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1. tp Rex (9803 11-129, ‘The Pittsburgh Sleep Diary TIMOTHY H. MONK, CHARLES F, REYNOLDS III, DAVID J KUPFER, DANIEL J. BUYSSE, PATRICIA A. COBLE, AMY J HAYES, MARY ANN MACHEN, SUSAN R. PETRIE and ANGELA M RITENOUR ‘Sep and Conobiony Center, Wve Prytinc Inte and Cn, Unter af Pb Sol of Mel, PA, USA. Accepted evel frm 12 December 9 sted 6 Septem 193, SUMMARY Increasingly, there is need in both research and clinical practice to document and «quantity sleep and waking behaviors in a comprehensive manner. The Pitsburg Sleep Diary (PehSD) isan instrument with separate components o be completed st bedtime and waketime. Bedtime components relate to the evens of the day preceding the sleep, waketime components to the slp period just completed ‘Tworweek PuhSD ‘data is presented from 234 dliferent subjects, comprising 96 heathy young middle-aged controls, 3 elder men, 48 older women, 29 young adult controls and 28 slep disorders patients in order to demonstrate the usefulness, ‘ality and reliability of various measutes from the instrument, Comparisons are ‘made with plysomnographic and actiraphic sleep measures, aswell as personality 4nd citeadan type questionnaires. The instrament was shown to have sensitivity in \eteting lierenes due To Weekends, age, gender, personality snd creaian type, and validity in agreeing with actigraphic estimates of ep timing and quality, Over 4 12-31 month delay, PghSD measures of both sleep timing and sleep quality showed corelatons between 0.56 and 0.81 (a =39, P20.001). eywonDs diary, human, og, sleep ‘The purpose ofthis pape iso esrb a ary nseument whic Stal forte quatifeaton of subjectively eported sleep apd waking behaviour. The strment as been wed fn more than 70 dierent individ over the pst fie ‘eam ising seep disorders centre patients, payee tients, seniors and bealthy young and middle-aged ads. Sections fom thee dst are sed to confi the ses ity and eaity ofthe tse Tver ice the groundbreaking tues of Tune (968 1949) and MeGhe and Rowel (1960), seep dares have tutors have pointed ow, however one must be ctf 0 Suingush between subjectse and objecve patterns of Steep and evaluations of seep quality (eg Krab and Eng 19a. Several seep clare evolving only the patering of Sg Cor, Wess Potties st Ce: Unveayo on Gsa por eratseeiag | 7S" MOEN PA lee are curently in we ( . Wetaman ea 1962). tn our ‘dary we sought to extend the infomation ‘blaned fo inca factors relied tothe activites of the day (in a0 crenng ‘time’ qustonnsit) sod evalations of the Mano ep (na morsing waketine’ questions), "The bedtime questionaire wis concerned with (1) the timing of break, ach and dinner, (2) the consumption ‘of ealfene, sleobol an tobacco prods, (3) the we of Prescribed and overshecounter medications, and (2) the Timing and duration of daytime eerie ahd i, "The wakete qustonae was concerned wih: (1) the ining of ging ob tuning out igh teed to oe Inbratony a Good Night Tine’ (ONT) minates o seep ‘est, and ial waketine [refered #0 st “Good Moning ‘Time’ (GMT); @) the method of nal waking: 3) the incidence, dation and reasons for wake afer seep onset (@ tree” 10cm visalanlogue sales meaning the subjective seep quality of the sep epiode, mon! on ‘peaking (lmsem. calm) and alertness on awakening (sleep le). The thee visual analogue scales (VAS) were ised on the fcr nay work of Herbert bes and a cer ky MILNE ACEP YARD sey Anes SEP OIRY ALINE EL A Way 1 vase (1 ot ths par of the ary 1st AN a alah Phas FN oat OMG part af Ube lary frat hing Inthe mening tedny, van 4 ona srewtase st tba Ht ae a Ti te teeny ve ee rinks tr tttog aig ako he is rig th gt ee Atul mater of winte sae oe a sandy plese otarnr (cee # tan) incerta See hs ante ie vie ow pal te tcantrt or pyle! cman (ele # Um) nt earcan ld you tate tay (iF ine, eek Rereb is re Asap ps the Peg kp Din (ASD) ap dope wBingsng eu 114TH, Monk eta ‘gee The beter page th FEASD dy Yoke Pr ag iy at gre tg RESULTS Sindy 1 (2 =96) Becroe of diferenes du to the presen of atwence of ‘work commitments wih respect to sleep timing, separate Snags were made for weckmghs (San-Thur nigh) and Weekend night (Pi, Sat igh). Reals are dead in ‘Table I. Relitd-means ess confirmed sipicant weeknight ve weekend night diferencs forall messres (e249, P

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