E2-1. Glickman I. The Experimental Basis For The "Bone Factor". J Perio 1949

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The Experimental Basis for the "Bone Factor"

Concept in Periodontal Disease
By I R V I N G G L I C K M A N , B.S., D.M.D.* Boston, Massachusetts


T IS generally recognized that information regarding the bone destruction
responsible for tooth loss in periodontoclasia* * is a basic need i n the perio-
dontal field. In the past, this problem has been approached from the
following two aspects: the first deals with causation, particularly i n regard to
the relative significance of local and systemic factors; the second, w i t h the
actual microscopic changes which constitute the bone destructive process.
In the question of causation, the following major theories have evolved: I.
Bone destruction is a secondary feature of periodontoclasia which is the result
of local factors alone ( I ) ; 2. Bone destruction is the primary change i n
periodontoclasia and is i n all cases initiated by systemic factors ( 2 ) , (2a);
3. Bone destruction may be either the primary or secondary phase of periodon-
toclasia and may be caused by either local or systemic factors alone or may be
of combined local and systemic origin ( 3 ) .
The microscopic changes responsible for alveolar bone loss have been described
under various experimental conditions ( 4 ) , ( 5 ) , ( 6 ) , and i n different autopsy
studies ( 7 ) , ( 8 ) , ( 9 ) . Instead of establishing a clearly defined concept regard-
ing the modus operandi of the bone destructive processes in periodontoclasia,
the diversity of opinion which arose from such studies was indicative of the
need for further clarification of this important problem.

In an effort to explore the problem of bone loss i n periodontal disease, a

combined autopsy and experimental project was undertaken in 1938. F r o m
this project there evolved the "Bone Factor" concept. The present paper is
offered i n explanation of this concept on the basis of the evidence from which
it was formulated.
The initial phase of the project consisted of a microscopic study of human
autopsy material (10). Correlation of the observations in alveolar bone and
other bones of the skeletal system led to several conclusions regarding the
physiology of alveolar bone, in so far as could be evaluated by microscopic
appearance alone. N o morphological basis could be detected for the differentia-
*Professor of Oral Pathology and Periodontology, Tufts College Dental School.
* *The term "periodontoclasia" is used here to connote a disease process in which mobility, migration, elon-
gation and tooth loss result from destruction of the supporting tissues. It is intended in a non-specific
sense, and is used instead of such terms as "schmutz pyorrhea", "diffuse alveolar atrophy", "periodontosis",
"periodontitis", or "syndrome," in order to avoid the specific inferences regarding causation frequently
associated with the latter terms.

Page 7

tion of the bone adjacent to the periodontal to the fact that cases of periodontoclasia i n
membrane from bone i n relation to periosteal which radiographic evidence of bone loss
surfaces elsewhere i n the body. A l l of the was a significant clinical diagnostic sign re-
changes exhibited by bone adjacent to the vealed a concomitant occurrence of bone
periodontal membrane and unrelated to the formation and resorption associated w i t h
gingival margin could be duplicated along gingival inflammation upon microscopic ex-
the surfaces of bone trabeculae i n the amination. The presence of bone formation
remainder of the jaws and other bones. . as well as resorption i n areas of inflamma-
tion suggested that the destructive effect of
PERIODONTOCLASIA N O T A SPECIFIC T Y P E the inflammation might not be the sole
O F B O N E DISEASE determinant of the severity of the underly-
Bone loss i n periodontoclasia was shown ing bone loss. B y replacing, i n part at
to occur i n different ways. None of the least, the bone destroyed, the bone formed
resorptive changes responsible for the bone in such areas might diminish the total re-
loss were peculiar to alveolar bone. A l l sultant bone loss associated w i t h gingival
could be demonstrated elsewhere i n the inflammation.
skeletal system. In individual cases, bone
Since the formation of bone i n relation
loss might result from a combination of
to areas of gingival inflammation could
resorptive processes. It was inferred, there-
restore bone structure apparently destroyed
fore, that periodontoclasia was not a specific
by osteoclastic activity stimulated by the
type of bone disease and that it could not
inflammation and since the ability to form
be classified into different types on the basis
alveolar bone was correlated w i t h the degree
of microscopic bone changes alone.
of osteogenic activity prevalent i n the
It was also observed i n human tissue that remainder of the skeletal system, then the
alveolar bone loss occurred either associated total bone loss which occurred i n relation
w i t h gingival inflammation or without it. to areas o f inflammation, might i n some
W h e n such bone loss occurred i n the degree depend upon an intrinsic systemic
absence of gingival inflammation, it resulted bone tendency w h i c h governed the relative
from a predominance of bone resorptive over resorptive and formative activity through-
bone formative changes. In those cases i n out the body. It was therefore felt that the
w h i c h there was a predominance of bone initial autopsy study pointed to the likely
resorption i n the periodontal area i n the existence of a systemic regulatory influence
absence of gingival inflammation, bone which governed the severity of bone loss in
resorption was also more prevalent than periodontoclasia both i n the presence and
formation i n the remainder of the jaws and absence of gingival inflammation.
in other bones.
However, because autopsy material pre-
R E L A T I O N O F GINGIVAL I N F L A M M A T I O N sents only the terminal static picture of
T O B O N E LOSS disease, it is of limited value as an indication
W h e n present, gingival inflammation was of causal relationships. It is, therefore, not
interpreted as contributing to the underly- possible to determine from such material
ing bone destructive process. Osteoclastic alone whether the bone resorption associated
activity, a normal microscopic feature of w i t h gingival inflammation is the result of
alveolar bone was increased i n zones of the inflammation or the cause o f i t , or the
gingival inflammation. A l t h o u g h bone extent to w h i c h systemic influences may be
resorption was the more obvious finding i n responsible for either or both of these find-
areas of inflammation the presence of bone ings. It seemed that the latter information
formation i n close proximity to areas of could come only from animal experiments
resorption was also noted. The presence of i n w h i c h , by controlling both local and
both bone resorption and bone formation i n systemic condition, an effort could be
such areas indicated that the bone loss i n - made to determine the following: (a)
stead of being a simple destructive process whether altering the systemic background
actually represented the resultant of a pre- would effect the nature of the bony changes
dominance of bone resorption over forma- beneath areas of gingival inflammation;
tion. (b) what the nature of the effect upon the
Considerable significance was attributed bone would be (c) how it would influ-

F i g . 2. Starvation animal; head of tibia below

epiphyseal cartilage showing bone trabeculae
devoid of bordering zone of pale new matrix and
presenting roughened and fragmented margins.
F i g . 1. Normal diet animal; head of tibia below (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x96.)
epiphyseal cartilage showing bone containing rem-
nants of cartilage and bordered by pale zone of
new bone matrix. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig.
mag. x96.) disease as a localized feature of a generalized
skeletal disturbance of systemic origin. The
bone of the jaws undergoes changes similar
ence the severity of bone destruction arising
to those which occur i n other bones as a
from gingival inflammation.
result of such a disturbance. Osteoporotic
ANIMAL EXPERIMENTS changes occurred i n the tibia (Figs. 1, 2 ) ,
Such a series of experiments was conduct- rib, and vertebrae as well as the mandible of
ed. A m a l g a m was inserted between the all animals on the starvation diet. Reduc-
mandibular first and second molars of tion i n the height of the interdental septa
albino rats i n order to induce gingival i n - subjacent to the gingival crevice was also
flammation. The animals were then divided seen in the starvation animals i n the absence
into two groups, one of which was placed of gingival inflammation. This occurred be-
on a starvation diet and the other permitted cause the physiological balance between bone
unlimited food and water. Under these formation and resorption, which determines
experimental conditions it was possible to the height of the interdental bone (Figs. 3,
study the effect of gingival inflammation 4) was altered throughout the skeletal sys-
alone upon alveolar bone; the effect of tem so that bone resorption was predomi-
severe systemic disturbances such as starva- nant, and bone formation markedly reduced.
tion on alveolar bone, as well as the entire The bone loss i n the starved animals i n the
skeletal system; and the effect, i f any, of a absence of gingival inflammation appeared
severe systemic disturbance such as starva- microscopically as fragmentation and disso-
tion upon the nature of alveolar bone lution of the alveolar bone matrix w i t h a
changes arising from gingival inflammation. release of osteocytes and the formation of
The following conclusions were derived connective tissue i n areas previously occu-
from the experiments: pied by bone (Figs. 5, 6, 7 ) . Osteoclasis was
I. In the absence of gingival inflamma- not a prominent finding.
tion, bone loss may occur in periodontal Because reduction i n the height of alveolar

F i g . 4. Normal diet animal; bone in bifurcation of

molar roots showing pale pink zone of bone lined
with osteoblasts beneath cementum. The under-
lying trabeculae are for the most part lined with
pale bone matrix. A portion of the trabecular
borders is formed by continuous irregular con-
cavities. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl46.)
Fig". 3. Normal diet animal; interdental septum in
the absence of inflammation, showing resorption
lacunae and osteoclasts on the mesial side (right),
pale new bone matrix with osteoblasts at distal
(left) and border of new bone matrix at gingival
crest. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl60.)

bone is a cardinal clinical and radiographic

sign of periodontoclasia, its occurrence as
the result of a systemic disturbance i n the
absence of local inflammation was considered
significant. It afforded some explanation for
the many cases of periodontoclasia which
present marked bone loss radiographically i n
the absence of clinically detectable gingival
II. Gingival inflammation alone may
result in alveolar bone loss in the absence of
a generalized skeletal disturbance. The m i -
croscopic picture of bone loss beneath arti-
ficially induced gingival inflammation i n the
well-fed animals was comparable to that
observed i n human autopsy material. The
bone margin beneath the area of inflamma-
tion was formed i n part by irregular con-
cavities of resorption and in part by a
smooth, pale eosinophilic layer of bone bor-
dered by a row of polyhedral osteoblasts
(Figs. 8, 9 ) . The underlying bone i n the
remainder of the septum was unaltered. F i g . 5. Starvation animal; interdental septum in
absence of inflammation showing resorption lacu-
The fact that bone loss resulted from nae at mesial (right) and fuzzy remnant of pale
pink matrix art distal (left) which blends with ad-
artificially induced gingival inflammation jacent connective tissue. The gingival crest pre-
alone, i n the absence of a generalized skeletal sents fragmentation of the bone matrix with loss
of bone substance. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig.
disturbance could not be interpreted as i n d i - mag. x80.)

Fig. 6. Detail of F i g . 5 ; gingival crest showing fragmentation and dissolution of bone matrix ar.d en-
larged lacunae devoid of osteocytes. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x720.)

Fig. 7. Starvation animal; bone in bifurcation of molar roots showing peripheral resorption and frag-
mentation of bone matrix. There is loss of bone substance and thickening of the periodontal membrane
with absence of bone formation (Compare with F i g . 4.) (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl40.)

F i g . 9. Detail of F i g . 8; margin of interdental

septum subjacent to area of artificially induced
inflammation showing area of lacunar resorption
(right) adjacent to new bone matrix lined with
F i g . 8. Normal diet animal; interdental septum layer of osteoblasts (left). The underlying bone is
subjacent to area of artificially induced inflamma- unaltered. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag.
tion, showing infiltration of lymphocytes in relation xl80.)
to bone margin. (The localized accumulation of
polymorphonuclear leukocytes immediately below
the gingival epithelium is a reaction of the presence
of a small bone fragment.) (Hematoxylin and EXPERIMENTAL DIABETES
eosin; orig. mag. x98.)
Another opportunity to evaluate the
cating that it was a purely local phenome- effect of systemic disturbances upon the
non independent o f the influence of pre- periodontal structures presented itself w i t h
vailing skeletal tendencies. A c t u a l l y , the the introduction of the drug A l l o x a n for the
influence of the prevailing skeletal tendency production of experimental diabetes mellitus
in the well-fed animals could be observed, (12). Examination of the periodontal
microscopically, as newly-formed bone adja- structures i n experimental diabetes revealed
cent to the concavities of bone resorption. a tendency toward varying degrees of non-
Such bone formation constituted a local specific osteoporosis of alveolar bone unre-
manifestation of the over-all individual bone lated to gingival changes i n approximately
forming capacity. 40 per cent of the diabetic animals. These
animals presented a reduction i n the dis-
III. The severity of bane loss subjacent to tribution and the amount of bone forma-
gingival inflammation is increased by gener- tion, an increase i n bone resorption and a
alized skeletal disturbances of systemic loss of bone substance associated w i t h periph-
origin. The findings showed both quantita- eral fragmentation a n d dissolution of
tive and qualitative differences i n the alveolar bone matrix. (Figs. 12 to 1 7 ) . A l l
appearance of the bone beneath the inflam- the bone changes occurred i n the absence
mation i n the starved and well-fed animals. of gingival inflammation.
The well-fed animals presented bone forma-
tion i n close p r o x i m i t y to bone resorption i n The loss of tooth supporting bone i n
areas of bone loss beneath gingival inflam- experimental diabetes appeared as a local
mation. N o comparable bone formation was manifestation of a generalized tendency to-
observed i n the starved animals (Figs. 10, ward osteoporosis which affected not only
11). Because of the inability to form new the jaws, but also the remainder of the
bone throughout the entire skeletal system skeletal system. The findings re-emphasized
of the starved animals, the amount of alveo- the possibility that i n periodontal disease
lar bone loss i n this group was greater. neither the incidence nor severity of alveolar

Fig. 11. Detail of F i g . 10; margin of interdental

septum subjacent to area of artificially induced
inflammation. The entire bone margin is formed by
shallow concavities. For a considerable depth below
the margin, the osteocyte lacunae are enlarged and
Fig. 10. Starvation animal; interdental septum empty. Fragments of bone are seen in connective
subjacent to area of artificially induced inflamma- tissue. There is no evidence of bone formation.
tion showing chronic inflammation in connective (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl50.)
tissue above bone margin. There is an absence of
bone formation in relation to the entire septum.
(Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x90.)

Fig. 12. Control animal; interdental septum of Fig. 13. Control animal. Alveolar bone in bifur-
alveolar bone showing bone formation along cation of molar roots. Bone deposition is seen
mesial aspect (left) and along the crest of the adjacent to the periodontal membrane. The vessel
septum. Resorption lacunae are seen along the channels and marrow spaces are lined in part by
distal aspect (right). (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. newly formed bone and in part by resorption
mag. x240.) lacunae. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl50.)

F i g . 14. Diabetic animal. Gingival papilla and F i g . 15. Detail of F i g . 14. Crest of interdental
underlying interdental septum of alveolar bone. bony septum showing absence of bone formation,
The interdental septum shows an absence of bone peripheral fragmentation of the bone matrix and
formation along the mesial aspect (left) and crest enlarged osteocyte lacunae. (Compare with F i g . 12)
where it is seen in the control animals. (Hema- (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x860.)
toxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl20.)

bone destruction need of necessity be related experimental diabetes in that they showed
to gingival changes. loss of tooth-supporting bone unrelated to
gingival inflammation or pocket formation.
ACUTE VITAMIN C DEFICIENCY The findings i n the V i t a m i n C experiments,
The study of experimental diabetes was however, differed from those i n diabetes i n
followed by investigation of the effect of the nature of the bony changes and i n the
acute V i t a m i n C deficiency upon the perio- fact that whereas both the periodontal
dontal tissues of the guinea pig (13 ) . It was membrane and alveolar bone presented se-
observed that in acute V i t a m i n C deficiency, vere destructive changes i n V i t a m i n C defi-
the periodontal membrane presented edema, ciency, only bone changes had been observed
hemorrhage, and pronounced collagen degen- in experimental diabetes. Comparison of the
eration (Figs. 18, 19). The bone throughout findings in two experiments is of interest
the jaws was osteoporotic. The vessel chan- because it demonstrates first, that more than
nels and medullary spaces were enlarged and one type of systemic change may produce
eroded (Figs. 20, 2 1 ) . There was no new generalized periodontoclasia; second, that al-
bone formation or osteoblastic activity i n though generalized less of tooth supporting
relation to the tooth supporting bone. The bone may be a symptom common to differ-
over-all picture was one of generalized ent systemic disturbances, the detailed na-
destruction of the periodontal tissues i n the ture of the bone changes need not be the
absence of any notable gingival inflamma- same; third, when a generalized loss of
tion or pocket formation. tooth supporting bone occurs as the result
The findings i n acute V i t a m i n C defi- of a systemic disturbance, the bone is not
ciency were comparable to those observed in necessarily the only tissue involved nor need

it be the tissue i n which the destructive

changes are originally manifested.
H a v i n g established the nature of the
periodontal changes arising from acute
V i t a m i n C deficiency, the next problem was
to determine its effect, i f any, upon the
response of alveolar bone to gingival inflam-
mation. G i n g i v a l inflammation was artifi-
cially induced i n V i t a m i n C deficient and
control animals ( 1 4 ) . A s a result, the bone
margin beneath the inflamed gingiva i n the
control animals presented both osteoclastic
destruction and osteoblastic activity w i t h
new bone formation (Figs. 22, 2 3 ) . C o m -
parable areas in the V i t a m i n C deficient
animals, however, presented no new bone
formation. Instead there was degeneration
of a collagenous prebony matrix and osteo-
porosis of previously formed bone. Osteo-
blasts were rare (Figs. 24, 2 5 ) . A promi-
nent accumulation of connective tissue cells
which separated the bony margin from the
gingival inflammation and apparently gave
rise to the osteoblasts i n the control animals F i g . 16. Diabetic animal. Bone in the bifurcation
of molar roots showing absence of bone formation
was absent i n the V i t a m i n C deficient ani- adjacent to the periodontal membrane and along
mals, (Figs. 26, 2 7 ) . This retardation in vessel channels and marrow spaces. (Compare with
F i g . 13.) (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. xl40.)

F i g . 17. Detail of F i g . 16, showing fragmentation of bone and release of osteocytes. (Hematoxylin
and eosin; orig. mag. x780.)

F i g . 18. Control animal, incisor area, lingual F i g . 19. Vitamin C deficient animal. Incisor area,
aspect showing division of fibres into a vertical lingual aspect, showing difference in the appearance
group (adjacent to tooth) and a horizontal group of periodontal membrane. Adjacent to the bone
(adjacent to bone). Note bone formation along (right) there is hemorrhage and marked degenera-
lingual bony plate. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. tion of the collagen. Adjacent to the tooth (left)
mag. x96.) the collagen presents comparatively little degenera-
tive change. Note eroded bone margin and break
in the continuity of the collagen fibres and bone
matrix on right. (Mallory's connective tissue stain;
the differentiation of connective tissue cells orig. mag. xl50.)
and ability to form and maintain new bone
matrix accounted for the absence of well-
new bone to replace that destroyed by the
formed new bone beneath the artificially
induced gingival inflammation in the V i t a -
m i n C deficient animals. DISCUSSION

The V i t a m i n C study added evidence i n The sensitivity of alveolar bone to gen-

support of the existence of a systemic regu- eralized skeletal tendencies suggested i n
latory influence upon bone loss in periodon- autopsy study and subsequently corroborat-
toclasia w h i c h had been suggested by the ed by animal experimentation was deemed to
previous findings. In addition, the V i t a m i n be of clinical significance. B y demonstrating
C study demonstrated the specific manner the actual reality of systemic participation i n
in w h i c h the deficiency effected the response periodontoclasia in terms of specific micro-
of alveolar bone to gingival inflammation. scopic bony changes both i n the absence and
It was noted that although acute V i t a m i n C presence of gingival inflammation, these
deficiency of itself resulted i n loss of alveo- studies indicated the futility of attempting
lar bone; artificially induced gingival i n - to evaluate periodontoclasia i n terms of local
flammation was an added destructive influ- influences alone. Since i n health and dis-
ence. The bone loss arising from gingival ease, alveolar bone reflects the prevailing
inflammation was more severe i n the V i t a - status of the skeletal system, alterations i n
min C deficient animals because of an alveolar bone in response to external stimuli
inability on the part of these animals to are constantly subject to a systemic regulat-
maintain the existing alveolar bone or form ing influence. It is the systemic regulatory

F i g . 20. Control animal. Interdental bony septum,

molar, showing extensions from periodontal mem-
brane into bone. Note osteoblasts along the mesial
aspect of the bone (left) and osteoclasts along the
distal (right). (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag.
F i g . 21. Vitamin C deficient animal, interdental
bony septum, molar area, showing edema and de-
generation of periodontal membrane fibres. The
influence upon alveolar bone w h i c h has been bone margins are eroded throughout. The vessel
termed the "Bone F a c t o r " (15) i n perio- channels are enlarged. There is no evidence of new
bone formation. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig.
dontal disease. mag. xl80.)

Clarification of the fundamental role of the microscopic balance between bone re-
the "Bone F a c t o r " i n determining the na- sorption and bone formation, and thereby
ture of the bone changes i n periodontoclasia initiate periodontal bone loss. However, the
is attempted i n the following analysis: severity of bone loss which occurs as the
N o r m a l l y the height of alveolar bone is result of local factors is not determined by
maintained by a constant microscopic equi- their duration and severity alone. The
l i b r i u m between bone formation and bone response of alveolar bone to local destruc-
resorption. This physiological equilibrium is tive influences is subject to the additional
regulated by both local and systemic fac- regulation of the individual systemic back-
tors. In periodontal disease, bone loss occurs ground. Because it regulates the destructive
when the equilibrium is altered so that bone effect of local factors upon alveolar bone,
resorption exceeds bone formation. B y the "Bone Factor" is a basic determinant
stimulating resorptive changes i n alveo- of the severity of bone loss i n all cases of
lar bone, gingival inflammation, pocket for- periodontal disease.
mation, trauma, and other local factors alter T w o aspects of the "Bone F a c t o r " con-

cept are pertinent to the clinical problem

of periodontal disease:
I. The "Bone Factor" regulates the re-
sponse of alveolar bone to the destructive
effect of local factors. C o m m o n to all of the
local factors generally considered of causa-
tive significance i n periodontoclasia is the
fact that they produce inflammation in the
gingiva and periodontal membrane. G i n g i -
val inflammation may be an early or late
change. It may occur i n otherwise unaltered
periodontal tissues or it may appear i n tis-
sues already affected by destructive ten-
dencies resulting from systemic influences.
The significance of inflammation, regardless
of when it occurs, lies i n the fact that it
stimulates destruction of alveolar bone.
When inflammation is the initial periodontal
alteration, its destructive effect i n the pres-
ence of a normal "Bone Factor" is less
severe than when it is superimposed upon
F i g . 22. Control animal. Area between base of an underlying bone destructive tendency
periodontal pocket and underlying alveolar bone. of systemic origin. It may therefore be
Note concentration of inflammation beneath base of
pocket. (Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x60.) considered a general rule that the rapidity
of the alveolar bone destruction which
results from gingival inflammation w i l l vary
according to the status of the "Bone Fac-

Demonstration of the fact that the "Bone

Factor" exerts a regulatory influence upon
the destructive effect of gingival inflamma-
tion does not minimize the importance of
local factors i n the causation of periodontal
disease. It merely indicates that the sig-
nificance of comparable local factors varies
from patient to patient according to the
modifying effect of the individual "Bone
Factor." It has been demonstrated above
that the destruction of alveolar bone which
results from a simple local gingival irritant
may not be considered a purely local phe-
nomenon independent of systemic regulation.
Similarly, an alteration in the local function-
al environment which may be an innocuous
or even bone formative stimulus i n the
presence of a favorable "Bone Factor," may
become a local destructive agent when the
"Bone F a c t o r " is altered so as to inhibit
the normal accommodation mechanism of
alveolar bone ( 1 6 ) . Because local factors
are not the sole determinants of the severity
of the bone destruction w i t h which they are
F i g . 23. Detail of F i g . 22. Tip of labial plate associated, evaluation of their significance
showing alveolar bone, new bone formation and
osteoclasts. Note dense accumulation of connective in the diagnosis of periodontal disease or i n
tissue cells in area of new bone formation. (Hema-
toxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x380.) the anticipation of the bone reparative activ-

ity which w i l l follow their elimination

requires judicious consideration.

II. Periodontal bone loss may occur in

the absence of harmful local factors if the
"Bone Factor" is sufficiently altered. The
fact that periodontal bone loss may occur
in the absence of gingival inflammation is
not new to the periodontal field. It has
been noted previously i n clinical and autopsy
studies and animal experiments. It is i n
large measure on the basis of such observa-
tions that a "systemic type" of periodontal
disease has been described i n w h i c h the loss
of alveolar bone is attributed to systemic
rather than local factors. T h o u g h there
appears to be a unanimity of opinion regard-
ing the likely existence of a "systemic type"
of periodontal disease, there is some disagree-
ment as to whether alveolar bone is actually
the initial periodontal tissue affected i n this
F i g . 24. Vitamin C deficient animal, labial surface
condition. B y the term "periodontosis" of mandibular incisor, showing connective tissue
Orban and W e i n m a n n ( 1 7 ) , and Goldman and bone at the base of periodontal pocket. (Hema-
toxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x200.)
( 1 8 ) , connote a condition i n w h i c h the
periodontal membrane is the tissue i n which
the earliest effect of systemic influences is
manifested. Gottlieb (19) attributes the
initial change i n the "systemic type" of
periodontal disease (diffuse alveolar atrophy)
to the cementum. Box (20) describes "rare-
fying pericementitis fibrosa" as a "systemic
type" of periodontal disease i n w h i c h con-
nective tissue changes constitute the early

A l t h o u g h the "Bone F a c t o r " concept

recognizes destruction of alveolar bone from
systemic disturbances i n the absence of
harmful local factors, it does not support
the arbitrary division of periodontoclasia
into so-called " l o c a l " and "systemic" types.
It conceives of the systemic influence upon
alveolar bone as being constantly effective
in health and disease. It is the nature of
the systemic influence, i n so far as it is
reflected i n specific microscopic changes i n
alveolar bone which varies. Because the sta-
tus of the individual systemic background
cannot always be catagorized by the
extremes of "health" or "disease," its
"formative" or "destructive" influence upon
alveolar bone is of necessity characterized
by subtle variations rather than by the op- F i g . 25. Detail of F i g . 24. Tip of alveolar plate
posite extremes suggested by attempts at a showing degenerated prebony collagen matrix ad-
joining osteoporotic alveolar bone. Note absence
clear-cut clinical division of periodontoclasia of osteoblasts and degeneration of surrounding
into so-called " l o c a l " and "systemic" types. periodontal membrane. (Compare with F i g 23.)
(Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag. x380.)

F i g . 27. Vitamin C deficient animal. La?bial plate

F i g . 26. Control animal. Tip of labial plate in in close relation to inflammation. The entire tip of
close relation to inflammation. Note new bone for- the labial plate is formed by degenerated collage-
mation and connective tissue cells which separate nous prebony matrix. Note absence of peripheral
bone from adjacent inflammation. (Hematoxylin accumulation of connective tissue cells. (Compare
and eosin; orig. mag. x200.) with F i g . 26.) Hematoxylin and eosin; orig. mag.

In healthy individuals, a positive "Bone result in periodontal bone loss in the ab-
Factor" or favorable bone formative poten- sence of detectable destructive local factors.
tial exists. It is manifested microscopically In systemic disease an unfavorable or
by osteoblastic activity and well-formed negative "Bone Factor" may exist. A nega-
new bone in the periodontal area as well as tive "Bone Factor" means inability to form
throughout the skeletal system. The bone new bone or maintain that which already
formation described above in close proximity exists. Some systemic disturbances produce
to resorptive changes in relation to gingival specific changes in alveolar bone (21),
inflammation is evidence of the positive (22), (23). It has been demonstrated above
"Bone Factor" associated with systemic that different systemic disturbances may be
health. In the light of such microscopic responsible for comparable non-specific de-
findings it is difficult to presume that par- structive alveolar bone changes. A l l system-
ticipation of systemic influences in periodon- ic diseases do not directly affect alveolar
toclasia occurs only in unhealthy individuals bone, nor is it only in specific systemic dis-
or that such influence is of necessity detri- eases that the "Bone Factor" may be altered.
mental to the maintenance of alveolar bone. Skeletal osteoporosis has been described asso-
Instead it would appear that there is a sys- ciated with modifications of physiological
temic component in all cases of periodonto- processes not categorized as specific disease
clasia; that its nature varies in accordance entities (24).
with alterations in the systemic background, The "Bone Factor" concept does not infer
and that variations in the systemic compo- that alveolar bone is the tissue of origin in
nent may retard or accelerate the bone loss all cases of periodontoclasia, or that it is the
incurred by harmful local stimuli or even only periodontal tissue which may be affect-

ed Dy systemic disturbances or that i t is The "Bone Factor" constitutes the sys-

always affected by all systemic alterations. temic component i n all cases of periodonto-
Involvement of periodontal tissues other clasia. Because it exerts a constant regula-
than alveolar bone has been produced by tory influence upon the response of alveolar
systemic disturbances i n experimental ani- bone to external stimuli, i t modifies the de-
mals ( 2 5 ) . In periodontal disease the perio- structive effect of gingival inflammation
dontal tissue i n w h i c h destructive changes upon alveolar bone. W h e n the individual
first appear is determined by the nature of
bone formative capacity is good, a positive
the responsible causative factors. It is as
"Bone Factor" exists and the destructive
fallacious to assume that all cases of perio-
effect of local factors upon alveolar bone is
dontal destruction originate i n the same tis-
sue as it is to postulate that there is only a minimized. W h e n throughout the skeletal
single condition, local or systemic, capable system a tendency toward bone resorption
of inducing periodontoclasia. exceeds the individual bone formative capac-
The "Bone F a c t o r " concept envisions sys- ity, a negative "Bone Factor" exists and the
temic participation i n all cases of periodon- destructive effect of local factors upon a l -
toclasia. A s a consequence the clinical ap- veolar bone is exaggerated.
proach to the diagnosis of individual cases
The existence of a negative "Bone Fac-
of this disease does not entail the determina-
tor" may of itself be responsible for loss of
tion of whether "systemic" factors are re-
alveolar bone, i n the absence of local factors
sponsible for the bone loss or whether i t is
of purely " l o c a l " origin. The fundamental generally considered of causative significance
clinical problem is that of determining the in periodontal disease.
extent of systemic participation and whether The "Bone Factor" concept discourages
its influence is a favorable or harmful one. continued adherence to the clinical view-
point which attempts to classify all cases of
periodontoclasia as either purely " l o c a l " or
A new concept is offered i n explanation
purely "systemic" i n origin. Such a view-
of the fundamental nature of bone loss i n
point is inconsistent w i t h the fact that the
periodontoclasia. A c c o r d i n g to this concept,
severity of bone loss w h i c h occurs i n rela-
the bone changes i n all cases of periodonto-
clasia whether slight or severe, localized or tion to even isolated zones of gingival i n -
generalized, are constantly governed by what flammation is governed by a systemically
has been termed the "Bone Factor". The motivated individual bone formative capaci-
"Bone F a c t o r " is defined as the systemic ty. Since the status of the individual system-
regulatory influence upon alveolar bone. ic background cannot always be categor-
The concept is derived from autopsy ized by the extremes of "health" or "dis-
study and animal experimentation which ease", its formative or destructive influence
indicate that i n systemic health and disease upon alveolar bone is characterized by subtle
alveolar bone reflects the prevailing status variations rather than by the opposite ex-
of the entire skeletal system i n terms of the tremes suggested by the clear-cut division of
relative predominance of bone formative or periodontoclasia into so-called " l o c a l " and
bone resorptive changes. "systemic" types.

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