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Group Number :7
Group Members : Arceño ,Kristel Joy , Arante ,Alexa , Mallo, Louise Carmela, Ilejay, Von Nilshen

Module Number and Title :10 Qualitative Analysis of Urine and Blood

Results and Discussion

Part A. Chemical Tests in Urine

A.1.Detection of Sugar
Observation Discussion Conclusion

Benedict's test Solution The brick red color In benedict's test ,boiling the
turned into a in benedict's test sample with benedict's reagent that
brick red color. and fehling's test has cupric ion is reduced by
indicates the reducing agent sugar, resulting in a
presence of 2% or brick red color precipitate of
more sugar in cuprous oxide . While in the
urine. fehling’s test, the cupric ion present
in fehling's solution is reduced on
boiling by the reducing substance
which is sugar, therefore it formed
a brick red coloured precipitate of
cuprous oxide.

Fehling's test Solution Overall the two obtained

turned into a observations indicate the presence
brick red color. of sugar in each urine sample.

A.2.Detection of Urea
Observatio Discussion Conclusion

Sodium It showed This observation in Carbon dioxide and nitrogen gasses

hypobromite a brisk the Sodium are produced when urea combines
test effervesce hypobromite test with a sodium hypobromite solution
nce of indicates the presence that includes too much sodium
nitrogen. of urea in the urine. hydroxide.

Urease Test Solution This observation in In urease tests the urease enzyme,
turned the Urease Test which is found in soya bean powder,
into a pink indicates the presence breaks down urea into ammonia and
or red of urea in the urine. carbon dioxide at the right pH and
color. temperature. Ammonium carbonate,
an alkaline compound, transforms
the slightly acid solution into an
alkaline solution. As an indication,
phenol red is used, causing the
solution's color to change to pink or

A.3. Detection of Albumin

Observation Discussion Conclusion

Sulphosalicylic Solution turned This observation When sulphosalicylic acid and

acid test into a whitish or indicates the albumin interact, the result is
cloudy turbid presence of denaturation, or protein in the
solution albumin in the sample that manifests as a
(precipitate) . urine. precipitate.

Heller's test A white ring at the It Indicates the Proteins are denaturized by nitric
junction of two presence of acid, which results in the
layers appeared. albumin in the precipitation of a white
urine substance. A white ring appears
at the point of contact as
albumin-containing urine
interacts with nitric acid.

A.4. Detection of Bile Salts

Observation Discussion Conclusion

Smith's test A presence of a It indicates the There are two main tests that
green ring at the presence of bile can be used to determine
junction of two salts in the urine. whether bile salt is present in
layers appeared. urine: the Smith's Test and the
Pettenkofer's Test. In both
procedures, we fill a test tube
with urine samples and add the
appropriate chemicals. In the
Smith Test, the appearance of
the green ring guarantees the
presence of bile salt, whereas
in the Pettenkofer's Test, the
appearance of the red ring
establishes the presence of
bile salt.

Pettenkofer's test Solution turned It indicates the

into a red color. presence of bile
salts in the urine.
Part B
O+ O- A+ A- B+ B- AB + AB -

Anti D Typical Weak Typical Weak Typical Weak Typical Weak

Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti
nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate

Anti B No No No No Strong Strong Strong Strong

Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti
nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate

Anti A No No Strong Strong No No Strong Strong

Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti Aggluti
nate nate nate nate nate nate nate nate


1) Why must a 24-hour period sample of urine be used for examination if a detailed
composition is to be determined?

- Because A 24-hour urine collection helps diagnose kidney problems. It is often done to
see how much creatinine clears through the kidneys.

2) For a simple routine qualitative analysis, why is an early morning sample of urine
used for the tests, and not a sample collected after a meal? Explain briefly.

- The majority of test procedures are based on normal values for first morning samples,
even though urine levels vary significantly over the course of a 24-hour period. Because
it has a more consistent volume and concentration and a lower pH, which helps maintain
the produced components, the first urine passed in the morning is recommended.
3) What is meant by glucosuria? What is meant by albuminuria?
- Glycosuria is the presence of reducing sugars such as glucose, galactose, lactose,
fructose, and others in the urine. The most common type of glycosuria is glucosuria,
which indicates the presence of glucose in the urine. Albuminuria is a symptom of renal
disease that denotes the presence of excessive albumin in the urine. Albumin is a
protein found in the blood. A healthy kidney prevents albumin from passing into the urine
from the blood. Albumin can enter the urine through a damaged kidney. The less
albumin there is in your urine, the better.

4) What are the diseases associated with the presence of bile acids and ketone bodies
in urine?
- The presence of bile in the urine is referred to as choluria. Choluria is a symptom of a
variety of liver disorders, including hepatitis and cirrhosis. It is described as dark or
brown urine, similar to Coca-Cola in color. Ketonuria is defined by elevated levels of
ketones in the urine. This is typically a sign of diabetic ketoacidosis. DKA is a serious
diabetes complication that can cause organ damage. If left untreated, DKA can be fatal.

5) Draw a simple diagram of a blood and its components depicting the ABO system

6) Describe the difference between defibrinated and heparinized blood.

- Whole blood that has been defibrinated has been processed to remove fibrin. Because
this product contains no additives or preservatives, defibrination is now recognized as
the most effective method of preventing blood clotting. Heparinized blood, on the other
hand, is blood that has been treated with heparin, an anticoagulant that reduces the
ability of blood to clot.
7) What is the difference between oxyhemoglobin and reduced hemoglobin in terms of
- Oxyhemoglobin is an oxygen-carrying form of hemoglobin in which the iron content has
been reduced (ferrous). Methemoglobin is a nonfunctional form of hemoglobin formed
when ferrous iron is oxidized to ferric iron. Methemoglobin is dormant because it cannot
bind oxygen. Oxyhemoglobin is hemoglobin that has been loosely coupled with oxygen,
whereas deoxyhemoglobin is hemoglobin that has released its bound oxygen.
8) Why does blood coagulate? Describe briefly the mechanism of blood clotting.
- Coagulation, also known as clotting, is the process by which blood changes from a liquid
to a gel and forms a blood clot. It is capable of causing hemostasis. Platelet activation,
adhesion, and aggregation, as well as fibrin deposition and maturation, are all involved
in coagulation. Thrombin is an enzyme that converts inactive fibrinogens in the plasma to
fibrin. Prothrombin, an inactive molecule, is used to make thrombin. The enzyme
thrombokinase is required for the preceding process. The cascade process is a
collection of enzyme processes.

9) What is Hemin test and Benzidine test?

- The Hemin Test is a blood confirmatory test that looks for distinct haematin crystals that
can be seen under a microscope. Common reagents include sodium chloride and glacial
acetic acid. It is most commonly used in forensics for blood confirmation from dried
stains. The Benzidine Test detects the presence of blood in urine, stools, vomitus, or
gastric juice by producing a blue color when a solution of benzidine, hydrogen peroxide,
and glacial acetic acid comes into contact with it. A blue colored micro crystal was
observed in this test in the case of a positive blood sample.

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