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MARKETING objects To understand Cocoon's marketing objects in detail, we use

SMART model as following The marketing ideal of cocoon achieve 30 deals

growth in 2023 1. Specific Focus on perfecting online deals performance by
optimizing website interface and stoner experience to grease online shopping.
Enhance digital marketing juggernauts by adding the frequence of marketing
emails transferred to client lists, furnishing seductive product information and
special elevations to stimulate shopping. Develop intelligent online advertising
juggernauts grounded on client data and online geste
to optimize reach and conversion of implicit guests. Integrate online converse
point to directly support guests in the online shopping process, help answer
questions and make trust. 2. Measurable Cocoon can concentrate on the
exploration and development of quality skin care products that are effective and
acclimatized to the requirements of guests. This may include the use of natural
constituents, cutting- edge technology, and thoroughpre-market testing. Going into
the niche of natural cosmetics, but Cocoon has made a new difference for the
Vietnamese ornamental assiduity. Not only fastening on marketing but also
erecting brands from designs, images to product quality to bring a new and unique
interface to consumers. In the domestic request in general, Cocoon has captured
the request and is extensively used by guests. But not stopping there, with the
ambition to reach out to foreign requests, Cocoon also faced difficulties when
contending with product lines with long- standing brands. Seeing through the
strengths and sins, Cocoon constantly promotes its communication strategy so that
people know and understand its products more. 3. Attainable Cocoon's target
followership is in the" youthful grown-up" member because the demand for this
member in Vietnam is veritably large. According to statistics of Q&M e( 2020) on
ornamental use, consumption and request trends in Vietnam in 2020, ornamental
use habits have differences between each age, income and region. marketing-
cranks- cocoon Understanding the solicitations of the target guests and taking full
advantage, Cocoon has espoused a focused marketing strategy to concentrate on
the well- defined request. Because, when Cocoon uses this marketing strategy, it
requires the brand to serve a defined target request member better than its
challengers. Since Cocoon doesn't have an sanctioned retail store, their products
are substantially vended through resellers on both online and offline platforms.
Agents have a great donation in helping Cocoon reach further target guests.
Cocoon has appeared in numerous different retailers similar as Guardian, Watsons,
Skinfood World, Garden Lixibox and Hasaki retail chains. In addition, Cocoon
also has sanctioned stores on some popular online shopping platforms similar as
Shopee, Lazada, Tiki, and Sendo. According to the report “ Vietnam Cosmetic
Trends 2020 ”, 73 have usede-commerce to buy cosmetics due to reasonable
prices, numerous reviews and honest feedback. As similar,e-commerce has come
one of the most given channels for beauty bloggers. Macro-environmental factors
According to Net Conglomerations Net 2020, the main population of Vietnam is
between the periods of 15- 44. This is the advantage of Cocoon because the
implicit guests that Cocoon wants to target are Generation Y and Z. This shows

that Cocoon has a lot of implicit to develop and achieve great profit. also,
according to statistics, the average family spends further than 12 million VND/
time on health care and beauty products and is anticipated to reach about 24
million VND in the coming 10 times. This figure shows that consumers can spend
further freeheartedly in copping
particulars just because it's related to beauty care and health. The growing interest
in health and beauty is a good sign for Cocoon to execute its pricing plan. With the
price of only 200,000- 300,000 VND, Cocoon's products are veritably affordable
for Vietnamese people. Next is technology, with the development of the4.0
technology period, it has brought businesses extremely favorable conditions for
advertising and brand creation on mass media and social networks similar as
Facebook, Youtube,. And Cocoon also makes good use of this. Thanks to that, the
image of the products comes near to the public. 4. Applicable With a character as a
vegan ornamental brand, Cocoon's products are all salutary products not only for
health but also for society. Cocoon products are 100 vegan, registered by The
Vegan Society- a long- standing educational charity in the world, furnishing
information and guidance on different aspects of life. vegan. With the" sunflower"
symbol, The Vegan Society is also one of the most prestigious instruments for
products that are free of beast constituents and aren't tested on creatures. The birth
of Cocoon is like a" new breath" for the Vietnamese cosmetics assiduity. When we
see not only a Vietnamese brand that's well- rounded in terms of form and design,
but indeed product quality isn't inferior to other foreign brands. To achieve success
and come one of the most notorious Vietnamese ornamental brands, Cocoon has
enforced and erected extremely effective marketing strategies. So what's Cocoon's
marketing strategy? In general, Cocoon's marketing strategy includes 4
outstanding tactics as follows. Use social media marketing Cocoon has made
optimal use of the magnet from the Social Media platform to emplace advertising
on this platform in combination with Gamification. The most notable is the
crusade" Explore Vietnam"( stationed in August 2020), an intriguing form of
Minigame, simple game rules, easy to join. Consequently, players will explore
each raw material land named by Cocoon. Just Comment and Label your
musketeers under the comment section of the Post Minigame, players will admit a
Link in Messenger and have a chance to admit Cocoon's vegan products. The
marketing strategy of this Minigame Cocoon has had a veritably strong Viral
effect, attracting and encouraging numerous people to interact with the brand.
influence Influencer Marketing Taking advantage of the development of influencer
marketing, Cocoon has cooperated with numerous notorious Beauty Bloggers
similar as Trinh Pham, Dao Ba Loc, youtuber Khoai Lang Thang, womanish
rapper Suboi,. to reach druggies, produce trust and move convert them to choose
the brand's products.


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