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8. __________ children like games.

And in
Complete with Every or Each fact, - of us is keen on them too.
9. I get up at seven o'clock _____________
1. __________ flat has its own balcony. morning.
2. __________ of these letters has a different 10. Emily, Jerry and Frankie __________ had
address. a different answer.
3. __________ pupil must do these exercises. 11. Could you please answer __________
4. He comes here __________ other day. the questions on your list?
5. In __________ international hotel waiters 12. She visits us __________ day.
speak two foreign languages.
6. __________ of these advertisements has a
different purpose.
7. __________ visitor wants to stay at this Rewrite the sentences using WHOLE
8. __________ of you will have to do it twice. 1. I read the book from beginning to end. I read the
9. On __________ floor there are two whole book.
bathrooms. 2. Everyone in the team played well. The
10. He introduced me to __________ person _______________________.
present at that party. 3. Paul opened a box of chocolates. When he
11. __________ method has its advantages. finished eating, there were no chocolates left in
the box. He ate _____________________.
Complete with Every or All 4. The police came to the house. They were looking
for something. They searched every room. They
1. She goes to school __________ day of the ___________________________.
week. 5. Ann worked from early in the morning until late in
2. You say it __________ time I see you. the evening. She worked
3. It rained __________ day on Monday. _______________________________________
4. She works on a children's camp _.
__________ summer. 6. Everyone in Dave and Judy’s family plays tennis.
5. Last summer the weather was beautiful Dave and Judy play, and so do all their children.
__________ the time. The ________________________.
6. He called me __________ day last week. 7. Jack and Jill went on holiday to the seaside for a
7. When did you leave the library today? I week. It rained from the beginning of the week to
hope you weren't there __________ morning. the end. It _______________________.
8. He was ill on Sunday so he stayed in bed
__________ day.
9. At what time do you finish work Choose the correct alternative
__________ evening?
10. Kate visited us yesterday and stayed 1. I’ve spent the whole money / all the money you
__________ evening. gave me.
2. Sue works every day / all days except Sunday.
3. I’m tired. I’ve been working hard all the day / all
Complete with Each, Every or All day.
4. It was a terrible fire. Whole building / The whole
1. You should take this medicine __________ building was destroyed.
three hours. 5. I’ve been trying to phone her all day but every
2. They __________ sang songs together. time / all the time I phoned her the line was
3. __________ child gets a piece of cake. engaged.
4. Such things doesn’t happen __________ 6. I don’t like the weather here. It rains every time /
day. all the time.
5. Please, read __________ question very 7. When I was on holiday, all my luggage /
carefully and don’t forget to answer - question. my whole
6. __________ of the houses has one luggage was
bedroom. stolen.
7. __________ word in this sentence is
Another, Other, Others

For each gap choose one of the words: another, other, the other, others,
the others.
1. The embassy website has general information about visas. _________ travel
information can be obtained by calling the freephone number.
2. What _________ books by Charles Dickens have you read, apart from ‘Oliver Twist’?
3. The applications are examined by one committee, then passed on to _________.
4. Here are only two magazines. Where are _________?
5. I don’t like the red one. I prefer _________ color.
6. I don’t like this place. Is there _________ café around here we could go to?
7. Jeremy is at university; our _________ son is still at school.
8. He never thinks of _________.
9. He got 100% in the final examination. No _________ student has ever achieved that.
10. After a month in Bolivia, I was ready to move to _________ country.
11. There’s one _________ thing we need to discuss before we finish.
12.We have to solve this problem, more than any _________, today.
13. I’ll attach two photos to this email and I’ll send _________ tomorrow.
14. This computer here is new. _________ computer is about five years old.
15. D’you know the Indian restaurant in Palmer Street? — Yes. — Well, the gift shop is on
_________ side of the street, directly opposite.
16.Would you like _________ drink?
17. 'Finished?' 'No, I've got _________ three questions to do'.
18. Joel and Karen are here, but where are _________ kids?
19.Where are _________ two dinner plates? I can only find four.
20. Let's do it _________ time.
Complete the text with so / such Fill in the blanks with "too" or
Finland is (1)_______ a nice place to go on "enough" to complete the
winter holidays. The winter there is (2)_______ sentences
mild and welcoming! You can do 1. The film was ______ boring to watch so we left
snowboarding, skating, skiing or any other the cinema early.
winter sport, there are (3)_______ many 2. The house on the corner isn't cheap ______ for
possibilities. We found (4)_______ a lovely us to buy.We will find another one.
hotel, and it was (5)_______ a short walk to 3. I know Sarah is very enthusiastic but she isn't
tall and talented ______ to play in the school
the skiing slope. Well, winter season in Finland
basketball team.
is not (6)_______ cheap as we expected, but 4. The soup is ______ cold to eat.Shall we heat it
we had (7)_______ a great time there. It is on the stove?
(8)_______ tempting to come there every 5. I think this t-shirt is ______ big for me to wear.I
winter, again and again. would like to give it to you.
6. He was not good ______ to play in the school
Use so / such in the dialogue band so the teacher chose another student.
situations 7. Some of the probems in the Maths exam were
1. Mike: Ann, you are ____ late today, is ______ difficult for me to answer so I got a bad
everything o.k.? mark.
8. The racer couldn't drive fast ______ to come
Ann: I’m fine. I’m ____ sorry to make you wait on first in the World Championship.
____ a hot day. 9. Look! This knife is ______ blunt to chop the
2. Luke: Brenda, why do you look ____ utterly onions.
surprised? 10. The shopping bags were ______ heavy for
the old woman so she wanted help.
Brenda: I was told ____ an unexpected story
today, Luke.
3. Sophie: William, it is ____ a generous gift, Rewrite these sentences as one sentence,
thank you. using the word in brackets.
1 The film was very sad. Everyone cried. (so)
William: It is ____ a great feeling to see your joy. ..............................................................................
4. Dan: It is ____ a nice offer, Bill, but I’ve got 2 I can’t understand him. He speaks too fast.
plans for the weekend.
Bill: It is ____ upsetting! ..............................................................................
5. Sam: Oh, it is ____ an awkward situation, 3 How much money have we got? Can we pay
sorry, Lily. for the tickets? (enough)
Lily: Don’t be ____ sorry, it is nothing at all. 4 It was a very good meal. We ate far too much.
6. David: Philip, sometimes you are ____ (such)
Philip: I just wanted your company ____ much 5 The teacher was very stupid. He believed the
today, David children. (enough)
7. Chris: I’m ____ clumsy, sir! Can you be ____ ..............................................................................
kind to forgive me? 6 The trousers were very cheap. I bought six
pairs. (such)
Seller: It will be ____ nice of you to help me with
____ a mess.
8. Greg: Why do you always need to be ____ a 7 How much food is there? Can we feed
cruel lady, Kate? everyone?. (enough)
Kate: It is not ____ easy to be nice and 8 The film was very bad. Most people walked out.
hospitable when people around do ____ things (so)
as you do. ..............................................................................

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