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Celebrate a party for Tet holiday in classroom
When: Recently just 4 5 months ago.
Who: Every member of class together engaged in celebrating the party.
having 3 groups: preparing foods team, entertaining team, team responsible for
decorating. Chỗ team, party này em sợ bị lặp từ ạ ☹
How long: Took 3 days to organize and complete party. Break up late at 9 p.m
Why did it together:
- Enhance the productivity
- Boost sense of community, connection and foster bond among all
members in class
Harvest after party:
- Hold Successfully: Party: festive, vibrant with decorations, music and
- Enjoy & cherish the products released Em diễn đạt ở đây cứ bị kì kì ạ
- A sense of excitement in the atmosphere as we hold together
- In cheerful mood, laughing and had a memorable time to recharge
battery, blow off some steam after a busy year
1. How do you get along with your neighbors?
- give gifts, presents on special occasions: Christmas, Tet holiday or
when we come back from holiday travelling
- celebrate some meetings for households in neighborhood
- offer help: babysiting when their parents are not at home, go out of my
way to assist them
- avoid create noise, disturbance: turn up music too loud
2. How do neighbors help each other?
- babysiting when parents aren’t at home
- bring over home-cooked meal
- give them valuable advices to help them solve problems
3. Do you think neighbors help each other more often in the countryside than in
the city?
I think citizens less care for their neighbors than rural people
- have less social interaction -> many less open to meeting others
- em chưa nghĩ ra ☹
4. How do children learn to cooperate with each other?
- build a strong friendship, enlarge social circle
- engage in clubs, extra-curriculum
- support each others to complete homeworks teachers give
5. Do you think parents should teach children how to cooperate with others?
Should instruct minors from an early age
- raise awareness about the significance of collaboration
- give housework, household chores for siblings to support each other
- allow children watch animated movies relating to friendship, how
cooperate help characters in films overcome difficulties: frozen, teen
titans go, big hero 6.
6. Do you think it's important for children to learn about cooperation?
Collaboration brings several benefits
- foster sense of community
- Increase the productivity
- Chance to learn sth new from others
- Build trust, confidence


What it is: skincare routine

Where and when you do it:
- before bedtime at night, I set aside nearly 30 minutes to do skincare
- reached puberty + run deadline, more oily skin, appear acne on the face
seeing those spots of acne break out really freaked me out.
-> my friends recommended me to follow skincare series of Jen Im a
KOL on Youtube
-> I’ve been following for 3 years.
- A regular skincare routine is said to include about 11 steps … nhưng do e
bận và cant afford to buy high-end skincare products nên chỉ thực hiện 3
bước cơ bản là cleansing, applying toner and moisture cream.
- Besides, do exercise, concentrate on daily diet
And explain why you enjoy it
- I have to admit that the effective impact of this rountine for my skin and
my health.
- Feel comfortable, blow off some steam after a busy day
- Help me stay in shape, maintain a perfect balance between physical and
mental health -> build my confidence, self-esteem
Conclude: Everyone regardless of gender, age and background should focus
on appearance

a. Should children have learning routines?
-> bring countless merits to minors’ development:
- manage time effectively -> study and work more producitvely
- build healthy habits
- train them to be a disciplined person, follow rules, regulations and laws of
- boost consistency, patience, perseverance

b. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

- more convenient for teachers and instructers manage classroom
- keep students on track -> reduce classroom distractions
- help children develop punctuality, be more organized, instil time
management skills
- em chưa nghĩ ra ☹

c. Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

Secure/ protected/ defended
- They are alerted on their schedule and know what they have to do
- em chưa nghĩ ra ☹

d. How do people's routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

- students, busy ppl: people tend to delay their rountines to sleep in, hang
out with friends,… to let their hair down
- em bí

e. What daily routines do people have at home?

- do personal hygiene: wash face, brush teeth
- do exercise in the morning and after work and school
- prepare meals for families

f. What are the differences between people's daily routines now and in the
last 15 years?
has had drastic changes because of the hustle and bustle lifestyle
- stay up late and wake up late to complete their task: a large amount of
work and homework
- less have meals with families, just grab sth to fill up their empty

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