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39 Spinal Cord Injury

Ashraf N. El Naga, Joseph R. Mendelis, Anthony M. DiGiorgio, Sigurd H. Berven


traumatic SCI caused by motor vehicle collisions is decreasing
in developed countries but increasing in developing countries.2
• Spinal cord injury results from both the primary injury
In the elderly, low-energy falls account for a greater proportion
and a subsequent secondary injury cascade.
of traumatic SCI in developed countries.2 The mechanism and
• Understanding the secondary cascade of spinal energy of an injury are important determinants of the injury’s
cord injury has identified potentially modifiable impact on spinal cord function. 
components, and may translate to future treatment
strategies in patients with acute spinal cord injury.
• Prognosis following spinal cord injury largely depends
on the initial neurological deficits. The past few decades have brought a better understanding
• Clinical manifestations of incomplete cord injuries are of the underlying pathophysiology of acute SCIs. Knowledge
reflective of spinal cord functional anatomy. of the early cellular injury and inflammatory processes that
accompany SCI may translate to improved treatment modali-
• An understanding of incomplete cord injuries can ties for patients. These advances have changed our understand-
guide patient prognosis and expected functional ing regarding the initial medical and critical care management
needs. of SCI patients, the timing of surgery, and the potential of
neuroprotective and neuroregenerative strategies. The current
framework for understanding SCIs involves both a primary
injury and a secondary cascade (Fig. 39.2).
Spinal cord injuries (SCIs) encompass a diverse spectrum of
injury mechanisms and severity. SCIs can be devastating inju-
ries with significant morbidity that have detrimental effects
Primary Injury
on patients’ quality of life, functional status, employment, The primary injury is the direct result of the inciting traumatic
and independence. Patients with significant neural functional event—this leads to failure of the mechanical stability of the
loss often require extensive treatment and rehabilitation. The spine (e.g., fracture or dislocation) such that it no longer can
impact of SCI is important and significant, with measurable perform its function of protecting the neural elements. This
personal, economic, and societal costs.1 The purpose of this results in a combination of direct impact and dissipation of
chapter is to review the epidemiology, mechanisms, patho- force and energy, causing injury to axons, cell membranes, and
physiology, and classification of SCI. the microvasculature responsible for local perfusion.9 At the
site of injury, disruption of sympathetic output at the interme-
diolateral column can lead to hypotension and bradycardia
EPIDEMIOLOGY OF SPINAL CORD INJURY (neurogenic shock), with further hypoperfusion resulting in
The global incidence of SCI has been estimated at between 10 worsening of spinal cord ischemia.10,11 This initial insult can
and 83 cases per million people per year.1-3 Estimates of global also lead to death and disruption of local cells, and to local
prevalence are limited by regional differences in the collection cytokine and glutamate release. The primary injury then trig-
and reporting of new and existing cases, particularly in devel- gers a secondary cascade responsible for ongoing ischemia,
oping countries.1 In the United States, incidence per year has cell and tissue injury, and expansion of the zone of injury. 
been estimated to be 40 cases per million people, with approx-
imately 11,000 new cases each year.4 The incidence of high
cervical injury in the United States has been steadily increasing
Secondary Cascade
over the past few decades, which is attributed to an increase in After the initial traumatic insult, there is a secondary cascade
geriatric spine trauma, as well as advances in prehospital resus- that leads to further injury. This is characterized by spinal cord
citation and care.5,6 Men sustain these injuries more frequently ischemia and vascular disruption, cellular ischemia, excitotox-
than women, at a ratio of 4:1.5 With regards to age, similar to icity, free radical production, delayed apoptotic cell death, and
most trauma, there is a bimodal distribution, with a large peak eventual local tissue remodeling.9 The secondary cascade con-
between the ages of 15 and 29 years and a second peak at ages sists of immediate (∼0–2 hours), acute (∼2 hours to 2 days),
greater than 65 years.7  and subacute phases (∼2 days to 2 weeks),6 resulting in further
local tissue destruction and expansion of the zone of injury,
whereas the primary injury cascade immediately follows the
MECHANISMS OF SPINAL CORD INJURY inciting trauma and is characterized by microvascular injury
The mechanism of acute SCI varies widely. Blunt trauma and local cell death. During the initial injury period, local
remains the most common mechanism of injury, including hemorrhage, thrombosis, and edema result in subsequent dis-
motor vehicle and auto–pedestrian collisions, as well as falls. turbances to local tissue perfusion and ischemia. Direct injury
Falls appear to be accounting for the increase in SCIs amongst from the inciting event also damages the blood–spinal cord
older patients.2,5,8 Crush and penetrating injuries account barrier, permitting inflammatory mediators to enter the zone
for substantially fewer injuries, but carry specific consider- of injury,12 which in turn leads to the release of proinflam-
ations regarding their treatment (Fig. 39.1). The proportion of matory substances, cytotoxic chemicals, and ions, including

372 PART 2  Pathophysiology of Spinal Disorders

and early blood pressure and spinal cord perfusion support.

Several strategies for neural protection are currently under
investigation to disrupt and halt portions of the secondary
cascade, including interventions to limit excitotoxicity and to
moderate the inflammatory cascade that results in late tissue


Patients with SCIs present with a wide spectrum of deficits.
Early identification of neural injury is paramount to guiding
early treatment of patients with SCI. The presence of any
motor or sensory deficit in the spine trauma patient warrants
an evaluation for SCI with advanced imaging of the neural
axis. In an awake, responsive, and examinable patient, neu-
ral injury can be identified early through thorough physical
examination. However, in the patient who is unresponsive
or otherwise unable to participate in examination, recog-
nition of other signs of SCI is important for an early diag-
nosis. Early signs of SCI include hemodynamic instability,
characterized by bradycardia indicating neurogenic shock,
flaccid paralysis, priapism, the absence of response to pain-
ful stimuli in the extremities, and paradoxical or unequal
Fig. 39.1. Axial computed tomography scan of a gunshot wound to chest wall movement.14 Spinal shock, or the transient loss of
the cervical spine, demonstrating multiple fragments and a resultant reflex, motor, and sensory function below a level of injury,
fracture of the vertebral body. may have a variable duration but usually resolves within
24 hours. The primary survey, resuscitation, operative, and
glutamate, calcium, and sodium. Along with other potential medical treatments of patients with acute SCIs are discussed
mediators, neurochemical toxicity of inflammatory mediators in subsequent chapters in this textbook. Once the presence
leads to local excitotoxicity to cells, ionic dysregulation, and of an SCI or neural deficit is identified, the extent of the
free radical production, all of which contribute to further tis- injury must be better characterized to guide prognosis and
sue injury in the secondary cascade. Disruption of local per- further care.
fusion, either by ongoing neural and vascular compression
or local microvascular injury, leads to further vasospasm and American Spinal Injury Association Classification
vasoconstriction that can progress over the first 24 hours after
initial injury. Identification and classification of the neural status of injured
The early hypoperfusion, proinflammatory disturbances, patients is paramount to the effective short- and long-treat-
ionic dysregulation, and local excitotoxicity lead to further ment, prognosis, and care planning for SCIs. A common clas-
vasogenic and cytotoxic edema and cellular injury.9 Cellular sification system allows for accurate communication between
necrosis and disruption of cell membranes leads to the release providers and researchers working with SCI patients.15 In
of inflammatory mediators and to further local cell death, and conjunction with the International Spinal Cord Society,
the inflammatory milieu leads to further acute local ischemia. the American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) published
The local excitotoxicity, such as that mediated by glutamate the most recent edition of the International Standards for
and the increase in local calcium concentration, leads to local Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) in
apoptosis in cells, including local oligodendrocytes, which 2019.16 This scoring system is currently recommended for use
can affect the myelinated pathways that were not initially by all physicians treating SCI patients, and consists of three
injured during the primary cascade. Inflammatory cytokines components: light touch and pinprick in each dermatome,
also mediate local neutrophil infiltration—the release of manual strength examination in ten specific muscle groups
cytokines results in the eventual macrophage infiltration, on the right and left side, and an anorectal examination. The
reactive astrocytosis, fibrotic and glial scar formation, and distinction between complete and incomplete cord injuries is
the resolution of edema that characterizes the subacute phase based on the presence of sensation at S4‒S5 and is made after
of cord injury. This reactive astrogliosis that typically occurs resolution of spinal shock and return of the bulbocavernosus
around the zone of injury is associated with deposition of reflex. 
chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans and cells expressing neural/
glial antigen 2—impediments to axonal regeneration.13 This PATTERNS OF INCOMPLETE SPINAL CORD INJURY
is a complex process regulated by several mediators, including
bone morphogenetic proteins, matrix metalloproteinases, There is a wide spectrum of SCI patterns. At the most severe
and growth factors, which may provide targets for future end of the spectrum are complete cord injuries, described as
therapeutic intervention. ASIA impairment scale (AIS) A in the ISNCSCI scoring sys-
The events of the primary injury cascade occur early in tem (Box 39.1). Complete SCIs account for approximately
the injury process and have little potential for significant half of all SCI patients.1 Although some studies indicate that
modification. However, identification of potentially modifiable only 10% to 15% of patients with a complete lesion on ini-
components within this secondary cascade may guide effective tial evaluation will convert to an incomplete cord injury,6 in
treatment strategies in patients with acute SCI. A better one series Catapano et al. showed that 33% of patients who
understanding of the effects of local tissue hypoperfusion have present after SCI as AIS A and 76% of patients who present as
led to advocacy for earlier decompression and spinal cord AIS B/C may improve by one grade or more before hospital
reperfusion strategies, including initial resuscitative efforts discharge.17

October 06, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Spinal Cord Injury 373

Neuroprotective agents
Mechanisms Timeline Methylprednisolone 39
Primary injury: Injury Nimodipine
• Compression event Tirilizad
• Laceration Minocycline
• Distraction Riluzole
• Shearing Basic fibroblast growth factor
Magnesium-polyethylene glycol
Intact myelinated

• Hemorrhage
• Decreased ATP
• Increased lactate
concentration (acidosis)


Early acute: of injury
• Vasogenic edema
• Microvessel vasospasm
• Thrombosis
• Ion balance
• Loss of sodium gradient
• Release of neurotoxic opioids Hours
• Inflammation
• Lipid peroxidation
• Glutamatergic excitoxicity Demyelinated Severed
• Cytotoxic edema axon axon
• Formation of free radicals

Neuroregenerative agents
GM-1 (Sygen)
Subacute: Cethrin
• Microglial stimulation Anti-Nogo
• Macrophage activation Days/ Chondroitinase ABC
• Apoptosis weeks Neural stem cells

Fig. 39.2. Mechanisms of spinal cord injury related to trauma. A, Primary and secondary mechanisms of injury determining the final extent of
spinal cord damage. The primary injury event starts a pathobiological cascade of secondary injury mechanisms that unfold in different phases
within seconds of the primary trauma and continue for several weeks thereafter. B, Longitudinal section of the spinal cord after injury. The
epicenter of the injury progressively expands after the primary trauma as a consequence of secondary injury events. This expansion causes
an increased region of tissue cavitation and, ultimately, worsened long-term outcomes. Within and adjacent to the injury epicenter are severed
and demyelinated axons. The neuroprotective agents listed act to subvert specific secondary injuries and prevent neural damage, whereas the
neuroregenerative agents act to promote axonal regrowth once damage has occurred. ATP, Adenosine triphosphate. (From Wilson JR, Forgione
N, Fehlings MG. Emerging therapies for acute traumatic spinal cord injury. CMAJ. 2012;185(6):485-492.)

Incomplete SCI patterns are important to identify, and carry Central Cord Syndrome
a better prognosis for partial or complete recovery of neural
function when compared with complete SCI. Incomplete Central cord syndrome is characterized by weakness in the
SCI patterns include central cord syndrome, anterior cord arms, particularly the hands, that is more pronounced than
syndrome, posterior cord syndrome, Brown–Séquard leg weakness. Sensory deficits are variable but often mir-
syndrome, and conus medullaris syndrome. Incomplete cord ror the motor findings. The most common presentation for
syndromes account for between 21% and 33% of all patients this incomplete cord syndrome is an older patient sustaining
with cord injuries.18,19 Identification of such patterns can a hyperextension injury in the setting of preexisting cervi-
guide patient prognosis and planning for future care.19 The cal stenosis (Fig. 39.4). With hyperextension, cord compres-
clinical manifestations and symptoms reflect the portions of sion occurs between the anterior osteophytes and posterior
the cord that are injured (Fig. 39.3). An understanding of the infolding of the ligamentum flavum. Central cord syndrome
anatomy of the spinal cord is important to understand the accounts for the greatest proportion of all traumatic incom-
clinical manifestation of SCI patterns. plete SCIs, representing 44% of incomplete SCI syndromes and

October 06, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
374 PART 2  Pathophysiology of Spinal Disorders

syndrome patients.18,19 Anterior cord syndrome is commonly

BOX 39.1  American Spinal Injury Association associated with vascular insufficiency seen with disruption
Impairment Scale of the anterior spinal artery, such as with ischemia or aortic
A = Complete. No sensory or motor function is preserved in the surgery, although pathology that results in an anterior canal
sacral segments S4–S5. compression, such as with a cord level disc herniation, dis-
B = Sensory Incomplete. Sensory but not motor function is placed bony fragment, or hematoma, have been described.22
preserved below the neurological level and includes the sacral Prognosis for improvement is poor with anterior cord syn-
segments S4–S5 (light touch or pin prick at S4–S5 or deep drome, as these patients demonstrate the greatest rehab length
anal pressure) and no motor function is preserved more than of stays as compared with other incomplete cord syndromes.19 
three levels below the motor level on either side of the body.
C = Motor Incomplete. Motor function is preserved at the Posterior Cord Syndrome
most caudal sacral segments for voluntary anal contraction
or the patient meets the criteria for sensory incomplete The least frequent of the incomplete cord injuries is posterior
status (sensory function preserved at the most caudal sacral cord syndrome, accounting for less than 1% of incomplete cord
segments S4–S5 by light touch, pin prick or deep anal injury patients.18 Posterior cord syndrome is characterized by
pressure), and has some sparing of motor function more than loss of proprioception and light touch, with preservation of
three levels below the ipsilateral motor level on either side of pain and temperature sensation. Motor deficits can arise with
the body. injury to the lateral corticospinal tracts. Associated pathologies
(This includes key or nonkey muscle functions to determine include hyperextension-type injuries, posterior spinal artery
motor incomplete status.) For American Spinal Association occlusion, and compression secondary to malignancy. 
(ASIA) impairment scale (AIS) C—less than half of key muscle
functions below the single neurological level of injury (NLI) have Brown–Séquard Syndrome
a muscle grade ≥3.
D = Motor Incomplete. Motor incomplete status as defined Brown–Séquard syndrome was first described in patients with
above, with at least half (half or more) of key muscle functions hemitransection of the spinal cord. It is characterized by a cord
below the single NLI having a muscle grade ≥3. lesion that results in ipsilateral proprioceptive and motor loss
E = Normal. If sensation and motor function as tested with the and contralateral loss to pain and temperature sensation below
International Standards for Neurological Classification of Spinal the level of the lesion. Brown–Séquard syndrome accounts for
Cord Injury are graded as normal in all segments, and the 1% to 4% of all traumatic SCIs.18,19 Although Brown–Séquard
patient had prior deficits, then the AIS grade is E. Someone syndrome is classically described in patients with penetrat-
without an initial spinal cord injury does not receive an AIS ing stab injuries, “Brown–Séquard-plus syndrome” has been
grade. used to describe the scenario of relative ipsilateral hemiplegia
ND = Not Defined. To document the sensory, motor and NLI and relative contralateral hemianalgesia. The injury pattern is
levels, the AIS grade, and/or the zone of partial preservation owing to the pattern of decussation of motor and sensory tracts
when they are unable to be determined based on the within the spinal column, with motor tract decussation occur-
examination results. ring cephalad, in the medulla oblongata, and decussation of
the afferent sensory tracts occurring distally, shortly after entry
From American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA). International Standards for into the spinal cord. In addition to hemitransection of the
Neurological Classification of Spinal Cord Injury (ISNCSCI) worksheet. spinal cord, Brown–Séquard syndrome is more commonly
Richmond: ASIA; 2019. observed in other pathologies as well, including blunt trauma,
diving injuries, and acute disc herniations.23-25 Brown–Séquard
syndrome resulting from blunt trauma carries the best progno-
9% of SCIs overall.18,19 Prognosis for improvement is favor- sis of the incomplete SCI syndromes, with over 75% of patients
able with central cord syndrome. Thompson et al. reviewed being able to ambulate independently at the time of discharge,
patients with central cord syndrome and demonstrated that and higher rates of recovery amongst patients sustaining blunt
80% of patients with an ASIA motor score greater than 60 on trauma as compared with penetrating trauma.18,19,23,26 
admission were able to ambulate independently at hospital
discharge, whereas 80% of patients with an ASIA motor score
less than 50 could not ambulate independently at hospital
Conus Medullaris Injury
discharge.20 Older patients (age >50 years) have a worse prog- The caudal end of the spinal cord is the conus medullaris and
nosis for independent ambulation, independence in self-care, is typically found at the L1 level, although it can be seen as
and bowel and bladder function, as compared with younger high as T11 and as low as L3. It is continuous with the epi-
patients.21 Central cord syndrome must be differentiated from conus (L4-S1 nerve roots) and also includes the S2‒S5 nerve
an incomplete cervical cord injury in which the lower extremi- roots. The lumbosacral nerve roots continue inferiorly to the
ties are affected more than the upper extremities, which has a conus as the cauda equina.27 Compression at the level of the
significantly worse prognosis for complete recovery.  conus medullaris may lead to a variable degree of bowel and
bladder dysfunction, as well as lower extremity motor deficits,
sensory deficits, and severe allodynia (Fig. 39.5). Injuries at the
Anterior Cord Syndrome level of the conus lead to combined upper and lower motor
Anterior cord syndrome was first described as a lesion affecting neuron signs. When associated with thoracolumbar trauma,
the anterior two-thirds of the spinal cord, with preservation approximately one-half of patients will have persistent bowel,
of the posterior columns. The injury pattern is defined by the bladder, or sexual dysfunction at final follow-up.28,29 
perfusion of the spinal cord by the anterior and posterior spi-
nal arteries. The characteristic clinical presentation is complete
paralysis below the level of the lesion but with preservation
Cauda Equina Syndrome
of proprioception, vibratory sense, two-point discrimination, Injuries distal to the level of the conus medullaris can accom-
and light touch. This constellation of symptoms is present pany spine trauma. However, the pathophysiology and prog-
in approximately less than 1% to 3% of all incomplete SCI nosis following such injuries are reflective of peripheral nerve

October 06, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Spinal Cord Injury 375

Efferent tracts Afferent tracts

(descending, motor) (ascending, sensory) 39
Dorsal column
medial lemniscus
Gracile Cuneate
fasciculus fasciculus
Anterior corticospinal tract

Pyramidal tracts

corticospinal tract



mb l

ora ar

spinocerebellar tract




Ce tracts

Rubrospinal tract Anterior
spinocerebellar tract

Lateral spinothalamic tract
Extrapyramidal system
Reticulospinal tract Anterior spinothalamic tract

Spinoolivary fibers
Olivospinal tract

Vestibulospinal tract

Fig. 39.3. Spinal cord afferent and efferent pathways. (From Jörg Mair, Munich, Germany. In: Hombach-Klonisch S, Klonish T, Peeler J. Sobotta
Clinical Atlas of Human Anatomy. Munich: Elsevier GmbH, Urban & Fischer; 2019.)

injuries rather than frank SCIs. They are more fully described fractures from 2012 to 2018 were secondary to penetrating
in Chapter 38.  injuries, and those patients were younger and more likely to
be male.30 Additionally, 92.2% of penetrating injuries in that
series were because of firearms, and 40.9% had a concomi-
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS tant spinal cord or cauda equina injury. Whereas stab incisions
may lead to direct injury such as a dural tear or partial ver-
Cervicomedullary Injury sus complete cord transection, blast injuries such as gunshot
SCIs between the midbrain and C4 present specific problems. wounds cause significant damage from the direct path, as well
In patients with injury to the upper cervical spine, particu- as local heat and energy dissipation, and cord injury from frac-
larly patients with complete injuries, respiratory function may ture fragments. In both gunshot and stab penetrating injuries,
be compromised. Chest expansion is dependent on the dia- damage to adjacent structures such as the great vessels or the
phragm and the intercostal muscles. Diaphragm function is lungs must be suspected and treated. Antibiotics are admin-
solely dependent on innervation via the phrenic nerve (C3‒ istered in accordance with open fracture protocols. Surgery is
C5). Intercostal muscles are innervated by the thoracic nerves, generally indicated for (1) cord compression with an incom-
and may be compromised in cervical spine injuries because plete injury, (2) a discrepancy between the clinical examina-
the thoracic nerves are below the level of injury. Patients with tion and the missile trajectory with a complete myelopathy,
injury to the cervicomedullary region of the spinal cord present (3) a migratory missile fragment, (4) spinal instability, (5)
with respiratory compromise, and may have prolonged ventila- associated infection, and (6) persistent cerebrospinal fluid
tor dependence even if breathing unassisted on initial presen- leak.31-33 Overall, 60% of patients with stab wounds are able
tation. Patients with high cervical injuries may have unusual to ambulate at 1-year follow-up, compared with 24% of those
patterns of sensory and motor deficits, as the decussation of with SCI because of gunshot wounds.34 
descending motor nerve tracts occurs the level of the midbrain.
Furthermore, patients may have cranial nerve involvement,
such as facial sensory loss or abducens nerve palsy, believed to
be the result of traction at the time of injury with displacement SCI has an important and significant impact on the health of
of the brainstem in relation to its native position. Amongst all affected patients, and on healthcare economies in the United
SCI patients, patients with high cervical SCI have the highest States and internationally. Mechanisms of SCI include frac-
mortality rate because of numerous factors including cardio- tures and dislocations of the spine, spinal cord contusion
vascular dysfunction and respiratory failure.  without fracture, and penetrating injuries. The primary injury
cascade involves direct cell trauma and cell injury because
of ischemia. The secondary injury cascade is important, and
Penetrating Cord Injuries involves mechanisms that may be modifiable, including spi-
Gunshot injuries are amongst the leading causes of penetrat- nal cord perfusion, inflammatory cytokines, cell wall injury,
ing SCIs in the United States, with penetrating stab wounds and ionic dysregulation. Understanding the molecular and
occurring less frequently. In one series evaluating penetrating cellular biology of the secondary cascade is important for the
spinal trauma, Morrow et al. reported that 13.5% of spinal development of therapeutic interventions.

October 06, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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