Social Change Factors

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What do you think are the factors affecting social change?


The factors affecting social change are the following : a. Environmental factor b. Geographic
factor c. Psychological factor d. Demographic Factor e. Technological factor f. Economic factor
g. Political Factor h. Cultural factor i. Ideological factor j. Factor of war k. Miscellaneous factors

Provide at least (5) specific and relevant events in the Philippines that have led to
major changes in society

1. In 1521-1898. The Spanish Colonial Period in the Philippines

2. In 1898-1946. The American Period

3. The 1986 EDSA Revolution

4. In 1969-1973-The construction of the San Juanico Bridge

5. The COVID-19 Pandemic

Out of the five (5) cited examples that you have provided above (in the Application
portion of this lesson), identify at least two (2) relevant events and evaluate how the
various internal sources affects the changes of the society in those events.

Spain’s colonial period in the Philippines lasted for 333 years with three objectives in its policy
toward the Philippines, its only colony in Asia: to acquire a share in the spice trade, to develop
contacts with China and Japan in order to further Christian missionary efforts there, and to
convert the Filipinos to Christianity. The internal sources affect changes of the society in this
event by introducing the cultures of Spaniards to the Filipinos such as religion, beliefs and social
institutions that we may or may not have up until now. It has changed the social structure
especially women, from being equal to men into a weak human being that should only stay at
home and are responsible for domestic affairs. Since, Spaniards tried to control the Philippines
for their own benefits, it has resulted conflicts and revolution of the Philippines for its
independency. The San Juanico Bridge formerly called the Marcos Bridge in honor of the late
President Ferdinand Marcos. The San Juanico Bridge was built in 1969 and is the longest bridge
in the Philippines. It is also said to be a gift of the late president to his wife who was a resident of
Tacloban City during her youth. The said bridge connects the islands of Leyte and Samar by
linking the city of Tacloban to the town of Santa Rita, Samar. In my opinion, internal sources
affect changes of the society through the innovations of new technologies and infrastructure.
The San Juanico Bridge allows people to travel across island faster and more convenient. Also, it
serves as an important role for both the tourism and economies of the islands of Samar and
Leyte and is considered by the government as a main tourist destination of the Tacloban.

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