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Good wine needs no bush – Huu xa tu nhien huong- Good wine needs no bush

Complete the sentences with the most suitable prepositions. Pre 05 -A

1. Before they hire anyone, they check up……on.…….. his background.
2. I don’t see how you can put up………..with…… such bad working conditions.
3. When I was a child, I once tried to run away……from……… home.
4. When you go to a foreign country, you must adapt yourself………to…..…. new manners and customs.
5. He burdened his horse…………with……. a bag of 50 kilos.
6. The judge condemned the prisoner…………to.…… death.
7. All the newspapers condemned the Minister of National Defense………for….……. his speech attacking a
friendly nation.
8. To many trees around my house deprive it ……of….…….light and air.
9. The National Defense Department exempts him………from…..…. service in the army.
10. He fastened his eyes……on…….….. the stranger who stood in the school - yard.
11. To buy tickets, you must force your way……………thruogh.…. the crowd.
12. I have already introduced Miss Hien……………….. Mr Hung.
13. Why did you quarrel………with…..… your friends……about…….….. such a small matter?
14. You ought to be certain………about………. a matter before you speak of it.
15. The tree has fallen…………across……… the railway line.
16. We flew…………above.…… the clouds.
17. Henry’s house is ………across……….the road from us.
18. I think Martha was pleased ………with….…….the gift I gave her for her birthday.
19. That hotel is famous………………for….. it’s pleasant atmosphere and fine food.
20. Don’t you think Mary’s new Spring coat is very becoming……to………… her.
21. You really shouldn’t boast …………about..…..your success ……with……others.
22. My mother is a true friend………to……..…me.
23. He is a man whose word is relied……on….. .
24. The boy………with…..…books under his arms is an excellent student.
25. This street is named……after…….…….one of our heroes.
26. Is this secretary experienced……in…….…… work of this sort?
27. Her looks were expressive…………of…… gratitude.
28. She was false……to……..… him.
29. The wound is likely to prove fatal ………with……...him.
30. The wind is favourable ………for…..….setting sail.
31. Since it’s important, would you attend ………to……..….that matter right away?
32. I really don’t see why you object …………to……..our suggestion so strongly
33. Why don’t you plan……on…….….. meeting us here shortly after 5 o’clock?
34. Be sure to thank your host and hostess……in……….… having you to their house.

Th. Dang Manh – 0904.139.554.—To poke (make) fun at sb = to tease sb for st

Good wine needs no bush – Huu xa tu nhien huong- Good wine needs no bush
35. Could you supply us ……with……….several more copies of the announcement?
36. I don’t have a book today. May I look on ……with………, please?
37. George really goes in…………for…… It’s his favourite sport.
38. You can’t sign that: you are ..........under........age.
39. I did that.. ..........unders....... orders.
40. there is nothing more to be done.
41. Don’t talk all............around.............the question, come………to………. the point.
42. You will soon get used …………to….……..his way of speaking.
43. The war was fought………in……land. ……on…….....sea the air.
44. The town is………on………. .the Dong Nai river,………...on....the left bank.
45. He is health and is never…………in….….. need of a doctor.
46. He shot the bird…………on…........the wing.
47. He is………on…..…..the committee.
48. Go……thruogh……..….these papers carefully.
49. He worked all……thruogh…………….his holidays.
50. That coat is quite wet. Hold it…………to………..the fire for a few.
51. He made himself pleasant……to…………… visitors.
52. He is qualified…………….for….…. teaching English.
53. Are you ready…………….for.…..… the journey?
54. Can we be sure……of……..……. his honesty?
55. I’m tired…………of………….boiled eggs.
56. What is the advantage………of……..…….. doing this?
57. What did Mr. Brown die…………of……...?
58. In spite……of…….… his ill health, Johnson did very well.
59. He is a friend……of…..………. mine.
60. It was a story…………of……….. adventure and romance.
61. You are never …………in……...….want of money.
62. …in………….. time of war we have to agree to things we should refuse………in…..…. time of peace.
63. Vegetarians live…….…on…..... vegetables, fruit and nuts.
64. Did you come here………on……….. foot?
65. She is ………off…..……drugs.
66. I’m………….. my food.
67. She came here ……..…by…….horseback.
68. Turn……off….…. the main road here and you will come to the lake.
69. He is………off……. smoking.
70. We are really looking forward ……….to…our ship …to...……Hawaii and Japan.

Th. Dang Manh – 0904.139.554.—To poke (make) fun at sb = to tease sb for st

Good wine needs no bush – Huu xa tu nhien huong- Good wine needs no bush

Th. Dang Manh – 0904.139.554.—To poke (make) fun at sb = to tease sb for st

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