulomb Ce) Vop | v= volkage in volts [v) Symbolic repreSentolion o—|I Terminal a 15 positive Terminal b is neqalive It would be more accurate to say that terminal a is at higher potential with respect to terminal b or Terminal b is a at lower potential with respect to terminal a. Thus whenever we say voltage or potential difference at a point, it is always with respect to some other point. a b o——_ |—{ 0 lov Vop > polentiol of a wet. b Yop: Now. Yoo Polentiol of bwsrta = Ys ex oj + whol will be Vab ond ¥y, - Rov Q $= b a ts b o——| |_» o——_| |» ory aot Potentiol drop Potential fiSe we'll toke Pokentiol drop os -ve ond palenti| Se of tve tx Qa b lov 3By tv Yob Power and Energy Power is rate of change of energy with respect to time. We can also say that power is the time rate at which energy is delivered or energy is absorbed. dw dt ps powrr in watt [w) Ws energy in Toule (J) ts time in Stcond [5] twolt = 1 Joule | 1 Sec # # If one joule of energy is delivered or absorbed in one second it means that one watt of power is delivered or absorbed now, if we multiply ond divide p by 4g, p dw. dg. dw da = vi dt dy dq dt So we can say that the power delivered or absorbed by any element is the product of the voltage across that element (with proper polarity) and the current through the element (with proper direction). Power obsorbsd by on element if Foken tve Power Delivered by Gn element is taken - Ve Passive Sign tonventian According to passive sign convention if current enters through the positive terminal or if the current leaves through the negative terminal of the voltage across that element, then that element is absorbing power. a: i i t > Poy pe tvi According to passive sign convention if current enters through the negative terminal or if the current leaves through the positive terminal of the voltage across that element, then that element is delivering power. ° pe Yt For any system law of conservation of energy cannot be violated so as in electric circuit for any instant of time the algebraic some of power in that circuit must be zero or we can also say that whatever power is delivered by some elements same amount of power is absorbed by some other elements. Upea Pe Pobsorbed Py divered 4 =O Pobsorbed Uelivered Now. integuole on both Side wel. t dt - { dw q fp pe wf pdt = f vide Tn clectricol terms , Energy is measured in Wott-hi also, twh=+ 3600 joules Types of elements in Circuit Power delivery —> Active elements Power tonSumption PaSSive elements R,L ond ( re passive elements Botleries ond Generators are active elements Bosic Low's ossocioted with Flectric circuits Ohm's low Materials have a characteristic behaviour to resist the flow of charge so the term “Resistance” can be defined as the physical property of any material to resist the current. ,—L —4J a: SL Qs j (ross Sechonol Greg QR. resistance, ohm (a) P= reSis tivil ,ohm-m Ls Tength af moferial , m A cross Sechionol area of material, mé R Symbolic repeeSentokion ayy, The relationship of voltage and current for a resistor is governed by ohms law. It states that the voltage across the resistor is directly proportional to current through register. a +R 4 ov ——_» t Vohe ~ Vd jf ohm's low ve tk The constont of proportionality for a ie5iStor iS — reSis tance As Vv or Lohm = !valt l lomp As stated earlier resistance will oppose the flow of current. So during this apposition some of the power will be lost across the resistor in the form of heat. a +R 4 power l0$$ in A= ps vi ps Vi power 15 (onSumed | obsorbed also, ps vis (RJ is ER = v? tanductone (G] = 1 a Conductance is the ability of material to conduct electric current. G2 t | units mho (vu) | Siemens Vv i> Gy 2 tL v'G G alsa, prvi open tiruil ond Shock Circuit Ideally resistance value may vary from 0 to infinity. But practically zero and infinite value of resistance are not possible but hypothetically we may consider zero value of resistance and an infinite value of resistance. when Ro if is Short Circuit Condition when R: © it is Open Circuit condition far open Getu:l Condition, vy ik Y:10 +0 v2 0 for §-¢ Condition Whol will be t for 5-¢ Cond: tion 2 Ope tb tonditio Vv uR Or i. v= 0 R (:0 or ac Condition ho : ‘ SC ton R; VT. sR, be tuccent through &, 7 O:Fferent teem: nologies osSociat-d with tlockric Circuits Network is an interconnection of elements or devices where circuit is a network with one or more closed paths. Different elements of Network | Branch», a | Vv R, R, f : d ib is 0 Single slement of a cirtul | metusork ). Node Q vi b c v R, R, f ; d it if a Mode 4s 0 paint of tonneclion bel'n 2 or more branches. 3. Loop | Mesh vu b A Loop is any closed path in a circuit such that the starting point and the ending point is the same node. Whereas a Mesh is also a closed path which does not have any further closed path in it. Bem + nN-1 Kirchoff's (urrent Low (Ke1) Kirchoffs Current law is based upon law of conservation of charge and it states that the algebraic sum of currents a particular node is zero. m+ no of cturrents tolering | leoving the node Im —mt9 cyreent entering | leaving the node # Wreeat taberia the nods is taken os positive nd current leqving She Node is token 05 asgative according $0 Kel, Summoalion of turcent of Node a is gual fo 0 I+ T,-1,+1,-T + I,+ 0 also, Tt T+ tt T- T+ dy So according to KCL we can also say that at a particular node the summation of current entering that node is equal to current leaving that node. Kirchoff's valtoge low [kv1} Kirchhoff voltage law is based upon principle of energy conservation and it states that the algebraic sum of all the voltages in a closed path is zero. m= no of Pobentiol drop or tise in o loop Vat mt* Polenliol drop Gr {ise ino loop fox tromple, Vy. %y, Yy Ore potential rise dnd _¥% ond Vy Ore polential drop in o loop then, Vb OV, t Vy - Vy - Vs +0 Vt ¥, + Vy os V,+ V5 So we can also says that according to KVL, in a particular loop, sum of potential rise is equal to sum of potential drop. V3 Vy i if vy Ys Vy x nM We J fey s vo V, TT —T_ Ve T_20V ReSiskonte jn Serits and voltoge division R, R, I pws 7 Vv _ Vv, v, Reg Rt R olso, ys | fo \ vy rp Er yy R +R, | | Real ' 4 ond v= {Re} vey & fy Var, | ‘Rig . To Genecaliz. feSistor in Series we Can So thot iF resistors Ore in Series, then Reg Roe Rb bk R, I Ren a © tule y, Rn , Vv Ve volkoqe accross Reg ivision | ree I Ond TR Kel to f Q, Rs Where Ry Vv Tig: T+ T,:17

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