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Acción didáctica en el aula Educación Primaria

General information
School name: _______________________________________________ Department: Chinandega__ Level: 2nd grade
Month period: January23rd – March31 School year: 2023 Subject: English
Teacher: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________
Unit Name emotional
Performance Learning Evaluation Finish
and learning Content Resources Start date Remarks
indicator activities activities date
number. and
1-The student ask
for and give
personal -Greetings: HI/hello.
information Bye/goodbye, good
through oral morning.
written activities.
-Names and titles:
2-The student Teacher’s name /
Social practices formal Peer’s names, Mr.,
Adjustmen .
Harmony and informal, Mrs. + last names. 23rd 27th
t Periiod.
and expressions when January January
( 12 H/C )
citizenship talking to their -School words: ruler,
peers and glue, notebook,
teachers. crayon, pencil, eraser,
3-The student school bag, book,
uses school words label lesson, page,
when desk, floor, notebook,
participation in scissors.
school activities.
1-The student
follows -Commands: stand
instructions when up, sit down, clap,
participating in raise your hand, make
games and a line and make a
classrooms circle.
-Games: Integration, 30th
Adjustmen Harmony 3rd
2-The student word games, January
t Period and February
sings action songs movement, guessing.
individually and
as a whole class. -Action Songs: Five
3-The student little monkeys, if you
plays in different are happy and you
learnings games know it, baby shark,
by using the body.
target language.
1-The student -Completing drawings
makes and coloring based on
representations of color codes.
familiar topics to
Social present to their -Drawing family and
Adjustment Harmony peers. presenting to others. 6th 10th
Period and February February
citizenship 2-Thde student -Making drafts, and
develops art skills making mask.
when making
drawings and -Working with paints
coloring them. and plasticine
Adjustment Social 1-The student -Predicting from 13th 17th
Period Harmony follows stories pictures. February February
and about school and -Puppets
citizenship family situations. -Drawings
-Shadow theater
2-The student -Dramas
participates in
pairs and in
groups to
organize events
using pictures.
3-The student
representations of
short stories
through drawings.

Unit Name emotional
Performance Learning Evaluation Finish
and learning Content Resources Start date Remarks
indicator activities activities date
number. and
-The student uses
V: -greetings; Hi /
formal and
hello, bye / good bye.
informal greetings
Unit I Social in English
L: song: hello!, hi! .
Introducin Harmony through playing 20th 24th
Good-bye! / Dippity.
g myself. and roles in short February February
( 12 H/C ) citizenship conversations.
S: Greeting others

G: My name is…
-The student uses
vocabulary about L: Listen to audios
Social self-introduction and point images.
Unit I
Harmony for ask and 27th 3rd
and answer about S: Giving personal February March
g myself.
citizenship personal information ( name,
information age )

V: Family: sister,
mom, brother, dad,
grandma, grandpa

-The student uses G: This is my…

Unit I 4-5 words related
Harmony 6th 10th
Introducin to family in oral L: Listen sentences
and March March
g myself. and written and read.
S: Talking about
family members.
Additional learning:
Family: baby, boy,
-The student girl, child, cousin.
Social Expresses oral
Unit I
Harmony sentences about G: This is my… 13th 17th
and family members March March
g myself
citizenship correctly. S: Talking about
. family members.

Unit Name emotional
Performance Learning Evaluation Finish
and learning Content Resources Start date Remarks
indicator activities activities date
number. and
V: -Toys: hoop, doll,
ball, drum, kite, teddy
-The student bear.
identifies toys
Social vocabulary G: It’s /this is…+ toys
Unit II .
Harmony through audios, 20th 24th
and visual aids and L: Listen and point. March March
( 12 H/C )
citizenship written ways.
. S: Telling their

V1: -Toys: hoop, doll,

ball, drum, kite, teddy

-The recognizes
Social V2: -Colors: pink,
Unit II the distinguishing 31rd
Harmony red, blue, yellow, 27th 30th
Toys. features of a March
and orange, green. March March
sentence to write ( EPI )
a sentence.
L: song: sing the

G:It’s /this is…+ Toys

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