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Bible 101 Quiz The Band of Brothers

777 Thy Kingdom Come

Anywhere, USA 13927
page 1 of 3

1. The Greek origins of the word Bible...biblia or 6. How many books are in the Old Testament, New
biblion...means what? Testament and Apocrypha respectively?

a) Book a) 37, 29 (66) & 8

b) Word of God b) 39, 27 (66) & 7
c) The Collection c) 37, 29 (66) & 7
d) Ramblings d) 39, 27 (66) & 8

2. Over how many years were the books of the Bible 7. What was the name of the first complete Bible to be
written by 40+ authors on three continents? printed in English (A.D. 1525)?

a) 1,200 a) Vulgate
b) 1,400 b) Tyndale
c) 1,600 c) Coverdale
d) 1,800 d) King James

3. The books were originally written in what lan- 8. The Bible is 99.5% reliable because it passes three
guages before being translated throughout the cen- important tests used to gauge accuracy. They are...
a) Bibliographic (# of copies?), Internal (Eyewitness
a) Coptic, Hebrew and Greek by the authors), and External (archeological proof)
b) Hebrew, Greek and English b) Faith, love and hope
c) Hebrew, Greek and Latin c) Time, archeological and eyewitness
d) Hebrew, Greek and some Aramaic d) Fear, law and punishment

4. Emperor Constantine passed the Edict of Milan 9. What is the significance of the Dead Sea Scrolls
which legalized Christianity in what year A.D.? being found in a cave in 1947?

a) 197 a) Contain the oldest known copies (100 BC to AD

b) 295 100) of portions of the Old Testament

c) 312 b) Copies very close to standard Hebrew Bible

d) 410 c) Provide overwhelming confirmation of the Bible’s

5. The Old Testament was Jesus’ Bible. Jesus alluded
d) All of the above
to more Scriptures being written indicating that the
Bible was not yet complete (John 14:26). The New 10. One Bible, many translations. The best translation
Testament was canonized as inspired Scripture in of the Bible is the...
what year?
a) NIV (New International Version)
a) 312
b) NLT (New Living Translation)
b) 350
c) NASB (New American Standard)
c) 397
d) TOYR (The One You’ll Read)
d) 410
Bible 101 Quiz The Band of Brothers
777 Thy Kingdom Come
Anywhere, USA 13927
page 2 of 3

11. There are four main divisions of the Old Testament. 16. What is the difference between a Major and Minor
The Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers Prophet?
and Deuteronomy fall under which division?
a) Significance of prophecy
a) Law
b) Stature (income level) of Prophet back in the day
b) Historical
c) Accuracy
c) Poetical
d) Length of their books
d) Prophetic
17. 80% of the prophesies in the Bible have come true.
12. How about the books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ec- 20% of them still reach into the future. 300 of them
clesiastes and Song of Songs? in the OT prophesied the coming of Jesus Christ.
How many prophesies are there in the Bible?
a) Law
a) 500
b) Historical
b) 1,500
c) Poetical
c) 2,500
d) Prophetic
d) 3,000
13. There are five main divisions in the New Testament.
The book of Acts falls under which division? 18. Disciple and Apostle mean the same thing.

a) Gospels a) True
b) History b) False
c) Paul’s Epistles to churches and individuals 19. What is the main difference between the Hebrew
d) General Epistles Bible and the Old Testament of the Christian Bible?

e) Prophecy a) The message

14. Which book in the New Testament falls under the b) The length
division of prophecy? c) The authors
a) Romans d) The division
b) Hebrews 20. What is the Nicene Creed?
c) Revelation
a) A common Christian profession of faith
d) Philemon
b) Originated in the city of Nicaea in A.D. 325 by the
15. 1/3 of the Bible contains prophetic messages. first ecumenical council
c) Used a yardstick of correct belief
a) True
d) All of the above
b) False
21. This Band of Brothers will grow God’s Kingdom and
make a difference in this world.

a) True
b) False
Bible 101 Quiz The Band of Brothers
777 Thy Kingdom Come
Anywhere, USA 13927
page 3 of 3

22. The three main branches of Christianity are... 28. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your
mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you
a) Hebrew, Greek and Latin may be careful to do everything written in it. Then
you will be prosperous and successful. - Joshua 1:8
b) Roman, Catholic and Orthodox
(NIV) This means you should read the Bible...
c) Catholic, Orthodox and Protestant
a) When you need guidance
d) Roman, Catholic and Lutheran
b) When you are in trouble
23. Islam is Arabic for...
c) Once in awhile
a) Follower of Allah d) Regularly
b) God’s messenger
29. Name that Scripture: A friend is always loyal, and a
c) Muhammad’s message brother is born to help in time of need.
d) Submission
a) 1 Corinthians 16:13
24. Muslims are either Sunni, Shia or Taliban. b) Proverbs 17:17

a) True c) 1 Corinthians 15:58

b) False d) John 15:15

25. Muhammad claims to be a descendent of... 30. Name that Scripture: Be on your guard; stand firm
in the faith; be men of courage; be strong.
a) Abraham
a) 1 Corinthians 16:13
b) Ishmael
b) Proverbs 17:17
c) Isaac
c) Acts 4:31-33
d) Jacob
d) John 15:15
26. Muslims believe that the Qur’an is the literal word of
God, revealed to Muhammad. They also believe in 31. Name that Scripture: Jesus said, “If you hold to my
the Torah, Psalms and Gospels in as far as it is con- teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will
firmed by the Qur’an. know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

a) True a) John 8:31-32

b) False b) Joshua 1:6-7

c) 1 Corinthians 15:58
27. There are approximately 2 billion Christians, 1.3
billion Muslims and 1 billion Atheists. Which world- d) Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
wide religion comes next in number of followers at
900 million? 32. The overall focus of the B.o.B. is...

a) Chinese Religion a) Fellowship

b) Buddhism b) Serving

c) Hinduism c) Sharing

d) Judaism d) Thy Kingdom Come (TKC)

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